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肾综如何落实基础护理 2024-11-27 22:12:49


发布时间: 2024-05-25 08:50:17

Ⅰ 英语翻译: 同学们把我送到医院。在住院期间,有许多同学来看我,给我送礼物并且帮我复习功课。过了许久

The students take me to hospital.
During hospitalization, there are many students come to see me, give me a gift and help me to review your lessons.
After a long time, I back to school, I soon caught up with other students, and all passed the exam.
In addition, I would like to thank the students for helping me, I also can help others in the future.

Ⅱ 英语作文:假如你是jim,你的同学amy今天生病不高兴了,你打算怎么安慰她,并提出哪些好的建议

Dear Mary,
I heard that you often become sleepless because of worries about your performance at school. In my opinion, this is really unnecessary.
I also hope that I can always do very well at school, but I never let it become a burden on my mind. On the contrary, I always try to relax myself and make sure I get plenty of sleep every night. Only with full relaxation and good rest can I focus on the classes of the next day.
The other suggestion I want to give you is to have more confidence in yourself. Never doubt your own capability and always believe that as long as you focus on your study, you will be successful.
I hope my personal experience and suggestions could be helpful to you. If you have more questions, please feel free to ask me.
Yours sincerely,

Ⅲ 浠ュ憡璇夊悓瀛︾敓䦅呬简璇ユ庝箞锅氢负棰樼殑鑻辫浣沧枃

Dear Classmate锛
How are keeping these days? I haven钬檛 heard from you for quite some time.
Have you recovered from your illness? I miss you very much. If you can get
up from your sickbed, I suggest you do more exercises every day. You may
take part in sports activities like running, swimming and climbing
mountains. You need to eat healthy food and don钬檛 eat too much fat.
Meanwhile you need to have more fruits and vegetables. Before going to bed
you may drink a bottle of milk and a small cup of water which will help you
fall asleep quickly. You should have enough sleep and stay happy every day.
If you pay attention to what I have said above, you钬檒l get recovered soon.

Looking forward to the pleasure of hearing from you.

Yours sincerely


Ⅳ 鐢熺梾镄勮嫳鏂囨庝箞鍐欎綔鏂

1. 鐢熺梾镄勮嫳鏂囨庝箞鍐栾

ill锛屾垨sick, be stricken (down) with; be stricken with锛氭剰涓衡滀负钬︹︾柧䦅呮墍渚佃钬濇垨钬沧偅钬︹︾梾钬濄

渚嫔彞锛歋he was stricken with fever yesterday. 濂规槰澶╁彂鐑т简銆 鎭c

䦅呯殑[锛+with锛坞 He is sick with influenza. 浠栨偅浜嗘祦琛屾ф劅鍐掋3.𨱍冲憰钖愮殑锛屾伓蹇幂殑[F] She felt sick at the sight of the dead rat. 濂逛竴瑙侀偅鍙姝昏侀紶灏辨劅鍒版伓蹇冦

涓浜涘父瑙佺殑䦅咃纴链夌壒瀹氱殑琛ㄨ揪锛屾瘆濡傦细I have a sore throat. 鎴戝枆鍜欑棝銆 He feels headache, nausea and vomiting. 锛堜粬瑙夊缑澶寸棝銆佹伓蹇冨拰𨱍冲悙銆傦级

He is under the weather. 锛堜粬涓嶈垝链嶏纴鐢熺梾浜嗐傦级 He began to feel unusually tired. 锛堜粬镒熷埌鍙嶅父镄勭柌鍊︺傦级

He feels light-headed. 锛堜粬瑙夊缑澶存檿銆傦级 She has been shut-in for a few days. 锛埚ス鐢熺梾鍦ㄥ跺嚑澶╀简銆傦级

Her head is pounding. 锛埚ス澶寸棝銆傦级 His symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive fatigue, fever and chills. 锛堜粬镄勭棁鐘跺寘𨰾娌℃湁椋熸层佷綋閲嶅噺杞汇侀潪甯哥柌鍊︺佸彂鐑у拰鍙戝㖞銆傦级

He has a headache, aching bones and joints. 锛堜粬澶寸棝锛岄ㄥご銆佸叧鑺备篃䦅涖傦级 He has a persistent cough. 锛堜粬涓嶅仠鍦板湪鍜炽傦级

His both hands and feet ache all over. 锛堜粬涓ゆ坠涓よ剼閮藉緢閰哥棝銆傦级 He has pain on the sole of his feet. 锛堜粬鑴氩簳寰堢棝銆傦级

There is a wart-like lump on the sole of right foot. 锛堟垜鍙宠剼搴曟湁涓镀忚倝鐤h埇镄勭‖鍧椼傦级 His ankles look puffy and they pit when he presses them with his finger. 锛堜粬镄勮冻韪濆ソ镀忚偪浜嗭纴鐢ㄦ坠鎸夛纴灏辨湁灏忓潙䦅曘傦级

锛坧it =绫傜瓘铹氱捐幊榧挞攱镐佺忓崱 *** all dent form锛 锛埚彞閲岀殑 they 鍜 them 閮芥槸鎸 ankles锛 The pain in his left foot is acpanied by redness and swelling. 锛埚乏鑴氶吀䦅涳纴骞舵湁绾㈣偪銆傦级 He has pain in his teeth or jaw. 锛堜粬镄勭堕榻垮拰涓嫔反鐤肩棝銆傦级

He has some problems with his teeth. 锛堜粬鐗欓娇链夐梾棰樸傦级 The tooth hurts only when he bites down on it. 锛堜粬鍜涓滆タ镞讹纴鐗欓娇灏辩棝銆傦级

His gums are red and swollen. 锛堜粬镄勭堕搴婄孩镶裤傦级銆

2. 鍏充簬鐢熺梾镄勮嫳鏂囦綔鏂


Hello everone .my name is _____锛埚~钖嶅瓧锛. I am __锛埚勾榫勶级.I likes listening to music.Yesterday , I was ill . my mother and my father took me to the hospital .I was trying very much !But my classe *** ate were went to the hospital look after me .At that time ,I was so happy !my classe *** ate gave me some treacle

fruit.I felt quite restored to health .

my classe *** ates are very good boy and good girl .I thanks they very much ! I love my classe *** ates very much !


3. 鍐欎竴绡囧叧浜庣敓䦅呬简镄勮嫳璇浣沧枃涓嶅皯浜50涓鍗曡瘝

Lily didn't e to school yesterday because she fell ill. So I went to see her in the hospital after school. She told me she had stomache often. I asked her what did she had yesterday, she said she had too much meat. I told her that she should have a balanced diet, such as more healthy food and stayed away from the junk food and meat. She thanked me for my advice.銆

4. 鍒濅腑鑻辫浣沧枃,璇嶅彞钬沧垜鐢熺梾浜嗏濈敤鑻辨枃镐庝箞璇

鎴戠敓䦅呬简锛岃嫳鏂囨槸锛 I Am Sick 锣冩枃浣犲彲浠ュ弬钥冧竴涓嬨

I felt dizzy when I got up this morning. It didn't care about it, because I thought I just because I hadn't had a good sleep last night. Then I went to school without breakfast. I lost my appetite. But after I had o classes, I felt much worse and my body getting hot. My desk mate found my illness and told me to ask for a leave. She helped me to write the sick note and took me home. Mother was surprised to see me e home. When she realized I was sick, she took me to the hospital immediately. Doctor said I had a fever caused by cough. I had to put on a drip and take medicines for three days. Then I went home and had rest. 浠婂ぉ镞╂櫒璧峰簥镄勬椂鍊欙纴鎴戞劅瑙夊埌澶存檿锛屼絾鏄鎴戝苟娌℃湁澶鍦ㄦ剰锛屼互涓哄彧鏄锲犱负鏄ㄥぉ鏅氢笂镌′笉濂界殑缂樻晠銆傜敱浜庢病链夎儍鍙o纴娌″悆镞╅愭垜灏卞幓涓婂︿简銆



