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多方面的知识英语 2025-01-12 00:27:52
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发布时间: 2022-08-05 13:16:43

A. 因为缺乏专业的英文审计学知识,所以求帮助翻译下面两段话~

1.Level of Importance go reverse side of audit risk .
2.The higher the importance, the more limitation of the certified public accountant can bear , and the lower the audit work requirements will be , so that the risks of certified public accountants can become smaller.

B. 请翻译一下“浅析非英语专业学生在交际中跨文化知识的欠缺与培养”,翻译成英语

Analysis of non-English speaking students in cross-cultural communication training and the lack of knowledge

C. 考研英语小作文,这是一篇英文辞职。求指点求批阅中间理由这一段!销售写缺乏哪方面的知识专业知识才好呢

用词的精准度 还需加强,很多用词和句型语法上都有错误,但是基本的语感还是有的,建议你多读点相关文献,来扩充自己的词汇量 以及加强对词汇的理解与运用的能力。
你中间这段 我可以给你给指出一些很明显的词法错误。
首先Painfully。。没有这样的用法作为 过渡的副词, 如果你想表达“很痛苦/很苦恼的是”这样的短语
建议你用 What makes it more difficult, is the fact that ..
整句建议写成 What makes it more difficult, is the fact that I had overestimated my compatibility to the society, whereas my personality turns out to be the main issue at work. In this job position, it highly values communication skill, which contradicts with the absence of extraversion in my characteristic........(你可以接着写下去)


祝开心 望采纳^_^

D. 今年大四,专业是英语,但是本科期间专业知识功底不足,现在很迷茫,不知道是找怎样的工作,还是考研。


E. 英语专业做翻译 缺乏对某一具体领域的专业知识的了解 怎么办


F. 专业知识的英文怎么说

professional knowledge 英 [prəˈfeʃənəl ˈnɔlidʒ] 美 [prəˈfɛʃənəl ˈnɑlɪdʒ]
He will share his professional knowledge of haircare.

G. 在大学里,他们没有学好自己的专业知识用英语翻译

In college, they didn't learn their major knowledge well / didn't do well in their major knowledge.
In college, they didn't have a good command of their major knowledge.

H. bec高级有多难

我是国贸大三的,去年11月考了高级。去年六月考的六级558,你的水平,如果要报今年下半年的高级的话,认真准备还是可以的。不要担心哈。不过,你们英语专业的,就是缺乏专业知识,以至于很多大四的英语专业的,都没办法考过BEC高级,所以,商务知识上多看点相关的书,什么管理学啊,市场营销啊,经济学之类的,不要看的很深,懂个皮毛就行了。可以看Stephen P. Robbins的management,很全面,也通俗易懂,是英文版。

I. 翻译:我缺少贸易这方面的专业知识。用英语怎么说

My knowlege of trade as a profession is poor. or
The lack of professional knowlege about trade is my short board. or
I'm poorly equipped in terms of professional knowlege of trade


I'm yet to learn more about trade knowlege

J. 请用英语翻译“因为学非所用,怕专业知识荒废。一旦找到学以致用的工作,我会全力以赴地投入工作”。 谢谢


As what I'm doing has little to do with what I've learnt in the university, I fear that my professional knowlege would be wasted, therefore, I'm looking for a new job matching my major and will dedicate myself to it.
