㈠ 英语冷知识,看看你知道多少
2.busboy看上去还以为是“公汽售票员”?那你就又错了。现在我们已经对 “waiter” 和 “waitress” 的提法非常熟悉了。殊不知,餐馆里还有一类人,他们扫地、擦桌、端盘子、洗碗,十八般“武艺”样样精通。他们就是餐馆勤杂工,在英语中,他们被叫做“busboy”。
3.busybody “大忙人”是不是又要脱口而出?不是直译,而是引申义为“爱管闲事的人”。
4.mad doctor你以为是“发疯的医生”?其实恰恰相反,“mad doctor”是“精神病科医生”。
5.confidence man为什么是“骗子”而不是“信得过的人”呢?靠取得受害者的信任而骗人来源于:1849年一个叫威廉姆·汤姆逊的人,靠跟不认识的谈话,最后取得信任而骗人手表,后来被抓受审,因为靠取得受害者的信任而骗人,所以被称为“confidence man”。
6.dead president并非只有“已故总统”的意思,还有“美钞”的意思呢,因为上面有已逝的华盛顿的头像。
7.sweet water为何是“淡水”?这是从地质方面来说的,我们常说“甘甜的泉水”,其实泉水也没加糖、没加蜜,而是自然甜,所以是sweet water。
8.black tea到底是什么茶?在星巴克,如果你想点一杯红茶,一般都要说成black tea,许多人不解,为什么红茶不是red tea 而是black tea呢?对此,有许多说法,有一种说法称西方人相对注重茶叶的颜色,因此称之为“Black”,而中国人相对注重茶汤的颜色,因此称之为“红”。而另一种说法则说因为在17世纪英国从福建进口茶叶时,在厦门收购的武夷红茶茶色浓深,故被称为black tea。这个名字的由来至今还是个谜。
9.green hand是“新手”而不是你想象中的“绿手”。刚刚从事某一行的人就可被称之为green hand,指刚入门。它的来源是:England是个岛国,船是重要交通工具,为保养船只,常用与海水一样的绿色油漆来漆船。一个不熟练的油漆工,工作时常会双手粘满油漆。
10.Greek gift是“希腊礼物”?其实“Greek gift”含义为“图谋害人的礼物”,来源于着名的“特洛伊战争”:特洛伊战争中希腊人使用“木马计”,特洛伊人将希腊人留下的“礼物”——大木马拖进城,导致藏在木马中的希腊人与城外大军里应外合,摧毁了特洛伊城。“Greek gift”就是指那只木马,后来用来比喻“存心害人的礼物”,与“黄鼠狼给鸡拜年——没安好心”有异曲同工之妙。
㈡ 英语有哪些不得不知的冷知识
1.from want of 由于缺少……
eg1:The flowers died from want of water.
eg2:Some of the wounded soldiers died for want of medicine。
2. for the use of 供……使用的
eg1:This parking lot is for the use of employees only。
eg2: This dining hall is for the use ofteachers。
3.in support of 为了支持……,为了拥护……
eg1:He spoke at the meeting in support of my idea。
eg2: They decided to stay in support of the new leadership。
4. so as to 为了(做)……,以便(做)……
eg1: They made a lot of lively programs so as to attract more children。
eg2:I left home at 5:00 in the morning so as to be there ontime。
5.in search of 为了寻找……,为了寻求……
eg1: He went to the south in search of better prospects。
eg2:She immigrated to New Zealand in search of a quiet life。
6.for the sake of/for one's sake 为……起见,为了……
eg1:His family moved to the countryside for the sake of hisson's health。
eg2:He betrayed his friend for money's sake。
7.for one's own safety 为了某人自身的安全
eg1:For your own safety please don't smoke inside the plane。
eg2:Please fasten your seat belt for your own safety。
8. for future reference 为了以后参考,为了今后备查
eg1:Keep all the price lists on file for future reference。
eg2:You can take this booklet home for future reference。
9. for reasons of 因……理由,为……缘故
eg:The road has been closed for reasons of safety。
10.in memory of 为纪念……,为追悼……
eg1:She set up an ecational fund in memory of her mother.
eg2:This museum was built in memory of the great writer -LuXun.
㈢ 英语常考知识点_高考英语常考知识点汇总
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(1) as引导方式状语从句句型:“按照……;正如……”
例:As(it is)in your country we grow wheat in the north and rice in the south.
正如(像) 你们国家一样,我们北方 种植 小麦,南方种植水稻。
(2) as+形容词/副词原级+(a /an)+名词+as ;
否定式:not as/so --- as
例:He is as good a player as his sister.
(3) such + n. + as to do 如此……以致于……
例:She is such a fool as to believe what he said.
(4) so + adj./adv. + as to do sth 如此……以致于……
例:He was so strong as to carry the heavy box.
(5) such...as... 象……之类的…… (接名词或定语从句)
例:He wished to be such a man as Lei Feng was.
(6) the same +名词+as 和……一样的…… (接名词或定语从句)
例:He is not the same man as he used to be.
(7) as 引导非限制性定语从句
例:As is known to us knowledge is power.
例:We get wiser as we get older.
(9) 引导原因状语从句,与 because的用法相近
例:As it was getting very late we soon turned back.
(10) 引导让步状语从句
例:Child as he is he knows much about science.
(1) before sb can/ could … 某人还没来得及……
例:Before I could get in a word ,he had measured me.
(2) It will be +时间+ before + 还有多长时间……
例:It will be 4 years before he graates.
他还有四年时间变 毕业 了。
(3) had done some time before (才……)
例:We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land.
(4) had not done ... before ... 不到……就……
例:We hadn’t run a mile before he felt tired.
(5) It was not +一段时间+ before 不多久就……
例:It wasn’t two years before he left the country.
(1) what 引导主语从句
例:What surprised me is that everybody seemed to be very indifferent to her.
[ indifferent adj.不关心的;冷漠的]
(2) what 引导宾语从句
例:We can learn what we do not know.
(3) what 引导表语从句
例:That is what I want.
(4) what 引导同位语从句
例:I have no idea what they are talking about.
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var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = "https://hm..com/hm.js?"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();㈣ 双语:英语中的9个冷知识 你知道么
1. It is the only major language without an academy to guide it.
L’Académie française, based in Paris, is in charge of overseeing the French language. For Spanish there is the Real Academia Española. German has the Rat für deutsche Rechtschreibung. There is no equivalent to L’Académie for English. Of the 10 most-widely spoken languages in the world, only English has no academy guiding it.
2. More than 1 billion people are learning English as you read this.
According to the British Council, around 1 billion people around the world were learning English in 2000. This figure is now likely to be significantly higher.
3. 96 of the 100 most common English words are Germanic.
Of the hundred most frequently used words in English, 96 have Germanic roots. Together, those 100 words make up more than 50% of the Oxford English Corpus, which currently contains over 2 billion words found in writing around the world.
Surprised? The most frequently used words are the meat and bones of the language, the essentials that make communication work, including I, you, go, eat, and so on.
4. But most words that have entered the language since 1066 have Latin origins.
The Renaissance, which started in Italy and reached England via France, was a massive source of new vocabulary. New ideas, or old ideas rediscovered, started flooding out of the southern cities but there were no words to describe them in English. So the language adopted or adapted the Latin words. During the Renaissance, the English lexicon roughly doubled in size.
5. For more than a century, the English aristocracy couldn’t speak English.
William the Conqueror tried to learn English at the age of 43 but gave up. Within 20 years of the Normans taking power in England, almost all of the local religious institutions were French-speaking. There is little to suggest that aristocrats themselves spoke English. It isn’t until the end of the 12th Century that we have evidence of the children of the English aristocracy with English as a first language.
6.That is why Latin words sound more prestigious than Germanic ones.
Think about the difference between a house (Germanic) and a mansion (French), or between starting something and commencing, between calling something kingly or regal. English has a huge number of close synonyms, where the major difference is the level of formality or prestige. The prestigious form is almost always the Latin one.
7. The concept of “correct” spelling is fairly recent.
Shakespeare, for example, was liberal in his spellings of words, often using multiple variants within a single text; his name itself has been spelt in many different ways over the centuries.
8. One man is largely responsible for the differences between American and British spelling.
Noah Webster, whose name you still find on the front of many American dictionaries, was a patriotic man. Between 1783 and 1785, he proced three books on the English language for American schoolchildren. During his lifetime, 385 editions of his Speller were published. The modern US spelling of color was initially spelt in the British way, colour, but this changed in later editions.
9. -ize is not an American suffix-ize.
There is a popular belief that words such as popularise/ize, maximise/ize and digitise/ize have different spellings in British and American English.
Look at that z – isn’t it snazzy? It’s got to be American, hasn’t it?
㈤ 英语有哪些不得不知的冷知识
1. in order to 为了……
eg1:Most students study hard in order to please the teacher.
eg2:Business schools are trying to improve their courses in order to proce better graates.
2.for one's benefit/for the benefit of 为了……的利益为了帮助…
eg1:It is not his fault. He did it for your benefit.
eg2:All the donations are for the benefit of the disabledchildren.
3.for fear of 以免,以防
eg1:Put on a coat for fear of catching a cold.
eg2:The weather in London is so changeable that people alwaysbring their umbrella with them for fear of rain.
㈥ 你知道哪些英语中的冷知识
“yellow book ”意思不是小黄书……是黄皮书。想当年上英语课的时候,英语老师还说过一个词“sporthouse”,这个词意思真的很内涵,反正不是体育馆也不是健身房,不过也可以是健身房……
㈦ 七年级下册英语知识点归纳
【重点 短语 】
1. lost and found box 失物招领箱
2. welcome back 欢迎回来
3. first of all 首先
4. here is/are... 这有...
5. from now on 从现在开始
6. be careful with 小心保管
7. whose bag 谁的包
8. talk to sb. 与某人交谈
9. mobile phone 移动电话,手机
10. get on 上车 ( get off 下车)
11. two thousand 两千 (thousands of 数以千计的...)
12. look for 寻找
13. at the moment 现在
14. in a hurry 匆忙地
15. alot of 许多,大量
16. hundreds of 数以百计的
17. on the train 在火车上
18. every day 每天
19. such as 例如
20. make a list of 列一张...的清单
21. ask/answer questions 问/回答问题
1. Welcome back to school! 欢迎回到学校!
2. Whose bag is this? 这是谁的书包?
3. It’s mine. 它是我的。
4. Are these crayons yours? 这些是你的蜡笔吗?
5. Whose tapes are these? 这些是谁的磁带?
6. Here’s a purple wallet! 这儿有个紫色钱包。
7. I think it’s Betty’s. 我认为它是贝蒂的。
8. Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on. 请大家从今以后仔细对待你们的东西。
9. People often lose things when they’re travelling or when they’re in a hurry. 当人们旅行或在匆忙中时,他们经常丢东西。
10. They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. 他们把东西落在飞机上,火车上,公交车上或者出租车上。
11. That’s why…. 那就是……的原因。
12. Hundreds of people come here every day. 每天数百人来这儿。
13. Whose are they? Are they yours? 它们是谁的?是你的吗?
14. Are you looking for fifteen kilos of sausages? 你在找15公斤香肠吗?
1. table tennis 乒乓球
2. play the piano 弹钢琴
3. play table tennis 打乒乓球
4. ride a bike 骑自行车
5. speak Chinese 说汉语
6. would like to do sth. 想要做某事
7. worry about 担心
8. play football 踢 足球
9. the Music Club 音乐俱乐部
10. get on well with sb. 与某人相处融洽
11. in the school team 在校队
12. work very hard 学习非常努力
13. be sure 确信的
14. be ready to do sth. 准备做某事
15. make our classroom beautiful 使我们的教室漂亮
16. be good at sth. 擅长做某事
17. fly a kite 放风筝
18. swim well 游泳 游的好
19.make a poster 制作海报
1. The new clubs for this term are on the board. 本学期新的俱乐部已经在布告板上.。
2. I’d like to join the Music Club. 我想加入音乐俱乐部。
3. Can you cook, Daming? 大明,你会做饭吗?
4. I can cook eggs, but that’s all. 我会炒鸡蛋,但是仅此而已。
5. Which club can she join? 她能加入哪个俱乐部?
6. I think she’d like to join the Dancing Club because she can dance really well. 我认为他愿意加入舞蹈俱乐部因为她跳舞跳的真的很好。
7. How about you? 你呢?
8. I can’t speak Chinese very well. 我说汉语说得不好。
9. Don’t worry about Chinese. 不要担心汉语。
10. We can teach you Chinese! 我能教你汉语!
11. It’s the start of the new term and we’re choosing our new monitors. 现在是新学期的开端,我们正在选新的班干部。
12. I’d like to be the class monitor. 我想成为班长。
13. I get on well with everyone, classmates and teachers. 我与每个人,老师和同学们相处的好。
14. I’m kind and I’m always ready to help others. 我很友好并且我总是乐于帮助别人。
15. Choose me as your class monitor and I promise to help you! 选我做班长,我保证帮助你们!
16. I want to be the PE monitor. 我想成为体育委员。
17. I can run really fast. I’m really fit and healthy. 我能跑得很快。我真得很健康。
18. I usually get the best score in every match. 每次比赛我通常都得最高分。
19. Choose me for the PE monitor and you can get the best score too! 选我做体育委员,你们也能得最高分。
20. I often help my mother do cleaning at home. 我经常在家帮我妈妈打扫卫生。
21. I’m sure everybody would like a clean classroom, just like home. 我确信每个人都想要一个像家一样干净的教室。
22. Choose me and we can make our classroom beautiful. 选我吧,我们能使我们的教室变得漂亮。
1. in the future 将来
2. ask questions 问问题
3. carry lots of books 搬许多书
4. by Internet 通过因特网
5. in 20 years’ time 在20年后
6. be able to 能够
7. study at home 在家学习
8. not…any more 不再...
9. get information on the Internet 在网上得到信息
10. free time 空闲时间
11. traffic jam 交通堵塞
12. the sea level 海平面
13. in spring 在春天
14. a kind of 一种
15. cold wind 冷风
16. not only…but also… 不但…而且…
17. as well 也,又
18. on farm 在农场
19. play with 与…一起玩
20. in the air 在空中
21. light rain 小雨
22. write down 写下,记下
1. Will schools be different in the future? 未来的学校会不一样吗?2. In twenty years time, maybe there won’t be any schools! 也许二十年后就没有学校了!
3. Everyone will study at home. 每个人都会在家学习。
4. Students will use computers and get information on the Internet. 学生们将会使用电脑,并且从网上获取信息。
5. They can ask their teachers by Internet, telephone or email. 他们可以通过上网、打电话或发邮件问老师问题。
6. And teachers can check the students’ level and will help them. 而且老师也可以检查学生们的学习水平,并帮助他们。
7. Computers won’t do that. 电脑可做不了。
8. Teachers won’t use on a blackboard and students won’t use pens and paper, or erasers any more. 老师们将不会再用粉笔在黑板上写字,学生们也不会再用钢笔、纸张或橡皮了。
9. Will students have a lot of homework to do? 那学生们还会有很多作业要做吗?
10. They’ll have a lot of free time! 他们会有很多空闲时间!
11 .That’ll be great! 那太棒了。
12. What will life be like in the future? 未来的生活会怎样?
13. How will things change? 将会发生怎样的变化?
14. Here are some ideas. Which ones will come true? 这里有一些想法。其中哪些会成现实呢?
15. In the future, a change of weather won’t mean a change of clothes. 未来,天气的变化不一定意味着更换衣服。
16. They’ll be warm when we’re cold, and cool when we’re hot. 当我们觉得冷的时候他就会变暖和,当我们感觉热的时候他就会变凉爽。
17. There’ll be no more light rain and cold wind in spring. 在春天,不再有小雨和寒风。
18. The sea level will rise as well. 海平面也会升高。
19. We won’t travel by bus or bike any more. 我们将不会再乘公共汽车或骑自行车去旅行。
20. It’ll be cheap to travel everywhere by plane, not only over land, but also over the sea or even into space. 坐飞机旅行将会变得非常便宜,不仅可以在陆地上空飞行,而且还可以飞到海上甚至进入太空。
21. Maybe there’ll be traffic jams in the air. 也许空中会出现交通堵塞呢。
22. Working hours will be short so people will have long holidays. 工作时间将会很短,因此人们将会拥有很长的假期。
1. go over 复习
2. see a movie 看电影
3. help with the housework 帮忙做家务
4. have a piano lesson 上钢琴课
5. at the weekend 在周末
6. have a picnic 野餐
7. on Saturday morning 在周六上午
8. join us 加入到我们中来
9. in the park 在公园
10. do one’s homework 做(某人的)家庭作业
11. stay at home alone 独自待在家里
12. look forward to 盼望
13. get up late 起床晚
14. enjoy oneself 过得愉快
15. read a book 读书
16. May Day(Labor Day) 五一劳动节
17. on 2nd May 在五月二日
18. go swimming 去游泳
19. take a walk 散步
20. collect litter in the park 在公园里收集垃圾
21. go sightseeing 观光
22. spend time with family and friends 与家人和朋友们一起度过时光
23. make some new friends 结交一些新朋友
24. at home 在家
25. in the morning of 1st May 在五月一日的上午
26. go on summer camp 去夏令营
27. on the beach 在海滩上
28. listen to music 听音乐
29. travel around the world 环游世界
30. play computer games 玩电脑游戏
31. stay in bed 待在床上
32. make plans 制定计划
33. go for a walk 去散步
34. have fun 玩得愉快
【重点句型 】
1. What are you going to do at the weekend?=What are your plans for the weekend? 你周末打算做什么?/你周末的计划是什么?
2. On Saturday morning, I’m going to check my email and do my homework. 在周六上午,我打算查看我的电子邮件并做作业。
3. Then I’m going to help with the housework. 然后我将帮忙做家务。
4. Who else is going to be there? 还有谁去那里?
5. She can’t come with us. 她不能和我们一块(去)。
6. Would you like to join us? 你愿意加入我们吗?
7. Are we going to meet here? 我们在这儿见面吗?
8. We are going to meet in the park at one o’clock. 我们一点钟在公园见面。
9. I’m going to stay at home alone. 我打算一个人在家呆着。
10. Don’t be silly! 别傻了!
11. It’s going to be a fantastic weekend! 那将会是一个极好的周末!
12. I’m looking forward to the football match tomorrow. 我正期待着明天的足球比赛。
13. We’re going to meet other fans, and make some new friends. 我们将会遇到其他的球迷,并结交一些新朋友。
14. We’re all going to wear the team shirt. 我们将会穿上我们队的队服。
15. We’re going to cheer the players. 我们将会为球队加油。
16. On the morning of 1st May, I’m going to get up late and then read a book. 五月一日早晨我会晚点起床,然后看书。
17. In the afternoon I’m going out with my family and friends. 下午我打算和家人、朋友一起外出。
18. It’s going to be a great holiday---busy but good fun! 这将会是一个很棒的假期,忙碌而有趣!
19. Usually I spend the summer holiday at home, but this year is going to be very different because I’m going on a summer camp in Sydney, Australia. 通常我都是在家过暑假,但是今年将完全不同,因为我将要参加一个在澳大利亚悉尼举办的夏令营。
20. We’re also going sightseeing and going to have a picnic on the beach. 我们还要好好地游览一番,并且在海滩上用餐。
1. get to 到达
2. on the left 在左边
3. in front of 在…的前面
4. near here 在这附近
5. the way to 去…的路
6. over there 在那里
7. turn left 向左转
8. take the underground 乘地铁
9. get off 下车
10. begin with 以…开始
11. the middle of ……的中间
12. from home to school 从家到学校
13. on the map 在地图上
14. on a clear day 在晴朗的一天
15. next to 紧挨着
16. post office 邮局
17. at the cinema 在电影院
18. at the end of the street 在路的尽头
19. bus stop 公共汽车站
1. Betty and Lingling are standing in front of Tian\'anmen Square. 贝蒂和玲玲站在天安门前。
2. Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie? 你们可以告诉我去王府井大街的路怎么走吗?
3. Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium? 你能告诉我去国家体育馆怎么走吗?
4. Go across Dong Chang’an Jie, go along the street and turn left at the third street on the left. 穿过东长安街,然后沿着马路一直走,在左边的第三条马路向左拐,就到了。
5. Is there a bookshop near here? 这附近有书店吗?
6. How can I get there? 怎么才能到达呢?
7. Why not ask the policeman over there? 为什么不问问那边的警察呢?
8. Take the Underground to the Olympic Sports Centre, or you can take a bus or a taxi. 坐地铁到奥体中心,你也可以坐公共汽车或打车去。
9. Have a nice day! 祝你玩的愉快!
10. Welcome to this short tour of London. 欢迎参加伦敦短程游。11. We’re standing opposite the National Gallery, a famous museum with lots of famous paintings. 我们现在站在国家美术馆——一个藏有许多名画的博物馆——的对面。
12. The Queen lives there. (英国)女王就住在这里。
13. It takes you 135 metres above the River Thames. 它能带你到离泰晤士河对面135米高的地方。
14. You can see most of London on a clear day. 在晴朗的日子里,你几乎能看到伦敦市的全貌。
15. When you are tired, the best way to see London is by boat. 当你走累了,最好的地方便是乘船游览伦敦。
16. As you go along the river, the London Eye is on your right. 沿着河行进时,伦敦眼就在你的右面。
17. It’s over 900 years old. 它已有九百多年的历史。
18. After visiting the Tower of London, take the boat back along the river to the railway station. 参观完伦敦塔之后,乘船沿河回到火车站。
19.You’re now back at the square. And this is where we’ll finish our tour. 你现在回到了(特勒法尔加)广场,在这里我们将结束我们的伦敦游。
七年级下册英语知识点归纳相关 文章 :
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★ 英语七年级下册各单元知识点总复习
★ 七年级下册英语知识点笔记
★ 2020初一下册英语知识点归纳
★ 初一下册英语知识点汇总
★ 七年级下册英语知识点总结
★ 七年级英语下册重点短语归纳
★ 初一下册英语知识要点总结归纳
★ 初一英语下册知识要点归纳
★ 初一下册英语知识点总结归纳
㈧ 21个英语冷知识,全是你不知道的!
3、由7个字母组成的可以多次拆分的单词是“therein”, 可以被拆分为:“the, there, he, in, rein, her, here, ere, therein(在其中), herein(在这方面)”
8、包含26个字母的最短的句子是“Brick quiz whangs jumpy veldt fox.(关于砖头的测验把一只正在跳跃的狐狸难住了。)”
9、用英语从1数到999也见不到字母“a”,只有数到1000(one thousand)时才会出现“a”
11、英语中最短的包含26个字母的句子是:The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.
12、用英语从1数到999也见不到字母a,只有到了1000(one thousand)才出现a的影子。
15、英语中使用频率最高的十个词依次为:I, the, and, to, of, in, we, for, you 和a。
16、英语中最长的单词是 smiles。因为其首字母和末字母之间相隔一英里(mile)。
17、英语中最经典的一句演讲词是马丁•路德•金的: I Have a Dream.
18、英语中最经典的一句台词是莎士比亚笔下哈姆雷特说的: To be or not to be, that is the question.
19、.英语中最经典的一句绕口令是: She sells seashells on the shining seashore and the shells she sells are seashells I'm sure.
20、英语中最畅销的小说是: Gone with the Wind,中文译作《乱世佳人》或《飘》。
㈨ 人教版九年级英语unit1知识点大全
英语是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。这次我给大家整理了人教版 九年级英语 unit1知识点,供大家阅读参考。
一. Unit1 单词
textbook n.教科书;课本
conversation n.交谈;谈话
aloud adv.大声地;出声地
pronunciation n. 发音;读音
sentence n. 句子
patient adj.有耐心的 n.病人
expression n.表达(方式);表示
discover v.发现;发觉
secret n.秘密;adj. 秘密的
fall in love with 爱上;与??相爱
grammar n.语法
repeat v.重复;重做
note n.笔记;记录 v.注意;指出
pal n.朋友;伙伴
pattern n.模式;方式
physics n.物理;物理学
chemistry n.化学
partner n.搭档;同伴
pronounce v.发音
increase v.增加;增长
speed n.速度 v.加速
ability n.能力;才能
brain n.大脑
active adj.活跃的;积极的
attention n.注意;关注
pay attention to 注意;关注
connect v.(使)连接;与??有联系
connect…with... 把??和??连接或联系起来
overnight adv.一夜之间;在夜间
review v.& n.回顾;复习
knowledge n.知识;学问
wisely adv.明智地;聪明地
Annie 安妮(女名)
Alexander Graham Bell 格雷厄姆 ? 贝尔
Unit 1 How can we become good learners?
【重点 短语 】1. good learners 优秀的学习者
2. work with friends 和朋友一起学习3. study for a test 备考4.have conversations with 与……交谈5.speaking skills 口语技巧6.a little 有点儿7.at first 起初 起先8.the secret to... .......的秘诀9.because of 因为10.as well 也11.look up 查阅;抬头看12.so that 以便,为了13.the meaning of ……的意思14.make mistakes 犯错误15.talk to 交谈16.depend on 依靠 依赖17.in common 共有的18.pay attention to 注意 关注19. connect …with …把……联系20.for example 例如21.think about 考虑22.even if 即使 尽管 纵容23.look for 寻找24.worry about 担心 担忧
25.make word cards 制作单词卡片26.ask the teacher for help 向老师求助
27.read aloud 大声读28.spoken English 英语口语 29.give a report 作 报告 30.word by word 一字一字地31. so……that 如此……以至于32.fall in love with 爱上33.something interesting 有趣的事情34.take notes 记笔记35.how often 多久一次36.a lot of 许多37.the ability to do sth. 做某事的能力38.learning habits 学习习惯39.be interested in 对……感兴趣40.get bored 感到无聊
【重点句型】1.提建议的句子:①What/ how about +doing sth.? 做…怎么样?
如:What/ How about going shopping?②Why don't you + do sth.? 你为什么不做…?如:Why don't you go shopping?③Why not + do sth. ? 为什么不做…?如:Why not go shopping?④Let's + do sth. 让我们做…吧。如:Let's go shopping⑤Shall we/ I + do sth.? 我们/我…好吗?如:Shall we/ I go shopping?2. too…to...... 太…而不能如:I'm too tired to say anything.我太累了,什么都不想说。3. be / get excited about sth. 对…感兴奋4. end up doing sth : 以......结束如:The party ended up singing.晚会以 唱歌 而结束。5. end up with sth. 以…结束如:The party ended up with her singing.晚会以她的歌唱而告终。
1. finishfinish意为“完成,结束”,作及物动词时,其后可跟名词、代词或动名词。即:finish sth.或finish doing sth.。例如:I finished my homework this morning. 我今天上午做完了作业。When did you finish drawing the picture? 你什么时候画完那幅画的?【拓展】能接v.-ing作宾语的动词还有:practice; enjoy; mind; keep等。practice doing sth. 练习做某事enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事mind doing sth. 介意做某事keep doing sth. 一直做某事
2. afraid(1)be afraid表示“害怕做某事”或“不敢做某事”,be afraid 之后可接不定式,也可接名词、代词或of doing sth.。例如:She was afraid to tell you. 她害怕告诉你。She is afraid of going out alone late at night. 她很怕深夜独自外出。I’m afraid of the dog. 我怕狗。(2)但若要表示担心可能会发生某事,则只能用 be afraid of doing而不能用 be afraid to do。例如:I’m afraid of being late for class. 我担心上课迟到。(3)be afraid后可接that从句。例如:He is afraid that his father will be unhappy.他担心他的爸爸会不高兴。
3. realize(1)realize作为及物动词,意为“认识到,了解”。例如:He didn’t realize his mistake until his mother told him.直到妈妈告诉他,他才认识到自己的错误。I didn’t realize how late it was. 我没有意识到天已经那么晚了。When he realized what had happened, he was sorry.当他明白发生了什么事时,他感到很难过。(2) realize还可以表示“实现;完成”的意思。例如:The girl finally realized her dream of becoming an actress.那个女孩当演员的梦想终于实现了。【拓展】realize与recognize这两个词都有“认识,识别”的意思,但在具体用法上又有所差别。(1)recognize也可以用作及物动词,表示“认出, 辨认”的意思。例如:I recognized his voice. 我辨认出了他的声音。I recognized her as my friend’s daughter. 我认出了她是我朋友的女儿。(2)recognize还可以表示“清楚知道;认定”的意思。例如:I recognized him to be cleverer than I am. 我认识到他比我聪明。
4. improveimprove既可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词,意为“改进,提高,改善”,表示某事或某种情况逐渐好转。例如:Their French has improved a lot. 他们的法语进步很大。We haven’t discovered how to improve it.我们还没找到如何改进它的办法。You’d better work out a plan to improve your writing skills.你最好制定一个提高写作能力的计划。We are always seeking to improve proctivity.我们一直在设法提高生产率。
5.discoverdiscover通常用作及物动词,主要用法有:(1)表示“发现”某一具体的东西,后接名词或代词作宾语。例如:Who discoveredAmerica? 谁发现了美洲?It was discovered among waste paper. 这是在废纸中发现的。(2) 表示“发现”某一情况,其后可以接名词或代词作宾语,也可接复合宾语或特殊疑问词+不定式作宾语。例如:We soon discovered the truth. 我们很快发现了事实真相。We discovered her to be a good cook. 我们发现她很会煮饭。We haven’t discovered how to improve it. 我们还没找到如何改进它的办法。【拓展】辨析:discover,find及invent(1)discover意为“发现,发觉(原先没看见或不知道的事物)”。He discovered electricity. 他发现了电。(2)find 意为“找到;得到,求得”。I can find the answer to the question. 我找到了问题的答案。(3)invent 意为“发明,创造”。He invented the first electric clock. 他发明了第一个电动机械钟。
6.look uplook up 意为“(在词典或参考书中)查阅,检查”,其后跟名词作宾语,名词可放在look和up之间,也可放在look up 之后;如果代词作宾语,则只能放在look和up之间。例如:Look up the word in the book, and you will know its meaning.在书中查查这个词,你就知道它的意思了。Please look them up in the dictionary carefully.请仔细在词典中查一下它们。【拓展】look 的相关短语:look up(在字典、参考书中)查询所需的信息look for寻找look over(医生)仔细检查look around 环顾四周look after照看look at 看……look down on 看不起
7.patient(1) patient作形容词,意为“有耐心的, 能忍受的”,后接with/of。He’s a very patient man. 他是个很有耐心的人。(2) patient作名词,意为“病人”。The doctor is very patient with his patients. 那位医师对病人十分耐心。Would you mind making some room for the patient?请你给这位病人让点儿地方出来行吗?8.create(1) create作动词,意为“创造,创作,创建”。God creates human beings. 上帝创造了人类。An artist should create beautiful things. 一个艺术家应该创造美丽的东西。It is people who create history. 是人民创造了历史。【拓展】creative作形容词,意为“有创造性的,有创意的”。Yoga releases the creative potential in life. 瑜伽 释放出生命中创造的潜力。Pay close attention to your own creative ideas. 时刻关注自己创造性的想法。
1. I’m a little nervous.(1)little 和a little都意为“一点”,可以修饰不可数名词。前者表示否定,即“几乎没有”。后者表示肯定,即 “有一点”。I have only a little money. 我只有一点钱。There is little milk in the fridge. 冰箱里没有牛奶了。( 2)a little还可以修饰形容词和副词,相当于a bit,意为“有点”。I’m a little tired. I want to sleep. 我有点累了,我想睡了。The weather is a little cold. 天有点冷。
2. Don’t read word by word.(1) 该句是一个祈使句,省略了句子的主语you,以动词原形开头,表示命令、邀请、请求等语气。有时为了表达较委婉或客气的语气,可在句子开头或末尾加please。例如:Open the door, please! 请打开门。Come in, please. 请进。 (2)祈使句的否定句,一般在句子开头加don’t即可。例如:Save the document before you turn off the computer. (肯定句)关电脑之前保存一下文件。Don’t forget to save the document before you turn off the computer. (否定句)关电脑之前别忘了保存文件。口诀:祈使句,祈使句,请求,命令或建议;动词原形来开头,主语是you常省去;若要构成否定句,句首Don’t别客气;要使语气更委婉,please前后均可以。
3. But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habit.(1)本句是whether引导的主语从句,意为“是否”,很多时候whether可以和if互换,但是在引导主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句时一般用whether不用if。例如:Whether it is true remains a question.(主语从句)那是不是真的还是个问题。The question is whether it is true.(表语从句)问题是是不是真的。We have a doubt whether it is true.(同位语从句) 我们怀疑那是不是真的。(2)if常引导宾语从句,表示“是否”之意。当把一般疑问句的直接引语转化成间接引语时,常用if或whether作引导词。例如:I asked her, “Do you study English here?” 我问她:“你在这里 学习英语 吗?” →I asked her if/ whether she studied English there. 我问她是否在那里学习英语。【拓展】if和whether的辨析:if和whether均可表示“是否”,一般情况下二者可以互换。但在下列条件下,只能用whether而不能用if:(1)if后不能直接接or not。(2)whether可作介词的宾语。(3)whether后可接不定式。(4) whether可用于句首。(5) whether可引导主语从句、表语从句。例如:Everything depends on whether we have enough money. 一切都取决于我们是否有足够的钱。Whether it is right or wrong, I don’t know. 正确与否,我不知道。It doesn’t matter whether he will come or not. 他来不来没关系。
4. The more you read, the faster you’ll be.“The +形容词/副词的比较级+主语+谓语,the +形容词/副词的比较级+主语+谓语”这个句型是形容词/副词比较级的叠加用法,表示一方的程度随着另一方的程度平行增长,意思是“越......,(就)越......”。例如:The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you’ll make.你越小心,出现的问题就越少。【拓展】另两种表示比较的句型:(1)形容词/副词的比较级+and+形容词/副词的比较级这种句型表示事物本身程度的逐渐增长,意思是“越来越......”。例如:longer and longer 越来越长; more and more beautiful 越来越漂亮。(2)as+ 形容词/副词的原级+ as...这个句型表示同级比较,即比较的结果是一样的,在as和as的中间用形容词或副词的原级。在否定句中既可以用not as... as...,也可以用not so... as...,表示前者不如后者。例如:He is as tall as my brother. 他和我的弟弟一样高。It is not as/ so warm as it was yesterday. 今天不如昨天暖和。
5. I also realize I could get the meaning by listening for just the key words.(1)介词by的意思是“由、靠、用、通过”,by后面用名词、代词或者动名词形式作宾语,表示通过某种手段做某事。例如:We study English by talking with foreigners. 我们通过与外国人谈话来学习英语。(2)by后面用表示交通工具的名词时不用冠词,表示乘坐某种交通工具的意思。如:by car 乘小汽车, by air 乘飞机,by sea 乘(海)船,by plane 乘飞机等。They go to work by bus. 他们乘坐公共汽车上班。
学习英语的基本 方法坚持听说训练
①每天都要坚持听英语磁带并跟着朗读。哪怕每天20分钟也行,关键是要养成每天坚持练习的习惯。这种习惯养成以后能使自己的 英语学习 终生受益。
②每天坚持背诵单词。 英语单词 量的深度和广度是外语学习成绩好坏的一个标志,掌握大量的单词非常有助于外语的学习。
④尽可能“心译”接触到的英语。如一闪而过的 广告 ,偶尔听到的短语或话语等。
每天一篇短文阅读,每周一篇书面表达。可以阅读一些浅显的英文刊物,像《21 st century》等。书面表达可以写自己身边发生的生活小事,单词不熟悉可以通过查字典来解决。
用英语写 日记
英语十点 学习方法 总结一、学习外语一天也不能中断。倘若确实没有时间,哪怕每天挤出十分钟来也行。早晨是学习外语的大好时光。
七、抄录和记忆句型、惯用语时要使用单数第一人称,如“I am only pulling your leg”…
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