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發布時間: 2024-07-08 01:53:21

❶ Ours的《Dizzy》 歌詞


Ours - Dizzy
We ran
We starved the things
That feel
The drunken waters steal from me
If we beat him down, will he stay?
He's a little dizzy
I feel it starting to take me
Where did everybody go?
I need them now
To save me
We fell, when they choked the things that feed
How come... we hurt the one's we need?
Lay down, and stretch upon the sea
If we beat him down, will he stay?
He's a little dizzy
I feel it starting to take me
Where did everybody go?
I need them now
If we beat him down... will he stay?
If we beat him down, will he stay?
He's a little dizzy
I feel it starting to take me
Where did everybody go?
I need them now
If we beat him down


❷ 求歌詞~Dizzy樂隊的 ours 。!!!!

We ran
We starved the thing
That feel Outback
The drunken waters steal from me
If we beat him down, will he stay?
He』s a little dizzy
I feel it starting to take me
Where did everybody go?
I need them now
To save me
We fell, when they choked the things that feed
How come... we hurt the one』s we need?
Lay down, and stretch upon the sea
If we beat him down, will he stay?
He』s a little dizzy
I feel it starting to take me
Where did everybody go?
I need them now
If we beat him down... will he stay


1917年出生的Dizzy Gillespie 迪吉 葛拉斯彼,本名John Birks Gillespie,他的藝名Dizzy是「暈眩」的意思,而他也的確是一位令人目瞪口呆頭暈目眩的演奏大師,極端高速的長段即興獨奏,精湛的和聲與節奏素養,永遠笑容滿面,永遠樂於指導提攜後進,甚至於他向上翹起45度的小喇叭和演奏時兩頰鼓起如牛蛙的特異景緻,對許多喜愛他音樂的人來說,都成了爵士樂的精神象徵。

葛拉斯彼早期出道江湖的時候在一些演奏搖擺樂的大樂團里擔任小喇叭手,但他一直希望建構出自己的音樂體系,據說當年他在Cab Callaway的卡拉威大樂團任職的時候,常在練習時試驗他的創新和聲觀念而遭到團長痛斥,盡管如此,葛拉斯彼仍然漸漸地將他的理論架構完整,在與其他傑出的爵士樂手如薩克斯風手Charlie Parker查理帕克等人的合作之下,爵士樂最重要的一次革命性變革,也就是Bebop咆勃爵士,終於誕生,葛拉斯彼和帕克被稱為咆勃爵士的開山始祖,對當代爵士樂的影響無比深遠。

葛拉斯彼對古巴和非洲音樂中的節奏有精深的研究,也就是他將這些不同的節奏元素引進爵士樂中,並且加以發揚光大,從他所創作的曲子如〈Night In Turnisia〉之中,可以聽出他豐富的節奏感。 葛拉斯彼提攜指導了許多日後的大師,包括Miles Davis邁爾士戴維斯,Clifford Brown克里夫布朗等人,戴維斯回憶說:「當年我向Dizzy請教和弦問題,他走到鋼琴旁邊,一遍遍的示範給我看。」

葛拉斯彼是技巧最高超的幾位小喇叭演奏家之一,他與帕克合作的專輯《Bird & Diz》里,這兩位不世出的奇才,在交叉追逐彼此應答的獨奏中,飈出令人難以想像的快速即興樂句,和弦、節奏極端復雜,卻又精準無比,超人般的演奏能力,令人嘆為觀止。