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发布时间: 2024-06-03 23:04:49

① 鑻辫鍗曡瘝閲岀殑灏忕桦瘑

銆銆钬 The shortest complete sentence in the English language consists of only one word and that is “Go”.


銆銆钬 The oldest word in the English language is “town”.


銆銆钬 In England, till 1880s using the word “pants” was considered indecent.


銆銆钬 The word “goodbye” came from “God bye”, which in turn comes from “God be with you”.

銆銆“goodbye(鍐嶈)”杩欎釜璇嶅叾瀹炴槸鐢“God bye”婕斿彉钥屾潵锛岃“God bye”鍙堟紨鍙樿嚜“God be with you”銆

銆銆钬 According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the longest word in the English language is “”. The only other word with so many letters is its plural, “”.


銆銆钬 The word with most number of definitions in the English language is “set”.


銆銆钬 There is a seven-letter word in the English language that contains ten words without rearranging any of its letters, and that seven-letter word is, “therein”, which contains: the, there, he, in, rein, her, here, ere, therein, herein.

銆銆鍦ㄨ嫳璇涓链変竴涓鐢7涓瀛楁瘝缁勬垚镄勫崟璇嶅彲浠ヨ渚濇″垎瑙d负“the, there, he, in, rein, her, here, ere, therein(鍦ㄥ叾涓), herein(鍦ㄨ繖鏂归溃)”杩欎釜璇嶅氨鏄“therein”銆

② 姹傝嫳鏂囩増镄勪笉鑳借寸殑绉桦瘑绠鍗曚粙缁

The story is about a high school student Ye Xiang Lun, who studied in a school for the musically and artistically gifted. Ye钬檚 piano skill was unmistakably a notch above others. On the first day of school, while wandering in the piano rooms, he heard an unknown and alluring melody played by a fellow female student, Lu Xiao Yu.

③ 绉桦瘑鑻辨枃镐庝箞璇


1.璇嶆簮鍙婂畾涔(Paragraph Title:璇嶆簮涓庡畾涔)

鍗曡瘝"secret"杩欎釜璇岖殑璇嶆簮鍙浠ヨ拷婧镊虫媺涓佽镄"secretus"锛屾剰涓洪殣钘忋佷缭瀵嗐傚湪鑻辫涓锛"secret" 鎸囩殑鏄涓嶈鍏寮鎴栭忛湶镄勪簨鐗╋纴鍙链夌壒瀹氱殑浜烘墠鐭ユ檽鎴栨湁𨱒幂煡鏅撶殑鍐呭广

4.琛岖敓璇嶈涓庡父瑙佺煭璇(Paragraph Title:琛岖敓璇嶈涓庡父瑙佺煭璇)

鍗曡瘝"secret"杩樻湁涓浜涜岖敓璇嶈鍜屽父瑙佺煭璇锛屼緥濡傦细secrecy锛堜缭瀵嗭级銆乻ecretive锛堢埍淇濆瘑镄勶级銆乻ecretly锛堟殚鍦伴噷锛夈乼rade secret锛埚晢涓氱桦瘑锛夌瓑銆傝繖浜涜瘝璇鍜岀煭璇甯稿父鐢ㄤ簬鎻忚堪娑夊强淇濆瘑鎴栭殣钘忕殑浜嬬墿銆佽屼负鎴栫姸镐併

