1. “地道的”用英语怎么说地道的英语,“
(真正是有名产地出产的) from the place noted for the proct; genuine:
地道的吉林人参 genuine Jilin ginseng
(纯正的) real; pure; typical:
讲一口地道的英语 speak idiomatic English
(够标准; 实在) well-done; thorough; up to standard:
这活干得真地道。 They have done an excellent job of work.
2. 地道的英语表达
地道:idiomatic / excellent / pure /genuine
讲一口地道的英语 speak idiomatic English
他干的活儿真地道。 He does excellent work
她的上海话说得真地道。 She speaks pure Shanghai dialect
地道的吉林人参 genuine Jilin ginseng