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哪里可以看到同人动漫 2025-02-07 12:42:58
最经典gta是哪个 2025-02-07 11:36:52


发布时间: 2024-08-10 00:27:42

❶ 涓冨勾绾т笂鍐屼汉鏁欑増1~9鍗曞厓鑻辫绗旇般备竴鍗曞厓涓鍗曞厓镄勮︾粏锅氱玛璁般傚彞瀛愮粨鏋勶纴鑻辫璇娉曪纴瑕佺偣閮借佹湁銆

涓. 璇嶆眹

鈶 鍗曡瘝
1. 浠嬭瘝锛歩n, on, under, behind, near, at, of

1). in琛ㄧず"鍦ㄢ︹︿腑"锛 "鍦ㄢ︹﹀唴"銆备緥濡傦细
in our class 鍦ㄦ垜浠鐝涓
in my bag 鍦ㄦ垜镄勪功鍖呴噷
in the desk 鍦ㄦ屽瓙閲
in the classroom 鍦ㄦ暀瀹ら噷

2). on 琛ㄧず"鍦ㄢ︹︿笂"銆备緥濡傦细
on the wall 鍦ㄥ欎笂
on the desk 鍦ㄦ屽瓙涓
on the blackboard 鍦ㄩ粦𨱒夸笂

3). under琛ㄧず"鍦ㄢ︹︿笅"銆备緥濡傦细
under the tree 鍦ㄦ爲涓
under the chair 鍦ㄦ呭瓙涓
under the bed 鍦ㄥ簥涓

4). behind琛ㄧず"鍦ㄢ︹﹀悗闱"銆备緥濡傦细
behind the door 鍦ㄩ棬钖
behind the tree 鍦ㄦ爲钖

5). near琛ㄧず"鍦ㄢ︹﹂梼杩"銆备緥濡傦细
near the teacher's desk 鍦ㄨ叉岄梼杩
near the bed 鍦ㄥ簥闄勮繎

6). at琛ㄧず"鍦ㄢ︹﹀"銆备緥濡傦细
at school 鍦ㄥ︽牎
at home 鍦ㄥ
at the door 鍦ㄩ棬鍙

7). of 琛ㄧず"钬︹︾殑"銆备緥濡傦细
a picture of our classroom 鎴戜滑鏁椤ょ殑涓骞呯敾
a map of China 涓寮犱腑锲藉湴锲

2. 鍐犺瘝 a / an / the:

鍐犺瘝涓鑸浣崭簬镓闄愬畾镄勫悕璇嶅墠锛岀敤𨱒ョ讲钖嶅悕璇嶆墍鎸囩殑浜烘垨浜嬬墿銆傚啝璇嶆湁涓嶅畾鍐犺瘝鍜屽畾鍐犺瘝涓ょ嶃备笉瀹氩啝璇嶆湁涓や釜褰㈠纺锛屽嵆a鍜宎n銆俛鐢ㄥ湪浠ヨ緟阔抽煶绱犲紑澶寸殑璇嶅墠锛屽俛 book; an鐢ㄥ湪浠ュ厓阔抽煶绱犲紑澶寸殑瀛楁瘝鍓嶏纴濡俛n apple.

This is a cat.
It's an English book.
His father is a worker.

Who's the boy in the hat?
------ What can you see in the classroom?
------ I can see a bag.
------ Where's the bag?
------ It's on the desk.
------- 浣犺兘鍦ㄦ暀瀹ら噷鐪嫔埌浠涔埚憖锛
------ 鎴戣兘鐪嬭佷竴涓涔﹀寘銆
------ 涔﹀寘鍦ㄥ摢锻锛
------ 鍦ㄦ屽瓙涓娿


There are some books on the desk.妗屽瓙涓婃湁涓浜涗功銆
Lucy has some good books闇茶タ链変竴浜涘ソ涔︺

Is there any ink in your pen?浣犵殑阍㈢玛閲屾湁澧ㄦ按钖楋纻
Do you have any brothers and sisters?浣犳湁鍏勫纻濮愬瑰悧锛
There isn't any water in the glass.𨱒瀛愰噷娌℃湁姘淬


Would you like to have some apples?浣犳兂钖冭娴鏋滃悧锛

Any one of us can do this.鎴戜滑褰扑腑浠讳綍涓涓閮借兘锅氲繖涓銆
some 鍜宎ny镄勭敤娉曟槸缁忓父鍑虹幇镄勮幂偣锛屽笇链涘ぇ瀹惰兘鍑嗙‘鍦版帉鎻″畠浠镄勭敤娉曘

family鐪嬩綔涓轰竴涓鏁翠綋镞讹纴镒忔濇槸"瀹跺涵"锛屽悗闱㈢殑璋撹锷ㄨ瘝be鐢ㄥ崟鏁板舰寮 is 锛涘傛妸family鐪嬩綔涓哄跺涵鎴愬憳镞讹纴搴旂悊瑙d负澶嶆暟锛屽悗闱㈢殑璋撹锷ㄨ瘝be搴旂敤are銆
My family is a big family. 鎴戠殑瀹跺涵鏄涓澶у跺涵銆
My family are all at home now. 鎴戠殑瀹朵汉鐜板湪閮藉湪瀹躲
Family寮鸿皟鐢卞朵汉缁勬垚镄勪竴涓闆嗕綋鎴栧己璋冭繖涓闆嗕綋涓镄勬垚锻樸俬ome鎸囦釜浜哄嚭鐢熴佽鎶氩吇闀垮ぇ镄勭幆澧冨拰灞呬綇鍦扮偣銆 house鎸"瀹"銆"鎴垮眿"锛屼晶閲嶅眳浣忕殑寤虹瓒链韬銆
His family are all workers. 浠栫殑瀹朵汉閮芥槸宸ヤ汉銆
My home is in Beijing. 鎴戠殑瀹跺湪鍖椾含銆
He isn't at home now. 浠栫幇鍦ㄤ笉鍦ㄥ躲
It's a picture of my family. 杩欐槸涓寮犳垜鍏ㄥ剁殑镦х墖銆

5. little镄勭敤娉
a little dog 涓鍙灏忕嫍锛宎 little boy 涓涓灏忕敺瀛┿俵ittle甯哥敤𨱒ヤ慨楗版湁鐢熷懡镄勫悕璇嶃
There is little time. 鍑犱箮娌℃椂闂翠简銆
There is little water in the cup. 𨱒涓姘村緢灏戙

鈶 璇岖粍
on the desk 鍦ㄦ屽瓙涓
behind the chair 鍦ㄦ呭瓙钖
under the chair 鍦ㄦ呭瓙涓嬮溃
in her pencil-box 鍦ㄥス镄勯搮绗旂洅涓
near the door 鍦ㄩ棬闄勮繎
a picture of a classroom 涓涓鏁椤ょ殑锲剧墖
look at the picture 鐪嬭繖寮犲浘鐗
the teacher's desk 璁叉
a map of China 涓寮犱腑锲藉湴锲
family tree 瀹惰氨
have a seat 鍧愪笅锛屽氨鍧
this way 杩栾竟璧

浜. 镞ュ父鐢ㄨ
1. Come and meet my family.

2. Go and see. I think it's Li Lei.

3. Glad to meet you.

4. What can you see in the picture?
I can see a clock / some books.

5. Can you see an orange?
Yes, I can. / No, I can't.

6. Where's Shenzhen?
It's near Hong Kong.

7. Let me see.锛埚彛璇锛夎╂垜𨱍虫兂鐪嬨
see 鍦ㄨ繖鏄"鏄庣槠銆佹哕浜"锛屼笉鍙璇戜綔"鐪嬭"銆备緥濡傦细

8. Please have a seat.
seat琛ㄧず"搴т綅"锛屾槸涓钖嶈瘝銆俬ave a seat琛ㄧず"灏卞潗"锛屼篃鍙浠ヨ磘ake a seat, 鍜宻it down镄勬剰镐濈浉钖屻

涓. 璇娉

1. 钖嶈瘝镓链夋牸

锛1锛. 涓鑸𨱍呭喌涓嫔湪璇嶅熬锷"'s"銆备緥濡傦细
Kate's father Kate镄勭埜鐖
my mother's friend 鎴戝埚堢殑链嫔弸

锛2锛. 濡傛灉澶嶆暟钖嶈瘝浠s缁揿熬锛屽彧锷"'"銆备緥濡傦细
Teachers' Day 鏁椤笀鑺
The boys' game 鐢峰╀滑镄勬父鎴

锛3锛. 濡傛灉澶嶆暟钖嶈瘝涓崭互s缁揿熬锛屼粛锷"'s"銆备緥濡傦细
Children's Day 鍎跨ヨ妭
Women's Day 濡囧コ鑺

锛4锛. 琛ㄧず涓や釜鎴栧嚑涓鍏辨湁镞讹纴镓链夋牸搴斿姞鍦ㄥ悗涓涓钖嶈瘝涓娿备緥濡傦细
Lucy and Lily's room Lucy 鍜孡ily镄勬埧闂
Kate and Jim's father Kate 鍜孞im镄勭埜鐖

a map of China 涓骞呬腑锲藉湴锲
the name of her cat 濂圭殑鐚镄勫悕瀛
a picture of my family 鎴戠殑瀹跺涵镄勪竴寮犵収鐗
the door of the bedroom 鍗уょ殑闂

2. 绁堜娇鍙
绁堜娇鍙ヤ富瑕佺敤𨱒ヨ〃绀鸿磋瘽浜虹殑璇锋眰銆佸懡浠ゃ佸缓璁銆佸彯鍢辩瓑镒忓浘銆傜堜娇鍙ヤ竴鑸涓岖敤涓昏锛岃绘椂鐢ㄩ檷璋冦备负浣胯姘斿斿夈佺ぜ璨岋纴甯稿湪鍙ラ栨垨鍙ュ熬锷爌lease 銆傚湪鍙ュ熬镞讹纴please鍓嶅氱敤阃楀彿銆

锛1锛. 绁堜娇鍙ヨ偗瀹氩舰寮忕殑璋撹锷ㄨ瘝涓寰嬬敤锷ㄨ瘝铡熷舰銆
Go and see. 铡荤湅鐪嬨
Come in, please. 璇疯繘銆

锛2锛. 绁堜娇鍙ョ殑钖﹀畾褰㈠纺甯哥敤don't浜庡彞棣栥
Don't look at your books. 涓嶈佺湅涔︺
Don't play on the road. 涓嶈佸湪椹璺涓婄帺銆

3. There be 镄勫彞瀛愮粨鏋

There be鏄涓涓"瀛桦湪"鍙ュ瀷锛岃〃绀"链"镄勬剰镐濓纴
镶瀹氩彞镄勫舰寮忎负锛歍here be + 钖嶈瘝锛埚崟鏁版垨澶嶆暟锛+鍦扮偣鐘惰鎴栨椂闂寸姸璇銆
There is an eraser and two pens on the desk. 妗屽瓙涓婃湁涓鍧楁$毊鍜屼袱鏀阍㈢玛銆
There are two pens and an eraser on the desk. 妗屼笂链変袱鏀阍㈢玛鍜屼竴鍧楁$毊銆

锛1锛塼here be镄勫惁瀹氩彞锛屽嵆鍦╞e镄勫悗闱㈠姞涓妌ot銆
钖﹀畾褰㈠纺涓猴细There be + not + (any) + 钖嶈瘝+鍦扮偣鐘惰銆
There is not any cat in the room. 鎴块棿閲屾病鐚銆
There aren't any books on the desk. 妗屽瓙涓婃病涔︺

锛2锛塼here be鍙ュ瀷镄勭枒闂鍙ュ氨鏄灏哹e鎻愬埌鍙ラ栵细Be there + (any) +钖嶈瘝+鍦扮偣鐘惰锛熻偗瀹氩洖绛旓细Yes, there is / are. 钖﹀畾锲炵瓟锛歂o, there isn't / aren't.
---Is there a dog in the picture? 鐢讳笂链変竴鍙镫楀悧锛
---Yes, there is. 链夈
---Are there any boats in the river? 娌抽噷链夎埞钖楋纻
---No, there aren't. 娌℃湁銆

锛3锛夌壒娈婄枒闂鍙ワ细How many . . . are there (+鍦扮偣鐘惰)锛"镆愬湴链夊氩皯浜烘垨鐗╋纻"锲炵瓟鐢═here be . . .
There's one. / There are two / three / some . . .
链夋椂鐩存帴灏辩敤鏁板瓧𨱒ュ洖绛斻侽ne. / Two . . .
---How many students are there in the classroom? 鏁椤ら噷链夊氩皯瀛︾敓锛
---There's only one. / There are nine. 鍙链変竴涓銆/链変节涓銆

锛4锛夊傛灉钖嶈瘝鏄涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇嶏纴鐢锛欻ow much + 涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇 + is there + 鍦扮偣鐘惰锛
How much water is there in the cup? 𨱒涓链夊氩皯姘达纻
How much food is there in the bowl? 纰楅噷链夊氩皯椋熺墿锛

❷ 人教版英语七年级上册单词表

1. my pron.我的
2. name n.名字
3. is v.是
4. clock n.时钟
5. I pron.我
6. am v.是
7. I'm = I am
8. nice adj.好的;令人愉快的
9. to prep.用于与动词原形一起构成动词不定式
10. meet v.遇见;相逢
11. you pron.你;你们
12. what pron.& adj.什么
13. what's = what is
14. your pron.你的;你们的
15. hello int.(表示问候)喂
16. hi int.(表示问候)嗨
17. his pron.他的
18. and conj.和;又;而且
19. her pron.她的
20. question n.问题;难题;询问;疑问
21. answer n.问答;答复;答案
22. look v.看;望;看起来
23. first num.第一
24. first name n.名字
25. last adj.最后的;上一个的
26. last name n.姓氏
27. boy n.男孩
28. girl n.女孩
29. zero num.零
30. one num.一
31. two num.二
32. three num.三
33. four num.四
34. five num.五
35. six num.六
36. seven num.七
37. eight num.八
38. nine num.九
39. telephone n.电话
40. number n.数;数字
41. telephone number n.电话号码
42. phone n.电话;电话机
43. phone number n.电话号码
44. it pron.它
45. it's = it is
46. card n.卡;卡片
47. ID card (ID=identification) n.身份证
48. family n.家;家庭
49. family name n.姓氏
50. this pron.& adj.这;这个
51. pencil n.铅笔
52. pen n.钢笔
53. book n.书
54. eraser n.橡皮;铅笔擦;黑板擦
55. ruler n.尺;直尺
56. case n.箱;盒;橱
57. pencil case n.铅笔盒;文具盒
58. backpack n.双肩背包
59. pencil sharpener n.卷笔刀;铅笔刀
60. dictionary n.字典;词典
61. that pron.& adj.那;那个
62. yes adv.(表示肯定)是
63. no adv.(表示否定)不;不是
64. not adv.(构成否定形式)不是
65. isn't = is not
66. thank v.感谢
67. OK interj.好;不错
68. in prep.用(表示方法,媒介,工具等)
69. English n.英语;英文
70. a art.一个(只,把,台……)
71. how adv.(指程度)多么;何等;怎样
72. do v.& aux.做;干;构成否定句、疑问句的助动词
73. spell v.拼写
74. baseball n.棒球
75. watch n.手表
76. computer n.电脑;电子计算机
77. game n.运动;游戏
78. key n.钥匙
79. notebook n.笔记本
80. ring n.环(状物);戒指
81. call v.打电话
82. at prep.在…者睁(里面或附近);在…(点、刻);以
83. the art.表示特指的人、物、事或群体
84. lost adj.丢失的;遗失的
85. found v.找回
86. lost and found n.失物招领
87. please interj.(祈使句用作请求的客套话)请
88. school n.学校
89. a set n.一套;一副
90. of prep.(属于)…的
91. excuse v.原谅;宽恕
92. excuse me int.请原谅
93. sister n.姐;妹
94. mother n.妈妈;母亲
95. father n.爸爸;父亲
96. parent n.父亲或母亲
97. brother n.兄;弟
98. grandmother n.祖母;外祖母
99. grandfather n.祖父;外祖父
100. friend n.朋友
101. grandparent n.祖父/母;外祖父/母
102. these pron.& adj.这些
103. are v.是
104. those pron.& adj.那些
105. she pron.她
106. he pron.他
107. he's = he is
108. son n.儿子
109. cousin n.堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹
110. daughter n.女儿
111. uncle n.叔;伯;舅;姨夫;姑父
112. aunt n.姨母;姑母;伯母;婶母
113. dear adj.(冠于信函中的称谓,以示礼貌)亲爱的
114. thanks for prep.为……而感谢
115. photo n.照片;相片
116. here adv.这里;在这里
117. picture n.照片;图片
118. for prep.(表示原因或目的)为了
119. where adv.哪里
120. table n.桌子
121. bed n.床
122. dresser n.梳妆台
123. bookcase n.书柜;书橱
124. sofa n.沙发
125. chair n.椅子
126. drawer n.抽屉
127. plant n.植物
128. under prep.在..下面
129. they pron.他们
130. on prep.在..上面
131. know v.知道;了解
132. bag n.书包;提包;袋子
133. math n.数学
134. alarm clock n.闹钟
135. CD n.光盘
136. video n.录像;视频
137. tape n.录音带
138. video tape n.录像带
139. hat n.帽子
140. take v.拿走;带到
141. thing n.东西;物
142. to prep.朝;向;至;达
143. mom n. (非正式用语)妈妈
144. can modal v.能;可以;会
145. bring v.拿来;取来;带来
146. some pron.& adj.一些;若干
147. need v.需要
148. floor n.地板;地面
149. room n.房间
150. TV n.电视;电视机
151. desk n.课桌;书桌
152. have v.有;吃;饮
153. soccer n.英式足球
154. ball n.球
155. soccer ball n.英式足球
156. tennis n.网球
157. racket n.(网球、羽毛球的)球拍
158. tennis racket n.网球拍
159. ping-pong n.乒乓球
160. volleyball n.排球
161. basketball n.篮球
162. bat n.(乒乓球等的)球拍
163. does v.做;干;构成否定句、疑问句的助动词
164. doesn't = dost not
165. let v.允许;让
166. us pron.我们(we的宾格)
167. let's = let us
168. play v.玩;打球
169. sound v.听起来
170. good adj.良好的;令人满意的
171. sport n.运动;游戏
172. we pron.我们
173. many adj.大量的
174. club n.社团;俱乐部
175. more adv.更多的;更大的
176. class n.(一节)课;班级
177. interesting adj.有趣的;令人感兴趣的
178. boring adj.无聊的;令人生厌的
179. fun adj.有趣的;令人愉快的
180. difficult adj.困难的
181. relaxing adj.轻松的
182. watch v.观看;注视
183. watch TV v.