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发布时间: 2024-07-06 12:48:24

❶ 姹傛湁鍏冲ぉ鏂囧︼纴鑺傛棩锛岄ギ椋熺殑3绡囱嫳璇浣沧枃锛岃佹眰100-120涓璇

In the Jack? London to write this book - "Call of the Wild", I walked into a dog's world. Dog named Buck, was a St. Bernard and Scotch shepherd dog of mixed blood. The difference is that Barker is not the fantasy of human mythology is full of dogs, nor are interspersed in the human society, the role of dogs as a friend, but in the snow in the northern part of the life stories of dogs shocked with readers. Barker had grown up in the South a judge's home, where Buck enjoying abundant life, universal respect for, and take the crucial importance of status to all human beings in the north because of the yellow metal find a change. With a somewhat aristocratic atmosphere for the first time Barker has suffered rude treatment, it was sold to a person abcted guys there wear red wool sweater. Followed by repeated blow to stick meal, once again to play it fainted. From Buck to understand a truth: that holding the stick in front of him there is no hope. I would like to stick that is a key one for Buck to understand the nature of the original key, it learned the rule of law of the jungle of the original rules, while giving the body hidden in the wild Barker is graally waking up. If the stick is a key, then Buck's companion is the body of this course, Professor. Barker was again complete the transaction. It adds a pull-sled team, and from peers groping in a plethora of survival. Dog Park Church, how it stealing to comfort empty stomach. In fact, Barker is not like stealing, in order to be able to eat right and wrong, he can not be stolen. Billy from the dog there, Buck quickly learned how to quench their thirst in the snow, ice-breaking techniques such as the Kap Shui. Here I would like to mention a Spitz dog, because from its body, Buck "learning" to a lot, so that in the twilight of the Buck remembered the original killings. Spitz is a dog sled team in the first row, that is, leaders. It is to Barker as a potential rival, always provocative finding fault, surface and good, the actual cruelty. At first, for Sri Lanka are always horses everywhere Ci Bake patient, try to avoid head-on collision. On the one hand, he learn from the other hand, the body's instincts as a provocation revived again and again. Gnawing the end of their ancestors, tear, and wolf-style assault on it alive to Spitz Dou of. Once the wild awake, it cries from the depths of the forest will be constantly tempted with Barker, it was a bleak one weird and tells the people chilling tone, can be very happy to Buck howl along with them. Powerful primitive animal behavior on it is a growing sense, in a hunt, the Buck tasted kind of bloodthirsty lust and pleasure gained by killing eventually become a long long ... .... The existence of competition in human society and human with the spirit of upward is a manifestation of the ancient wild bar. Wild, is that it brings the desire to conquer all things and barbarism. Like Buck, like, when all the facts are telling the world it is only when the conquerors and the conquered, from the depths of the indomitable nature of the fighting has been awakened, because it knows that all this is that the value of life. In today's competitive society, winning in a flash, leading to humans can not have the slightest hesitation, breathing with the face of crisis can only be brave to accept, and ultimately conquer the wild ... ... but it is not only cruel, it also brings the age-old friendship, can be said that the crystallization of ancient civilization. When the last owner, John Buck died, he look up to heaven, sent a long howl. This growl is a sad, is loyal, is stirring. Deep sense of love of John Buck Wild is another means of expression. The nature of recovery, the author depicted the coordination of a graal nature makes the whole story at one go, people let them go, was also in that slow and orderly process, made this call for strong and far-reaching implications, people have to create some kind of association, would like to to explore their own nature, and want to face it. So I want to say life is paradoxical that the world is complex, but this complex world is that there are naturally created by the easiest way. The world is that it is full of vitality, while the world into hell, no different is that it - wild. It has cunning, but also loyal; it brings brutal, but also brought the friendship. So be it, this is real life, colorful, bright and prosperous.




镫楁淳鍏嬫暀浼氩畠濡备綍锅烽熶互鎱伴ゥ镶犮傚叾瀹炲反鍏嬫槸涓嶅枩娆㈠伔锛屼负浜呜兘钖冮ケ浠栨槸闱炲伔涓嶅彲銆备粠镫楁瘆鍒╅偅鍎匡纴宸村厠寰埚揩瀛︿细浜嗗备綍鍦ㄩ洩鍦伴噷镰村啺姹叉按瑙f复绛夋妧宸с傝繖閲屾垜瑕佹彁鍒颁竴鍙镫楁柉鍖硅尐锛 锲犱负浠庡畠韬涓婏纴宸村厠钬滃︹濆埌浜嗗緢澶氾纴璁╁湪链﹁儳涓镄勫反鍏嬭拌捣浜嗗师濮嬬殑𨱒鎴銆







The Spring Festival
Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It钬檚 to celebrate the lunar calendar 's new year .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .
The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words 钬淗ave all your wishes 钬. People enjoy the Spring Festival ,ring this time they can have a good rest .
鏄ヨ妭鏄涓锲芥渶閲嶈佺殑鑺傛棩銆傚畠鏄涓轰简搴嗙濆啘铡嗙殑鏂板勾镄勚傚湪闄ゅ,钖勫堕兘浼氲仛鍦ㄤ竴璧峰悆锲㈠勾楗,璁稿氩湴鏂圭殑浜轰滑锽沧㈢噧鏀鹃灜镣銆傞ズ瀛愭槸链浼犵粺镄勯熷搧銆傚╁瓙浠闱炲父锽沧㈣繖涓鑺傛棩锛屽洜涓轰粬浠鍙浠ュ悆缇庡懗镄勯熺墿骞剁┛鏂拌。链嶃备粬浠涔熷彲浠ヤ粠浠栦滑镄勭埗姣嶉偅鍎垮缑鍒颁竴浜涢挶銆傝繖绗旈挶鏄涓哄╁瓙绁堟眰濂借繍镄勚备汉浠灏嗘槬镵旇创涓婂椤佷互姹傚ソ杩愩傛槬鑺傛寔缁绾15澶┿备汉姘戞帰浜茶垮弸浜挜亾钬沧伃锽溾濓紟浜轰滑寰埚枩娆㈡槬鑺傦纴鍦ㄦゆ湡闂达纴浠栦滑鍙浠ュソ濂戒紤鎭銆 An increasing number of people are becoming aware of the significance of health maintainence . Just as the basic need of human beings for survival , like food to prevent starvation , and clothing to keep away from cold , being healthy is one essential element , which would be easily ignored . Here , tips for keeping good healthy are to be : work regularily and rest adequately , keep in good hours and have a healthy diet . If you do not intent to get yourself sick , exercising every moring would surely be the best way to prevent disease . Often can be seen that there are senior folks jogging and playing Taiji on the square or garden . And many young peers would much like to take sports gathering , such as table tennis and badminton , instead of spending the whole night getting drunk in bars . And as is known to all , tobacco an alcohol are the two greatest evils that creat negative affections on our health . Thus a man should definitely be sure of what to eat and what not , what to drink and what not . Besides , joining a family outdoor pinic in a shining weekend would be a lovely way to keep psychologically/mentally healthy . Anyway , health is the most precious gift that man can ever have .

❷ 宇宙行星英语作文

Our universe, mysterious, in our solar system, the study of value, as the universe. Now, let's see, members of the solar system. The planet mercury, a phrase, nor, even a drop of surface temperature is quite large, if you put in the daytime is a pig, KaoRuZhu, night is frozen pork. Venus, and mercury, on the contrary, it is extremely thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse effect, his temperature is extremely high, up to a maximum of 4.8 even more degrees Celsius, aircraft cannot landed in the above, but he is very much like earth initial state, is very good study materials. Mars, earth and can be "sister planet", because the planet, or because sandstorm of iron, he's surface is red, this small planet to show the different side with Venus, st storms, drought, and perhaps a human and tens of thousands of years. Jupiter, this planet, such as wood of the solar system's brother, his biggest characteristic is to see the great red spot, tornadoes, and that is the storm, it is the power of our big typhoon on thousands of times. Saturn and Neptune, first, Uranus, we known after a planet, I'm afraid you can't imagine how he turn, you dare to turn the circle go a little, though, but dare you forever are rolling walking, Uranus is outstanding. As a famous Neptune, he, he is not observed, but calculate out of 19th century, astronomers have discovered some rules of operation Uranus, they suspect a planet in "time", continuously, people finally got this planet Neptune. As to Pluto, in 2006 the international astronomical joint conference has revoked the planet Pluto, became a dwarf planet, nonetheless, for his desire to explore, even more than other planets.汉语翻译:我们的宇宙,神秘莫测,在我们的太阳系中,其所研究的价值,不亚于宇宙。现在,让我们来看看,太阳系的成员。水星,一个徒有其名的星球,一滴水也没有,甚至于它的表面温差相当大,你若在那放一头猪,白天是烤乳猪,晚上就是冷冻猪肉。金星,与水星恰恰相反,其极其浓厚的二氧化碳大气层使得在温室效应下,他的温度极其高,最高达到480多摄氏度,甚至于连飞行器都不能着陆在上面,不过他的现在很像地球初期的状态,是很好的研究材料。火星,可以和地球称得上是“姊妹星球”的行星,其由于沙尘暴,或又因为铁的原因,他的表面是红色的,这颗不起眼的星球去展现了与金星不同的一面,沙暴,干旱,或许展现的是人类及几万年后的世界。木星,这颗类木行星,充当了太阳系的老大哥,他最大的特点就是龙卷风,看到那个大红斑了吗,那是个风暴,它比我们台风的威力要大上上千倍。土星,天王星,海王星,前一个我们众所皆知,后一个行星,恐怕你无法想象他是怎么转的,你敢转着圈走吗,虽然有点晕,但你敢一辈子都滚着走路吗,天王星就是这样的佼佼者。至于海王星,他出名的一点,就是他不是观测到的,而是算出来的,19世纪,天文学家发现天王星的运行有些不规律,他们怀疑有一个行星在“作怪”,在不断的测算中,人们终于得到了这颗行星,海王星。至于冥王星,在2006年国际天文联合大会上,吊销了冥王星行星的资格,成了矮行星,尽管如此,人们对于他的探索欲望,甚至超过其他行星。

❸ 假如你是李华,邀请好友Peter参加天文知识专题讲座,英语作文

ch are the, her mother see not only not criticize her, but humorously said: "daughter! Where's your left hand?" The little girl immediately put the book aside and have a good meal, and the mother and daughter both laughed.