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零基礎多久能學會滑雪 2025-03-09 10:06:14
搞笑動漫貼什麼標簽 2025-03-09 09:32:15


發布時間: 2022-07-06 07:26:57

❶ 我從導游那裡聽了一些有關鳥類的有趣的故事英語

This is one of the most interesting stories ______ ______ ______ ______ ______.
答案:I have ever heard before.

❷ 關於birds的英語新聞

鴿與大多數鳥類一樣,無外交接器(鴕鳥、鴨、鵝等有交接器)。它們在交配時,雌雄鴿的泄殖腔孔相互接觸,精液進入雌體而行體內受精。卵成熟後,破卵巢壁而出,被吸入輸卵管的喇叭口內,如遇有精子,則在此處受精。卵無論受精與否,沿輸卵管下行時,都被裹上蛋白,然後又加上卵殼膜,最後在子宮處加上石灰質的蛋殼。鴿的受精卵,孵化期約16 d,雞約21 d,鴨約28 d。
birthday 生日
circus 馬戲團
dirty 臟的
bird 鳥
circle 圓
dirt 灰塵
girl 女孩

❸ 求一些鳥類的英語,帶翻譯,求求求求求求!不少於5個

eagle 鷹
bald eagle 白頭鷹
condor 禿鷹
hawk, falcon 隼
heron 蒼鷹
golden eagle 鷲
kite 鷂
vulture 禿鷲
cock 公雞
hen 母雞
chicken 雞, 雛雞
guinea, fowl 珍珠雞
turkey 火雞
peacock 孔雀
ck 鴨
mallard 野鴨, 鳧
teal 小野鴨
gannet 塘鵝
goose 鵝
pelican 鵜鶘
cormorant 鸕鶿
swan 天鵝
cob 雄天鵝
cygnet 小天鵝
gander, wild goose 雁
dove 鴿
pigeon 野鴿
turtle dove 斑鳩
pheasant 雉, 野雞
grouse 松雞
partridge 石雞, 鷓鴣
ptarmigan 雷鳥
quail 鵪鶉
ostrich 鴕鳥
stork 鸛
woodcock 山鷸
snipe 鷸
gull, seagull 海鷗
albatross 信天翁
kingfisher 翠鳥
bird of paradise 極樂鳥, 天堂鳥
woodpecker 啄木鳥
parrot 鸚鵡
cockatoo 大葵花鸚鵡
macaw 金剛鸚鵡
parakeet 長尾鸚鵡
cuckoo 杜鵑,布穀鳥
crow 烏鴉
blackbird 烏鶇
magpie 喜鵲
swallow 燕子
sparrow 麻雀
nightingale 夜鶯
canary 金絲雀
starling 八哥
thrush 畫眉
goldfinch 金翅雀
chaffinch 蒼頭燕雀
robin 知更鳥
plover 千鳥
lark 百鳥,雲雀
swift 褐雨燕

❹ 關於鳥類的英語單詞





❺ 急需一篇50詞左右的介紹鳥類的英語短文!

The kookaburras, also known as the "laughing jackass", is a special bird in Australia. Its voice is hoarse, so it is often used as background voice in movies or TV programmes when people want to show the sound of jungle. The kookaburras is about 46 centimetres and weighs about 500 grams. It is the largest in size among all species of kingfishers. It mainly perches in Eastern Australia, but now it is successfully introced into Western Australia. Unlike other species of kingfishers, it does not eat fish, but feeds on mice, little birds, snakes and insects. While in the west, it also takes chickens and cks as food.

笑翠鳥,別名笑狗魚鳥(laughing jackass),是澳洲獨有的鳥類。它的叫聲嘶啞(hoarse),因而在電影和電視中表現叢林的聲音時,它的叫聲通常被用作背景音。它的身長有46公分,體重約500克,是翠鳥(kingfisher)家族中體型最大的一種,主要生活在澳洲東部,但現在已經被成功引進澳洲西部。它不吃魚,主要捕食老鼠、小鳥、蛇和昆蟲,但在西部,它們也捕食雞和鴨子。

❻ 介紹鳥的英語短文

There is a legend about a bird which sings just once in its life, more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth. From the moment it leaves the nest it searches for a thorn tree, and does not rest until it has found one. Then, singing among the savage branches, it impales itself upon the longest, sharpest spine. And, dying, it rises above its own agony to outcarol the lark and the nightingale. One superlative song, existence the price. But the whole world stills to listen, and God in His heaven smiles. For the best is only bought at the cost of great pain….

❼ 保護鳥類的英語作文

First of all I have to start from
If you really love and want to protect their birds, then: What kind of bird you do not raise!
Because there does not belong to a bird cage is not their natural attribution! And then a large cage is not!
The vast land of endless blue sky is their home!

Freedom is part of each bird's life!

And those around you and then tell you to do the same thing! And refused to eat any non-breeding birds, eggs! Do not buy any use of wild birds, feathers, or other organs do arts and crafts!
Then, if you have a spare then please contribute to the Association for the Protection of Birds, as volunteers, willing to publicize knowledge of the Protection of Birds
Please send them to their friends as human beings who are not and never will be the master!
The Protection of Birds
1, to contain the phenomenon of hunting
Is a lot of expensive, rare birds has become the food on the table, people kill objects. A serious problem has been exposed, to know If you do not take measures on a shotgun I think people will be the last bullet for themselves.
The first is "blocking" is to strengthen the intensity of market management, block of wild animals in the market, distribution channels, those measures were the reason to kill wild animals will be set the expense of France, still go its own way, wantonly killing of wild animals, a great The reason is because the wild animals get sold on the market can Maihao price. Measures to kill the game as long as they can not be sold in the market, and will be punished by law, then hunting of wild animals, the phenomenon would be greatly reced.
The second is "Shu" is to strengthen publicity and ecation of the people, so that people from the very recognition of the importance of protecting wild animals, so that people have the concept of the rule of law in this regard is only to clear the people's ideological obstacles to practical action in do the work of protecting wild animals, Mao Zedong once said: "The people are in this war." Therefore, to fight this war, the protection of wild animals, we must do the people's work.
The third is the "fight", that is, the people on the basis of clear, in-depth relied on the people, the establishment of various reporting system, where upon receipt of illegal killing, selling message, it should immediately launch an attack. Which one dares to abandon the expense of France, then waiting for him will be the legal penalties, not soft. "Beating" is a means, only the crackdown, in order to protect wildlife resources.
The fourth is to "maintain", that is, the protection of wild resources, based on the appropriate to meet the needs of the people to establish a base of wild animal husbandry. Many birds have a high food value, medicinal value. Bird could sideline the rural economy be promoted so that farmers towards the road to riches; objectively has reced the people's nature to kill wild animals to protect a limited number of animal resources. This can serve two too, why not?
2, the establishment of protection agencies to combat illegal hunting

English translation of what the final words are not allowed to ask me

❽ 雅思詞彙:各種鳥類用英語怎麼說



❾ 鳥類的英語

eagle 鷹
bald eagle 白頭鷹
condor 禿鷹
hawk, falcon 隼
heron 蒼鷹
golden eagle 鷲
kite 鷂
vulture 禿鷲
cock 公雞
hen 母雞
chicken 雞, 雛雞
guinea, fowl 珍珠雞
turkey 火雞
peacock 孔雀
ck 鴨
mallard 野鴨, 鳧
teal 小野鴨
gannet 塘鵝
goose 鵝
pelican 鵜鶘
cormorant 鸕鶿
swan 天鵝
cob 雄天鵝
cygnet 小天鵝
gander, wild goose 雁
dove 鴿
pigeon 野鴿
turtle dove 斑鳩
pheasant 雉, 野雞
grouse 松雞
partridge 石雞, 鷓鴣
ptarmigan 雷鳥
quail 鵪鶉
ostrich 鴕鳥
stork 鸛
woodcock 山鷸
snipe 鷸
gull, seagull 海鷗
albatross 信天翁
kingfisher 翠鳥
bird of paradise 極樂鳥, 天堂鳥
woodpecker 啄木鳥
parrot 鸚鵡
cockatoo 大葵花鸚鵡
macaw 金剛鸚鵡
parakeet 長尾鸚鵡
cuckoo 杜鵑,布穀鳥
crow 烏鴉
blackbird 烏鶇
magpie 喜鵲
swallow 燕子
sparrow 麻雀
nightingale 夜鶯
canary 金絲雀
starling 八哥
thrush 畫眉
goldfinch 金翅雀
chaffinch 蒼頭燕雀
robin 知更鳥
plover 千鳥
lark 百鳥,雲雀
swift 褐雨燕
whitethroat 白喉雀
hummingbird 蜂雀
penguin 企鵝
owl 梟,貓頭鷹
scops owl 角梟,耳鳥