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宁国市亲子教育哪里找 2025-02-12 03:12:47
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同学之间的话怎么写 2025-02-12 03:10:18


发布时间: 2024-05-19 22:52:39

① 介绍一些篮球术语英文的!


投 篮 方 式 篇
nk 灌篮
bank shot 擦板球
double pump 拉杆式投篮
fade-away shot 后仰式跳投
hook shot 钩射投篮
jump shot 跳投
layup 带球上篮
perimeter shot 中距离投篮
set shot 立定投篮
three-point shot 三分球

统 计 术 语 篇
assist 助攻
block shot 阻攻
defensive rebound 防守篮板球
field goal percentage 投球命中率
field goal 投球命中
free throw percentage 罚球命中率
free throw 罚球
offensive rebound 进攻篮板球
rebound 篮板球
scoring 得分
steal 抄截
three-point shot percentage 三分球命中率
turnover 失误

场 地 装 备 篇

backboard 篮板
back court 后场
freethrow lane 罚球圈
freethrow line 罚球线
front court 前场
game clock 比赛用时钟
halftime 中场休息时间
hoop 篮框,篮圈
mid-court 中场
net 篮网
painted area 罚球圈
restricted area near the basket 禁区内篮框下的小圆圈区域
rim 篮框,篮圈
scoring table 记录台,记分台
shot clock 时限钟
three-point line 三分线
top of the circle 靠近禁区顶端的三分球线雹辩附近
wing (左、右两边)底线区域

规 则 篇
blocking foul 阻袜肆升挡犯规
buzzer 蜂鸣器
charging foul (带球)撞人(犯规)
dead ball 死球
defensive basket interference 防守方干扰投篮得分
delay of game 阻碍比赛之正常进行
disqualification 犯满离场
double dribble 两次运球
ejection 驱逐出场告老
elbowing 打拐子
expiration 时间终了
first half 上半场
first period 比赛的第一节
flagrant foul 恶性犯规
foul 犯规
foul out 犯满离场
foul trouble 快要犯满离场
full timeout 全时(100秒的)暂停
goaltending 干扰投篮得分
hand-checking 以手掌推挡对方进攻球员之犯规动作
held ball 持球
illegal defense 防守违例
illegal offense 进攻违例
jump ball 争球,跳球
loose ball foul 双方均无持球权时的犯规
offensive basket interference 进攻方干扰投篮得分
out of bound 球出界线
overtime 加时赛
referee 裁判
second half 下半场
shot clock violation 违反24秒内必须投篮时限之规定
substitute 换人
suspension 停止出赛
technical foul 技术犯规
ten-second violation 进攻方10秒钟之违例
three-second violation (篮下)3秒钟之违例
throw a punch 出拳打架
throw in 发球入场
traveling / walking 走步
twenty-second timeout 只有20秒钟之暂停

战 术 篇
backdoor cut 从两边底线往篮下的战术
block out 把对方球员挡住,使其不易抢到篮球
cut 切入
double team 用两位防守球员包夹进攻球员
dribble out the time / milk the time away 进攻方以运球方式消耗掉比赛所剩下时间
fast break 快攻
foul strategy 犯规战术
give and go (进攻方持球球员的)传切战术
jockey for position (篮下)卡位
one-one-one defense 人盯人防守
pick and roll (进攻方做掩饰之球员的)挡切战术
post-up play (进攻方持球球员背对篮框)单吃对方防守
triple team 用三位防守球员包夹进攻球员
zone defense 区域防守,区域联防

比 赛 篇
away game / road game 客场比赛
final 总决赛
first round 首轮比赛
guest team 客队
home court 主场
home court advantage 主场优势
home game 主场比赛
home team 主队
losing streak 连败场数
post season 季后赛
regular season 季赛
schele 赛程
semi-final 准决赛
standings 战绩
winning streak 连胜场数

NBA 球队一览表
Golden State Warriors 金州勇士队
LA Clippers 洛杉矶快艇队
LA Lakers 洛杉矶湖人队
Phoenix Suns 凤凰城太阳队
Portland Trailblazers 波特兰开拓者队
Sacramento Kings 萨克拉门托国王队
Seattle Supersonics 西雅图超音速队
Dallas Mavericks 达拉斯小牛队
Denver Nuggets 丹佛掘金队
Houston Rockets 休斯敦火箭队
Minnesota Timberwolves 明尼苏达森林狼队
Utah Jazz 犹他爵士队
Vancouver Grizzlies 温哥华灰熊队
Miami Heat 迈阿密热浪队
New York Knickerbockers 纽约尼克斯队
Philadelphia 76ers 费城七六人队
Orlando Magic 奥兰多魔术队
Boston Celtics 波士顿凯尔特人队
New Jersey Nets 新泽西网队
Washington Wizards 华盛顿奇才队
Atlanta Hawks 亚特兰大老鹰队
Charlotte Hornets 夏洛特黄蜂队
Chicago Bulls 芝加哥公牛队
Cleveland Cavaliers 克里夫兰骑士队
Detroit Pistons 底特律活塞队
Indiana Pacers 印地安纳步行者队
Milwaukee Bucks 密尔沃基雄鹿队
Toronto Raptors 多伦多猛龙队

② 镓链夋渶甯哥敤镄勭鐞冩湳璇鐢ㄨ嫳璇镐庢牱璁澶х炰滑甯甯蹇

NBA绡鐞冩湳璇 鎶旷鏂瑰纺 (slam) nk锛(寮哄姏)𨱔岀 bank shot锛氭摝𨱒跨悆 double pump锛氭媺𨱒嗗纺鎶旷 fade-away shot锛氩悗浠板纺璺虫姇 hook shot锛氶挬灏勬姇绡 jump shot锛氲烦鎶 layup锛氩甫鐞冧笂绡 perimeter shot锛氢腑璺濈绘姇绡 set shot锛氱珛瀹氭姇绡 three-point shot锛氢笁鍒嗙悆 缁熻℃湳璇 assist锛氩姪锷 block shot锛氶樆鏀伙纴鐩栫伀阌呭効 defensive rebound锛氶槻瀹堢𨱒跨悆 field goal percentage锛氭姇鐞冨懡涓鐜 field goal锛氭姇鐞冨懡涓 free throw percentage锛氱綒鐞冨懡涓鐜 free throw锛氱綒鐞 offensive rebound锛氲繘鏀荤𨱒跨悆 rebound锛氱𨱒跨悆 scoring锛氩缑鍒 steal锛氭妱鎴 three-point shot percentage锛氢笁鍒嗙悆锻戒腑鐜 turnover锛氩け璇 鍦哄湴瑁呭 backboard锛氱𨱒 back court锛氩悗鍦 free throw lane锛氱綒鐞冨湀锛岀佸尯 Free throw line锛氱綒鐞幂嚎 front court锛氩墠鍦 game clock锛氭瘆璧涚敤镞堕挓 halftime锛氢腑鍦轰紤鎭镞堕棿 hoop锛氱妗嗭纴绡鍦 mid-court锛氢腑鍦 net锛氱缃 painted area锛氱綒鐞冨湀锛岀佸尯 rim锛氱妗嗭纴绡鍦 restricted area near the basket锛氱佸尯鍐呯妗嗕笅镄勫皬鍦嗗湀鍖哄烟 scoring table锛氲板綍鍙帮纴璁板垎鍙 shot clock锛氭椂闄愰挓锛24绉掕缭渚嬶级 three-point line锛氢笁鍒嗭纸鐞冿级绾 top of the circle锛氶潬杩戠佸尯椤剁涔嬩笁鍒嗭纸鐞冿级绾块梼杩 wing锛氾纸宸︺佸彸涓よ竟锛夊簳绾垮尯锘 瑙勫垯 blocking foul锛氶樆鎸$姱瑙 delay of game锛氶樆纰嶆瘆璧涗箣姝e父杩涜 charging foul锛氾纸甯︾悆锛夋挒浜猴纸鐘瑙勶级 dead ball锛氭荤悆锛埚仠姝㈡瘆璧涜繘琛屾椂娈碉级 defensive basket interference锛氶槻瀹堟柟骞叉𡒄鎶旷寰楀垎 buzzer锛氾纸姣旇禌鐢ㄧ殑锛夎渹楦e櫒锛堣〃绀烘椂闂寸粓浜嗭纴鎹浜衡︾瓑锛 disqualification锛氱姱婊$诲満锛屸沧瘯涓气 double dribble锛氢袱娆¤繍鐞冿纸杩濅緥锛 ejection锛氶┍阃愬嚭鍦 elbowing锛氭墦𨰾愬瓙 expiration (of game, first half钬)锛(鍏ㄥ満姣旇禌锛屼笂鍗婂満钬︾殑姣旇禌)镞堕棿缁堜简 hand-checking锛氢互镓嬫帉鎺ㄦ尅瀵规柟杩涙敾鐞冨憳涔嬬姱瑙勫姩浣 first (second, third, fourth) period锛氭瘆璧涚琗鑺 full timeout锛氩叏镞(100绉掔殑)𨱌傚仠 foul锛氱姱瑙 foul out锛氱姱婊$诲満锛屸沧瘯涓气 foul trouble锛氩揩瑕佺姱婊$诲満锛屸滈嗗埌涓寮犲嗳姣曚笟璇佷功钬 five ticks left on the (game clock, shot clock钬)锛(鍏ㄥ満姣旇禌锛屾椂闄愰挓涓娾︾殑)镞堕棿鍙鍓╀笅5绉挜挓 goaltending锛氩共镓版姇绡寰楀垎 first half锛氢笂鍗婂満 held ball锛氭寔鐞冿纸鍙屾柟鍧囨寔鐞冧笉鏀撅级 illegal defense锛氶槻瀹堣缭渚 illegal offense锛氲繘鏀昏缭渚嬶纸瑙乮solation锛 isolation锛氩洓浣嶈繘鏀荤悆锻桦湪涓杈癸纴钥岀敱绗浜斾綅鐞冨憳鍗曞悆瀵规柟阒插畧鐞冨憳 offensive basket interference锛氲繘鏀绘柟骞叉𡒄鎶旷寰楀垎 loose ball foul锛氩弻鏂瑰潎镞犳寔鐞冩潈镞剁殑鐘瑙勶纸阃氩父鍙戠敓浜庡弻鏂逛簤澶虹𨱒跨悆镞讹级 jump ball锛氢簤鐞冿纴璺崇悆 out of bound锛氱悆鍑虹晫绾匡纸鍗冧竾涓嶈佽硙utside锛 overtime锛氩姞镞惰禌锛屽欢闀胯禌 referee锛氲佸垽 ten-second violation锛氲繘鏀绘柟10绉挜挓鍐呮湭甯︾悆杩囦腑鍦轰箣杩濅緥 shot clock violation锛氲缭鍙24绉掑唴蹇呴’鎶旷(骞朵笖鐞冨繀椤昏Е鍙婄妗)镞堕檺涔嬭勫畾 substitute锛氭崲浜(涓婂満銆佷笅鍦) suspension锛氩仠姝㈠嚭璧涳纸涔嫔勭綒锛 technical foul锛氭妧链鐘瑙 second half锛氢笅鍗婂満 three-second violation锛氾纸绡涓嬶级3绉挜挓涔嬭缭渚 throw a punch锛氩嚭𨰾虫墦鏋 throw in锛氩彂鐞冨叆鍦 traveling锛氾纸甯︾悆锛夎蛋姝 twenty-second timeout锛氩彧链20绉挜挓涔嬫殏锅 walking锛氾纸甯︾悆锛夎蛋姝 flagrant foul锛氭伓镐х姱瑙 鎴樻湳 backdoor cut锛氢粠涓よ竟搴旷嚎寰绡涓嬬殑鎴樻湳 one-one-one defense锛氢汉鐩浜洪槻瀹 cut锛氩垏鍏 double team锛氱敤涓や綅阒插畧鐞冨憳鍖呭す杩涙敾鐞冨憳 dribble out the time锛氲繘鏀绘柟浠ヨ繍鐞冩柟寮忔秷钥楁帀姣旇禌镓鍓╀笅镞堕棿 eat up the clock锛氲繘鏀绘柟浠ヨ繍鐞冩垨浼犵悆鏂瑰纺娑堣楁帀姣旇禌镓鍓╀笅镞堕棿 fast break锛氩揩鏀 foul strategy锛氱姱瑙勬垬链 give and go锛氾纸杩涙敾鏂规寔鐞幂悆锻樼殑锛変紶鍒囨垬链 jockey for position锛氾纸绡涓嬶级鍗′綅 milk the time away锛氲繘鏀绘柟浠ヨ繍鐞冩垨浼犵悆鏂瑰纺娑堣楁帀姣旇禌镓鍓╀笅镞堕棿 block out锛氭妸瀵规柟鐞冨憳鎸′綇锛屼娇鍏朵笉鏄揿己鍒扮鐞冭禌锛屽崱浣 pick and roll锛氾纸杩涙敾鏂瑰仛鎺╂姢涔嬬悆锻樼殑锛夋尅鍒囨垬链 post-up play锛氾纸杩涙敾鏂规寔鐞幂悆锻樿儗瀵圭妗嗭级鍗曞悆瀵规柟阒插畧鐞冨憳涔嬫垬链 triple team锛氱敤涓変綅阒插畧鐞冨憳鍖呭す杩涙敾鐞冨憳 zone defense锛氩尯锘熼槻瀹堬纴鍖哄烟镵旈槻 锷ㄤ綔 (throw a) baseball pass锛氾纸蹇鏀绘椂锛夐暱浼 (shoot) an air ball锛(鎶)绡澶栫┖蹇幂悆锛屸滈溃鍖呪 behind-the-back dribble锛氲儗钖庯纸鎹㈡坠锛夎繍鐞 carrying the ball锛气灭炕鐞冣 cross-leg dribble锛氲傥涓嬭繍鐞 dribble锛氲繍鐞 driving to the hoop锛氩甫鐞冧笂绡 four-point play锛氭姇杩3鍒嗙悆钖庡洜琚鐘瑙勫啀缃氲繘涓鍒 hacking锛氭墦镓嬬姱瑙 holding锛氭媺镓嬬姱瑙 make the basket锛氭姇绡寰楀垎 make the hoop锛氭姇绡寰楀垎 monster nk锛氱妫鐚涚亴绡 nothing but the net锛氱┖蹇幂悆锛埚叆绡锛 palming锛气灭炕鐞冣 reverse nk锛氩掔亴绡 reverse lay-up锛氩弽镓嬭蛋绡 shoot behind the arc锛氭姇涓夊垎鐞 score a basket锛氭姇绡寰楀垎 swish锛氱┖蹇幂悆锛埚叆绡锛 tap in锛氭墭鐞冨叆绡 three-point play锛氭姇杩2鍒嗙悆钖庡洜琚鐘瑙勫啀缃氲繘涓鍒 鐞冮槦 assistant coach锛氩姪鐞嗘暀缁 backcourt锛氩悗鍗缁勶纸鍖呮嫭鎺х悆钖庡崼鍙婂缑鍒嗗悗鍗锛 backup锛氩悗澶囷纸镟挎崲锛屾敮鎸侊级鐞冨憳 bench锛氾纸鎸囧叏浣掳级钖庡囷纸镟挎崲锛屾敮鎸侊级鐞冨憳 bench player锛氾纸鎸囦釜浜猴级钖庡囷纸镟挎崲锛屾敮鎸侊级鐞冨憳 coach锛氭暀缁 frontline锛氶攱绾匡纸鍖呮嫭澶у墠阌嬶纴灏忓墠阌嬶纴涓阌嬶级 GM锛坓eneral manager锛夛细鐞冮槦缁忕悊 Mascot锛氱悆阒熷悏绁ョ墿 MVP锛氭渶链変环鍊肩悆锻 one-guard锛氭带鐞冨悗鍗 point guard锛氭带鐞冨悗鍗 power forward锛氩ぇ鍓嶉攱锛埚张绉4鍙蜂綅缃鐞冨憳锛 rookie锛氱浜屽勾鐞冨憳锛岃彍楦燂纸鐞冨憳锛 shooting guard锛氩缑鍒嗗悗鍗 sixth man锛氱鍏浜 small forward锛氩皬鍓嶉攱锛埚张绉3鍙蜂綅缃鐞冨憳锛 sophomore锛氱浜屽勾鐞冨憳 starter锛氾纸鎸囦釜浜猴级鍏埚彂鐞冨憳 starting lineup锛氾纸鎸囧叏浣掳级鍏埚彂鐞冨憳 swingman:鎽囨憜浜猴纸鎸囧吋鑳芥媴浠诲缑鍒嗗悗鍗鍙婂皬鍓嶉攱镄勭悆锻桡级 trainer锛氱悆阒熻缁冨憳 two-guard锛氩缑鍒嗗悗鍗 veteran锛氲祫娣辩悆锻桡纴钥侀笩锛堢悆锻桡级 center涓阌嬶纸鍙堢О5鍙蜂綅缃鐞冨憳锛 姣旇禌 away game锛氩㈠満姣旇禌 final锛氭诲喅璧 first round锛氶栬疆姣旇禌 GB (games behind)锛氲惤钖庢垬缁╂渶棰嗗厛鐞冮槦镄勮儨鍦哄満鏁 guest team锛氩㈤槦 home court锛氢富鍦 home court advantage锛氢富鍦轰紭锷 home game锛氢富鍦烘瘆璧 home team锛氢富阒 losing streak锛氲繛璐ュ満鏁帮纴杩炶触绾褰 post season锛氩e悗璧 regular season锛氩h禌 road game锛氩㈠満姣旇禌 schele锛氲禌绋 semi-final锛氩嗳鍐宠禌 standings锛氭垬缁╋纸琛锛 winning streak锛氲繛鑳滃満鏁帮纴杩炶儨绾褰

③ 英文篮球术语


block shot:阻攻,盖火锅儿

defensive rebound:防守篮板球

field goal percentage:投球命中率

field goal:投球命中

free throw percentage:罚球命中率

free throw:罚球offensive rebound:进攻篮板球




three-point shot percentage:三分球命中率


④ 关于篮球场英语问题

Essential Terms 常用术语
additional free throw追加罚篮
air dribble空中运球
air pass 空中传球
all-court press全场紧逼
all-star game全明星比赛
allocation of players布置队员位置
arch dribble弧线运球
around the back pass 背后传球
around the rim在篮圈上转
assist 助攻
back court后场
bad toss 抛球不正
baseline shot端线投篮
basket post篮架柱
bench player替补队员
blocking a shot盖帽
blocked shots盖帽次数
bounce pass击地传球
boundaly lines界线
break loose摆脱
bucket play中锋策应
build-ap to a contest赛前强化训练
call the switch打招呼换防
carom shot擦板球
centre circle中圈
centre formation 中圈跳球阵容
centre jump 中圈跳球
centre line 中线
centre toss中圈抛球
change-of-dilection dribble变向运球
change sides换边
chest pass胸前传球
chest shot胸前投篮
clean game犯规少的比赛
close-in shot近距离投篮
close man-to-man盯人防守
combination defence混合防守
consolation competition安慰赛
controled offence控制性进攻
closs over换手运球
cross pass横传球
cross shot反手投篮
dead ball死球
deep post内中锋
defensive basket本方篮
double pick双人掩护
double pivot attack 双中锋进攻
down-the-middle lay-up shot从正面上篮
draw fouls造成对方犯规
draw lots抽签
drawn game和局
dribbler's path运球线路
drive in运球突破
dlive shot运球投篮
exhibition match表演赛
fake drive and shot做过人的假动作后投篮
fake left drive right从左做假动作后从右面突破
fake pass假传球
field goals(除罚球外的)投中次数
field-goal percentage投篮命中率
first quarter第一节
flash card示分牌
floor position场上位置
rollow-up shot补篮
fourth quarter第四节
free throw罚球
free throws罚中次数
free throw circle罚球圈
free thrower罚球队员
free throw line罚球线
free throw percentage罚球命中率
goal attempts投篮次数
goal average得分率
goal from a free throw罚球中篮
goal throw投篮
half-court lateral press半场横列阵式紧逼防守
half-court tandem press半场纵列阵式紧逼防守
half-hook shot半勾手投篮
hall of fame名人堂
hand-eye cordination手眼协调
hang up one's sneaker挂靴,退出运动界
high arch shot高弧度投篮
high post外中锋,外策应
high post area外策应地带
high post man外策应队员
hook pass勾手传球
hook shot勾手投篮
hot shot投篮准的运动员
inaccurate shooting投篮不准
inside shot篮下投篮
invitational tournament邀请赛
jump shot跳投
jump-twist shot转体跳投
last eight前8名
lay up the shot上篮
leaping ability弹跳力
left guard左后卫
live ball活球
loose man无人防守的进攻队员
make a goal from outside外围投中得分
miss shot投篮未中
miss pass传球失误
neutral zone中立区
no goal投中无效
official ball比赛用球
one-hand pass单手传球
one-hand jump-twist shot单手转体卯度跳投
one-harld set shot单手原地投篮
one-hand shot单手投篮
opponent's basket 对方球篮
out-side post外中锋
own basket本方球篮
pass the ball传球
passive defence消积防守
personal fouls个人犯规次数
pivot area策应区
pivot on one foot以单脚为轴转身
play maker控制球组织进攻的队员
pre-season practice赛季前训练
pressure defence紧逼防守
pushing , charging or trapping推,撞,拉(对方)
receive the ball接球
regular season常规赛季
reverse lay up反身投篮
reverse post迂回策应
right field右锋
right guard右后卫
routine training日常训练
running score累积分
see-sawing battle拉锯战
set shot定位投篮
sharp shooter 神投手
shooting at the basket投篮
shooting from long range远距离投篮
single pivot 单中锋
slide 滑步
slow break慢攻
standing dribble原地运球
steal the ball夺球
step on the line 踩线
stride lay up跨步上篮
super star超级明星
tap the ball拍球
ten-second violation十秒钟违例
thirty- second operator三十秒操作员
three-point basket三分篮
three-point field goal area三分投篮区
three second rule三秒钟规则
time in恢复比赛
top scorer得分最高的球员
toss for baskets 掷钱币选定球篮
travel rule 带球走规则
trial 比分落后
triple pivot attack 三中锋进攻
two pointer两分篮
wing 边锋
zonal defence 区域防守

⑤ 介绍一些篮球术语英文的!


投 篮 方 式 篇
nk 灌篮
bank shot 擦板球
double pump 拉杆式投篮
fade-away shot 后仰式跳投
hook shot 钩射投篮
jump shot 跳投
layup 带球上篮
perimeter shot 中距离投篮
set shot 立定投篮
three-point shot 三分球

统 计 术 语 篇
assist 助攻
block shot 阻攻
defensive rebound 防守篮板球
field goal percentage 投球命中率
field goal 投球命中
free throw percentage 罚球命中率
free throw 罚球
offensive rebound 进攻篮板球
rebound 篮板球
scoring 得分
steal 抄截
three-point shot percentage 三分球命中率
turnover 失误

场 地 装 备 篇

backboard 篮板
back court 后场
freethrow lane 罚球圈
freethrow line 罚球线
front court 前场
game clock 比赛用时钟
halftime 中场休息时间
hoop 篮框,篮圈
mid-court 中场
net 篮网
painted area 罚球圈
restricted area near the basket 禁区内篮框下的小圆圈区域
rim 篮框,篮圈
scoring table 记录台,记分台
shot clock 时限钟
three-point line 三分线
top of the circle 靠近禁区顶端的三分球线附近
wing (左、右两边)底线区域

规 则 篇
blocking foul 阻挡犯规
buzzer 蜂鸣器
charging foul (带球)撞人(犯规)
dead ball 死球
defensive basket interference 防守方干扰投篮得分
delay of game 阻碍比赛之正常进行
disqualification 犯满离场
double dribble 两次运球
ejection 驱逐出场
elbowing 打拐子
expiration 时间终了
first half 上半场
first period 比赛的第一节
flagrant foul 恶性犯规
foul 犯规
foul out 犯满离场
foul trouble 快要犯满离场
full timeout 全时(100秒的)暂停
goaltending 干扰投篮得分
hand-checking 以手掌推挡对方进攻球员之犯规动作
held ball 持球
illegal defense 防守违例
illegal offense 进攻违例
jump ball 争球,跳球
loose ball foul 双方均无持球权时的犯规
offensive basket interference 进攻方干扰投篮得分
out of bound 球出界线
overtime 加时赛
referee 裁判
second half 下半场
shot clock violation 违反24秒内必须投篮时限之规定
substitute 换人
suspension 停止出赛
technical foul 技术犯规
ten-second violation 进攻方10秒钟之违例
three-second violation (篮下)3秒钟之违例
throw a punch 出拳打架
throw in 发球入场
traveling / walking 走步
twenty-second timeout 只有20秒钟之暂停

战 术 篇
backdoor cut 从两边底线往篮下的战术
block out 把对方球员挡住,使其不易抢到篮球
cut 切入
double team 用两位防守球员包夹进攻球员
dribble out the time / milk the time away 进攻方以运球方式消耗掉比赛所剩下时间
fast break 快攻
foul strategy 犯规战术
give and go (进攻方持球球员的)传切战术
jockey for position (篮下)卡位
one-one-one defense 人盯人防守
pick and roll (进攻方做掩饰之球员的)挡切战术
post-up play (进攻方持球球员背对篮框)单吃对方防守
triple team 用三位防守球员包夹进攻球员
zone defense 区域防守,区域联防

比 赛 篇
away game / road game 客场比赛
final 总决赛
first round 首轮比赛
guest team 客队
home court 主场
home court advantage 主场优势
home game 主场比赛
home team 主队
losing streak 连败场数
post season 季后赛
regular season 季赛
schele 赛程
semi-final 准决赛
standings 战绩
winning streak 连胜场数

NBA 球队一览表
Golden State Warriors 金州勇士队
LA Clippers 洛杉矶快艇队
LA Lakers 洛杉矶湖人队
Phoenix Suns 凤凰城太阳队
Portland Trailblazers 波特兰开拓者队
Sacramento Kings 萨克拉门托国王队
Seattle Supersonics 西雅图超音速队
Dallas Mavericks 达拉斯小牛队
Denver Nuggets 丹佛掘金队
Houston Rockets 休斯敦火箭队
Minnesota Timberwolves 明尼苏达森林狼队
Utah Jazz 犹他爵士队
Vancouver Grizzlies 温哥华灰熊队
Miami Heat 迈阿密热浪队
New York Knickerbockers 纽约尼克斯队
Philadelphia 76ers 费城七六人队
Orlando Magic 奥兰多魔术队
Boston Celtics 波士顿凯尔特人队
New Jersey Nets 新泽西网队
Washington Wizards 华盛顿奇才队
Atlanta Hawks 亚特兰大老鹰队
Charlotte Hornets 夏洛特黄蜂队
Chicago Bulls 芝加哥公牛队
Cleveland Cavaliers 克里夫兰骑士队
Detroit Pistons 底特律活塞队
Indiana Pacers 印地安纳步行者队
Milwaukee Bucks 密尔沃基雄鹿队
Toronto Raptors 多伦多猛龙队

⑥ 篮球场上的常用英语


2、man-to-man defense (一对一盯人防守)

3、zone defense(区域联防)

4、overtime (延长赛)

5、jump-shot (跳投)

6、center (中锋)

7、forward (前锋)

8、guard (后卫)

9、air-ball (篮球空心球)

10、put up (尝试投篮)

11、free-throw (罚球线/罚球)

12、block (盖帽)

13、brick (重击篮球框的球)

14、hit (撞)

15、rebound (碰到篮板弹回)

16、后仰跳投:又称“fade away”。


18、立定投篮:又称“set shoot”。









