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儿童的上衣如何搭配 2025-02-09 05:10:53
抖音网红歌词有哪些 2025-02-09 05:10:07
如何准备动漫视频 2025-02-09 05:08:23


发布时间: 2024-06-16 18:17:15

❶ 鐢ㄨ嫳鏂囧垪涓句竴浜涗綘镡熸倝镄勬棩甯告枃鍖栫ぞ浜ょぜ浠

銆銆绀句氦绀间华 涓昏佹湁浠琛ㄧぜ浠銆佷妇姝㈢ぜ浠涓ょ被銆傚叿浣揿唴瀹瑰备笅锛
銆銆Social etiquette is mainly instrument etiquette, manners etiquette two categories. Specific content as follows:
銆銆Instrument etiquette
銆銆锛堜竴锛 阃夋嫨阃傚綋镄勫寲濡嗗搧鍜屼笌镊宸辨皵璐ㄣ佽劯鍨嬨佸勾榫勭瓑鐗圭偣鐩哥︾殑鍖栧嗘柟娉曪纴阃夋嫨阃傚綋镄勫彂鍨嬫潵澧炴坊镊宸辩殑榄呭姏銆
銆銆(a) select the appropriate cosmetics and with their own temperament, face, age and other characteristics of the make-up method, select the appropriate hairstyle to add their own charm.
銆銆Make up the concentration, light should be regarded as the time, place and set.
銆銆Don't make up in public.
銆銆Don't make up in front of men.
銆銆Don't criticize other people's makeup.
銆銆The others do not use cosmetics.
銆銆The man not too much makeup.
銆銆锛堜簩锛 链嶉グ鍙婂叾绀艰妭
銆銆(two) dress and etiquette
銆銆1 should pay attention to the characteristics of the times, reflecting the spirit of the times;
銆銆2 should pay attention to personal character
銆銆3 shall be in accordance with their bodies
銆銆锛堜笁锛 锏介嗗コ澹镄勭佸繉
銆銆(three) white collar ladies taboo
銆銆A taboo: too trendy hairstyle
銆銆Taboo: two hair as grass
銆銆Three taboos: makeup too exaggerated
銆銆Taboo four: pale face
銆銆Taboo five: too trendy clothes
銆銆Taboo: Six dress too sexy
銆銆Taboo seven: play "golden day"
銆銆Taboo: eight foot platform shoes ""

❷ 鏂囨槑绀间华鑻辫



銆銆1. What's the “first custom” in the international society?


銆銆“Lady first”.濂冲+浼桦厛銆

銆銆2. What is the “Three A” principle in social communications? 绀句氦涓镄“涓堿铡熷垯”鎸囩殑鏄浠涔?

銆銆Accept, Appreciate, Admire鎺ュ弹瀵规柟锛岄吨瑙嗘h祻瀵规柟锛岃禐缇庢暚浣╁规柟銆

銆銆3. What does TOP mean in the international etiquette? 鍦ㄥ浗闄呯ぜ浠涓锛孴OP鎸囩殑鏄鍝涓変釜铡熷垯?

銆銆Time, Objective and Place 镞堕棿锛岀洰镄, 鍦扮偣銆

銆銆4. When you are talking with people from western countries, eight topics should be avoided. What are they? 鍜岃タ鏂逛汉浜よ皥镞讹纴搴旈伩鍏嶅摢鍏涓璇濋?

銆銆Age, marital status, salary, experience, address, personal life, religious belief, politics, and opinions about other people.骞撮缎锛屽氩惁锛屾敹鍏ワ纴缁忓巻锛屼綇鍧锛屼釜浜虹敓娲伙纴瀹楁暀淇′话锛屾敛娌昏佽В锛屼互鍙婂逛粬浜虹殑鐪嬫硶銆

銆銆5. Which three words are the most common ones in social life? 鍝涓変釜璇嶅湪绀句氦鍦哄悎链甯哥敤?

銆銆Thanks, Excuse me (sorry), Please. 璋㈣阿锛屽逛笉璧凤纴璇枫

銆銆6. What are the requirements for appearance in social communication occasions? 绀句氦鍦哄悎镄勪华瀹硅佹眰鏄浠涔?

銆銆Natural, Harmonious, Beautiful镊铹讹纴鍜岃皭锛岀编瑙伞

銆銆7. Could you tell us the general rules for greetings? 镓撴嫑锻艰嚧镒忕殑涓鑸瑙勫垯鏄浠涔?

銆銆* Gentlemen say hello first to ladies. 鐢锋у厛钖戝コ镐ц嚧镒忋

銆銆* Young men say hello first to elderly men. 骞磋交钥呭厛钖戝勾闀胯呰嚧镒忋

銆銆* The employees say hello to the employers.涓嬬骇搴斿悜涓婄骇镊存剰銆

銆銆8. How would you ask the way politely? 镐庢牱绀艰矊鍦伴梾璺?

銆銆The basic principle is: Don't disturb the others. Before you ask the way, you should say hello to him or her politely. At last, you should say thank you.镐荤殑`铡熷垯鏄涓嶈交鏄撴墦镓板埆浜恒傝㈤梾涔嫔墠瑕佺儹𨱍呫佺ぜ璨屽湴绉板懠瀵规柟锛屼箣钖庤佽瘹鎸氶亾璋銆

銆銆9. What should be kept in mind for a couple to have a nice marriage? 澶濡婚棿搴斿仛鍒扮殑绀间华瑕佹眰鏄浠涔?

銆銆Be equal, respect each other, take care each other, forgive each other and understand each other. 澶濡诲钩绛夈佷簰鐩稿皧閲嶃佷簰鐩稿叧蹇冦佷簰鐩稿藉瑰拰鐩镐簰璋呰В銆

銆銆10. How to be polite when you watch the sports competition? 瑙傜湅浣撹偛姣旇禌镞跺簲阆靛畧鍝浜涚ぜ鑺?

銆銆Be polite, be sensible no matter win or lose. Talk politely, wear suitable clothes, and be warm and generous. Don't throw anything.Take care of the public stuff and keep the place clean. 鏂囨槑瑙傝禌浜嬶纴鐞嗘櫤瀵硅緭璧锛岃瑷鏂囨槑锛岀潃瑁呭缑浣掳纴鐑𨱍呭ぇ搴︺备笉涔辨姏鐗╋纴鐖辨姢鍏鐗╁拰鐜澧冨崼鐢熴