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① 英语六级三大部分做题技巧,考前必看








② 2020年6月英语六级语法常考知识点

【 #四六级考试# 导语】把工作当事业,把备考当工作考核,认真,是一种态度,这样便不愁拿证了漏禅。为了帮助大家成为备考小能手, 考 网!


有些以-ly结尾的词是形容词,通常不是副词,常见的例子有:brotherly, costly, cowardly, deadly, fatherly, friendly, lively, lonely, lovely, manly, motherly, silly, sisterly, ugly, unfriendly, unlikely, womanly 等。

1. brotherly

The older boy gave the newcomer some brotherly advice. 那个年返缓尘龄大一点的哪拿男孩给新来的孩子一些亲兄弟似的忠告。

Brotherly love is based on the experience that we all are one. 手足情爱建立在我们大家心连心、团结如一人这种经历的基础上。

2. costly

It would be too costly to repair the car. 修理这辆汽车要花很多钱。

The castle will undergo extensive and costly renovations. 那城堡要用巨资进行全面整修。

The long and costly strike proved to be the last nail in the company’s coffin. 长期罢工损失巨大致使该公司一蹶不振。

3. cowardly

It was cowardly of you not to admit your mistake. 你不承认错误就不是好样儿的。

Sending anonymous letters is a cowardly act. 寄匿名信是懦夫的行为。

She accused the government of a cowardly surrender to big-business interests. 她指责政府畏首畏尾屈从于大企业的利益。

4. deadly

Cyanide is a deadly poison. 氰化物是一种致命的毒药。

She uses wit with deadly effect. 她聪明机智,使人难以招架。

The conference was deadly ll. 会议开得死气沉沉的。

5. elderly

He's very active for an elderly man. 按老年人来说, 他非常活跃。

He’s caring for his elderly parents. 他正照顾着年迈的父母。

It was gracious of the Queen to speak to the elderly patients. 女王和蔼可亲地慰问年老的病人。

6. fatherly

He is a fatherly old doctor. 他是个慈祥的老大夫。

Suddenly Jack smiled and slipped back into his fatherly role. 杰克突然微微一笑,又摆起了慈父的姿态。

7. friendly

He’s a very talkative, friendly man. 他是一个非常健谈、和善的人。

They spoke to one another in a very friendly manner. 他们态度十分和善地彼此交谈。

The people were friendly wherever we went. 不管走到哪儿,人们都对我们很友好。

8. lively

She’s twice as lively as her sister. 她比她姐姐活跃一倍。

The band played a lively tune. 乐队演奏了一支轻快的乐曲。

He's not very friendly towards newcomers. 他对新来的人不太友好。

9. lonely

You can be alone without being lonely. 你可以独处而不感到寂寞。

He has so few friends that his life is lonely. 他的朋友很少,因此他的生活非常孤单。

She avoids lonely streets. She is afraid of being mugged. 她避免在没人的马路上行走。她怕遭抢劫。

10. lovely

It’s a lovely day indeed. 天气的确很好啊。

Spring is a lovely season. 春天是怡人的季节。

This is a lovely party, but we have to go because of the baby-sitter. 这个晚会真好,但因为要替换那临时看孩子的人。我们必须回去。

11. manly

Football is a manly sport. 足球是一项激烈的体育运动。

He looks very manly in his uniform. 他穿着制 服十分精神。

12. motherly

Her motherly kindness attaches us all to her. 她像母亲一般仁慈,我们大家都很依恋她。

Natalie, silent, regarded them both with a satirical motherly look. 娜塔丽默默地用讽刺,但是慈祥的目光望着他们两人。

13. silly

It sounds silly. 这话听起来很愚蠢。

It was silly to believe him. 相信他的话是愚蠢的。

That’s rather a silly question. 那是个相当愚蠢的问题。

14. sisterly

She had a true sisterly feeling for her brother. 她对兄长怀有真正的骨肉之情。

The sisterly chat between the two of them lasted till midnight. 她们俩之间的亲密交谈一直继续到半夜。

15. ugly

The baby’s less ugly than you. 这孩子不像你那么丑。

The ugly frog became a handsome prince. 丑陋的青蛙变成了英俊的王子。

You aren’t rich;still you could do something to help him. 你虽然不富有,但你仍可以给予他帮助。

16. unfriendly

I felt that she wets unfriendly. 我觉得她不友好。

Tom is very unfriendly to me as well. 汤姆对我也很不友善。

I find her very aloof and unfriendly. 我觉得她非常冷淡,不好相处。

Do not think that Americans are in such a hurry that they are unfriendly. 不要认为美国人如此匆忙是不友善的。

17. unlikely

Seeing that he’s ill, he’s unlikely to come. 他既然有病,那就不大可能来了。

The job is unlikely to be finished inside of a year. 这工作一年之内不见得能完成。

They are unlikely to stay in power after the next election. 下次选举之后他们不太可能继续执政。

18. womanly

They give away the fact that they haven't the instincts of a womanly woman. 她们泄露了一个事实,那就是她们不具有女性的本能。

She went, with her neat figure, and her sober womanly step, down the dark street. 她顺着黑暗的街道走去,显出利落匀称的身材,迈着端庄的女人的步子。



all , both, every, each, either, neither, more, little, few, much, many, another, other, some, any , one, no 以及some, something, anything, everything, somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, nothing , nobody, no one, none, everybody, everyone.等。

2) 不定代词的功能与用法

a.除every 和no外不定代词既可用作名词,也可用作形容词。every和no在句中只能作定语。

I have no idea about it.

b.all 都,指三者以上。

all 的主谓一致:all的单复数由它所修饰或指代的名词的单复数决定。

All goes well. 一切进展得很好。

all 通常不与可数名词单数连用,如:不说 all the book,而说 the whole book。

但all可与表时间的可数名词单数连用,如 all day,all night,all the year; 但习惯上不说 all hour,all century。

all还可以与一些特殊的单数名词连用,如 all China,all the city,all my life, all the way

3) both都,指两者

a.both 与复数动词连用,但 both… and…可与单数名词连用。

b.both, all 都可作同位语,其位置在行为动词前, be 动词之后。如果助动词或情态动词后面的实义动词省 去,则位于助动词或情态动词之前。

Who can speak Japanese?We both (all) can.



b. 作定语与单数名词连用,但neither… nor 用作并列连词,可与复数名词连用。其谓语采用就近原则。


She can‘t sing,neither (can) he.

neither 与nor

d.如前句是否定式从句,则主句用neither,而不用 nor。

If you don‘t do it,neither should I.如果你不干,我也不干。

e. 如后连续有几个否定句式,则用nor,不用neither。

He can‘t sing,nor dance,nor skate.



1.When are we going to drink to your happiness?


2.Have you seen the film?


3.Have you anything like that?

在美国英语中常见:Do you have anything like that?



4. Here comes our teacher! 你们的老师来了!

5.Away went the boy to the school! 那男孩子到学校里去了!

6.Off goes the woman! 那个女人走了!


7.So loudly did the students read that people could hear them out in the street.


8.So small were the words that he could hardly see them.



(A) 表示“……有……”之概念的“There+ be +主语” 结构:

9. There are three books on the desk. 桌上有三本书。

10.There were something in the box. 箱子里有东西。

(B) 用于正式文体,特别是文学作品中的 "there+不及物动词十主语" 结构,当主语不明确而又是一个很长的名词短语时,往往使用这种结构:

11.There entered a strange little man.


12. Once there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea.



13.In the cottage lives a family of six.



14. Near the bridge was an old cottage.


15.Well do I remember the day I saw a wild tiger.



16. "What shall we do?" said the teacher."


17、 "Great!" said my father." "I‘ll go there."

"好极了!" 我父亲说。“我将到那里去。”


18. No matter how interesting the book is,he doesn‘t like to read it.

(语序是:No matter how+表语十主语十系动词be)


19.However hard a solid may be,we can change its shape.

(语序是: However+表语+主语+系动词be)不管一个固体有多硬,我们都可以改变其形状。

20.Young as he is, he knows some of the family secrets.


21.Difficult as the work was (或:Difficult as was the work),it was finished in time.


注1) 用as引导的让步状语从句,表语应放在as之前(例20和例21);如果主语是代词,主语就要放在系动词be之前。例20;如果主语是名词,则主语可以放在系动词be之前或后,如例21。

(2) 用as引导的让步状语从句中,如果谓语是“助动词+主要动词原形”,则应把主要动词原形放在as之前,其语序为:主要动词原形+as+主语十助动词。例如:

22. Try as I might, I could not lift the stone.



23.Isn‘t it cold!


24.Was I surprised!


25.May "both be happy!"



③ 大学英语六级考试重点考察什么语法重要吗






大学英语六级考试(又称CET-6,全称为"College English Test-6")是由国家统一出题,"国家教育部高教司"主办,统一收费,统一组织考试,用来评定应试人英语能力的全国性的考试,每年各举行两次。



④ 跪求英语六级复习资料


链接: https://pan..com/s/1xsNU6vx3aNBa9xSTw9aDUg

?pwd=bvbi 提取码: bvbi


⑤ 英语六级基础语法知识汇总(2):零冠词



1) 国名,人名前通常不用定冠词:England,Mary;


They are teachers. 他们是教师。


Failure is the mother of success.失败乃成功之母。


Man cannot live without water.人离开水就无法生存。

5)在季节、月份、节日、 假日、日期、星期等表示时间的名词之前,不加冠词;

We go to school from Monday to Friday. 我们从星期一到星期五都上课。


The guards took the American to General Lee.


7)在三餐、球类运动和娱乐运动的名称前,不加冠词 如:have breakfast,play chess


I can‘t write without pen or pencil.没有钢笔和铅笔,我就写不了字。

9)当by 与火车等交通工具连用,表示一种方式时,中间无冠词;by bus,by train;


school,college,prison,market,hospital,bed,table,class,town,church,court 等个体名词,直接置于介词后,表示该名词的深层含义;

go to hospital去医院看病

go to the hospital 去医院 (并不是去看病,而是有其他目的)


a. 序数词前有物主代词

b. 序数词作副词 He came first in the race.

c. 在固定词组中 at (the) first,first of all,from first to last


⑥ 英语四六级口语的语法知识点

【 #英语口语# 导语】英语四六级口语考试主要考查语法的有两个题型:选词填空和翻译。以下是 无 整理的英语四六级口语的语法知识点,欢迎阅读!




































As the life quality improves, taking holiday is playing an increasingly important role in the life of Chinese people. In the past, much of Chinese people’s life was spent on making a living, so we were always denied the chances to go out for a vacation. Nevertheless, the rapid development in Chinese tourism as a result of a flourishing economy, which also leads to the rise of affluent middle class has seen an unprecedented boom in travelling. Chinese people not only choose to travel at home but also seek to embark on a foreign excursion. During the National Day period, the total tourism consumption reached over 40 billion yuan. It is estimated by the WTO that by 2020, China will be the largest tourism country which will witness a rapid increase in the outbound tourism expenditures.



With China’s booming economy, the number of people who learn Chinese grows rapidly. It makes Chinese become one of the favorite languages that people would like to learn. Recently, Chinese universities rise significantly in world university rankings. Since the significant progress made in Chinese ecation, it is no wonder that China has been one of the most favored places for overseas students. In 2015, nearly 40,0000 international students swarmed into the Chinese market. Not confined to Chinese language and culture, the subjects they choose to learn also include science and engineering. Although the global market is still dominated by US and UK, China is striving to catch up.




In 2005,with the introction of Sina s blog 2.0,blogs become the new favorite of the network virtual world in a short time.At present,at least 70% of the netizens were bloggers,so that the current era is called“the era of blog”.Then some predicted:“in 20 years,blogs must replace books”,“in the era of blog,people don t need to read”.Some also worried:“blog makes people read less and less.”As a matter of fact,this prediction was baseless and such worry was over-blown.


在中国,喝茶是一种仪式(ritual),一种精致品味(refined taste)的展示。人们在饮茶的同时,也领略着(take delight in)品茶的情趣之意。喝茶聊天是中国人中最流行的打发时间的方式。过去,他们是以进有名的茶馆(teahouse)而开始一天的生活的。中国的茶馆相当于法国的咖啡馆和英国的酒馆。人们到这里不仅是为了喝茶。

Tea drinking in China is a ritual and a demonstration of the refined taste. While drinking tea, people also take delight in the essence of tea itself. Chatting over a pot of tea is a very popular way of pastime among Chinese. In the past, they would start the day with a visit to a well-known teahouse. Chinese teahouses would be the equivalent of French cafes and English pubs. People come here not just for tea, but also to discuss local news or to have furious political debates.

⑦ 2022年12月英语六级听力重点词汇参考

【 #四六级考试# 导语】成功=时间+方法,自制力是这个等式的保障。世上无天才,高手都是来自刻苦的练习。而大家往往只看到“牛人”闪耀的成绩,忽视其成绩背后无比寂寞的勤奋。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


1. cavity洞 穴

I’m afraid there won’t be time to do aother tooth today, make sure you don’t eat anything like steaks for the next few hours,and we’ll fill the other cavity tomorrow.

All right. Actually, I must hurry to the library to return some books.

2. ceremony典礼 仪式

If the flag just display on such occasions, do not allow the flag to fall to the ground. But let it be carried high up in the air to form a feature of the ceremony.

3. cetainly必定 当然

Your dog certainly seems to know you’re his master. Did you have to punish him very often when you trained him?

I found it’s better to praise him when you obeys and not to be so fussy when he makes mistakes.

4. challenge挑战 向…挑战 对……质疑

The assignment on physics is a real challenge, I don’t think I can finish it on time all by myself.

Why don’t we join in our feet together? It may be easier then.

5. chamber室 会所

The local chamber of commerce, which represents the instry in the area, hired me as a consultant to do a one-year study on fishing in the Biramichi river and write report for them.

6. champaign香槟酒

Ann, how much champaign did they drink?

A lot, it was more popular than mineral water.

7. champion冠军 捍卫者 拥护者

Though we didn’t win the game, we were satisfied with our performance

You did a great job, you almost beat the world champion. It was a real surprise to many people.

8. championship锦标赛 冠军

His teams often won enough games to qualify for the final rounds, but

they almost aways lost in the finals. As a result, Wilt chamberlain became

determined to win one more championship before he retired.

9. chance可能性 机会 机遇

When dos the football team have the best chance to win the World Cup?

10. change 改变 变更 变化 零钱

Susan, I’m going to change the light bulb above dining table, will you hold the ladder for me?

No problem. But be careful while you’re up here.

Change the part of life, but rapid change, said scientist Georgy Woodwill, is the enemy of life.

11. character性格 特性 人物

Hollywood films generally have one thing in common conflict. The main character wants something very badly and will do anything to get it. The opponent tries to stop the main character from achieving the goal.

12. characteristic典型的 特性 特征

Sue accepted each assignment cheerfully, and when problems arose, she responded with his characteristic,’No problem, I can handle it.”



The pilots were told to descend to two-two thousand feet. The instruction actually meant twenty two thousand feet,but they thought they heard descent two thousand feet. That is a huge difference, and it should have been confirmed,but it was not. Unfortunately,the terrain of mountains in that region ascend to two thousand feet.


The next three qustion were all concerned with aspects of marriage.Number 3 looked at the ideal age to get married.Number 4 examined the quailties looked for in the partner and number 5 asked about the ideal number of children.


As nurses we are licensed to provide nursing care only.We provide health teaching, assess with physical as well as emotional problems, and coordinate patient related sevices.


I couldn't have won the award without your assistance.Thank you very much.

You've been working so hard.You deserve the honor.


The "wake up,wake up" call by loudspeakers at 7o'clock every morning is followed by a music program which creats atmosphere of a hoilday camp.


Radio trainsmitters to some of the sea animals help the research keep track of the animal's movements.


The doctor said if I kept smoking, I would increase my chances of having a heart attack.

Did he suggest recing weight, too?


Dunant gathered together a number of women who attended hundreds of wounded solidiers fo all nationalities and helped the surgeons as best as they could.

Can you tell me when I can leave here doctor?I have a some of important business to attend to.

That depends on how your condition reacts to our treatment.You may leave as soon as the bleeding stops.I think that will take a couple of days.


The pupils with good attendence have been given free humbugers,toys and T-shirts.


So you just back for a trip to India.What were you doing there?

The trip was intended to bring to the world's of attention the fact that AIDS is not just an Africens diseases; It's also eddangering other countries, notably, India and Thailand.


1. decision决定

Specilist advice is available to help you choose the most suitable breed of dog, but in part, the decision depends on common sense.

2. decline下降 减少 衰退 谢绝 拒绝

The major reason for the decline of Asian elephants is the loss of their forests.

3. decorate装饰 装潢 修饰

It is better to reside in a bad part of town, I think, than not to live the house at all, or they buy an old house,and redesign it, then decorate it with old style furniture.

4. decrease减少 (减少)量

Schools that show a decrease in deliberate destruction of property can receive the

amount of money, that would be spent on repairs and replacements.

5. definite明确的 确切的 一定的 肯定的

I am sorry, madam, the plane is somewhat behind the schele, take a seat, I will

inform you as soon as we know something definite.

Thank you, I’d rather look around, and I will be back in several minutes.

6. definitely明确地 肯定地 [口]的确

You’re a fantastic teacher that definitely tought me a lot about reasoning.

7. deliberate故意的 深思熟虑的 仔细考虑

A chemical attack is the deliberate release of toxic gas, liquid or solid that can poison people and the enviroment.

8. demand要求 强令

The strike of the porters has held up export orders for two weeks, Do you think it will end soon?

So far as I know, the management side has made an improved pay offer, but the

unions are just holding out for the original demands.

9. demanding费力的 过分要求的

Susan brown found that a night nurse’s work is physically less demanding than a

clearner’s, and she can sleep 8 hours ring the day.

Dogs are demanding pets, whereas cats identify with the house and so are content of if their place there is secure.a dog identify with its master and consequently wants

him to show proof of his affection.

10. democracy民主(制) 民主国家

You have got to do far more to take the leadership role in protecting the freedoms, and the democracy, and the citizens of your country.