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兒童房有哪些活動 2025-03-07 07:22:39
側面的女孩怎麼畫動漫 2025-03-07 07:17:50
昔日的老同學怎麼稱呼 2025-03-07 07:15:24


發布時間: 2025-01-25 06:14:03

1. 第三屆《小學生時代》英語讀刊知識競賽試卷答案

Big Mouth English

1. 在世界很多地方,除了足球,football還可以指另外一種球類運動:
A. 橄欖球 B. 棒球 C. 排球 D. 籃球
2. _______ do you go to school? On foot.
A. When B. Where C. How D. Who
3. 「The film makes me blue.」中的blue的意思是:
A. 身體不適,暈乎乎的 B. 憂傷和難過的
C. 藍色的 D. 寧靜的
4. We always say _______ on Thanksgiving Day.
A. sorry B. thank you C. bye-bye D. nothing
5. Forget-me-not is a kind of _________.
A.flower B. ice cream C. animal D. plane
6.There are different trees and flowers in the ________。
A. bark B. car C. park D. peak
7. 「Drop me a line.」的意思是:
A. 把電話聽筒給我 B. 給我一根繩子
C. 記得和我聯系 D. 送我一份禮物
8. Which 「o」 sounds different in these words?
A. nose B. rose C. lost D. those
9. 以下哪一組顏色是義大利的國旗?
A. red, white, black B. green, white, red
C. yellow, white, blue D. blue, white, green
10. 南瓜燈是哪個節日的經典元素?
A. Halloween B. Christmas C. Thanksgiving D. Easter
11. The sun rises in the ________ and sets in the ________。
A. west, east B. north, south C. south, north D. east, west
12. Follow your nose 的意思是:
A. 聽從鼻子的安排 B. 依靠嗅覺找到目標
C. 一直走,不要拐彎 D. 跟我走
13. Which is not a plane?
A. UAV B. UFO C. Fighter D. Airliner
14. 在電影Rio中,男主角Blu是世界瀕危物種之一的________金剛鸚鵡。
A. 紅 B. 黃 C. 藍 D. 彩色
15. 十五世紀時, 義大利人________把中國人用牛奶和冰雪製作冰酪的配方帶回了威尼斯,於是,ice cream就成為了歐洲人的夏季冷飲。
A. 利瑪竇 B. 凱瑟琳 C. 馬可•波羅 D. 亨利
16. World Environment Day is on _______ .
A. June 2nd B. July 2nd C. July 5th D. June 5th
17. Mickey Mouse之父是美國的________。
A. Walt Scott B. Walt Disney C. James Watt D. James Scott
18. 電影Turbo的主人公是一隻看起來極其平常的________。
A. bird B. pig C. chick D. snail
19. Pencil來源於一種黑色的石頭,這是一種叫________的礦物石。
A. 鉛 B. 碳 C. 石墨 D. 鎂
20. 下面哪組詞都是押韻的?
A. night, bright, right B. night, light, big
C. sky, skate, sign D. bright, dig, dry
21. 在pencil box的世界裡,pen最器重ball pen (圓珠筆), ball pen的小名叫_______。 A. Bravo B. Biro C. Salvador D. Hooray
22. You are in the pink.這句話的意思是_________。
A. 你穿著粉紅色的衣服 B. 一種叫「石竹」的植物
C. 你氣色不錯,精神十足 D. 你情緒低落,悶悶不樂
23. 下面那組詞的發音和ap押韻?
A. mat, cat, fat B. cap, lap, map C. cap, top, lap D. cat, tap, bat
24. Yes-man說的是哪種人?
A. 唯唯諾諾的人 B. 說到做到的人
C. 總是有理的人 D. 很男人的人
25. 在電影The Adventures of Tintin中,Tintin是一位記者,但更像是一名_______。
A. teacher B. waiter
C. singer D. detective
26. 世界上第一枚stamp的面值是________。
A. one penny B. two pounds C. two cents D. one dollar
27.Give me a lift的意思是:
A. 把我帶到電梯口 B. 把我舉起來
C. 搭車,載我一程 D. 送我一份禮物
28. Teddy Bear 和一位美國總統有關,因為________總統的小名就叫Teddy.
A. 林肯 B. 華盛頓 C. 富蘭克林 D. 羅斯福
29. Which is not an o_e word?
A. coke B. smoke C. broke D. boy
30. 1796年,瑞士鍾表匠法布爾製作出世界上第一隻能演奏音樂的________。
A. clock B. music box C. watch D. pencil box
31. Which is wrong?
A. Ella sings. B. Ella smiles. C. Ella spins. D. Ella homework.
32. - Can you help me? - _________
A. No worries. B. Thank you. C. How are you? D. Oh, my Gosh!
33. In the film 「Frozen」 (《冰雪奇緣》), Elsa and Anna are ________.
A. good friends B. sisters C. brothers D. classmates
34. Are you clear?在這句話中,clear的意思是________。
A. 有潔癖 B. 干凈的 C. 明白 D. 聰明的
35. 2015 is the Year of ________。
A. Horse B. Sheep C. Monkey D. Snake
36. It』s not my cup of tea. 這句話的意思是 ________。
A. 我不喝茶 B. 我不喜歡,沒興趣 C. 這不是我點的茶 D. 我沒時間
37. 每年六月的第三個星期日是 ________。
A. Fathers』 Day B. Mothers』 Day C. Family Day D. Children』s Day
38. 在「2013年日本國際郵票展」上,比利時展出了一種可食用的郵票,它是什麼味道的?
A. strawberry B. chocolate C. milk D. cheese
39. Where is a baby chick from?
A. A nest. B. A cock. C. An egg. D. Bird.
40. 以下哪個單詞的發音不同於其他三個?
A. my B. cry C. fly D. day
41. 20% off的意思是:
A.打二折 B. 打八折 C. 優惠20元 D. 優惠80元
42. 下列哪個詞不是表示贊嘆?
A. cool B. awesome C. wonderful D. oops
43. 受中國動畫片《鐵扇公主》中的the Monkey King啟發而誕生的日本卡通形象是___。
A. 阿童木 B. 奧特曼 C. 柯南 D. 機器貓
44. 在電影Mr. Peabody & Sherman中,小狗Mr. Peabody是一年級新生Sherman的___。
A. teacher B. father C. friend D. brother
45. 力大無窮,能自由飛行,能聽到全世界的聲音,眼睛發射熱能光線。Who is he?
A. Batman B. Superman C. Astroboy D. Ultraman
46. 下列哪組詞是押韻的?
A. peace, great, meat B. play, day, toy
C. cake, plate, read D. bike, fine, like
47. Which is not a fruit?
A. banana B. watermelon C. orange D. hamburger
48. 下列哪個單詞與keep押韻?
A. nap B. up C. tired D. sleep
49. 在電影Planes中,主角Dusty是一架________。
A. 農用小飛機 B. 戰斗機 C. 偵察機 D. 客機
50. The biggest Christmas tree in the world is in Italy。It is a _________。
A. tree B. building C. hill D. lighthouse

2. 商務英語知識競賽怎麼考


3. 鑻辮鐭ヨ瘑絝炶禌棰

21. Young people are sharing more information aboutthemselves on social media sites now than they __in the past.
A)was C)do
B)are D)did

絳旀堬細D 琛ㄧず榪囧幓鏃舵侊紝涓昏涓哄嶆暟鏁呰垗寮傾錛岄塂
22. One of thetoughest jobs of managers and executives is _____ how to engage theiremployees.
A)to figure out C)figure out
B)to be figuring out D)figuredout

絳旀堬細A錛 is 鍚庨潰涓嶈兘鍔犲姩璇嶅師褰錛孌琛ㄧず琚鍔ㄨ鎬侊紝涓嶇﹀悎錛孊琛ㄧず榪涜屾椂錛屼笉絎﹀悎
23. _____ they are invented to be very smart, robots still can鈥檛 replacehumans.
A)If only 瑕佹槸..灝卞ソ浜嗭紝琛ㄧず鉶氭嫙 C)As if 濂藉儚
B)Even though 鍗充嬌 D)Just as灝卞儚

24. Thispassport photo doesn鈥檛 look like you at all, so you must have another one_____.
A)taking C)taken
B)to take D)took

絳旀堬細C錛 have sth done 鐨勭敤娉
25. We arepleased to share the news _____ we have finished our project ahead of schele.
A)that C)those
B)which D)these

絳旀堬細A錛岃ュ彞瀛愪負鍚屼綅璇浠庡彞錛宊____ we have finished our project ahead of schele鏄鍋歯ews鐨勫悓浣嶈錛宼hat鍙鏄閾炬帴浣滅敤錛屼笉鎷呭綋鍙ュ瓙鎴愬垎
26. The search will go on _____ a new and better material is found to replacethis one.
A)since 鑷浠 C)while褰撯︽椂鍊
B)until 鐩村埌 D)as 褰..鏃跺

27. These photosremind me of the days _____ I stayed in Britain, working as a visitor scholar.
A)where C)whether
B)when D)how

28. This websitemay contain links to other websites _____ privacy practices may be differentfrom ours.
A)that C)who
B)which D)whose

29. The company _____ its sales by an average of 10% per year since itsestablishment in 1993.
A)increases C)is increasing
B)increased D)has increased

絳旀堬細A錛宲er year涓哄叧閿錛岃〃紺烘瘡騫達紝鍏鍙告瘡騫寸殑閿鍞浠10%澧為暱錛岃〃紺洪檲榪頒簨瀹烇紝鐢ㄤ竴鑸鐜板湪鏃
30. The flight scheled _____ at 9 a.m. was delayed four hours e to the badweather.
A)to take off C)taking off
B)take off D)to be taken off

絳旀堬細A,棣栧厛紜瀹氬彞瀛愯皳璇鏄痺as delayed, 鎵浠scheled鏄闈炶皳璇鎴愬垎錛屽叾瀹屾暣琛ㄨ揪鏄疊e scheled to do sth琛ㄧず璁″垝鍋氭煇浜嬶紝鍙堝洜涓簍ake off 椋炴満璧烽炴槸涓嶅強鐗╁姩璇嶏紝鏃犺鍔ㄨ鎬

4. 八年級知識競賽考是什麼意思







5. 紅星小學舉行英語知識競賽,共10題,每做一題得5分,錯一題扣2分,王萌得


6. 英語知識競賽題

1.January is the first month of the year.
2. The Spring Festival often comes in Febrary.
3. A serious snowstorm happend in March this year.
4. Qingming Festival is in April,as well as April Fool&
5. We can get a one day holiday on May.1st.
6. Many children love June,because June.1st is Chilren
7. In July,many students begin to enjoy their summer holidays.
8. In August,some students may want to go to school.
9. New terms usually start in September.
10. National Day falls in October.
11. There is nothing special in November.
12. On December 25th,the western contries welcome their new year.