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爆笑问答100个冷门小知识 2025-03-09 10:41:02


发布时间: 2022-08-03 03:04:01

⑴ 【急】求关于生态农业可持续发展方面的英文版文章


⑵ 本人急需一篇关于农业方面的英文资料,愿意高分求得.

有关农业化肥对自然环境的污染的文章 大概3700字

How Sustainable Agriculture Can Address the Environmental and Human Health Harms of Instrial Agriculture (这篇review很长,但后面列出很多参考文章,你可以从那里面挑一挑,google一下就ok了。)http://www.ehponline.org/members/2002/110p445-456horrigan/horrigan-full.html

Technology Transfer Strategies for Small Farm Mechanization Technologies in the Philippines (about 4700 words)

Agricultural Gngineering R&D in Indonesia: Challenge and Prospect Toward Sustainable Agriculture and APCAEM Programme

⑶ 英语手抄报 农业 资料

英语农业的适合做小短文的比较少 不过手抄报里面也可以做一点关于农业的词语
land,soil 土壤
arable land, tilled land 耕地
dry soil 旱田
fertile soil 沃土,肥沃的土壤
humus 腐殖质
irrigable land 水浇地
lean soil, poor soil 贫瘠土壤
wasteland, barren land 荒地
grass 草
grassland 草地
meadow 草甸
prairie 大草原
pasture land 牧场
to lie fallow 休闲
fallow 休闲地
stubble, stubble field 亩茬地
straw, hay 稿杆
rural population 农村人口
rural exos 农村迁徙
land reform, agrarian reform 土地改革
mechanization of farming 农业机械化
mechanized farming 机械化耕作
farm 农场
cattle farm 奶牛场
ranch 大农场,牧场
hacienda 庄园
holding 田产
plot, parcel, lot 地块
cooperative farm 合作农场
collective farm 集体农场
country, countryside 农村
countryman 农民,农夫
countrywoman 农民,农妇
agronomist 农学家
latifundium, large landed estate 大农场主
farmer 农户
procer 农业工人
settle 佃户
landowner 地主,土地拥有者
absentee landlord 外居地主
smallholder, small farmer 小农
rancher 牧场主
tenant farmer, leaseholder 土地租用人
sharecropper 佃农
ploughman 农夫,犁田者
farm labourers 农场工人,农业工人(美作:farm laborers)
farm hand 农场短工
cattle farmer 牧场工人
cowherd, cowboy 牛仔
shepherd 牧人
fruit grower 果农
vinegrower 葡萄栽植者
vintager 采葡萄者
farming, husbandry 农业
animal husbandry, animal breeding 畜牧业
dairy farming 乳品业,乳牛业
horticulture 园艺
market gardening 商品蔬菜种植业
fruit growing 果树栽培
vinegrowing, viticulture 葡萄栽培
olive growing 油橄榄栽培
arboriculture 树艺
silviculture 造林学
agricultural procts, farm procts 农产品
foodstuffs 食品
dairy proce, dairy procts 乳制品
dairy instry 乳品加工业
crop year, farming year 农事年
season 季节
agricultural, commodities market 农业市场
livestock 牲畜


⑷ 有机农业的好处英语作文


⑸ 昨天我摘了苹果,学到了很多关于农业的知识。英语

Yesterday I picked the apples and learned a lot of knowledge about agriculture.

⑹ 假如你是一名农业科学家,请根据下面要点提供的信息,用英语写一篇文章,向学生简单介绍你的日常工作

While planting different types of trees differs in the details,all trees eventually end up in a hole.But not any old hole will do.
The most common mistake when planting a tree is a digging hole,which is both too deep and too narrow.Too deep and the roots don’t have access to sufficient oxygen to ensure proper growth.Too narrow and the root structure can’t expand sufficiently to nourish and properly anchor the tree.

⑺ 帮忙翻译篇英语文章

Good morning, everyone. I feel very privileged here to announce that the 16th farm training for seaside mid-school begins today. I represent all the staff on west star farm to welcome each one of you students from seaside school to come to our farm to study in the next 3 weeks. I hope you can enjoy your study here.

As we all know, students in senior high grade 2 are all incumbent to take a course of agricultural experience. Thus, seaside mid-school and west star farm have had this cooperation for 15 years. Every year, students in the senior high 2 grade from your university study in our farm. They all had a very pleasant experience of staying and learning here. We hope you can follow their suit.

Maybe farm life sounds a little bit unfamiliar to most of the students living in towns and many of them are rarely exposed to the personal farm staying experience. As a matter of fact, learning something practical about farming life is rather important to middle school students. They can not only understand the how much agriculture counts in the national economic development but also take in the living experience as farmers to expand their horizons and to toughen up their characters. So that is why and how the farm training course came into being as a compulsory one for the senior highs.


In your next 3 weeks’ staying here, you are welcomed to attend the frequent lectures about the present agricultural development of our country and the expertise on the farm. You will also be encouraged to try out various farming tools to furrow the ground and so on. Some teachers will also teach you to manipulate the huge farming machines like tractors, etc. surely more interesting activities like irrigation, watering, and sowing the seeds will be taken aside from those I mentioned above.

Thank you very much for your attention and we are really looking forward to sharing a splendid time with you.

PS: look forward to doing sth.是正确的,楼上不要误导好不?!