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荣和经典5年多少钱一瓶 2024-12-29 14:53:44
控烟的知识讲座方案 2024-12-29 14:53:44


发布时间: 2022-08-11 14:14:17

Ⅰ 法律知识讲座


Ⅱ 法律法规知识安全讲座观后感

学法律知识 做守法中学生
人生如同一张白纸,我们成长的过程就是在给这张白纸着色的过程,我们走的每一步都会留在这张人生的纸上。 有的人留下的是一张色彩斑斓的纸,上面满是绚丽的图案;有的人留下的则是灰暗一片;更有的是还没来得及在这张纸上添满色彩,这张纸就早早飘零!

Ⅲ 最近想参加万法通学院 法律英语培训,他们说做了8年法律英语培训课程,是真的吗


Ⅳ 谁有法律知识讲座视频或语音

中央电视台 生活 栏目,还有法律咨询热线。

Ⅳ 法律专业知识讲座视频哪里有




法律 视频|基础 视频|考点预测班(8讲全)|精讲班(42讲全)|机考押题班(18讲全)

Ⅵ 把这段话翻译成英文

Home of Chinese toon neighbourhood deformed man mild and fragrant brief introction

The Chinese toon neighbourhood is located in Beijing Xuan Wu District Northeast , area under self's jurisdiction covers an area of 1.08 square kilometers , 45,500 people, is in deformed man 1136 people. The home inner mild and fragrant sets up the occupation recovery physical labour station , technical ability training a room , assisting appliance neighbourhood service centre , multifunctional room , cooking to train handling a room and so on. The neighbourhood integrates social resources sufficiently , the reality basing self on deformed man needs , the technical ability carrying out trains, provide the lieu serving , making home mild and fragrant to become position , the entertainment lying fallow that the field , ecation working recovering from the illness , training train really such as leaning on group , giving to a meal recovering from the illness , aiding to be injured.

Neighbourhood deformed man home mild and fragrant characteristic serves a Chinese toon

1, the occupation carrying out recovers from the illness working. And the neighbourhood is selected and used 8 having title for technical personnel training a teacher , is confess that intelligence and the spirit deformed man enter the occupation recovery physical labour station with 12, the remaining family members who employs 2 essence is a service people, unkniting cotton silk , spreading a paper bag , sewing a medicine bag and so on having carried out processes a project simplely , improve the physically handicapped the technical ability working and social interaction ability , lighten the family and burden on society , rely on the community health station recovery room , do well in a limb being injured waiting for rehabilitation service , make them step off a family really , melt to become a member of society.
2, reinforces job training. The cloth carrying out throughout the year sticks , plexure , the silk screen flower make , PC handles , drawing , taking photographs and so on trains a neighbourhood, the limited liability company training a proct to be arranged to clean up the secret cabinet in factory pasture temple fair , neighbourhood homeland of love , Beijing waits for the place marketing , civilized household fairly good as that the award award is chosen through public appraisal by area five waits for an advanced indivial, employment having increased their economy income , having come true acting on self's own. Be close to the more than 700 by turnstile count training a deformed man right away for 2 years only, 22 people among them have got the city , area the credentials issuing, has 6 people to have realized unit employment in recruiting at the meeting , there is 5 people having realized indivial employment.
3, do well in auxiliary appliance service. The deformed man provides their daily life assisting appliance to rent , supply , revolution, upright , being maintained waiting for service , going to the lavatory to area under self's jurisdiction. Give out more than 450 piece of auxiliary appliance only over the past 2007 together. 4, carries out lean on remaining aid to spoil an activity. The neighbourhood insists on significant festival and aids to be injured to graally lean on to becoming old an integral whole , one how remaining , heavy remaining and difficult family family deformed man to spoil interviewing extending one's regards to a group, bring into full play in the ordinary time aiding to spoil the volunteer effect , provide sweep hygiene , daily buying a dish , giving medicine the chat bolting the door , in the daytime, taking care , giving to a meal , accompanying and so on aiding to spoil service , form with the deformed man to lean on 56 pair of pair of antithetical phrases group. Give out only this year "lean on remaining aid to learn " 23,000 yuan of money , express sympathy and solicitude for deformed man waiting to throw into more than 97,590 yuan. Serve the deformed man of all kinds who covers to area under self's jurisdiction above 85%, deformed man degree of satisfaction is in 95% the above.
5, enriches deformed man style of writing life. The neighbourhood holds a gauge every year trying to get at bigger deformed man Games , carry out competition such as various chess , poker , Cara QK every month, the knowledge contest, establishes hold Olympiad , remaining oersted of meeting , civilized etiquette law knowledge lecture, providing law consultancy service waits for condition , creates for their equality participates in a social life.

Home of Chinese toon neighbourhood deformed man mild and fragrant effort direction

Carrying out 17th National Congress of the CPC spirit carefully further , show solicitude for deformed man need change actively , bring the home effect mild and fragrant into play sufficiently , unceasingly, make rubbings from whose exhibition function , enrich serving content, be that the deformed man provides menu style , the thoughtful first class of service indiviation , diversifying , the harmonious socialism society who expands satisfied rate covering face , improving , is to build an overall well-to-do society , to build build makes bigger contribution out.

Ⅶ 中学法律知识讲座稿 中学法律知识讲座稿

讲座内容: 法律知识讲座老师、同学们,你们好: 今天,我想给大家讲讲未成年人的权利、义务和“违法”“犯罪”的概念以及未成年人如何加强自我防范意识。讲课之前,我要向大家先介绍以下三个概念,即“未成年人”“少年”“青少年”。“未成年人”这一概念从法律上说它是以年龄的划分为标准的,根据《未成年人保护法》第二条的规定,“未成年人是指未满十八周岁的公民”,该法对未成年人的下限年龄未作出规定,也就是宣告对未成年人从一生下来就加以保护,举个例子,每个刚出生的婴儿都享有财产继承权。“少年”,是指已满14周岁,不满18周岁的未成年人,按照实际上的规定,少年与未成年人是同一个概念,只是叫法不同而已。“青少年”是一个笼统的、习惯性的称呼,既包括成年人,又包括未成年人,它不是法律上的概念。因此,在日常生活中,当别人称你为未成年人、少年或青少年时都不算错。但是在适用法律时,必须明确什么是未成年人,什么是少年,什么是青少年,这一点很重要,因为不同的称呼意味着享有不同的权利和承担不同的义务。如今我们在宣传媒体中经常听到未成年人要积极争取自己的权利,履行自己的义务等等,那么未成年人到底有哪些权利和承担哪些义务呢?未成年人作为公民的一部分,所享有的权利是相当广泛的。具体来说,在我国未成年人的权利主要包括八个方面的内容:一、政治权利,二、人身权利,三、受教育权利,四、个人财产所有权,五、继承权,六、社会经济权,七、诉讼权利,八、其他权利。在这里,我给同学们着重讲一讲人身权和诉讼权利。人身权利可以分人格权和身份权两方面的内容。首先给大家讲讲什么是人格权,人格权是基于自然人本身所固有的权利,包括生命健康权、姓名权、肖像权、名誉权;身份权是基于自然人之间的某种关系,某种事件或某种行为而产生的地位、资格等方面的权利,具体来说包括两个方面:1、亲属权、抚养权和监护权,主要表有:(1)未成年人有要求父母抚养的权利,父母不履行抚养义务时,未成年人有要求父母给付抚养费的权利,(2)家庭中不受虐待、不受遗弃的权利;(3)有随父姓或随母姓的权利;(4)无行为能力和限制行为能力的未成年人有得到监护的权利;(5)父母离异后,仍享有被双方所抚养和教育的权利。2、知识产权,包括着作权、发现权、发明权、专利权等。诉讼权利,包括(1)起诉权(2)不被公开审理的权利(3)对不满18周岁的未成年人犯罪的案件,在讯问和审判时,可以通知犯罪嫌疑人,被告人的法定代理人到场(4)被告人是未成年人而没有委托辩护人的,人民法院应当指定承担法律援助义务的律师为其提供辩护。以后有机会,指导同学们组织模拟法庭,这样你们对这项权利会有更深的了解。接下来再给同学们讲一讲未成年人应承担的义务,它总共有六点:(1)维护国家统一和民族团结的义务(2)遵守宪法和法律,保守国家秘密,爱护公共财产,遵守劳动纪律,遵守公共秩序,遵重社会公德的义务(3)维护国家安全、荣誉和利益的义务(4)保卫祖国,依法服兵役的义务(5)依法纳税的义务(6)受教育的义务。以上所讲的就是未成年人所享有的权利和所应承担的义务。

Ⅷ 如何讲好一个关于法律知识的讲座
