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发布时间: 2022-07-17 04:52:26

Ⅰ 有关方言的英文资料

S. Robert Ramsey's THE LANGUAGES OF CHINA is a survey originally published by Princeton University Press in 1987. China is an immense country with a rich linguistic heritage, and it is a challenge to cover even the basics adequately in a mere 340 pages. Ramsey does an admirable job, and this student of historical linguistics was thrilled to see such attention paid to the diachrony of many languages mentioned within.

The "Chinese language", the set of mutually unintelligible dialects belonging to Han people and descended from a relatively recent common ancestor, is by far the most widely-spoken in China, and Ramsey dedicates the first half of the book to it. He begins with a presentation of the historical debate over Han linguistic unification, with the northern dialects winning out over southern dialects like those of Shanghai and Guangdong. Since Mandarin has, for better or worse, been taken as the standard, it is the phonology, morphology, and syntax of Mandarin that Ramsey describes as representative of the entire language. Ramsey clearly wrote for a non-specialist audience, as he tries to debunk older Western myths that Chinese is somehow a "primitive" language e to its lack of inflection. The grammar of Mandarin here is splendidly full for just a few pages, though the debate over the use of the particle "le" isn't mentioned.

Ramsey's coverage of Chinese isn't, however, purely synchronic, for he also devotes space to the earlier stages of the language. He begins with an explanation of the Qieyun rhyming dictionary, the document compiled by Lu Fayan that, in spite of its faults, is our only useful source for the pronunciation of Middle Chinese. Ramsey then gives a colourful presentation of the life and work of Berhard Karlgren, the Swedish scholar who, by applying the comparative method to modern Chinese dialects, worked towards a phonetic reality for the mere algebraic relationships of the Qieyun dictionary. But this is not mere blind alation, Ramsey does acknowledge Karlgren's faults and lists the younger scholars who followed him and improved on his theories. Ramsey also briefly mentions Old Chinese, the reconstruction of which is quite uncertain, and talks about some of the important changes from Middle Chinese to modern Mandarin.

The second half of the book deals with the many non-Han languages of China. First is the "Altaic family" spoken in the north of China, the Turkic, Mongolic, and Tungusic languages that may or may not be a valid genetic grouping, but which have significant typological similarities. Here again Ramsey gives abundant space to diachronic issues, showing how various modern languages each differ from their common ancestor. Writing systems, too, are covered. The languages of the south come next, including the Tai, Tibeto-Burman, Miao-Yao, and Mon-Khmer families, as well as unclassified or isolated languages. The story of how these languages have fared under Han domination is a major theme of the book.

If you have little bit of Mandarin under your belt (and you don't need a lot) and are interested in the linguistic diversity of this part of the world, THE LANGUAGES OF CHINESE is worth seeking out. This is especially true for historical linguistics curious about China. I can only wonder why it hasn't been reissued.

Ⅱ 英语有哪些方言





Ⅲ 用英语简短介绍一下中国方言

China has a large population, so there are many different dialects all over the country. Some of them are so distinct that some linguistists treat them as different languages. It is common that people from different provinces cannot communicate by using their own dialects. Usually in these cases people will try to use mandarin.
Mandarin is the most vastly spreaded dialect in China, and here it has a much broader meaning than the "Beijing dialect" or Putonghua. It is spoken in all the areas to the north of Changjiang river, and even somewhere to the south, like the southwestern provinces of China as Sichuan.
Another famous dialect is Cantonese, which is quite popular abroad. In China is mainly spoken in Hong Kong and Guangdong province. It has more ancient features and more difficult to learn.
Taiwanese is spoken in South Fujian and Taiwan, and also in some places of southeast Asia. It is quite different from Mandarin and Cantonese.
Hakka is widely distributed all over the world. It is also spoken by the people in south China, like Jiangxi, Fujian and Guangdong provinces.
There are also many other dialects, but not so famous as these four above. The Wu dialect is in Shanghai and nearby areas, Xiang dialect is in Hunan. The Mandarin could also be divided into about 7 sub-dialects, so we can see that the classification of languages and dialects in China is very complicated.

Ⅳ 关于中国方言特点的英语作文

Hello, I am XXX and I want to introce something about the Chinese language. There are more than eighty dialects in our country because of the large area of our country. Among them the dialect spoken in the north of China is the most popular ,as a result it is the base of Putonghua. The languages in different areas are quite different but the same in writing . The languages reflect our Chinese history and become the parts of our culture.


Ⅳ 英语有哪些方言


Ⅵ 写一篇关于中国方言的英语作文60词

Hello, I am Lihua and I want to introce something about the Chinese language. There are more than eighty dialects in our country because of the large area of our country. Among them the dialect spoken in the north of China is the most popular ,as a result it is the base of Putonghua. The languages in different areas are quite different but the same in writing . The languages reflect our Chinese history and become the parts of our culture.

Ⅶ 英语口语里面的方言

比如:where yam go-ing? 即where are you going?伯明翰方言

Ⅷ 中国方言(用英语)


Ⅸ 英语的方言

antenna,aerial(前者为"美式英语",后者为"英式英语",下同)--泛指无线电上使用的"天线",但antenna远比aerial(或aerial wire)流行。


ash一can,st一bin--指垃圾箱。在美式英语中,含有同等词义的还有garbage can和junk一heap,但英式英语则只有st一bin(或st-bin).香港目前多用stbin。但废纸篓的两种称呼分别是waste一basket和waste一paper basket,流行度则似乎相等。

automobile. motor一car--汽车。美式英语很多时更简为auto,如"车祸"即称为auto accident。两个字的使用度似乎相差不大。

baggage, luggage一一行李。这两个字都是总称,故此不能说a ba-ggage(或luggage),而应说a piece of baggage(或luggage), twopieces of baggage等。流行度好像没有多大差别,但要注意:当美国人用luggage的时候,一般是指大的皮箱或皮包。美国人说baggage car(行李车)英国人则说luggage van。

bank一bill,bank一note…纸币,钞票。Bank-bill是美国人的钞票,但是英国人却用来指"银行与银行之间的汇票",以bank一note较为流行。campus, school grounds---校园,学校场地。由于美国学上运动近年甚为蓬勃,故此campus一字常见应用,school一grounds则罕有所闻。campus所指的范围包括了整个学校(多指大学)的场地,而非单指花园、操场等开阔的地方。例如campus activities是指大学的"校内活动",campus building是大学内的建筑群等等。

canned goods, tinned goods 罐头食物。can和tin是美式英语和英式英语中的同义词,均指保藏预制食物的罐头,tin有时更被音译为:"听"。这两个字同时亦可以作动词使用,解作"把食物装罐"。在使用上,canned goods比tinned goods流行。

dePartment store, stores---百货公司。美国人口中的store,相当于英国人的 shop。百货公司一般规模较普通商店大,分为若干部门(dePar-tment),故称为 departmentstore是很贴切的。这个用词在英国也逐渐流行,代替了英国沿用的 stores。

drawers, Pants——内裤。这两个字的用法应特别留意。Pants在英国指内裤,但在美国却是长裤。(在英国,长裤为 trousers。)所以,当一位外国人说 Pants的时候,你要弄清楚他究竟是英国人还是美国人,不要把内裤变成了长裤。

editorial, Leading article———社论。英式英语中除了leading article外, Leader一字也可用来指社论。但现时editorial用得最多,甚至香港的《南华早报》(South China Morning Post)也用 editorial来指其社论。

gasoline, petrol——汽油。 gasoline有时也写作 gasoline,口语上更可简写为 gas。汽油站是gas Station(=英 Petrol station),也可说gasoline station。但是, gasoline bomb(汽油弹)却不能说是 gas bomb。

long—distance call, trunk call一一—长途电话。美式英语的 Iong—distance call词义一看便明,远胜于英式英语的trunk call,自然被多数采用。

overcoat, great coat——大衣,大氅。两字的通用度差不多,但overcoat似乎稍胜一筹。

radio, wireless——收音机。原本两字后都有set,即radio set及 wireless set,但为了节省,一般都略去。两个字中,当然是美式英语radio流行得多。

second floor, first floor——二楼。这种对楼宇的层数的称呼方法在不少地区造成了很大的不便。以往,许多楼宇按英式英语的叫法,故此问题尚不大。但近年来,不少的楼宇使用了美式英语的叫法,因此就产生了混乱。现在一般对人家说第若干层楼时,一定要附带说一声“电梯多少字”,以免误会。

soft—drinks, minerals——软饮品:汽水等不含酒精的饮料。美式英语的 soft—drinks原来泛指不含酒精的饮料,包括汽水和果汁等,现时多用来指汽水,代替了原先的 air—ate water。英式英语的 minerals由于没有 soft—drains那么通行,故此用来指汽水的机会少了,但比较多用来指矿泉水,等于 mineral water。


Ⅹ 方言的重要性的英语议论文

dialects are part of ou life. we can't make smooth communication without them. dialects have their unique charms and they can't be replaced by other official languages. in dialects some slangs and expressions are playing the role of great importance. they can make communication more vivid and lively. they can activate ll atmospere . they can also shorten the invisible distance between strangers when they find they are surprisingly from the same area.dialects are a branch of chinese culture with such a long history..