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购物知识点英语 2025-03-14 21:56:26
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发布时间: 2024-12-11 17:50:18

⑴ 百科知识问题(英文好的来)

1.Which of the following games is the one WITHOUT a goal?
下列哪个游戏没有最终结果的?应该是A 模拟城市没有最终结果。
C.Tomb Raider.��D.International.

2.Where is the Fairy Tale Castle of Neuschwanstein?
哪里是天鹅堡的神话传说地点?答案应该是B 德国
A.In Sydney.���B.In Germany.
C.In California.�D.In Paris.

3.Hangman is a game that helps with____.
刽子手游戏能帮助 D 学习历史
A.spelling��B.calculating��C.drawing��D.history studying

4.A hummingbird's egg is only as big as____.
蜂鸟的蛋相当于C 豌豆大小。
A.an orange��B.a potato��C.a pea��D.a grape

5.Which of the following is NOT a part of a fire engine?
A.A siren.��B.A ladder.��C.A hose.��D.A fire hydrant.

6.Where was the first World Expo held?
哪里是第一届世界博览会的召开地点。C 伦敦
A.In New York.�B.In Berlin.�C.In London.�D.In Tokyo.

7.How many languages have the stories of the Grimm Brothers been translated into?

8.Dr Bethune visited many countries in his life but he NEVER visited _____.
白求恩在他一生中到访过许多国家但是没去过B 德国

9.Wei Qi is called ____in English.
围棋用英语说成 C
A.Chinese chess��B.Go��C.bridge��D.Go Fish

10.What was Einstein's favorite sport?
下列B 游泳是爱因斯坦最喜欢的运动

⑵ 英语百科知识

green, black

⑶ 英语百科知识问答

1.Around which period of time did the Celts start to arrive in Britain?
2. What are the British Isles made up of ?
3.Which part of England does “ The Danelaw” refer to which was occupied by the Danes in King Alfred’s time?
4.Who gives their name to the English people?
5. Today, the City of London is the business center of London, so what can you find there?
6. The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries. What do other political units have?
7. In Northern Ireland, who made up the dominant group?
8. Who is the first real king of England, though he did not assume that title?
9. When did the Romans led by Julius Caesar launched their first invasion on Britain?
10. From 1649 to 1658 England was called a Commonwealth. What did Oliver Cromwell work as when he ruled first the Commonwealth?
11. Who founded the Plantagenet dynasty?
12. Most of the land belonging to the Saxons was confiscated by William. Which nation was given the most land?
13. Among the most typical English sports, what is having been in existence since the 16th century?
14. What are the names of the two newest sates which joined the United States?
15.Who were the two famous leaders of black movements in the U.S. in the 60s?
16. Who issued the Emancipation Proclamation ring the Civil War?
17. Which branch of the American government has the power to interpret the constitution?
18. What is the position of the United States, talking of its population?
19. Which coast of America did the British establish 13 colonies?
20. Who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature among T.S.Eliot, Emily Dickenson, Walt Whitman and Richard Wright?
21. How has Australia, which is one of the world’s developed countries, become rich?
22.When did American women start to have voting right until the adoption of the 19th amendment?
23. What kind of period has been the 1920s in the United States described as?
24. What are the courses of the "basics" taught in American elementary schools?
25. In Australia, what is April 25 known as?
26. Under the Whitlam government, what took place of "God Save the Queen" replaced as Australia’s national anthem?
27. What does Australia export most in the world?
28. When did the third wave of migration begin in Australia?
29. The name "Canada" is thought of be derived from kanata. Do you know the meaning of the Indian word?
30. Where is most of Canada’s farmland located?
31.Do you know the reason why Ireland is called the Emerald Isle?
32. What happened at the same time with the transition of Canadian culture from European to authentically Canadian?
33. Where do the majority of French Canadians live?
34. In Canada, the Queen is represented by the governor-general. Who appointed on the recommendation of the Queen?
35. Ireland has a bipolar political party system with two major parties. What are they?


⑷ 英语百科|14个英文百科网站——翻译必备!



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