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兒童學游泳大概多久 2025-03-07 11:10:27


發布時間: 2022-07-11 02:27:50

『壹』 瀕臨滅絕的動物有哪些用英語描述

  • 長吻針鼴Zaglossus bruijni EN瀕危;

  • 沙漠袋貂Sminthopsis psammophila EN瀕危;

  • 袋狸目Peramelemorphia EN瀕危;

  • 條紋袋狸Perameles bougainville EN瀕危;

  • 澳洲毛鼻袋熊Lasiorhinus krefftii CR極危;

  • 尖尾兔袋鼠Onychogalea fraenata EN瀕危;

  • 短鼻大袋鼠Bettongia tropica EN瀕危;

  • 白胸狐蝠Pteropus insularis CR極危;

  • 瑪利安娜狐蝠Pteropus mariannus EN瀕危;

  • 西太平洋卡洛島狐蝠Pteropus molossinus CR極危;

  • 金狐蝠Pteropus phaeocephalus CR極危;

  • 金竹狐猴Hapalemur aureus CR極危;

  • 闊鼻馴狐猴Hapalemur simus CR極危;

  • 白頸狐猴Varecia variegata EN瀕危;

  • 光面狐猴Indri indri EN瀕危;

  • 白耳狨Callithrix aurita EN瀕危;

  • 黃頭狨Callithrix flaviceps EN瀕危;

  • 金獅狨Leontopithecus rosalia EN瀕危;

  • 雙色獠狨Saguinus bicolor CR極危;

  • 棉頂狨Saguinus oedipus EN瀕危;

  • 紅面吼猴Alouatta pigra EN瀕危;

  • 捲毛蜘蛛猴Brachyteles arachnoides EN瀕危;

  • 紅背松鼠猴Saimiri oerstedii EN瀕危;

  • 黛安娜須猴Cercopithecus diana EN瀕危;

  • 獅尾獼猴Macaca silenus EN瀕危;

  • 鬼狒Mandrillus leucophaeus EN瀕危;

  • 長鼻猴Nasalis larvatus EN瀕危;

  • 塔那河紅疣猴Procolobus rufomitratus CR極危;

  • 白臀葉猴Pygathrix nemaeus EN瀕危;

  • 黃冠葉猴Trachypithecus geei EN瀕危;

  • 冠葉猴Trachypithecus pileatus EN瀕危;

  • 白眉長臂猿Bunopithecus hoolock EN瀕危;

  • 銀長臂猿Hylobates moloch CR極危;

  • 黑長臂猿Nomascus concolor EN瀕危;

  • 山地大猩猩Gorilla beringei EN瀕危;

  • 大猩猩Gorilla gorilla EN瀕危;

  • 倭黑猩猩Pan paniscus EN瀕危;

  • 黑猩猩Pan troglodytes EN瀕危;

  • 紅毛猩猩Pongo pygmaeus EN瀕危。

『貳』 英文介紹下瀕危動物,最好2種以上,要配有中文翻譯,急需

Introction: the green turtles weight around 150 jin, in a percent of its YouGui inferior. YouGui in general SiWuYue alienation and chaotic climb nests to the sea. Only from the sea to GuiChao over a period of a short beach, keep might be eagle meat, such as bird food.

(a) morphological characters

The turtle is the tortoise, 1-1.3 meters long and weigh more than 100 kilograms, shape, and suitable for paddling limbs OARS. On his forehead knob to scale back, 1 shield chips. Neck shield plate shorter and wider, 5, vertebral shield of shield. Fore legs are short. The brown or yellow, olive shifts.

(2) feeding

With fish and seaweed, crustaceans, cephalopods mollusks for food.


From June to September each year, there in the turtle bay green turtles migration to the shore, laying eggs. Every night, the female turtle will slowly crawled on the beach, is flooding in the right place, GaoChaoXian and g a pit wide, to lay eggs, 50 to 200 more (figure 2). After use sand covered in eggs, in warm moist in the sand, and natural hatched - 60 days, young turtles cases emerged drill, climbed into the sea. Reserve YouGui staff to help return the sea (figure 3), the state animal protection for the protection, but also the international animal.

(4) economic value

The economic value, high turtle meat delicious and nutritious, blood and bile GuiBan, which was listed at best, and development of anti-cancer food prospects.

(5) of the green turtle

1 and dragon head, the tortoise babes: four feet, back, and there are long tail, green.

Title: frist, head, the tortoise four-footed back, abdomen, green, though JiaChangYou than a paddle dragon, but is still uncommon view, living treasures, extremely rare.

3, peony head: only the turtle is green, overhead minister for rare species.

4, and the tortoise Ying: back JiaChangYou abdomen, green, water, in a green fluff.

Tortoise: 5 days Ying back on a green coat.

6, double Ying: only two feet before the tortoise after a foot or green.

7, three Ying: three feet long on the turtle is green.

8, four feet (Ying: the long hair is green.

9, LvYing: turtle head, tail are green.

10, Ying: the head and the tortoise only two feet long before there green.

11, HuZiYing: cheek or jaw length is green, general.

12 Ying hairy, more than 35 cm long, MAO hairy, green turtle.

(6) green turtle choice

1 JinShou, green turtle: export varieties.

2, kirin LongWei green turtle: holes green turtle freckles, green turtle line for tortoises.

The turtle totaled 7 species, existing in Chinese waters of green turtles, screw is parlama, tortoise, leatherback turtles, five, DaiMao green turtles, the rest have very few.

Two heads of the forehead, hook. The scales Repeat the cutin on the board, tegular grows older graally spread, smooth surface, brown and light yellow and pattern, a fin foot limbs. There fore, two claws, the hind legs short, with a claw only. Short tail, usually not armor. Sexual violence, fish and seaweed. Eggs food, Horniness board can be buttons, shape-recovery eyeglass frames or accessories, In a traditional with cold, taste, sex, function, finally, wild fever DingJing JingFeng polio, the audience, swollen boils, poison.




























『叄』 瀕臨滅絕的12種動物的介紹要中英對照

3. 紫貂
黿鱉類要數黿最大 別名 藍團魚,銀魚 學名 Pelochelys bisroni英文名 Bibron's soft-shelled turtle 鱉科 Trionychidae 分布 雲南,海南,廣東,廣西,福建,浙江,江蘇
大鯢 別名 娃娃魚
學名 Andrias davidianus 英文名 giant salamander
隱鰓鯢科 Cryptobranchidae
分布 華北,華中,華南和西南各省
紫貂 紫貂也會上樹
別名 貂,貂鼠,赤貂,黑貂,大葉子
學名 Martes zibellin 英文名 sable 鼬科 Mustelidae
分布 黑龍江,吉林,遼寧及新疆
白鰭豚屬鯨類淡水豚類,國家一級保護動物,為我國特有珍稀水生哺乳動物,有"水中熊貓"之稱,已被列入世界瀕危物種名錄中.白鰭豚分布在長江中下游幹流的湖北枝城至長江口約 1600千米的江段內,以魚為食,喜結群活動小群約2~3頭,大群約9~16頭.

http://life.qianlong.com/28687/2006/03/07/[email protected]

『肆』 求瀕危動物的英文介紹和翻譯

Dolphin nursing program, a cetacean, Asia Head tooth whales, porpoises, commonly known as dolphins, a total of nearly 62 species distribution in the world's oceans. 1.2~4.2 meter length, weight 23~225 kg. Dolphins general Zuijian, about 100 of the upper and lower teeth were taper, mainly with fish, squid, shrimp, and crabs to eat. Dolphins liked "collective" life, at least the first few, the number hundreds. Maria is a dolphin skills, the bright sea mammals. After training ground as table tennis, diving and other cooker. In addition to people, animals species of dolphin brain is the most developed. The human brain accounted for 2.1% of my weight, the weight of the dolphin's brain, accounted for 1.7%. Completely separate from the dolphin's brain was composed of two parts, as part of the work, another part of sufficient rest, it could not sleep for life. Dolphin echolocation is on target to judge the proximity and direction, location, shape and even the nature of objects. Some experiments, dolphins blindfolded, to muddy the waters in this fashion, they can quickly and accurately tracked food thrown at it. The dolphins are not only alarming hearing, superb swimming and diving extraordinary skills. It was a test of the dolphins diving record is 300 meters deep, and not wearing a diving suit, only to dive 20 meters. As for the swimming speed is matched by mankind. Dolphin has a maximum speed of 40 km per hour, equivalent to Yuleikuaiting medium speed.
海豚 Delphinidae;dolphins

海豚屬於哺乳綱、鯨目、齒鯨亞目,海豚科,通稱海豚,共有近62種,分布於世界各大洋。體長1.2~4.2米,體重23~225千克。海豚一般嘴尖,上下頜各有約100顆尖細的牙齒,主要以小魚、烏賊、蝦、蟹為食。 海豚喜歡過「集體」生活,少則幾頭,多則幾百頭。海豚是一種本領超群、聰明伶俐的海中哺乳動物。經過訓練,能打乒乓球、跳火圈等。除人以外,海豚的大腦是動物種最發達的。人的大腦占本人體重的百分之二點一,海豚的大腦占它體重的百分之一點七。海豚的大腦由完全隔開的兩部分組成,當其中一部分工作時,另一部分充分休息,因此,可終生不眠。 海豚是靠回聲定位來判斷目標的遠近、方向、位置、形狀、甚至物體的性質。有人做試驗,把海豚的眼睛蒙上,把水攪渾,它們也能迅速、准確的追到扔給它的食物。 海豚不但有驚人的聽覺,還有高超的游泳和異乎尋常的潛水本領。據有人測驗,海豚的潛水記錄是300米深,而人不穿潛水衣,只能下潛20米。至於它的游泳速度,更是人類比不上的。 海豚的速度可達每小時40公里,相當於魚雷快艇的中等速度。

『伍』 關於瀕危動物的英文介紹,初一水平。

Alias ji, ji, belong to beak dolphin division, known as LipotesvexilliferMiller, belongs to the cetaceans (Cetacea), the ji.
Identify characteristics is: the rostrum is long and narrow, about 300 mm long. Frontal circle and uplift. 3/5 of the dorsal fin triangle, located in the body, with low skin ridge are connected to the caudal fin. Partial on the left side of the head can have a comfortable breathing hole opening and closing. To the caudal fin level, to the edge of concave into a crescent. The ji population is small, for our country unique rare aquatic animals, to strengthen protection. . Native to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river in hubei, anhui, jiangsu section of main stream. In 25 million, around the Yangtze river, some of them have the laudatory title of "living fossil". Due to the number of odd little, is listed as one of China's level of protection of wild animals.

『陸』 用英語介紹一種瀕臨滅絕的動物

Koalas, an iconic symbol of Australia, face extinction as rapid urbanization along the eastern seaboard destroys their fragile habitat, environmental activists have warned.

The Australian Koala Foundation has written to the government urging it to declare the koala a vulnerable species after a survey of 1,000 koala habitats found 30 percent no longer had a koala in them and 60 percent had suffered widespread destruction.

"I truly believe that in my lifetime the koala will become extinct unless we do something," Deborah Tabarat, executive director of the foundation, told reporters.

Koalas are protected by law but the eucalyptus trees they call home and which provide their only source of food are not.

There are about 100,000 koalas in Australia, down from an estimated 7 million to 10 million at the time of white settlement in 1788. In the 1920s 3 million koalas were shot for their fur.

Tabarat said the major problem facing koalas was that the majority of Australia's 20 million people and the majority of the koala population both call Australia's eastern states home.

She said that with 80 percent of Australia's east coast temperate forests destroyed and continued rapid urbanization, koalas along the eastern seaboard could be extinct in 15 years.

"This animal is in serious trouble," said Tabarat.

"In 15 years you will not see a koala west of the divide," she said, referring to the Great Australian Divide, mountains that divide east coast Australia from its rural outback.

Wild koalas only exist in four of Australia's six states: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.

The marsupial has no natural predator but has been in decline for decades e to urban sprawl and from car accidents and dog attacks.

More than 4,000 koalas are killed each year by dogs and cars, said the foundation on its Web site.

The most robust koala population on the Australian mainland exists in southeast Queensland and numbers about 10,000, but it too faces extinction in 15 years, said Tabarat.

Southeast Queensland is experiencing the most rapid population growth of any part of Australia. Over the past eight years 16,000 koalas in the area arrived dead or fatally injured in hospitals after accidents with cars or dog attacks and another 10,000 injured koalas probably died in the bush, said Tabarat.















urbanization: 城市化
vulnerable species: 瀕危物種
eucalyptus trees: 桉樹
temperate forests: 溫帶森林
marsupial: 有袋動物