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发布时间: 2023-12-17 23:06:41

⑴ 有哪些药物是一岁之前的宝宝不能服用的

给宝宝服用药物需要格外的小心,美国专业儿科医生给出的建议是:妈妈们一定要注意以下9种药物,尽量避免给宝宝们服用。 妈妈给宝宝服用任何药物,特别是首次使用前,一定要咨询下医生。婴儿比成人更容易有药物的不良反应,所以给孩子服用处方或非处方(OTC)药物,甚至是“本草”的药物都是件严肃的事。 Consult a doctor before giving your baby any medication, especially the first time. Babies are much more likely than alts to have adverse drug reactions, so giving your child prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medication – even "herbal" medicines – is serious business. 以下的这些药物,妈妈们要尽量避免给宝宝服用。 Here are some medicines you should never give your baby. 阿司匹林 不要给宝宝服用阿司匹林或含阿司匹林的药物,除非医生这样给出这样药方安排。 妈妈们给宝宝服用药物前,务必要仔细阅读标签(阿司匹林有时也被称为“水杨酸盐”或“乙酰水杨酸”),如果你不能确定一个产品是否是阿司匹林,可以询问下医生。 Aspirin Never give your baby aspirin or any medication containing aspirin unless instructed to do so by your baby's doctor. Aspirin can make a child susceptible to Reye's syndrome – a rare but potentially fatal illness. Don't assume that the children's medicines found in drugstores will be aspirin-free. Read labels carefully (aspirin is sometimes referred to as "salicylate" or "acetylsalicylic acid"), and ask your doctor or pharmacist if you're not sure whether a proct is aspirin-free. 过度的非处方咳嗽和感冒药 美国小儿科学会(AAP)建议不要让婴儿服用非处方的咳嗽或者感冒药。研究表明,它们实际上并不利于孩子在这个年龄段的症状舒缓。当一个孩子错误地服用超过推荐剂量的药物后,危害是非常大的。 除了副作用,如嗜睡或失眠,胃部不适和皮疹或荨麻疹,孩子还可能能受到其他的严重影响,如心脏急速率,抽搐,甚至死亡。 如果你的宝宝的感严重,妈妈可以尝试下在室内使用加湿器或其他家庭的补救措施。 Over-the-counter cough and cold medicine The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises against giving OTC cough and cold medicines to babies. Studies show that they don't actually help soothe symptoms in kids this age. And they can be harmful, especially when a child mistakenly gets more than the recommended dose. In addition to side effects like drowsiness or sleeplessness, upset stomach, and a rash or hives, a child can suffer serious effects such as rapid heart rate, convulsions, and even death. If your baby's miserable with a cold, you may want to try a humidifier or other home remedies. 抗恶心药物 除非医生建议,不然不要给宝宝服用抗恶心的药物。呕吐的发作大多是相当短暂的,而婴儿和儿童使用简单的常规处理就可以,不必服用任何药物。此外,抗恶心药物有引发并发症的风险。 Anti-nausea medication Don't give your baby a prescription or anti-nausea medication unless his doctor specifically recommends it. Most bouts of vomiting are pretty short-lived, and babies and children usually handle them just fine without any medication. In addition, anti-nausea medications have risks and possible complications. 成人用药 有妈妈们会给宝宝服用相对较少剂量的成人药物,但实际上这好是非常危险的。如果标签上没有注明适合儿童的剂量和服药年龄,最好不要给宝宝服用成人药物。 Alt medication Giving your baby a smaller dose of medicine meant for an alt is dangerous. If the label doesn't indicate an appropriate dose for the weight and age of your child, don't give her that medication. 任何过期的药物 任何过期的药物对孩子的伤害都是巨大的,所以妈妈们在给孩子们服药之前最好先看看药物的有效期。 Anything expired Toss out medicines, prescription and OTC alike, as soon as they expire. Also get rid of discolored or crumbly medicines – basically anything that doesn't look the way it did when you first bought it. 过量的对乙酰氨基酚 有些药物中都含有对乙酰氨基酚,以帮助缓解发热和疼痛,妈妈在给宝宝服用此类药物时,要非常小心,不要过量。 Extra acetaminophen Some medicines contain acetaminophen to help ease fever and pain, so be careful not to give your baby an additional separate dose of acetaminophen if she's taking such medications. 咀嚼片 咀嚼片种类的药对孩子来说是有窒息的风险的。 Chewables Chewable tablets or other kinds of medicine in tablet form are a choking hazard for babies. If your baby's eating solids and you want to use a tablet, ask your child's doctor or pharmacist if it's okay to crush it and put in a spoonful of soft food, like yogurt or applesauce. 吐根糖浆 吐根糖浆会导致孩子严重的呕吐。 Syrup of ipecac Syrup of ipecac causes vomiting. 呵护悠为您带来更多欧美先进育儿理念!

⑵ 儿童禁用,哪些药不能给宝宝吃

1. 链霉素、卡那霉素、庆大霉素等有可能损害儿童的听神经,引起耳聋。

2. 多黏菌素、去甲肾上腺素能引起儿童的肾脏损伤。

3. 胃复安能引起一些儿童的脑损伤。

4. 四环素、氟哌酸等药物能影响幼儿牙齿、骨骼的发育。

5. 感冒通能引起儿童血尿;滴鼻净(萘甲唑啉)能引起儿童中毒等。

⑶ 哪些退烧药严禁给宝宝吃原因是什么呢

