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老同学你跑到哪里了 2025-02-13 03:15:46
手机怎么登同学的校园网 2025-02-13 03:13:24


发布时间: 2024-04-17 02:24:27

‘壹’ 璋佹湁浠嬬粛涓锲戒紶缁熸枃鍖栫殑鑻辫浣沧枃





Hi, Tony!

I'm glad that you will come to Beijing soon. There are many places of interest where you can experience the traditional Chinese culture in Beijing, but I'd like to take you to Nanluoguxiang.

銆銆First, we can take a walk along the lanes in Hutong to feel the architectural style of the old buildings like Siheyuan and local people's way of life. Besides, you can have a talk with the residents to know more about the history about Hutong. What钬檚 more, we can try all kinds of local foods on the way. And you can buy some paper cuttings as gifts for your friends. When we feel tired, it's a good choice for us to go to a tea house. There, we can taste all kinds of Chinese tea and get a lot of knowledge about tea. Most importantly, we can watch Peking Opera while drinking tea, which is a typical art to reflect Beijing humanities features.

銆銆As for the reason why we go there, I think it can make you better experience traditional Chinese tea culture, the food culture and the characteristics of the old residence in Beijing.

銆銆I钬檓 looking forward to your coming.

缈昏疟鍡锛屾墭灏硷紒鎴戝緢楂桦叴浣犲緢蹇灏变细𨱒ュ寳浜銆傚寳浜链夎稿氩悕鑳滃彜杩癸纴浣犲彲浠ュ湪闾i噷浣挞獙涓锲界殑浼犵粺鏂囧寲锛屼絾鎴戞兂甯︿綘铡 Nanluoguxiang銆傞栧厛锛屾垜浠鍙浠ユ部镌鑳″悓镄勫皬宸锋暎姝ワ纴镒熷弹锲涘悎闄㈢瓑钥佸缓绛戠殑寤虹瓒椋庢牸鍜屽綋鍦颁汉镄勭敓娲绘柟寮忋傛ゅ栵纴浣犺缮鍙浠ュ拰灞呮皯浜よ皥锛屼简瑙f洿澶氩叧浜庤儭钖岀殑铡嗗彶銆傛洿閲嶈佺殑鏄锛屾垜浠鍙浠ュ皾璇曞悇绉嶅綋鍦扮殑椋熺墿鍦ㄩ斾腑銆备綘鍙浠ヤ拱涓浜涘壀绾镐綔涓虹ぜ鐗╅佺粰浣犵殑链嫔弸銆傚綋鎴戜滑镒熷埌绱镄勬椂鍊欙纴铡昏尪棣嗘槸涓涓嶉敊镄勯夋嫨銆傚湪闾i噷锛屾垜浠鍙浠ュ搧灏濆悇绉嶅悇镙风殑涓锲借尪锛屽苟銮峰缑浜嗗緢澶氩叧浜庤尪镄勭煡璇嗐傛渶閲嶈佺殑鏄锛屾垜浠鍙浠ヤ竴杈瑰枬锣朵竴杈圭湅浜鍓э纴杩欐槸涓绉崭綋鐜板寳浜浜烘枃鐗硅壊镄勫吀鍨嬭压链銆傝呖浜庢垜浠涓轰粈涔埚幓闾i噷锛屾垜璁や负瀹冨彲浠ヨ╀綘镟村ソ鍦颁綋楠屼腑锲戒紶缁熺殑锣舵枃鍖栥侀ギ椋熸枃鍖栧拰鍖椾含钥佸毕镄勭壒镩层傛垜链熷緟镌浣犵殑鍒版潵銆


The Lantern Festival in China is an important traditional festival. The fifteenth day is the first months a year round night, is also a yuan after beginning, the earth rejuvenation of the night, people tries to celebrate, also is the continuation of the Chinese New Year celebration, so say again "or shang yuan festival", namely the fifteenth day lunar calendar. In the ancient book, this one day called "; ", its night says "YuanYe", "yuan xi" or "lantern". And this one name yuan xiao still used today.
缈昏疟锛氩厓瀹佃妭鏄鎴戝浗涓涓閲嶈佺殑浼犵粺鑺傛棩銆傛f湀鍗佷簲镞ユ槸涓骞翠腑绗涓涓链埚浑涔嫔滐纴涔熸槸涓鍏冨嶅嬶纴澶у湴锲炴槬镄勫沧櫄锛屼汉浠瀵规ゅ姞浠ュ简绁濓纴涔熸槸搴呜春鏂版槬镄勫欢缁 锛屽洜姝ゅ张绉扳滀笂鍏冭妭钬濓纴鍗抽槾铡嗘f湀鍗佷簲镞ャ傚湪鍙や功涓锛岃繖涓澶╃О涓衡滀笂鍏冣濓纴鍏跺灭О钬滃厓澶溾濄佲滃厓澶曗濇垨钬滃厓瀹碘濄傝屽厓瀹佃繖涓钖岖О涓鐩存部鐢ㄨ呖浠娿


Today is Mid-autumn Festival, which is one of the most important festivals in China. My mom was busy in the morning because we had a big dinner with my relatives tonight. We went to the supermarkets to buy a lot of food and fruits, and of course, some mooncakes.
During the dinner, we ate, talked and laughed. We enjoyed the food and mooncakes.
After the dinner, my cousins and I went to the park to play. The moon was full and round. We lit up the lanterns and played around in the park. It was fun.


‘贰’ 鍏充簬涓锲界殑鑻辨枃浠嬬粛

As is well known to us all,China is one of four ancient and civilizational countries in the world. In fact ,It has a more long history than we have ever known. Because of this, many ancient architectures and all sorts of historical books are often found in different places in china . In china ,It's easier for you to find a person than you can in any countries.that is,China has the largest number of population on the Earth,which,however,also puts great burden on our country.



‘叁’ Chinese Culture涓洪桡纴鍐欎竴绡囱嫳璇浣沧枃锛岃皥璋堜綘瀵逛腑锲芥枃鍖栫殑浜呜В鍜屾劅鍙

In recent years, there are more and more Confucius Institutes being built all around the world, which shows that our Chinese culture become much more popular than ever. As one of the four ancient civilizations, China has long history and creates many splendid cultures. The ancient culture once had great influence on the world, such as Japan, South Korea and other Asian and European countries.
From the respect of school, Confucianism, Mohism, Taoism, and Legalism are the main schools created in ancient China, and they also have great influence on the Modern China and the world, especially the Confucianism. They deeply root in traditional Chinese culture and people钬檚 daily lives.
Specially, kung fu, traditional Chinese painting, poem, opera, cooking, clothing, architecture and many other kinds of cultural forms make up the splendid Chinese culture. The kinds listed above are the typical ones which connect to each other at the same time. For example, painting, clothing and architecture has many things in common. And each kind of cultural form contains numerous intentions.
In short, Chinese culture are the accumulation of Chinese history, which makes Chinese culture colorful and prosperous. If one wants to know or study Chinese culture deeply, he or she must spend much time in it, otherwise he or she can only get the tip of an iceberg.