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空心歌詞有哪些含義 2025-01-23 07:21:49
為什麼你走了的歌詞 2025-01-23 07:01:55
兒童嘔吐拉肚子怎麼辦 2025-01-23 06:54:49


發布時間: 2022-07-03 05:27:43

『壹』 關於宇宙的資料關於宇宙的資料英文還有翻譯









詞源考察 在中國古籍中最早使用宇宙這個詞的是《莊子·齊物論》。「宇」的含義包括各個方向,如東西南北的一切地點。「宙」包括過去、現在、白天、黑夜,即一切不同的具體時間。戰國末期的屍佼說:「四方上下曰宇,往古來今曰宙。」「宇」指空間,「宙」指時間,「宇宙」就是時間和空間的統一。後來「宇宙」一詞便被用來指整個客觀實在世界。與宇宙相當的概念有「天地」、「乾坤」、「六合」等,但這些概念僅指宇宙的空間方面。《管子》的「宙合」一詞,「宙」指時間,「合」(即「六合」)指空間,與「宇宙」概念最接近。

在西方,宇宙這個詞在英語中叫cosmos,在俄語中叫кocMoc ,在德語中叫kosmos ,在法語中叫cosmos。它們都源自希臘語的κoσμoζ,古希臘人認為宇宙的創生乃是從渾沌中產生出秩序來,κoσμoζ其原意就是秩序。但在英語中更經常用來表示「宇宙」的詞是universe。此詞與universitas有關。在中世紀,人們把沿著同一方向朝同一目標共同行動的一群人稱為universitas。在最廣泛的意義上,universitas 又指一切現成的東西所構成的統一整體,那就是universe,即宇宙。universe和cosmos常常表示相同的意義,所不同的是,前者強調的是物質現象的總和,而後者則強調整體宇宙的結構或構造。

宇宙觀念的發展 宇宙結構觀念的發展 遠古時代,人們對宇宙結構的認識處於十分幼稚的狀態,他們通常按照自己的生活環境對宇宙的構造作了幼稚的推測。在中國西周時期,生活在華夏大地上的人們提出的早期蓋天說認為,天穹像一口鍋,倒扣在平坦的大地上;後來又發展為後期蓋天說,認為大地的形狀也是拱形的。公元前7世紀 ,巴比倫人認為,天和地都是拱形的,大地被海洋所環繞,而其中央則是高山。古埃及人把宇宙想像成以天為盒蓋、大地為盒底的大盒子,大地的中央則是尼羅河。古印度人想像圓盤形的大地負在幾只大象上,而象則站在巨大的龜背上,公元前7世紀末,古希臘的泰勒斯認為,大地是浮在水面上的巨大圓盤,上面籠罩著拱形的天穹。

最早認識到大地是球形的是古希臘人。公元前6世紀,畢達哥拉斯從美學觀念出發,認為一切立體圖形中最美的是球形,主張天體和我們所居住的大地都是球形的。這一觀念為後來許多古希臘學者所繼承,但直到1519~1522年,葡萄牙的F.麥哲倫率領探險隊完成了第一次環球航行後 ,地球是球形的觀念才最終證實。





宇宙演化觀念的發展 在中國,早在西漢時期,《淮南子·俶真訓》指出:「有始者,有未始有有始者,有未始有夫未始有有始者」,認為世界有它的開辟之時,有它的開辟以前的時期,也有它的開辟以前的以前的時期。《淮南子·天文訓》中還具體勾畫了世界從無形的物質狀態到渾沌狀態再到天地萬物生成演變的過程。在古希臘,也存在著類似的見解。例如留基伯就提出,由於原子在空虛的空間中作旋渦運動,結果輕的物質逃逸到外部的虛空,而其餘的物質則構成了球形的天體,從而形成了我們的世界。


1911年,E.赫茨普龍建立了第一幅銀河星團的顏色星等圖;1913年,H.N.羅素則繪出了恆星的光譜-光度圖,即赫羅圖。羅素在獲得此圖後便提出了一個恆星從紅巨星開始,先收縮進入主序,後沿主序下滑,最終成為紅矮星的恆星演化學說。1924年 ,A.S.愛丁頓提出了恆星的質光關系;1937~1939年,C.F.魏茨澤克和貝特揭示了恆星的能源來自於氫聚變為氦的原子核反應。這兩個發現導致了羅素理論被否定,並導致了科學的恆星演化理論的誕生。對於星系起源的研究,起步較遲,目前普遍認為,它是我們的宇宙開始形成的後期由原星系演化而來的。

1917年,A.阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦運用他剛創立的廣義相對論建立了一個「靜態、有限、無界」的宇宙模型,奠定了現代宇宙學的基礎。1922年,G.D.弗里德曼發現,根據阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦的場方程,宇宙不一定是靜態的,它可以是膨脹的,也可以是振盪的。前者對應於開放的宇宙,後者對應於閉合的宇宙。1927年,G.勒梅特也提出了一個膨脹宇宙模型.1929年 哈勃發現了星系紅移與它的距離成正比,建立了著名的哈勃定律。這一發現是對膨脹宇宙模型的有力支持。20世紀中葉,G.伽莫夫等人提出了熱大爆炸宇宙模型,他們還預言,根據這一模型,應能觀測到宇宙空間目前殘存著溫度很低的背景輻射。1965年微波背景輻射的發現證實了伽莫夫等人的預言。從此,許多人把大爆炸宇宙模型看成標准宇宙模型。1980年,美國的古斯在熱大爆炸宇宙模型的 基礎上又進一步提出了暴漲宇宙模型。這一模型可以解釋目前已知的大多數重要觀測事實。

宇宙圖景 當代天文學的研究成果表明,宇宙是有層次結構的、物質形態多樣的、不斷運動發展的天體系統。

層次結構 行星是最基本的天體系統。太陽系中共有九大行星:水星 金星 地球 火星 木星 土星 天王星 海王星和冥王星。除水星和金星外,其他行星都有衛星繞其運轉,地球有一個衛星 月球,土星的衛星最多,已確認的有17顆。行星 小行星 彗星和流星體都圍繞中心天體太陽運轉,構成太陽系。太陽占太陽系總質量的99.86%,其直徑約140萬千米,最大的行星木星的直徑約14萬千米。太陽系的大小約120億千米。有證據表明,太陽系外也存在其他行星系統。2500億顆類似太陽的恆星和星際物質構成更巨大的天體系統——銀河系。銀河系中大部分恆星和星際物質集中在一個扁球狀的空間內,從側面看很像一個「鐵餅」,正面看去則呈旋渦狀。銀河系的直徑約10萬光年,太陽位於銀河系的一個旋臂中,距銀心約3萬光年。銀河系外還有許多類似的天體系統,稱為河外星系,常簡稱星系。現已觀測到大約有10億個。星系也聚集成大大小小的集團,叫星系團。平均而言,每個星系團約有百餘個星系,直徑達上千萬光年。現已發現上萬個星系團。包括銀河系在內約40個星系構成的一個小星系團叫本星系群。若干星系團集聚在一起構成更大、更高一層次的天體系統叫超星系團。超星系團往往具有扁長的外形,其長徑可達數億光年。通常超星系團內只含有幾個星系團,只有少數超星系團擁有幾十個星系團。本星系群和其附近的約50個星系團構成的超星系團叫做本超星系團。目前天文觀測范圍已經擴展到200億光年的廣闊空間,它稱為總星系。

多樣性 天體千差萬別,宇宙物質千姿百態。太陽系天體中,水星、金星表面溫度約達700K,遙遠的冥王星向日面的溫度最高時也只有50K;金星表面籠罩著濃密的二氧化碳大氣和硫酸雲霧,氣壓約50個大氣壓,水星、火星表面大氣卻極其稀薄,水星的大氣壓甚至小於2×10-9毫巴;類地行星(水星、金星、火星)都有一個固體表面,類木行星卻是一個流體行星;土星的平均密度為0.70克/厘米3,比水的密度還小,木星、天王星、海王星的平均密 度略大於水的密度,而水星、金星、地球等的密度則達到水的密度的5倍以上;多數行星都是順向自轉,而金星是逆向自轉;地球表面生機盎然,其他行星則是空寂荒涼的世界。




運動和發展 宇宙天體處於永恆的運動和發展之中,天體的運動形式多種多樣,例如自轉、各自的空間運動(本動)、繞系統中心的公轉以及參與整個天體系統的運動等。月球一方面自轉一方面圍繞地球運轉,同時又跟隨地球一起圍繞太陽運轉。太陽一方面自轉,一方面又向著武仙座方向以20千米/秒的速度運動,同時又帶著整個太陽系以250千米/秒的速度繞銀河系中心運轉,運轉一周約需2.2億年。銀河系也在自轉,同時也有相對於鄰近的星系的運動。本超星系團也可能在膨脹和自轉。總星系也在膨脹。


哲學分析 宇宙概念 有些宇宙學家認為,我們的宇宙是唯一的宇宙;大爆炸不是在宇宙空間的哪一點爆炸,而是整個宇宙自身的爆炸。但是,新提出的暴漲模型表明,我們的宇宙僅是整個暴漲區域的非常小的一部分,暴漲後的區域尺度要大於1026厘米,而那時我們的宇宙只有10厘米。還有可能這個暴漲區域是一個更大的始於無規則混沌狀態的物質體系的一部分。這種情況恰如科學史上人類的認識從太陽系宇宙擴展到星系宇宙,再擴展到大尺度宇宙那樣,今天的科學又正在努力把人類的認識進一步向某種探索中的「暴漲宇宙」、「無規則的混沌宇宙」推移。我們的宇宙不是唯一的宇宙,而是某種更大的物質體系的一部分,大爆炸不是整個宇宙自身的爆炸,而是那個更大物質體系的一部分的爆炸。因此,有必要區分哲學和自然科學兩個不同層次的宇宙概念。哲學宇宙概念所反映的是無限多樣、永恆發展的物質世界;自然科學宇宙概念所涉及的則是人類在一定時代觀測所及的最大天體系統。兩種宇宙概念之間的關系是一般和個別的關系。隨著自然科學宇宙概念的發展,人們將逐步深化和接近對無限宇宙的認識。弄清兩種宇宙概念的區別和聯系,對於堅持馬克思主義的宇宙無限論,反對宇宙有限論、神創論、機械論、不可知論、哲學代替論和取消論,都有積極意義。

宇宙的創生 有些宇宙學家認為,暴漲模型最徹底的改革也許是觀測宇宙中所有的物質和能量從無中產生的觀點,這種觀點之所以在以前不能為人們接受,是因為存在著許多守恆定律,特別是重子數守恆和能量守恆。但隨著大統一理論的發展,重子數有可能是不守恆的,而宇宙中的引力能可粗略地說是負的,並精確地抵消非引力能,總能量為零。因此就不存在已知的守恆律阻止觀測宇宙從無中演化出來的問題。這種「無中生有」的觀點在哲學上包括兩個方面:①本體論方面。如果認為「無」是絕對的虛無,則是錯誤的。這不僅違反了人類已知的科學實踐,而且也違反了暴漲模型本身。按照該模型,我們所研究的觀測宇宙僅僅是整個暴漲區域的很小的一部分,在觀測宇宙之外並不是絕對的「無」。現在觀測宇宙的物質是從假真空狀態釋放出來的能量轉化而來的,這種真空能恰恰是一種特殊的物質和能量形式,並不是創生於絕對的「無」。如果進一步說這種真空能起源於「無」,因而整個觀測宇宙歸根到底起源於「無」,那麼這個「無」也只能是一種未知的物質和能量形式。②認識論和方法論方面。暴漲模型所涉及的宇宙概念是自然科學的宇宙概念。這個宇宙不論多麼巨大,作為一個有限的物質體系 ,也有其產生、發展和滅亡的歷史。暴漲模型把傳統的大爆炸宇宙學與大統一理論結合起來,認為觀測宇宙中的物質與能量形式不是永恆的,應研究它們的起源。它把「無」作為一種未知的物質和能量形式,把「無」和「有」作為一對邏輯范疇,探討我們的宇宙如何從「無」——未知的物質和能量形式,轉化為「有」——已知的物質和能量形式,這在認識論和方法論上有一定意義。

時空起源 有些人認為,時間和空間不是永恆的,而是從沒有時間和沒有空間的狀態產生的。根據現有的物理理論,在小於10-43秒和10-33厘米的范圍內,就沒有一個「鍾」和一把「尺子」能加以測量,因此時間和空間概念失效了,是一個沒有時間和空間的物理世界。這種觀點提出已知的時空形式有其適用的界限是完全正確的。正像歷史上的牛頓時空觀發展到相對論時空觀那樣,今天隨著科學實踐的發展也必然要求建立新的時空觀。由於在大爆炸後10-43秒以內,廣義相對論失效,必須考慮引力的量子效應,因此有些人試圖通過時空的量子化的途徑來探討已知的時空形式的起源。這些工作都是有益的,但我們決不能因為人類時空觀念的發展或者在現有的科學技術水平上無法度量新的時空形式,而否定作為物質存在形式的時間、空間的客觀存在。

人和宇宙 從本世紀60年代開始,由於人擇原理的提出和討論,出現了人類存在和宇宙產生的關系問題。人擇原理認為 ,可能存在許多具有不同物理參數和初始條件的宇宙,但只有物理參數和初始條件取特定值的宇宙才能演化出人類,因此我們只能看到一種允許人類存在的宇宙。人擇原理用人類的存在去約束過去可能有的初始條件和物理定律,減少它們的任意性,使一些宇宙學現象得到解釋,這在科學方法論上有一定的意義。但有人提出,宇宙的產生依賴於作為觀測者的人類的存在。這種觀點值得商榷。現在根據暴漲模型,那些被傳統大爆炸模型作為初始條件的狀態,有可能從極早期宇宙的演化中產生出來,而且宇宙的演化幾乎變得與初始條件的一些細節無關。這樣就使上述那種利用初始條件的困難來否定宇宙客觀實在性的觀點失去了基礎。但有些人認為,由於暴漲引起的巨大距離尺度,使得從整體上去觀測宇宙的結構成為不可能。這種擔心有其理由,但如果暴漲模型正確的話,隨著科學實踐的發展,一定有可能突破人類認識上的困難。













『貳』 關於太空的英語文章和俗語等等!!!快!急!!


『叄』 太空知識(英語)


『肆』 太空的知識








太空行走(Walking in space)又稱為出艙活動,即航天員在載人航天器之外或在月球和行星等其他天體上完成各種任務的過程。


『伍』 關於太空的資料(英文)

Outer space
"Deep space" redirects here. For the NASA space probes, see Deep Space 1 and Deep Space 2.

Layers of Atmosphere - not to scale (NOAA)Outer space, also simply called space, refers to the relatively empty regions of the universe outside the atmospheres of celestial bodies. Outer space is used to distinguish it from airspace (and terrestrial locations). Contrary to popular understanding, outer space is not completely empty but contains a low density of particles, predominantly hydrogen gas as well as electromagnetic radiation.

Earth's boundary
There is no discrete boundary between the Earth's atmosphere and space as the atmosphere graally attenuates with increasing altitude. If the atmosphere had a constant temperature, its pressure would decrease exponentially from a sea-level value of 100 kPa (1 bar) toward its final value of zero. The Federation Aeronautique Internationale has established the Kármán line at an altitude of 100 km (62 miles) as a working definition for the boundary between atmosphere and space. The United States designates people who travel above an altitude of 50 miles (80 km) as astronauts. During re-entry, 400,000 feet (75 miles or 120 km) marks the boundary where atmospheric drag becomes noticeable.

Solar System
Outer space within the solar system is called interplanetary space, which passes over into interstellar space at the heliopause. The vacuum of outer space is not really empty; it is sparsely filled with several dozen organic molecules discovered to date by microwave spectros. According to the Big bang theory,2.7 K blackbody radiation was left over from the 'big bang' and the origin of the universe, and cosmic rays, which include ionized atomic nuclei and various subatomic particles. There is also gas, plasma and st, and small meteors and material left over from previous manned and unmanned launches that are a potential hazard to spacecraft. Some of this debris re-enters the atmosphere periodically.

The absence of air makes outer space (and the surface of the Moon) ideal locations for astronomy at all wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum, as evidenced by the spectacular pictures sent back by the Hubble Space Telescope, allowing light from about 14 billion years ago, back almost to the time of the Big Bang to be observed. Pictures and other data from unmanned space vehicles have provided invaluable information about the planets, asteroids and comets in our solar system.

Pressure variance
Going from sea level to outer space proces a pressure difference of only about 15 lbf/sq in, equal to surfacing from an underwater depth of about 34 ft (10 m).

Contrary to popular belief a person suddenly exposed to the vacuum would not explode, but it would take a matter of milliseconds for a person to freeze to death. Water vapor would start to boil off from exposed areas such as the cornea of the eye, and along with oxygen, from membranes inside the lungs. Here is NASA's explanation.

There are many artificial satellites orbiting the Earth, including geosynchronous communication satellites 35,786 km (22,241 miles) above mean sea level at the Equator. Their orbits never "decay" because there is almost no matter there to exert frictional drag. There is also increasing reliance, for both military and civilian uses, of satellites which enable the Global Positioning System (GPS). A common misconception is that people in orbit are outside Earth's gravity because they are obviously "floating". They are floating because they are in "free fall": the force of gravity and their linear velocity is creating an inward centripetal force which is stopping them from flying out into space. Earth's gravity reaches out far past the Van Allen belt and keeps the Moon in orbit at an average distance of 384,403 km (238,857 miles). The gravity of all celestial bodies drops off toward zero with the inverse square of the distance.

Milestones on the way to space
Sea level - 100 kPa (1 atm; 1 bar; 760 mm Hg; 14.5 lbf/in²) of atmospheric pressure
4.6 km (15,000 ft) - FAA requires supplemental oxygen for aircraft pilots and passengers.
5.0 km (16,000 ft) - 50 kPa of atmospheric pressure
5.3 km (17,400 ft) - Half of the Earth's atmosphere is below this altitude.
8.8 km (29,035 ft) - Summit of Mount Everest, the highest mountain on Earth
16 km (52,500 ft) - Pressurized cabin or pressure suit required.
18 km (59,000 ft) - Boundary between troposphere and stratosphere
20 km (65,600 ft) - Water at room temperature boils without a pressurized container. (The popular notion that bodily fluids would start to boil at this point is false because the body generates enough internal pressure to prevent it.)
24 km (78,700 ft) - Regular aircraft pressurization systems no longer function.
32 km (105,000 ft) - Turbojets no longer function.
34.7 km (113,740 ft) - Altitude record for manned balloon flight
45 km (148,000 ft) - Ramjets no longer function.
50 km (164,000 ft) - Boundary between stratosphere and mesosphere
80 km (262,000 ft) - Boundary between mesosphere and thermosphere
100 km (328,084 ft) - Kármán line, defining the limit of outer space according to the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale. Aerodynamic surfaces no longer function from lack of significant atmospheric density.
120 km (400,000 ft) - First noticeable atmospheric drag ring re-entry from orbit
200 km - Lowest possible orbit with short-term stability (stable for a few days)
350 km - Lowest possible orbit with long-term stability (stable for many years)
690 km - Boundary between thermosphere and exosphere
Regions of outer space
Cislunar space
Interplanetary space
Interstellar medium
Intergalactic space
Space does not equal orbit
To perform an orbital space flight, a spacecraft must go higher and faster than for a sub-orbital space flight. A spacecraft has not made orbit until it is circling the Earth at a sufficiently great speed such that the weight of the spacecraft is exactly equal to the centripetal acceleration required to keep it in a circular orbit (see circular motion). It must not only rise above the atmosphere, but must also achieve a sufficient orbital speed (angular velocity). For a low Earth orbit, this is about 7.9 km/s (18,000 mph). Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was the first to realize that, given the energy available from any available chemical fuel, a several-stage rocket would be required. The escape velocity to pull free of Earth』s gravitational field altogether and move into interplanetary space is about 40,000 km/h (25,000 mph or 11,000 m/s). The energy required to reach velocity for low Earth orbit (32 MJ/kg) is about twenty times the energy required simply to climb to the corresponding altitude (10 kJ/(km·kg)).

There is a major difference between sub-orbital and orbital space flights. Minimal altitude for a stable orbit around the Earth, without excessive atmospheric drag, begins at around 350 km (220 miles) above mean sea level. A common misunderstanding about the boundary to space is that orbit occurs simply by reaching this altitude. Achieving orbital speed can theoretically occur at any altitude, although atmospheric drag precludes an orbit that is too low. At sufficient speed, an airplane would need a way to keep it from flying off into space, but at present, this speed is several times greater than anything within reasonable technology.

『陸』 太空的資料(英文)

Cosmonauts Gennady Padalka (C) of Russia, Andre Kuipers (R) of the Netherlands and Michael Fincke of the United States head to undergo the last test training in the Star City Cosmonaut Training Centre outside Moscow, March 30, 2004. They are to blast off to the International Space Station from Baikonur cosmodrome on April 19. [Reuters]


n.宇航員, 航天員

vt.經歷, 遭受, 忍受

blast off



『柒』 急…!!!關於太空space的簡介!要英文的!!

This article is about the idea of space. For the space beyond Earth's atmosphere (as in astronomy and spaceships), see outer space. For all other uses, see space (disambiguation).

The idea of space has been of interest for philosophers and scientists for much of human history. The term is used somewhat differently in different fields of study, hence it is difficult to provide an uncontroversial and clear definition outside of specific defined contexts. Disagreement also exists on whether space itself can be measured or is part of the measuring system. (See Space in philosophy.) Science considers space to be a fundamental quantity (a quantity which can not be defined via other quantities because other quantities — like force and energy — are already defined via space). Thus an operational definition is used in which the procere of measurement of space intervals (distances) and the units of measurement are defined.
In philosophy

Space has a range of definitions:

* One view of space is that it is part of the fundamental structure of the universe, a set of dimensions in which objects are separated and located, have size and shape, and through which they can move.
* A contrasting view is that space is part of a fundamental abstract mathematical conceptual framework (together with time and number) within which we compare and quantify the distance between objects, their sizes, their shapes, and their speeds. In this view, space does not refer to any kind of entity that is a "container" that objects "move through".

These opposing views are relevant also to definitions of time. Space is typically described as having three dimensions, see Three-dimensional space and that three numbers are needed to specify the size of any object and/or its location with respect to another location. Modern physics does not treat space and time as independent dimensions, but treats both as features of space-time – a conception that challenges intuitive notions of distance and time.

An issue of philosophical debate is whether space is an ontological entity itself, or simply a conceptual framework humans need to think (and talk) about the world. Another way to frame this is to ask, "Can space itself be measured, or is space part of the measurement system?" The same debate applies also to time, and an important formulation in both areas was given by Immanuel Kant.

In his Critique of Pure Reason, Kant described space as an a priori intuition that (together with another a priori intuition, time) allows us to comprehend sensual experience. Kant referred to such intuitions as noumena and as things in themselves. In Kant's view, neither space nor time are conceived of as substances, but rather both are elements of a systematic framework we use to structure our experience. Spatial measurements are used to quantify how far apart objects are, and temporal measurements are used to quantify how far apart events occur. However, these measurements are applied by our minds to categorize what we sense and are not an inherent part of the thing in itself.

Schopenhauer, in the preface to his On the Will in Nature, stated that "space is the condition of the possibility of juxtaposition." This is in accordance with Kant's understanding of space as a form in the mind of an observing subject.

Similar philosophical questions concerning space include: Is space absolute or purely relational? Does space have one correct geometry, or is the geometry of space just a convention? Historical positions in these debates have been taken by Isaac Newton (space is absolute), Gottfried Leibniz (space is relational), and Henri Poincaré (spatial geometry is a convention). Two important thought-experiments connected with these questions are: Newton's bucket argument and Poincaré's sphere-world.

In physics

Space is one of the few fundamental quantities in physics, meaning that it cannot be defined via other quantities because there is nothing more fundamental known at present. Thus, similar to the definition of other fundamental quantities (like time and mass), space is defined via measurement. Currently, the standard space interval, called a standard meter or simply meter, is defined as the distance traveled by light in a vacuum ring a time interval of exactly 1/299,792,458 of a second. This definition coupled with present definition of the second is based on the special theory of relativity, that our space-time is a Minkowski space.

Before Einstein's work on relativistic physics, time and space were viewed as independent dimensions. Einstein's discoveries have shown that e to relativity of motion our space and time can be mathematically combined into one symmetric object — space-time. (Distances in space or in time separately are not invariant versus Lorentz coordinate transformations, but distances in Minkowski space-time are — which justifies the name).

However, time and space dimensions should not be viewed as exactly equivalent in Minkowski space-time. One can freely move in space but not in time. Thus, time and space coordinates are treated differently both in special relativity (where time is sometimes considered an imaginary coordinate) and in general relativity (where different signs are assigned to time and space components of spacetime metric).

Spatial measurement

The measurement of physical space has long been important. Geometry, the name given to the branch of mathematics which measures spatial relations, was popularised by the ancient Greeks, although earlier societies had developed measuring systems. The International System of Units, (SI), is now the most common system of units used in the measuring of space, and is almost universally used within science.

Geography is the branch of science concerned with identifying and describing the Earth, utilising spatial awareness to try and understand why things exist in specific locations. Cartography is the mapping of spaces to allow better navigation, for visualisation purposes and to act as a locational device. Geostatistics apply statistical concepts to collected spatial data in order to create an estimate for unobserved phenomena. Astronomy is the science involved with the observation, explanation and measuring of objects in outer space.

In geography

Geographical space is called land, and has a relation to ownership (in which space is seen as property). While some cultures assert the rights of the indivial in terms of ownership, other cultures will identify with a communal approach to land ownership, while still other cultures such as Australian Aboriginals, rather than asserting ownership rights to land, invert the relationship and consider that they are in fact owned by the land. Spatial planning is a method of regulating the use of space at land-level, with decisions made at regional, national and international levels. Space can also impact on human and cultural behaviour, being an important factor in architecture, where it will impact on the design of buildings and structures, and on farming.

Ownership of space is not restricted to land. Ownership of airspace and of waters is decided internationally. Other forms of ownership have been recently asserted to other spaces — for example to the radio bands of the electromagnetic spectrum or to cyberspace.

Public space is a term used to define areas of land is collectively owned by the community, and managed in their name by delegated authorities. Such spaces are open to all, while private property is the land owned by an indivial or company, for their own use and pleasure.

Abstract space is a term used in geography to refer to a hypothetical space characterized by complete homogeneity. When modeling activity or behavior, it is a conceptual tool used to limit extraneous variables such as terrain.

In psychology

The way in which space is perceived is an area which psychologists first began to study in the middle of the 19th century, and it is now thought by those concerned with such studies to be a distinct branch within psychology. Psychologists analysing the perception of space are concerned with how recognition of an object's physical appearance or its interactions are perceived.

Other, more specialised topics studied include amodal perception and object permanence. The perception of surroundings is important e to its necessary relevance to survival, especially with regards to hunting and self preservation.

Phobias include:

* Agoraphobia is a fear of open spaces.
* Astrophobia is a fear of celestial space.
* Claustrophobia is a fear of enclosed spaces.
* Kenophobia is a fear of empty spaces.

In anatomy

In anatomy, a space (or spatium) is an area of the human body with certain borders consisting of anatomic structures, e.g. the axillary space.

『捌』 關於太空的英語詞彙

milk way銀河
水平有限 謝謝

『玖』 關於太空的資料

