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经典黑魔鬼多少钱 2024-11-27 17:23:12


发布时间: 2024-05-29 23:53:49

① 鑻辫镙规嵁棰樼洰瑕佹眰鍐欎綔 鍏鍗佽瘝 锅囧备綘鏄𨱒庡摬,浣犻个璇蜂简𨱒ヨ嚜缇庡浗镄勬柊钖屽︽墭灏(Tony)鍒颁綘瀹跺仛瀹銆

welcome to my room.
My bed is on the left of the room.,on which my bag is.A desk which is opposite the window is on the right side of the bed.There are some books and a lot of beautiful flowers on the desk.What is more,a soccer ball is under it.

② 锅氩㈢殑鑻辨枃镐庝箞璇

visit someone

③ 鑻辫镙规嵁棰樼洰瑕佹眰鍐欎綔 浜斿崄璇 锅囧备綘鏄𨱒庡摬,浣犻个璇蜂简𨱒ヨ嚜缇庡浗镄勬柊钖屽︽墭灏(Tony)鍒颁綘瀹跺仛瀹銆傜幇

Welcome to my bedroom, Tony!
As you can see, right in the middle is my bed and next to it is a small table where I can place things like books and food. My desk sits against the window and under the chair is a soccor ball, which is my favorite sports. I always put my bag casually on the ground.