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群里同学聚餐怎么邀请 2025-03-13 21:00:22


发布时间: 2022-09-10 16:19:42

⑴ 在大学里,他们没有学好自己的专业知识用英语翻译

In college, they didn't learn their major knowledge well / didn't do well in their major knowledge.
In college, they didn't have a good command of their major knowledge.

⑵ 翻译成英语,我发现我的知识不足以应对我在工作中碰到的问题,

I find what I have acquired can not deal with the problems I have met with in my work.

⑶ 我想练好英语口语.可是总是不能完全掌握英语的语法.英语的基本语法是怎么的.主胃宾


- 要知道,说英文的老外们(美国人,英国人,澳洲人,加拿大人等等)和我们的思考方式和思考逻辑不同,所以才造成我们语言的语法结构不同。另外,就是我们中文是方块字(建国之前用的还是和香港、台湾一样的繁体字)和用罗马字母(就是a,b,c,d 26个字母)的民族在文字上不同源。

- 必须要重复看。先让耳朵习惯外国人说话,次数一多,在看到同样的场景的时候,你的大脑就会主动的从记忆库里把你以前看过的句子调出来,这样你就可以说出来了。


- 最好不过了,但是如果没有对象,自己练习也是可以有突破的。我认识很多做高级口译的人,都是自己练练出来的。

- 有几个中国人是有好语法的?你能给老外讲解语法吗?你在做汉语测试题的时候得满分吗?语法只是一个工具,用来研究和更好的掌握一门语言,如果你没有兴趣,大可不必去烦恼。It's absolutely okay if you just know how to say it without knowing why should do so.

Good luck!

⑷ 几个句子汉语翻译成英语,谢谢

1, the computer can help people engaged in complex calculation. Several decades ago, could take months, finish calculation now only take a few minutes. The computer is now enabling economic globalization becomes possible. Information technology instry with great development space. Proct design, automation proction and space exploration will rely increasingly on computers. The 21st century is the real meaning of the digital age.
2, tropical rainforest sun-moon the lungs of earth and its important function is to rece carbon dioxide and adjust the global climate. Since local residents number and wood, the increase demand in the area of rainforest graally rece, direct threat many cherish species survival. Pursuing short-term benefits will lead to long-term pain. Biodiversity protection needs to sacrifice personal interests. Unfortunately the relevant countries policy has not reached a consensus.
Three, the world has entered the era of the knowledge explosion. According to not complete count, global have learned doubling every five years. Many areas to converge doesn't mean new knowledge rection. No one may complete mastery of each field in continuously updated knowledge. Understand their latest research in the field of development trends are is never easy.
4, health depends largely on exercise, diet and emotions. Along with the learning and working pressure increases, the influence of emotions on health has aroused people more attention. People with good mood, the probability of chronic disease low efficiency also high, and long-term depression people not only to what all don't interested, and tend to commit suicide. The effective methods to prevent depression is looking for way to relax with ease the tension.
5, instrialization and urbanization is the price paid for the serious destruction of the environment. Water quality deterioration, desert expansion, Marine pollution and some treasure species extinction on all and human activities. Fortunately, people are more and more clearly realized action the importance of protecting the environment, protecting the earth we live is to protect ourselves.
6, China is a severe water country, the national average usable water for the world, only 2,200 cubic metres of water consumption per capita quarter. In China's cities more severe water shortages in 660 city, there ShuiHuang cities will face over 440. Now some college has taken measures to improve students' consciousness of water-saving, some schools, for example, started to use water card to the water consumption of measuring students.

⑸ full command over the knowledge怎么翻译

full command就是完全掌握.
所以full command over the knowledge翻译为”对知识完全掌握“,”对知识了如指掌“,”熟练运用知识“等等都可以.

⑹ “掌握知识”用英语怎么说

Master the knowledge

⑺ 掌握的英文短语翻译



1. I had obtained the authentic details about the birth of the organization.


2. They held his fate in the palms of their ancient hands.


3. The directors call the shots and nothing happens without their say-so.


4. The British media is in the hands of clubby men.


5. Sovereign power will continue to lie with the Supreme People's Assembly.


6. They have a case against their directors for breach of ficiary ty.


7. Several of those present, including Weinberger, had contrary information.


8. Most of the staff specialise in the care of children.


9. I'd seen it before in people who held immense power.


10. She had always been mistress of her own destiny.


11. He has the power to use force to maintain public order.


12. Those in charge deluded themselves they were up to speed.


13. So far, what scanty evidence we have points to two suspects.


14. It'sa bit tricky at first till you get the hang of it.


15. He was the sole proprietor with total management control.




His handling of the meeting was quite a virtuoso performance.


We have the situation well in hand.


In time of aristocracy, people's fates are not in the hands of themselves.


It is difficult to grasp the concept of infinite space.


I have acquired the basic knowledge of writing required in high school.


The secret of business is knowing something that nobody else knows.


It is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data.


Politicians need to seize the initiative from the terrorists.



How do we master this?


It takes years to master a new subject.


She has never mastered the art of public speaking.


For once you have mastered that you will be able to do anything.


Control what you can control.


It should be no wonder that you have not mastered the understanding of them all. No one everwill.


To master these talents they have to try.


Once someone masters those two elements within themselves, they can begin to do anything.


At this time, learners have not grasped the basic usage, therefore are still in the basic stage oflanguage learning.


"I really have no grasp of this situation, but we frequently hear about these types of reports," Masaid.


If you concentrate all your energies on studying English, you will master the language.


All of this should be fairly easy to grasp.


He believes that as we master the subtle cues of laughter, so we begin to use it to manipulatethose around us.


This golf lesson got me thinking. It seems to me that there are certain fundamentals not only ingolf, but in life, that we should have under control before we turn our attention to loftierambitions.

⑻ “掌握知识”用英语怎么说

have a good command of knowledge精通,掌握的非常好
master knowledge,grasp knowledge则是一般程度上的掌握

⑼ “知识”的英语翻译

n. 知识,学问;知道,认识;学科

⑽ 我英语成绩不好,没掌握语法基础知识不好单词记不住所以英语成绩不好怎么翻译

I am weak at English, at the same time
I don't have a knowledge of English
grammar and can't remember English
words,so I don't do well in English.