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发布时间: 2022-09-11 20:40:01

① 美国的英文简介`!

美国大约有悠久的历史,并顺手能否成功一种可怕的障碍,但是,如果处理得当,就有可能成为驱动 force.when美国刚刚进入这样一个光辉的时期结束后,第二次大战后,它有一个 市场八次大于任何竞争对手,这使该行业的无与伦比的经济scale.its科学家获得了世界上最好的,它的工人 最skilled.american和美国人的繁荣beyongd的梦想,欧洲人和亚洲人的economeics战争 摧毁. 这是不可避免的,这至高无上要缩小与其他国家的增长richer.just所难免,退出predominace证明 painful.by八十年代,美国人发现自己在一个黄土对其衰落工业competitiveness.some庞大的美国工业,如 消费类电子产品,另一方面可以缩小或消失,在面对外来competitiong.by1987年世界上只有一个美国电视makerleft,顶. (现 thereisnone:zenith是买southkorea'slgelectronics7). 外国制造的汽车和纺织品sweeeping传入国内market.america's 工具机业的ropes.for一阵子看起来仿佛makeing半导体,whidh美国不得不发明 而坐在位于新的电脑时代,将是下一步caualty. 这一切引起了危机confidenc.理所当然. 他们开始相信自己的路 做生意是失败的,而且,他们的收入将因此shourtly开始下降等. 心带1980 一项调查后进入另一原因ofamerica的连绵decline. 越来越competitiong来自海外. 怎么东西都变了! i1995美国能在回顾过去五年的经济增长势头,而日本已 struggling.few美国人属性这种自我怀疑,取得了盲目的骄傲. "美国的工业已经改变了结构,已经持续了 饮食方面,也学会了更敏捷灵活,"据理乍得cavanagh,行政院长哈佛"s肯尼迪政府学院. '这令我 骄傲的是,美国只是看看我们的企业正在改善theirproctivity,"斯蒂芬说,穆尔的卡托研究所 一个智库在华盛顿和威廉sahlman的哈佛商学院认为,人们在回顾这段 perido称为"黄金时代商业管理,在美国,"

② 用英语介绍一下美国。

The United States belong to North America, mainly include three parts of mainland, Alaska and Hawaii, the area amounts to ten million meters of squares of 930 remainings, residing the fourth in the world, total population about 270,000,000, reside the 3 in the world, but the United States can be divided into 56 states again, among them woulding be Alaska biggestly.
The United States is the most economic flourishing one of the nation in the world, being the superpower of it still have the military real strenght of the male , but, this also come to a decision its hegemonism route, recent gulf war, Afghanistan war and Iraqi wars all have something to do with it. The American capital city is Washington, but the economic center is in New York, the main city contain New York, Los Angeles, Chicago,Houston , Washington, Seattle, Hawaii etc..

An American friend has invited you to visit his family. You’ve never been to an American’s home before, and you’re not sure what to do. Should you take a gift? How should you dress? What time should you arrive? What should you do when you get there? Glad you asked. When you’re the guest, you should just make yourself at home. That’s what hospitality is all about: making people feel at home when they’re not

The question of whether or not to bring a gift often makes guests squirm. Giving your host a gift is not just a social nicety in some cultures-it’s expected. But in American culture, a guest is not obligated to bring a present. Of course, some people do bring a small token of appreciation to their host. Appropriate gifts for general occasions might be flowers, candy or-if the family has small children-toys. If you choose not to bring a gift, don’t worry. No one will even notice.
American hospitality begins at home-especially when it involves food. Most Americans agree that good home cooking beats restaurant food any day. When invited for a meal, you might ask, "Can I bring anything?" Unless it’s a potluck, where everyone brings a dish, the host will probably respond, "No, just yourself." For most informal dinners, you should wear comfortable, casual clothes. Plan to arrive on time, or else call to inform your hosts of the delay. During the dinner conversation, it’s customary to compliment the hostess on the wonderful meal. Of course, the biggest compliment is to eat lots of food!
When you’ve had plenty, you might offer to clear the table or wash the dishes. But since you’re the guest, your hosts may not let you. Instead, they may invite everyone to move to the living room for dessert with tea or coffee. After an hour or so of general chit-chat, it’s probably time to head for the door. You don’t want to wear out your welcome. And above all, don’t go snooping around the house. It’s more polite to wait for the host to offer you a guided tour. But except for
Americans usually like to have advance notice when people come to see them. Only very close friends drop by unannounced. This is especially true if the guests want to stay for a few days. Here’s a good rule of thumb for house guests: Short stays are best. As one 19th century French writer put it, "The first day a man is a guest, the second a burden, the third a pest." Even relatives don’t usually stay for several weeks at a time. While you’re staying with an American family, try to keep your living area neat and tidy. Your host family will appreciate your consideration. And they may even invite you back!
Most Americans consider themselves hospitable people. Folks in the southern United States, in particular, take pride in entertaining guests. In fact, "southern hospitality" has become legendary. But in all parts of America, people welcome their guests with open arms. So don’t be surprised to find the welcome mat out for you. Just don’t forget to wipe your feet.

Statue of Liberty, Barbie, "the United States Gothic," Buffalo nickel and Uncle Sam called five major symbol of American culture.
Since the Statue of Liberty in New York in 1886 to stand firm in the Bay, it has been the arrival of the new immigrants the promise of the American Dream.
The statue is a French artist from the United States to celebrate the independence of the US law designed Union, said the arms came from the beautiful statue of the artist's wife, and the vicissitudes resolute face is drawn from the artist's mother.

Queen Barbie doll is almost all girls, and even the alt female dolls preference.
Barbie was the inspiration for the creation of a United States handler toy company co-founder's daughter and his wife Barbara, their alt with a German on the basis of sexy doll in 1959 launched a decent authentic American Barbie doll. It is ironic that the couple's daughter handler favorite Barbie, but they hate the son of ken have it.
"American Gothic" might not be well known, but the portrait of the Old House Gothic windows, especially solemn expressions that do, and that the long neck to the wife of the artist famous night in 1930. The paintings performance of the United States farmers solemn pride.

Buffalo nickel in the 1913-1938 issue, the famous artists james earle fraser development of the western region of the victims of the United States - to commemorate the buffalo and Indians. Nickel on the bison and the Indians have a real prototype creation.

Uncle Sam - Americans alias, is a big high, white hair, leaving a handful of white beard, wearing a dark blue jacket, the head of the stars embellished Gaomao image.
Independent in the United States ring the revolutionary period, a sam wilson is the honest and hardworking young people responsible for the supply of meat to the United States military, after testing the meat to the printed on the ea-sa markings ea representatives meat company name, origin us on behalf of the United States. Later, the company was one of us staff deliberately translated into Uncle Sam; Since then, Uncle Sam's name on the soldiers in a spread. In a war, and ring World War II, artists montgomery flagg their image in the painting as Uncle Sam recruitment poster, Uncle Sam's access to a lasting image from the position.

Statue of Liberty presented from the United Kingdom, the United States, it represents the beliefs of "freedom"

Barbie is the origin of Hollywood, no long history of the United States, in the cultural conquest of the few others, and Barbie do well, it is consistent with the Americans conquer connotation.

As for the Gothic, I have it understood as architectural style, and the United States Gothic not clear.

Buffalo nickel to commemorate the historical development of the western region, the entire United States is now the most affluent areas.

Uncle Sam is not to mention, it was a period from the foundation of war in Washington.

"Soil and water support one side", "shaping the environment" when an "environment" After long and the same time have become a tradition, humanity has been to "create" and has been accepted.


③ 用简短的英语描述美国美国的国籍地方语言时间用英语表现出来

以简短英语:美国USA the United States of America ,美国的国籍 the nationality of the United States of America ,地方语言 Local Dialog ,时间 local time local time zones.

④ 急需介绍美国的英文资料


Culture of the United States
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from American culture)

This article serves as an overview of the customs and culture of the United States; for the "popular (pop) culture" of the United States, see arts and entertainment in the United States.
American culture is a Western culture, with influences from Europe, the Native American peoples, African Americans and to a lesser extent Asian Americans and other young groups of immigrants. The United States has traditionally been known as a melting pot, with a trend towards cultural diversity. [1] Due to the extent of American culture there are many integrated but unique subcultures within the United States.

Further information: Cultural history of the United States

The DeclarationThe formative years of the United States were the late 18th century when the country was founded, and a great deal of American culture is couched in the ideals of The Enlightenment. The Declaration of Independence's mission statement about securing life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; the French Revolution's ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity; and the national motto, E pluribus unum ("From many, one"), reflect the country's values and social development. Another primary influence on American culture is the constant stream of new immigrants, many of whom have fled persecution or oppression in their home countries, and are seeking freedom (including religious freedom) and economic opportunity, leading them to reject totalitarian practices.

By and large, Americans value the ideals of indivial liberty, indivialism, self-sufficiency, altruism, equality, Judeo-Christian morals, free markets, a republican form of government, democracy, populism, pluralism, feminism, and patriotism. (Americans often believe that their patriotism has nuances that differentiate it from nationalism and nationalism's negative connotations.)

Society and economic attitudes
There is a close relationship between America's political and economic traditions. It is widely believed that the indivial pursuit of self-interest leads to the best result both for the indivial and for society as a whole. It has been a successful formula for both economic success and optimal political function for many. The precise amount of indivial economic freedom that Americans should have is often debated, with the (usually relatively slight) differences in opinion marking the major differences between political parties. The end result, however, is that the U.S. economy has become the largest on earth, with most of its citizens enjoying comparatively high living standards.

The fact that the United States is the largest English-speaking marketplace allows firms to compete across the country and to enjoy economies of scale (cost rections that arise from the huge scale of manufacturing) that rece prices and benefit consumers. The relatively uniform commercial culture—with many large stores or "chains" operating nationwide—proces a commercial atmosphere that is relatively homogeneous throughout the country.

The population of the United States tends to be centered in large cities, in marked contrast to the demographics of a century ago, when the country was quite agrarian.

The United States is generally skeptical or hostile toward socialist and communist ideologies, but some of the related movements, such as the labor movement, became a defining part of America's heritage after the New Deal. The American process of Judicial Review caused the United States to be less affected by socialist ideas and policies in the 20th century than was Europe, because the Supreme Court overturned much labor legislation which in the Europen countries remained law[1]. The McCarthy Era and the Cold War as a whole demonstrated a deeply felt hostility to communism, which, especially at that time, was perceived as anti-indivialist, undemocratic, and essentially anti-American. They are also evidenced in aspects of social policy (for example, the absence of a national health care system and the constant controversy about the size and role of the government, especially the federal government, in indivials' lives and in states' laws).

The American tradition of free-market capitalism has led the populace (and their leaders) to generally accept the vicissitudes of the free market and the continuous alterations to society that a changing economy implies, although social and economic displacement are common. The result is a flexible, profit-oriented socioeconomic system.

Relationship to other countries/cultures
Some Americans exhibit ethnocentric or insular outlooks, with little interest in the culture or political developments of other countries. For example, as a possible result of this trait, comparatively few books from European countries or Japan are translated for sale in the United States and sales of those that are translated tend to be slow. Imported films are generally less successful than domestic proctions. Likewise, imported television shows are also rarely successful, except on PBS, although remakes of foreign shows are increasingly common (though there are of course exceptions, such as anime and Monty Python). This is emphasized in the Americanization of such television shows as The Office, Queer as Folk, Red Dwarf and even Dad's Army. In this process, the show is often rewritten and localized with American actors cast in the place of their British counterparts. By contrast, in many other countries, films and television programs proced abroad are broadcast unchanged (except for bbing/subtitling).

Americans also tend to travel to other countries less than citizens of European countries, for example, partly because international travel from the United States typically entails much further distances than for Europeans resulting in much higher costs. The average American worker has fewer vacation days than the average European (10-15 rather than the European average of around 20). America's vast size also enables its citizens to go great distances, and see a variety of places, without leaving the country. For example, one can travel within the continental United States from a near-tropical region (e.g. Southern Texas) to a frigid region (Minnesota). Lifestyles, food, and culture also tend to differ within the different regions.

Body contact and expression
In most regions of the U.S., public display of affection, as well as significant expression of emotion, was historically disapproved of and discouraged, prior to the mid-20th century. Such attitudes have seen considerable change, however, with the cultural revolutions of the 1960s and 1970s. There is considerable variation with respect to attitudes, mostly generational in nature, and while Americans are not generally as demonstrative of their affections as, say, Latin Americans or Southern Europeans, they are considerably more so than, for instance, the Northern Europeans or the Japanese, have been historically. Noticeable regional differences in norms of social expression also exist. For example, it is generally acceptable in the egalitarian Northeast (especially among younger Americans) for a female candidly to discuss sexuality and certain aspects of sexual behavior in conversation among friends, while such expression is usually recognized as socially taboo in the more genteel South.

The citizens and many other residents of the United States refer to themselves and each other as Americans, and to their country as the United States or as America. Non-Hispanic Americans understand, and may say, "the Americas" with the meaning of the two major continents of the Western hemisphere, but generally will resist using "America" in that sense, despite that designation's familiarity to Spanish speakers. While to many foreigners "Yankees" is synonymous with the American people, Americans almost always use the term for the sports team, for New Englanders, New Yorkers, or with reference to those living in the northeastern U.S. in contrast to Southerners. The major exception to that is Americans' occasional ironic usage of "Yankee" (or especially "Yank", construed by Americans as a British usage), in attempting to convey either striving to transcend American parochialism, or resignation to the failure of any such striving. "The States" is a term generally used when referring to the country from an overseas or Canadian vantage point. "The US" or "The U.S." is a casual, short-hand term.

When discussing the American Civil War, Americans use the phrase "the Union" to refer to the states that remained under the control of the federal government in Washington and did not secede to join the Confederacy. The phrase is also occasionally used in contemporary discussions of American federalism and states' rights.

Fairly formal terms, still short-hand, evoking patriotic observances (possibly with irony) are "U.S.A." (with or without the periods, and usually with "the"); a more marked version is "the U. S. of A." In the nineteenth century it was fairly common for Americans to refer to their nation simply as "the Republic," an appellation which has since fallen out of use. The official name of the nation, the "United States of America," is very formal and is most often used in formal government documents, pledges, or ceremonies, but not in colloquial conversations.

Intra-national allegiances

San Francisco's ChinatownBecause of the size and large population of the country, America is often described as a nation of joiners who tend to self-associate with non-familial groups. Indivials tend to perceive themselves as "free agents" rather than bound by family or clan ties.

Group allegiances are sometimes regional, but can also be related to a professional or fraternal organization. For example, residents of North Carolina are proud to be "Tar Heels," Indiana residents are "Hoosiers" and Texans are notorious for an especially prominent state pride often compared to nationalism. Many cities have a strong sense of civic identity, often reinforced by an innocuous but deeply felt rivalry with another local city. An example of such a rivalry exists between the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. A strong rivalry that continues to this day involves the cities of Boston and New York, which is centered around the historic rivalry in the sport of baseball between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox.

Recent immigrants tend to congregate with other immigrants from their country of origin, often establishing neighborhoods (sometimes called ethnic enclaves) in cities with popular names like "Chinatown", "Poletown", or "Little Saigon." Second- and third-generation descendants of immigrants tend to have looser affiliations with their ethnic groups.

America has tens of thousands of clubs and organizations, and if a group has a charitable or service orientation, Americans may volunteer their time through those groups. Examples of these groups include the Rotary Club, the Boy Scouts of America, Little League, etc.


A hamburger is a famous food in the United States.Main article: Cuisine of the United States

The types of food served at home vary greatly and depend upon the region of the country and the family's own cultural heritage. Americanized versions of these cultural foods, such as American Chinese cuisine, sometimes appear. Recent immigrants tend to eat food similar to that of their country of origin. Families that have lived for a few generations in the U.S. tend to eat some combination of that and the food common to the region they live in or grew up in, such as New England cuisine, Midwestern cuisine, Southern cuisine, Tex-Mex cuisine, and Californian cuisine.

Popular culture
Main Article: Arts and entertainment in the United States

The United States is known around the world for the films, shows, and musical performances that it proces. The biggest centers of popular American culture are New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Florida, and Las Vegas. Smaller venues such as Branson, Missouri and Nashville have become popular, but most cities host travelling proctions of popular Broadway shows.

Technology and gadgets
Main articles: Technological innovations of the United States

Americans, by and large, are often fascinated by new technology and new gadgets. Many of the new technological innovations in the modern world were either first invented in the United States and/or first widely adopted by Americans. Examples include: the lightbulb, automobiles, the airplane, the transistor, nuclear power, personal computers, the Internet and online shopping. There are also many within the United States that share the attitude that through technology many of the evils in the society can be solved.

Use of tobacco has decreased sharply among Americans; there is a strong correlation with ecation, with use at only 10 percent among the college ecated, while continuing at 40 percent among high school dropouts. Users smoke cigarettes; a fraction smoke cigars or pipes. Fewer and fewer public places, or business places, permit smoking. Often smokers are forced outside the building. Some cities and even some states, such as California, New York, New Jersey, Utah, Washington, and Florida, and Rhode Island, prohibit smoking inside public places.

Main article: Sports in the United States

An Army-Navy basketball game in 1992American sports are quite distinct from those played elsewhere in the world. The "big three" are baseball, american football and basketball, which are all popular on both the college and professional levels. Baseball has a huge following and is referred to as the "national pastime"; Major League Baseball teams play almost every day from April to October. American football (known simply as "football" in the U.S.) attracts more viewers within the country than baseball nowadays; however, National Football League teams play only 16 regular-season games each year, so baseball is the runaway leader in ticket sales. Basketball, invented in Massachusetts by the Canadian-born James Naismith, is another popular sport, represented professionally by the National Basketball Association.

NASCAR has also grown from a mainly Southern sport to the second-most-watched sport in America behind football. Less popular, but still considered a major spectator sport, is hockey. Hockey, always a mainstay of Great Lakes and New England area culture, gained tenuous footholds in regions like the Carolinas and Tampa Bay, Florida in recent years, as the National Hockey League pursued a policy of expansion.

Unlike in Europe, Africa, and Latin America, soccer has a relatively small following, and is mostly popular in the more international cities with large immigrant populations, like New York and Los Angeles. Generally few non-Hispanic American alts appear to be attracted to soccer as spectators, but the sport is widely played by children of all backgrounds.

The extent in America to which sports are associated with secondary and tertiary ecation is unique among nations. Particularly notable in basketball and football, high school and particularly college sports are followed with a fervor equalling or exceeding that felt for professional sports; college football games can draw six-digit crowds, the college basketball championship tournament played in March draws enormous attention, and for upper-tier schools, sports are a significant source of revenue. Though student athletes may be held to significantly lower academic requirements than non-athletes at universities, a minimum standard does exist.


An "aloha shirt," popular in Hawaii and temperate western statesDress was moderately formal until the 1960s, when a revolution took place that stressed casual and informal, and in the Western tradition of pants and a shirt. Exceptions are major cities such as New York and Los Angeles, where many residents embrace a more expensive and "stylish" approach to fashion. Social and business situations may call for tailored suits or other more elegant outfits. Tuxedos and evening dress occasions have become much less common since 1960. The top hat vanished in 1960--along with most millinery. Skirts and dresses are usually exclusively reserved for females. Men wear kilts only as part of celebrations such as parades, or as part of a family reunion tradition. Jeans, a T-shirt and athletic shoes come close to being a "national uniform".

Types of clothing worn often have something to do with which region of the country people live in. Some Texans and residents of the Southwest dress in boots and hats in a style typically associated with traditional cowboys. In the region from New England to New Jersey, preppy style clothing is popular. In the South, people sometimes dress more casually, although formality in certain contexts is valued some parts of the region, a trend which may also influence ethnic groups outside the South, including African Americans.

The greatest variations in dress are related to climate. Easterners generally tend to dress more formally than Westerners, though this is also closely connected with cultural history as well. Residents of northern states wear heavy sweaters, warm, water-resistant boots, stocking caps and heavy coats or down parkas in the cold season. In Hawaii, the Hawaiian shirt as an acceptable item of wear by men has received formal approval by the state legislature. In beach areas and places with relatively warm and consistent climates, especially California, Hawaii, and Florida, "skimpy" clothing is considered acceptable in all but the most formal settings. Cowboy hats, Western boots and large silver belt buckles are found in southwestern and western regions of the United States, particularly Texas and Arizona. However, many from the Southern United States dress in the aforementioned jeans and t-shirt.

The trend toward informality has increased among many segments of society. For instance, students at colleges and universities are often noted for wearing flip flops or thong sandals as well as pajamas to class.

Main article: Ecation in the United States

In the American ecational system children are generally required to attend school from the age of five or six until age 16, with the majority continuing until they are at least 17 or 18, or have graated from high school. The public ecation systems vary from one state to another but generally are organized as follows:

Age five: Kindergarten
Ages 6-11: Elementary school. Children start in grade 1 and advance to grade 5 or 6.
Ages 12-14 or 11-14: Junior high school or middle school (usually grades 7-8 or grades 6-8, respectively).
Ages 14-18: High school (usually grades 9-12 or 10-12, depending on whether the community uses middle schools or junior high schools).
A system also becoming more popular is 4-year schooling segments. Such as:

Ages 6-9 (Grades 1-4) Elementary.
Ages 10-13 (Grades 5-8) Middle.
Ages 14-17 (Grades 9-12) High/secondary.
The entire span of primary and secondary ecation, from Kindergarten to grade 12, is often abbrieved in the US as K-12 or K12, which in spoken American English is rendered as "K through 12" or "K 12."

Additionally, many children attend schools before they reach the age of five. These pre-schools are often private and not part of the public ecational system although some public school systems include pre-schools.

Public ecation
Public ecation in the United States is provided by the indivial states, not by the federal government (except in the limited

⑤ 关于美国的资料(英语版的要简便)急!!!!!!!!!!!!!

美国的简介:The United States of America ( USA ) is one of the 50 states and Washington DC component of constitutional federal republic, the United States east to the Atlantic, West Pacific, north of Canada, south of Mexico, state of California on the North American continent North West, Hawaii is the central Pacific Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and overseas territory. On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress in Philadelphia through the " Declaration of independence ", declaring the United States was born. The United States of America is a multicultural and multiracial country, as the world's hottest immigration countries; the United States of America UN Security Council as one of five permanent members. After decades of the cold war, after the collapse of the Soviet Union to become the world's only superpower, its economic, political, scientific, military, entertainment and many other fields have led the huge influence of global.

⑥ 用英语简单介绍一下美国的基本情况,词数100

Great Britain is the larger of these two islands, on which lie the three main divisions of the United Kingdom: England, Scotland and Wales. England is the largest, most populous and generally speaking the richest section. So people tend to use ‘England’ and ‘English’ when they mean ‘Britain’ and ‘British’. But it is not acceptable to the Scots and the Welsh, because they have a culture and a language of their own and they do not regard themselves as English.
Ireland is the smaller of these two islands. It is divided into two political units: Northern Ireland, which is the fourth division of the United Kingdom; and the Republic of Ireland (Eire), which is an independent country on the southern part of Ireland since 1949 and its capital is Dublin.

⑦ 关于美国的介绍(英文作文)15句就好

the usa is the most developed country in the world. the people there speak english. it is the 4th largest country in the world in area. it's area is just behind china. the capital is Washinton DC. there're 50 states in the usa. the president is Obama. his family lives in the white house. usa's independence day in July 4th. the money they use is called dollars. they also have quarters that's worth 1/4 of a dollar. on the back of each quarter, there's a symbol of a state. the national animal is the hawk. there're many famous sights such as the Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon, and the smoky mountain. there's many famous cities in the usa such as new york, chicago, and san fransisco.

⑧ 用英文介绍美国

The United States belong to North America, mainly include three parts of mainland, Alaska and Hawaii, the area amounts to ten million meters of squares of 930 remainings, residing the fourth in the world, total population about 270,000,000, reside the 3 in the world, but the United States can be divided into 56 states again, among them woulding be Alaska biggestly.

Abraham Lincoln‘s early almost never had any formal ecation, political experience, but his humanism and keen observation of his presiden

名称:自由女神像(Statue of Liberty,Statue de la liberté)。
These days, although only the very wealthy can afford to arrive here by sea, and a would-be immigrant's first (and possibly last) view of the States is more likely to be the customs check at JFK Airport, Liberty remains a stirring sight, with Emma Lazarus's poem, The New Colossus, written originally to raise funds for the statue's base, no less quotable than when it was written

The United States is truly a diverse nation made up of dynamic people. Each year on July 4, Americans celebrate that freedom and indepen-dence with barbecues, picnics, and family gatherings. Through the Internet we are learning about and communicating with people of different nations, with different languages and different races throughout the world. Bringing the world closer with understanding and knowledge can only benefit all nations

美国费城的独立大厅(Independence Hall),那里的房间不过三间,而这桌子不过几张、椅子不过十几把的三间房子,却是当年美国国会和高级法院的所在地,是签署《独立宣言》和批准美国宪法的地方。立法、司法、行政三权分立从此开始,公正和公平在这个程序基础上建立起来。 Philadelphia's Independence Hall (Independence Hall), where the three rooms, however, which a few tables, however, a dozen or so of the chairs of the three houses, is that the U.S. Congress and the location of the High Court, is signed "Declaration of Independence "And ratify the Constitution of the United States. Legislative, judicial, administrative separation of powers from the beginning, just and fair in this process on the basis of established. Statue of Liberty

⑨ 用简短的英语描述美国

The United States of America, also known as the United States, the U.S., the U.S.A., and
America, is a country in North America that shares land borders with Canada and Mexico, and
a sea border with Russia. Extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, the United
States is a federal republic, with its capital in Washington, D.C.
The present-day continental United States has been inhabited for at least 15,000 years by
indigenous tribes. After European exploration and settlement in the 16th century, the
English established their own colonies—and gained control of others that had been begun by
other European nations—in the eastern portion of the continent in the 17th and early 18th
centuries. On 4 July 1776, at war with Britain over fair governance, thirteen of these colonies
declared their independence. In 1783, the war ended in British acceptance of the new nation.
Since then, the country has more than quadrupled in size: it now consists of 50 states and one
federal district; it also has numerous overseas territories.

At over 3.7 million square miles (over 9.5 million km), the U.S. is the third or fourth largest
country by total area, depending on whether the disputed areas of China are included. It is
the world's third most populous nation, with nearly 300 million people.

⑩ 可以提供一些英语里面关于美国的常识,歌手,历史,人名之类的


Alabama AL 亚拉巴马 Montgomery 蒙哥马利
Alaska AK 阿拉斯加 Juneau 朱诺
Arizona AZ 亚利桑那 Phoenix 菲尼克斯
Arkansas AR 阿肯色 Little Rock 小石城
California CA 加利福尼亚 Sacramento 萨克拉门托
Colorado CO 科罗拉多 Denver 丹佛
Connecticut CT 康涅狄格 Harford 哈特福德
Delaware DE 特拉华 Dover 多佛
District of columbia DC 哥伦比亚特区
Florida FL 佛罗里达 Tallahassee 塔拉哈西
Georgia GA 佐治亚 Atlanta 亚特兰大
Hawaii HI 夏威夷 Honolulu 火奴鲁鲁
Idaho ID 爱达荷 Boise 博伊西
Illinois IL 伊利诺斯 Springfield 斯普林菲尔德
Indiana IN 印第安纳 Indianapolis 印第安纳波利斯
Iowa IA 爱荷华 Des moines 得梅因
Kansas KS 堪萨斯 Topeka 托皮卡
Kentucky KY 肯塔基 Frankfort 法兰克福
Louisiana LA 路易斯安那 Baton Rouge 巴吞鲁日
Maine ME 缅因 Augusta 奥古斯塔
Maryland MD 马里兰 Annapolis 安那波利斯
Massachusetts MA 马萨诸塞 Boston 波士顿
Michigan MI 密歇根 Lansing 兰辛
Minnesota MN 明尼苏达 St.Paul 圣保罗
Mississippi MS 密西西比 Jackson 杰克逊
Missouri MO 密苏里 Jefferson City 杰斐逊城
Montana MT 蒙大拿 Helena 海伦娜
Nebraska NE 内布拉斯加 Lincoln 林肯
Nevada NV 内华达 Carson City 卡森城
New Hampshire NH 新罕布什尔 Concord 康科德
New Jeresy NJ 新泽西 Trenton 特伦顿
New Mexico NM 新墨西哥 Santa Fe 圣菲
New York NY 纽约 Albany 奥尔巴尼
NorthCarolina NC 北卡罗来纳 Raleigh 罗利
North Dakota ND 北达科他 Bismarck 俾斯麦
Ohio OH 俄亥俄 Columbus 哥伦布
Oklahoma OK 俄克拉何马 Oklahoma City 俄克拉何马城
Oregon OR 俄勒冈 Salem 塞勒姆
Pennsylvania PA 宾夕法尼亚 Harrisburg 哈里斯堡
Rhode Island RI 罗得岛 Providence 普罗维登斯
SouthCarolina SC 南卡罗来纳 Columbia 哥伦比亚
South Dakota SD 南达科他 Pierre 皮尔
Tennessee TN 田纳西 Nashville 纳什维尔
Texas TX 得克萨斯 Austin 奥斯汀
Utah UT 犹他 Salt Lake City 盐湖城
Vermont VT 佛蒙特 Montpelier 蒙比利埃
Virginia VA 弗吉尼亚 Richmond 里士满
Washington WA 华盛顿 Olympia 奥林匹亚
West Virginia WV 西弗吉尼亚 Charleston 查尔斯顿
Wisconsin WI 威斯康星 Madison 麦迪逊
Wyoming WY 怀俄明 Cheyenne 夏延

美国的黑人社会中的帮派问题经常地在绕舌歌曲中被讨论, 自然也有许多与帮派相关的黑话会常在绕舌歌中出现,如:
O.G. - 即Original Gangster,用来指有案底的帮派份子。
red rum - 就是谋杀 (murder) 的意思,只是这里把它反过来写。
Rolling 60's - 一黑帮的支派。
set - 帮派分支。
Set tripping - 帮派内斗。
smoke - 杀人。
Soldier - 没有案底的帮派份子。
toa - 帮派间的义气。
thug - 身无长物的人,也可以称为“恶棍”。
TTP - 指 Tree Top Piru,一黑帮的支派。
up north trip - 被送往监狱。
madhatter - 贩毒的人。
slang - 贩毒。
trap - 贩毒。
rock star - 吸毒上瘾的人。
primo, turbo, zootie - 此三名词皆为掺了可卡因的大麻。
slab, snow - 皆指可卡因。
smacked - 药效发作。
through - 嗑药的兴奋状态。
triple beam - 原来是拿来秤金子,但后来被拿来当作秤毒品的秤子。
skins, zig zags - 皆为卷大麻烟的纸。
sherm stick - 浸泡过精油的大麻烟。
roll - 卷一管大麻。
zooted - 抽大麻。
spliff - 牙买加产的大麻烟。
Vegas - 一家卖大麻烟的厂商。
另外,还有许多大麻的同义字。像是:bammer, bonic, brown,
bud, buddha, cannabis, cheeba, chronic, dank, doubage,
ganja, grass, green, groove weed, hash, herb, home-grown,
ill, Indo, iszm, Lebanon, Mary Jane, maui, method, pot,
sess, shake, shoot, skunk, stress, tabacci, Thai, tical, wacky,
and weed. 都是大麻。
phat - 当指女生时有两个意思:一为大屁股,二为外在的吸引力。
shorty - 指女性时,意思就像 baby 或 honey。
sister - 女性友人。
skank - 有丑闻上身的女人。
skirt - 就是指女生。
trick - 贱女人,相当不雅的字

1. Moonlight 赚外快,兼职 2. It’s a steal 极廉宜的东西 3. It’s a bit steep 太贵了点
4. It’s a daylight robbery太贵了! 5. It’s a rip-off! 太贵了点!
6. Cost somebody an arm and a leg,要某人的一手一脚,真要命,引伸指“非常昂贵”。例如,It cost me an arm and a leg指“那车花了我很多钱”。(寄自香港)
7. Satiety: 过饱。The state of being full or gratified to or beyond the point of satisfaction.
8. Presentiment: 预感,预觉A sense that something will or is about to happen; a premonition. He’d had a presentiment of this. , he had known that this was precisely what would be said.
9. Timorous: 胆小的 1). Full of apprehensiveness; timid; fearful. 2). Indicating, or caused by, fear.
10. Give me five!,“和我击一下掌,庆祝我成功了,太棒了!”
11. Long in the tooth 的意思很简单,就是“年长,青春不再”。
12. Baby Kisser, 美国政客在竞选时为了争取选票,无论是真心还是矫情,都喜欢在公共场合亲吻选民怀中的婴儿,表现亲民的形象来讨好民众,所以被称为“Baby Kisser“。简单的说,“Baby Kisser“就是指那些爱拍马屁,假惺惺的人。
13. Against the Grain, 理解这个短语的关键是 grain,此处它不是“谷子”,而是“(木、石、织物等的)纹理”。想一想,木匠刨木材的时候如果不是顺着,而是逆着纹理来,那木材是不是永远都不可能刨得光滑了?所以,against the grain 就表示“违背他人意愿,让他人觉得很不愉快”。
14. Pass with flying colors大获全胜. 这个短语来自早期航海中的旗语(nautical lingo)。 colors 就是在桅杆上飘扬着的彩旗(flags)或三角旗(pennants)。在17世纪,有这样一个短语: to come off with flying colors,用来指那些得胜归来的战船,在将敌人击败之后,船头的军旗(ensigns)仍然高高飘扬,表明了它没有受到严重损害,同时也说明胜利一方在实力上占有明显优势。于是,flying colors 就有了“以明显优势取得胜利”的意思,pass with flying colors 也就成了“大获全胜”。
15. Give his eyeteeth for something为…而不惜牺牲一切、为…愿意付出任何代价。eyeteeth是犬牙的意思. 豁出去了。
16. Be on the rocks 出现财政困难。The company has been on rocks since the internet
bubble was exploded.
17. Pin money,零花钱,意思和pocket money 非常相近。“It’s a sin to steal a pin“ 意思是“不管偷了多少东西,只要是偷就不对”。
18. He Has a Window? 。他时间够吗?“window”原来有“空当时间”的意思。
19. Point man 的含义是“走在队伍最前面的巡逻兵“,在政治活动中,就被人们引申为活动的中心人物,或在公众面前曝光最多的人物。这个习语的含义相当明显:走在最前面的和最引人注目的人总是最容易受到攻击的,类似于我们中文中常说的“树大招风”,“枪打出头鸟”。
20. A dog in the manger 一个对事情自己不想做又不让别人做的人! 汉语中的有一个俗语:‘占着茅坑不拉屎’,两者在语意上倒也确实十分贴近。根据具体的语境,这个短语还可以理解为‘自私自利的人’,‘一毛不拨的人’等。例如: Don’t be such a dog in the manger. Lend your bicycle to him since you will not go out this afternoon. 【中】别这么不够朋友。既然你今天下午不出去就把自行车借给他用一用。
21. A dog’s breakfast /A dog’s dinner 形容一件办得一塌糊涂和乱七八糟的事情!
22. Eye dialect并非如字面上所言为用眼神传达的语言,而是指那些不规范的单词拼写方式,如:wuz (was); wimmin (women); enuff (enough);
23. Have eyes for是流行的口语表达法,可解作“喜欢”、“注意”、“对……感兴趣”。《再续前缘》(Once and Again)中说,He has eyes for you.(他被你吸引住了。)
24. Get a kick out of sb是近年在美国相当流行的口语.表示与某人相处非常愉快,或处于热恋中。
25. War story 从“战争故事”到“艰辛历程”。在今天,war story并不一定与战争,也可能根本就与枪炮无关,相反的,几乎每个人都可以有他的war story。这个词的意义已经变得非常广泛,可以泛指所有给人留下深刻印象的经历,这些经历可能是危险的,可能是冒险的,也可能是艰难的;同样的,这些故事可能发生在工作中、学习中、运动中、旅行中……在一切一切需要付出努力的情景中。
26. Kids in a candy shop 眼花缭乱,异常兴奋
27. Kangaroo court “袋鼠法庭”?私设法庭,非法法庭。最新版《朗文当代高级英语辞典》对kangaroo court的解释是:[贬]“袋鼠法庭”(私设的公堂或非正规的法庭,多用于惩罚同伙者)。具体地说,它有两层含义:一种是指专门歪曲法律原则和公正精神的模拟法庭游戏;另一种则是指不负责任,没有权威,根本就不符合法律规范的法庭审判。
28. Come-to-Jesus Meeting 有时也有把 “meeting“ 用作“moment“的,“令人头痛的摊牌会“。起初,这个短语的来源应该追溯到卫理公会教派刚刚传到美国的年代。卫理公会教义中把耶酥基督描述成一位就在人们身边的形象而不是遥不可及的角色,深得人心。一大批颇具魅力的布道士在全国游说演说,所到之处“拯救“人们。这些巡回传道者在营地集会中富有激情的号召大家“走近耶酥 “(“come to Jesus“), 告诫那些罪人如果他们不知悔改,将遭到诅咒。走近圣坛-走近基督-从人群中走出来承认自己的罪过,接受拯救。今天已经发展成为令人头痛的摊牌会。
29. Jesus Christ! 感叹句。
30. Yellow有关的习语。首先会想到口语中:You are yellow,指其人胆小(往往作yellow-bellied。肚皮作黄色者为何胆怯,朋友说:莫名其妙。)其次会想到煽情、夸大、失实的新闻报刊,有 yellow journalism之称,黄色小报,但又与中文里的色情含义不同。
31. French leave 不辞而别。原来在十七、十八世纪时,法国盛行一种风俗习惯,即参加宴会的客人不向主人告别即自行离去。后来泛指各种未经许可或不事先通知的擅自行动。有趣的是,在法语中也有一条类似成语Filer a I’anglaise,它的英译为to go off in English style(英国式告别),也是不告而别的意思。
32. To turn a deaf ear 装聋作哑。不要听,听不进的话,可以不听,装聋. 员工怨声载道,老板充耳不闻:The boss turned a deaf ear to all complaints。
33. Wet behind the ear。青年人涉世未深,言行幼稚,我们说:He is still wet behind the ears,或者:He is hardly dry behind his ears。
34. to be all ears, 耳朵听人说话,有它的选择。想听、爱听的话,全神倾听,英语作to be all ears。朋友说有话要跟你谈,你说:I am all ears。洗耳恭听也。爱参加派对活动的姑娘,听你谈到要开派对:She is all ears when you mentioned the party。
35. One-Stop shop / One-Stop Business Site. means you get everything here and don’t need to go elsewhere.
36. Hip = stylish, trendy: 新潮的新新人类每天最关心的问题不是今天要小考,明天要大考,而是如何打扮穿着才能引起别人的注意,但是佩带的零件也不可少,别人的好评、坏评不要紧,只要能引起别人多看两眼才重要。hip除了(臀、股)的意思外,也有新潮派、新流行、新观念的意思,反正与众不同就是了。所以,当有人提到某种饰物很hip 时,千万不要误解与臀部有关。如:Thump rings! So hip, your friends will freak! 戴大拇指环!这么流行,你的朋友都会被吓到的。
37. Beats me我不知道。这地道英语惯用感叹句(idiomatic interjection)是It beats me的省主词惯用感叹词,作主词(subject)的代词 It 是指对方问的问题,beats me是“考起我了”,引申为“我不知道”。例如电影片断:女主角:Who’s the father ? 女配角:Beats me. 女主角:Beats you ? 女主角金碧辛嘉问的Beats you?意思是:“你不知道?”
38. Search me “我不知道”、“我不清楚”
39. I don’t have a clue “我不知道”、“我不清楚”
40. I have no idea “我不知道”、“我不清楚”
41. You got me on that one(你那个问题难倒我了)。那也是近年很流行的口语讲法。
42. In the dark 对……一无所知。当朋友跟你说I’m in the dark.的时候,就表示他对某件事(大多是刚刚提到的事)一无所知。
43. Ground Zero 。化为废墟;零起点;归零地;中心,发源地
1)Lately, news that reports of the rescue works of World Trade Centre of New York City and Pentagon in Washington uses the phrase “Ground Zero” to describe the devastated sites. “Ground Zero” was originally used to describe the point on the surface of land or water that is precisely the site of detonation of a nuclear weapon, or the point immediately above or below it. Later, it expended to use to describe the exact target of a projectile such as a missile or bomb. And as World Trade Centre and the Pentagon were hit by jetliners purposely targeted at them, the term “Ground Zero” used is appropriate.
2)There is also a broader use of this term to describe ‘The centre of rapid or intense development or change’, such as “San Francisco was Ground Zero of the Hippie Culture”.
3)Or it is used with ‘The starting point or most basic stage of matter’ such as “My customer did not like my initial offer, so I returned to ground zero!”
44. Flunk a test。flunk是fail的口语。测验不及格。
45. Take somebody to the woodshed。 体罚,打屁股之意。引申为惩罚的意思。
46. Knock on wood 按字面的意思就是”敲敲木头”, 这个短语是指接触木制的东西可以确保好运、甩掉坏运气。这是一个典型的英语惯用语。例如:I have never been without a job, touch wood!
47. As promised,正如我们承诺的。As planed, 正如我们计划的
48. TI AMO 我爱你!“TI AMO“ is “THE INTERNATIONAL POP MUSIC FESTIVAL FOR CHILDREN“ under the care of UNICEF. “Ti amo“ in Portuguese means “love you“, it’s also the title of a song by Umberto Tozzi。我爱你!徐怀钰也有一首同名歌曲TI AMO。
49. Give somebody a leg up 是成语 ,不十分常见,意思是抬起人家一条腿助他上马、爬过短墙等,往往引伸解作“帮助某人”。Time(《时代周刊》)读到以下句子﹕Ironically, the design revolution has been given a leg up by not-so-special chain stores like IKEA 。“奇怪得很,IKEA那样不怎么特别的连锁店,竟然有助推动这场设计革命”。not-so-special不怎么特别。
50. Pull somebody’s leg 即作弄某人,托后腿。

Accessory – 男朋友/女朋友
Ace – 最好的朋友
Bag – 一瓶啤酒
Beastie – 形容一个人看起来很粗暴或具威胁性
Blow up – 变得有名气
Bone – 1.香烟 2.一首歌
Booya – 我赞成
Break –在第一时刻现身
Break night – 熬夜
Bump – 音乐放得很大声
Burn – 香烟
Bust on the scene – 到达
Cabbage –脑袋
Check – 1.批评 2.停手做…事
Chop – 丑人
Deep – 严肃的、认真的
Dig – 了解
Dog – 朋友
Down with – 狂热的
Funky – 1.原始的 2. 难闻的、恶心的
Hard, hardcore – 猛烈的
Heavy – 严肃的
Heffa – 丑女
Hood rat – 邻居
Keep it real– 坦白说
Loc – 疯狂的
Locin’– 发疯了
Main squeeze – 某人最好的女朋友
Nasty – 性的吸引力
Old school – 老朋友
Seeds – 小孩子
Sleep on – 忽略
Vibes – 直觉的感应
Whoomp! – 超兴奋
Wisdom – 女朋友
Word; word up – 我同意
形容一个人在rap - to break, bust, bust out, bust rhymes, fli, Freak the beats, freestyle, kick, kick the ballistics
打招呼 - Ayo, Eh G, Hayo, S'up, Wassup, Yo
黑人文化少不了的枪 - bis, calico, flamer, four pounder, gak, gat(最常用), heat, heater, Joint, strill, toast
开枪 -to blast, buck, bust a cap, dent, fade, gat,ice, lead up, smoke
杀了一个人 - 187, catch a body, check. Do, drop a body, put to rest
女性 - B-girl, t, bitch, group ho, jill, niggette, shortie
辣妹 - breed, hottie