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政治制度知識點大全 2025-02-22 05:51:26
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發布時間: 2025-02-20 12:12:54

❶ 楂樹簩騫寸駭蹇呬慨浜岃嫳璇鐭ヨ瘑鐐規葷粨

銆 #楂樹簩# 瀵艱銆戝彧鏈夐珮鏁堢殑瀛︿範鏂規硶錛屾墠鍙浠ュ緢蹇鐨勬帉鎻$煡璇嗙殑閲嶉毦鐐廣傛湁鏁堢殑璇諱功鏂瑰紡鏍規嵁瑙勫緥鎺屾彙鏂規硶錛屼笉瑕佷竴鏉ュ氨姝昏扮‖鑳岋紝鍏堟壘瑙勫緥錛屽啀璁板繂錛岀劧鍚庡啀瀛︿範錛屽氨鑳藉緢蹇鐨勬帉鎻$煡璇嗐 楂樹簩棰戦亾涓轟綘鏁寸悊浜嗐婇珮浜屽勾綰у繀淇浜岃嫳璇鐭ヨ瘑鐐規葷粨銆嬪笇鏈涘逛綘鏈夊府鍔╋紒




1. The girl whom I borrowed the bike from is my friend.

2. The girl from whom I borrowed the bike is my friend.

3. How is the film about which I often talked to you?

4. Is this the room in which Mr. Smith lives?


1. This is the bag which he is looking for .

2. The old lady whom she is looking after is her teacher.


1. dream of/about 姊︽兂鍋氣

2. to be honest= honestly speaking = to tell the truth 璇村疄璇

3. form the habit of... 褰㈡垚鈥︿範鎯

in the form of鈥 浠モ﹀艦寮

4. I would appreciate it if鈥 濡傛灉鈥︽垜灝嗕笉鑳滄劅嬋.

go wrong 鍑烘晠闅 come up with 鎻愬嚭 make up 鏋勬垚;緙栭 a5. as is often the case 鎯呭喌閫氬父濡傛

6. It looks as if it is going to rain.(鐪熷疄璇姘旓細寰堟湁鍙鑳藉彂鐢)

He treats me as if I were a stranger. (鉶氭嫙璇姘旓細涓庣幇鍦ㄤ簨瀹濰e talked about Rome as if he had been there before. (鉶氭嫙璇姘旓細涓庤繃鍘諱簨瀹炵浉鍙)


1. match with 涓庘︹︾浉鍖歸厤

2. Have you ever dreamt of playing in front ofthousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping andappreciating your music? 浣犳槸鍚︽ⅵ鎯寵繃鍦ㄩ煶涔愪細涓婇潰瀵規垚鍗冧笂涓囩殑瑙備紬婕斿敱錛岃備紬嬈h祻浣犵殑姝屼負浣犻紦鎺屼箞?

3. To be honest, a lot of people attach greatimportance to becoming rich and famous. 璇村疄鍦ㄧ殑錛屽緢澶氫漢鎶婂悕鍜屽埄鐪嬪湴寰堥噸銆

To be honest, I can hardly wait.鑰佸疄璇達紝鎴戝凡緇忕瓑涓嶅強浜嗐

attach attach a document to a letter灝嗘枃浠墮檮鍦ㄤ俊涓

We should attach primary importance to thedevelopment of economy.


be attached to榪炲湪...涓, 闄勫睘浜;鐑鐖, 渚濇亱

I am attached to my family. 鎴戝規垜鐨勫朵緷渚濅笉鑸

The hospital is attached to that university.榪欏尰闄㈤檮灞炰簬閭f墍澶у︺

4. Sometimes they may play to passers-by in thestreet or subway so that they can earn some extra money for themselves or topay for their instruments.鏈夋椂浠栦滑鍙鑳藉湪琛椾笂鎴栧湴閾侀噷涓鴻繃璺浜烘紨濂忥紝榪欐牱浠栦滑鍙浠ヤ負鑷宸辨垨鑷宸辮佷拱鐨勪箰鍣ㄥ氭專涓浜涢挶銆

extra allowance鐗瑰埆媧ヨ創 extra hand 涓存椂闆囧伐 extra train 鍔(鐝鐏)杞 extra edition 鐗瑰彿, 涓存椂澧炲垔

Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra $100 a year!


"Dinner costs $80, and wine is extra.""楗鑿滄槸鍏鍗佺編鍏,閰掕垂鍙︽敹銆"

Children were extra glad to see the foreign visitors.瀛╁瓙浠瑙佸埌澶栧浗瀹浜洪珮鍏存瀬浜嗐

5. give performances 婕斿嚭


1. bring up 鎶氬吇

2. scene 鐜板満錛屾櫙鑹

3. permit 璁稿彲錛岄氳岃瘉

4. go ahead 鍓嶈繘

5. by accident 鍋剁劧

6. stare 鍑濊嗭紝鐩鐫鐪

7. stare at 鐩鐫鐪

8. spot 鍙戠幇錛岃ゅ嚭錛屾枒鐐癸紝奼$偣

9. account 璇存槑錛屾昏℃湁錛岃處鐩錛

10. account for 瀵艱嚧錛屽仛鍑鴻В閲

11. seek 鎺㈢儲錛屽繪眰

12. contrary 鍙嶉潰錛屽圭珛闈

13. on the contrary 涓庢ょ浉鍙

14. take a chance 鍐掗櫓

15. in rags 琛h~瑜磋

16. indeed 鐪熸e湴

17. as for 鍏充簬錛岃嚦浜



鈶 go around 鍒板勮蛋/璺.(鐤劇棶)嫻佷紶錛(璋h█)浼犲紑;go after 榪芥眰;go ahead 璇村惂錛岃峰惂錛屽仛鍚;go away 紱誨紑錛屽嚭鍘

鈶 go back 璧扮綉澶磋礬錛岀炕鎮旀敼鍙;go bad 鍙樺潖;go boating 鍘誨垝鑸

鈶 go fishing 鍘婚挀楸;go for a walk鍘 鏁f

鈶 go hiking 鍘誨緬姝ユ棶琛;go home 鍥炲

鈶 go in for 鍠滅埍錛屼粠浜嬩簬;go into 榪涘叆錛屽姞鍏

鈶 go mad 鍙戠柉

鈶 go off 紱誨幓錛屽幓涓;go on 緇х畫錛岃繘灞曪紝渚濇嵁;go on doing 緇х畫鍋;go out 鍑哄幓錛屽彂鍑哄幓錛岀唲鐏錛屼笉鏃跺叴;go over 鐮旂┒錛屾鏌ワ紝鎼滄煡

鈶 go shopping 鍘誨晢搴;go skating 鍘繪粦鍐;go straight along 娌跨潃;go swimming 鍘繪父娉

鈶 go through 閫氳繃錛岀粡鍙楋紝浠旂粏媯鏌;go to bed *

鈶 go up 涓婂崌

❷ 英語高二選擇性必修二單詞有哪些




3、germ:英語單詞,主要用作名詞、動詞,作名詞時意為「[植] 胚芽,萌芽;細菌」,作動詞時意為「萌芽」。



❸ 高中英語必修二知識點總結



Unit1 Cultural Relics

【重點單詞、 短語 】

1. survive 倖免,生存,生還

2. in search of 尋找

3. select 挑選

4. design 設計,圖案,構思

5. fancy 奇特的,異樣的,想像

6. decorate 裝飾,裝潢

7. belong to 屬於

8. in return 作為回報

9. at war 處於交戰中

10. remove 移動,搬動

11. less than 少於

12. doubt 懷疑

13. worth 值得的,相當於…的價值

14. take apart 拆開

15. explode 爆炸

16. sink 下沉,沉下

17. think highly of 高度評價


1. There is no doubt that… 毫無疑問…

2. when的用法

was/were doing…when… 正在做某事…這時

was/were about to do… when…. 將要做某事…這時

had just done…when… 剛做完某事…這時

3. China is larger than any other country in the world. (同一范圍內的比較)

She runs faster than any man in Greece. (不同范圍內的比較)

4. the way的用法

The way___ he explained to us was quite simple. (that/which/省略)

The way ___ he explained the sentence to us was not difficult. (that/in which/省略)

5. worth的用法

be (well) worth doing sth (很)值得做某事

be worthy to be done = be worthy of being done

It』s worthwhile to do sth = it』s worthwhile doing sth

6. 「疑問詞+ to do」 結構,在句中做主語、賓語、表語

How to do it is a question.

I don』t know what to do next.

7. it做形式主語

It has been proved that pride goes before a fall.


8. what 引導主語從句,在從句中作主語

What he has said is of great importance.

What happened to him remained unknown.



Diligence is the path to the mountain of knowledge,hard-working is the boat to the endless sea of learning.

【語法 總結 】


非限定性定語從句的作用是對所修飾的成分作進一步說明(註:通常和主句間用逗號隔開,不受主句 句子 結構的影響,將從句拿掉後其他部分仍可成立)






People who take physical exercise live longer. 進行體育鍛煉的人活得長些。(若把從句去掉句子就失去意義)

His daughter, who is in Boston now, is coming home next week. 他女兒現在在波士頓,下星期回來。(若把從句去句子意義仍然完整)



He is the man whose car was stolen. 他就是汽車被竊的那個人。

I』ve invited Jim, who lives in the next flat. 我邀請了吉姆,他就住在隔壁。



I have a sister who is a doctor. 我有一個醫生的姐姐。(姐姐不止一個)

I have a sister, who is a doctor. 我有一個姐姐,她是當醫生的。(只有一個姐姐)



Peter drove too fast, which was dangerous. 彼得開車很快,這是很危險的。(which指drive too fast)

He changed his mind, which made me very angry. 他改變了主意,這使我很生氣。(which指整個主句)




Unit2 The Olympic Games


1. compete 比賽,競爭

2. take part in 參加,參與

3. stand for 代表,象徵,表示

4. admit 容許,接納,承認

5. as well 也,又,還

6. host 做東,招待,主人

7. replace 代替

8. charge 收費,控訴

in charge 主管,看管

9. advertise I做 廣告 ,登廣告

10. bargain 討價還價,講條件,便宜貨

11. one after another 一個接一個地

12. deserve 應受(報答或懲罰)

13. deserve的用法

deserve to do sth 應該做/值得做

deserve doing = deserve to be done 值得… (doing 表被動意義)

Your suggestion deserves to be considered = deserves considering.

( 用法相似的動詞:need/want/require doing= need/want/require to be done 需要….)

14. take part in : 參加有組織的、重大的活動

join in 參加正在進行的活動

join: 參加團體,黨派和組織,成為其中的一員(join the army; join the party)

attend: 出席,參加,後跟 meeting,wedding,class, course等


1. nor/neither + 助動詞/be/情態動詞 + 主語:表示「…也不這樣」

I have never been abroad, and neither/nor has he.

If you don』t go to the party, nor will I.

2. So+情態動詞/助動詞/be動詞+主語 :表示「...也是的一樣的」, 強調後者同前者肯定情況一樣。

3. So+主語+情態動詞/助動詞/be動詞:表示 「的確如此」,對前面情況的肯定。

4. not only…but (also)… 不但...而且...

Women are not only allowed, but play a very important role in gymnastics.

(1) 引導並列結構:引導主語時,謂語動詞 就近原則。

(2) 引導並列句時,not only句倒裝,即前倒後不倒。

Not only did they take photos, but also they had a bid dinner.



一. 概念:主動語態表示主語是動作的執行者,被動語態表示主語是動作的承受者。

二. 各種時態被動語態的形式

1. 一般現在時的被動語態 am/is/are + done

2. 一般過去時的被動語態 was/were + done

3. 一般將來時的被動語態 ⑴will be done is/am/are going to be done

4. 現在進行時的被動語態 is/am/are + being + done

表示說話人說話時或現階段正在進行的動作,經常和時間副詞now (現在), right now (現在, 此刻), at present (現在,目前), at this moment (此刻)連用。

5.現在完成時的被動 have/has been done

現在完成時常與already, always, often, ever, never, yet, not...yet, just等不表示明確的時間副詞連用, 還可以和表示時間一直延續到目前的帶(ever )since, for的狀語及包括現在在內的詞連用。如: now, today, this month, this year, recently, these days,many times, so far, by now, in the past/last few days/years… 等。6. 過去完成時的被動 had been done

7. 過去將來時的被動 would be done

8. 過去進行時的被動 was/were being done

9. 帶情態動詞的被動語態 情態動詞 + be done

10. 動詞不定式的被動式 to be done

e.g. It is an honor for me to be asked to speak here.

三. 注意事項

1. 並不是所有動詞都有被動語態

happen, take place, break out, belong to, cost, last等不及物動詞或片語無被動語態。

2. 短語動詞、固定搭配變被動語態介詞或副詞不能省。

E.g. Time should be made full use of.

3. 雙賓語:一個賓語成主語,另一主語保留不變。

E.g. Mother will buy me an iphone5. → I will be bought an iphone5 (by my mother) .

→ An iphone5 will be bought for me (by my mother) .


Unit3 Computers


1. solve 解決;解答

2. from…on 從…...時起

3. as a result 結果

4. so…that 如此…以至於

5. explore 探索,探測,研究

6. anyhow 無論如何,即使如此

7. goal 目標,球門,得分

8. human race 人類

9. signal 發信號,信號

10. type 類型,打字

11. in a way 在某種程度上

12. arise 出現,發生

13. with the help of 在…...的幫助下

14. electronic 電子的

15. deal with 處理

16. watch over 看守,監視

17. rise/arise/arouse/raise的區別


1. certain和sure的句型

sb. be sure/certain of…= sb. be sure/certain that從句:某人確信…

be sure/certain to do sth. 肯定會做…

It』s certain that從句 肯定會

例如:It』s certain that he will succeed.=He』s sure/certain to succeed.他肯定會成功的。

I』m sure/certain of his success.= I』m sure/certain that he will succeed. 我確信他會成功的。

2. 主語+ be + adj + to do The question is easy to answer.

3. 狀語從句的省略

在when, while, if, unless, though, once等引導的狀語從句中,如果從句的主語和主句的主語一致, 且從句中的謂語含有be動詞時, 為了使句子簡潔, 可省略從句中的主語和be動詞。

While playing in the snow, the two pandas had great fun.

Unless invited, he has decided not to attend that activity.



Unit4 Wildlife protection


1. die out 滅亡、逐漸消失

2. hunt 打獵,獵取

3. in peace 和平地,安詳地

4. in danger of 在危險中

5. in relief 如釋重負,鬆了口氣

6. burst into laughter 突然笑起來

7. protect…from 保護…不受…之害

8. contain 包含,容納,容忍

9. affect影響,感動,侵襲

10. pay attention to 注意

11. appreciate 鑒賞,感激

12. succeed 成功,接替

13. employ 僱傭,利用

14. harm 危害

15. bite 咬,叮

16. come into being 形成,產生

17. inspect 檢查,視察

18. according to 按照,根據

19. so that 以至於


1. succeed in doing sth 成功的做某事

succeed to sth 繼承某事

2. under construction/discussion 正在被建設/討論

in use 正在被使用

3. do harm to sth = be harmful to sth 對…有害

there is no harm in doing sth 做某事無害

4. be used to do sth 被用來做…

used to sth 過去常常做...

be used to doing sth 習慣於做某事

5. It won』t be long before… 過不了多久…就會…

6. take measures to do sth 採取 措施 做某事

7. with的復合結構:with + n/pron + adj/adv/ 介詞短語/現在分詞/過去分詞/不定式

With a lot of problems to settle, she can』t go out. (將來)

With time going by, he is getting along well with his English. (主動,進行)

With the work done, he can go out. (被動,完成)



Unit5 Music


1. roll 滾動,搖晃,卷,

2. dream of 夢見,夢想

3. to be honest 實話說

4. attach 繫上,附加

attach …to 認為有……(重要性、意義)

5. form 組成,形成,構成

6. earn 賺,掙得

7. perform 表演,執行,履行

8. in cash 用現金,有現錢

9. play jokes on 戲弄

10. rely on 依賴,依靠

11. be/get familiar with 熟悉

12. or so 大約

13. break up 打碎,分裂

14. in addition 另外

15. sort out 分類

16. above all 最重要,首先


1. dream of/about 夢想做…

2. to be honest= honestly speaking = to tell the truth 說實話

3. form the habit of... 形成…習慣

in the form of… 以…形式

4. I would appreciate it if… 如果…我將不勝感激.

go wrong 出故障 come up with 提出 make up 構成;編造 a5. as is often the case 情況通常如此

6. It looks as if it is going to rain.(真實語氣:很有可能發生)

He treats me as if I were a stranger. (虛擬語氣:與現在事實He talked about Rome as if he had been there before. (虛擬語氣:與過去事實相反)




Eg: 1. The girl whom I borrowed the bike from is my friend.

2. The girl from whom I borrowed the bike is my friend.

3. How is the film about which I often talked to you?

4. Is this the room in which Mr. Smith lives?


1. This is the bag which he is looking for .

2. The old lady whom she is looking after is her teacher.

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