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半生雪的歌詞是什麼 2025-03-09 13:37:07
同學之間說什麼話題 2025-03-09 13:34:57
動漫tim怎麼畫 2025-03-09 13:34:53


發布時間: 2025-01-18 11:54:14

1. 蘇教版初二英語知識要點

8A Unit 4片語、句型及語法復習提綱
1 看起來味道很美 look delicious
2 看起來像只白老鼠 look like a white mouse
3 叫它希望 call her xiwang
4 稱重100克 weigh 100 grams
5 第一次走出她的家門 go outside her home for the first time
6 8個月前(常用於過去時) eight months ago
8個月後(常用於過去時) eight months later
7 不再 not……any more=no more / not……any longer =no longer
8 長成…… grow into…
9 一天長達14個小時 for up to 14 hours a day
10 吃竹筍和竹葉 eat bamboo shoots and leaves
11 在野外生存 survive in the wild
12 沒有住的地方 have nowhere to live
13 砍到,砍伐 cut down (cut sth down=cut down sth )
砍樹 cut down trees 注意:cut it/them down
14 其中一些問題 some of the problems
15 將來 in the future
16 獨自 on one』s own = alone/by oneself
17 處於危險之中 (be) in danger
18 把….拿走 take…away (take sth away=take away sth )注意:take it/them away
19 採取措施 take actions 採取下列措施 take the following actions
20 採取措施做某事 take actions to do sth
21 保護大熊貓 protect giant pandas
22 了解很多有關…… learn a lot about…
23 踩到一條蛇 step on a snake
24 使大熊貓的保護區變得更大 make giant pandas reserves bigger
25 建立更多的保護區 build more reserves
26 鼓勵農民們離開大熊貓保護區 encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves
27 生活在野外 live in the wild
28 將某人單獨留下 leave sb. alone = leave sb. (all) by oneself= leave sb. on one』s own
29 一直做某事 keep doing sth
讓/保持某人一直做某事 keep sb. doing sth.
阻止某人做某事 keep/stop sb. from doing sth.
30 使某人或某物安全,不受威脅 keep someone/something safe from danger
31 生存下去 stay alive = survive
32 種植更多的竹子 grow more bamboo
33 轉身而跑 run the other way
34 步行穿過雨林 walk through a rainforest
35 喂養動物(的過程) the feeding of animals
36 尋找,搜尋 hunt for = look around for
37 在中午 at noon
38 為我班的報告獲取足夠的信息 get enough information for my class report
39 攻擊人們 attack people
40 一次去北京動物園的參觀 a visit to Beijing Zoo
41 從水中捉魚 catch fish from the water
42 一份關於野生生物的報告 a report on wild animals
43 好的視力、聽力和嗅覺 good eyesight, hearing and smell
44 取樂 for fun
45 以家庭形式生活 live as a family
以團隊形式一起勞動 work as a team
(以家族以式)過群居生活 live in family groups
46 性情溫馴的動物 peaceful animals
47 生活區的喪失 (the) loss of living areas
48 用它們的骨頭製成葯 make medicine from their bones(看不出原材料)
用紙做成一個箱子 make a box of paper (看出原材料)
49 對某人友好 be friendly to/towards sb.
50 繼續做(相同的)事 continue to do sth. = go on doing sth. = go on with sth.
51 佔用土地 take the land
52 開發新的農田 make new farmland(s)
53 掙很多錢 make a lot of money
54 一次海豚表演 a dolphin show
55 如些..以致於..(常引導結果狀從) …..so/such …..that…….
以便;為了(常引導目的狀從) ……. so that…….
56 (數量)變得越來越少 get smaller and smaller
57 做一個關於….的測試 give a test on….
58 在四個月的時候 at four months
59 對….感興趣(延續性) be interested in
對…產生興趣(短暫性) become interested in
60 又生了一個嬰兒 have another baby
61 獨自生活 live alone=live (all) by oneself =live on one』s own
62 由動物皮毛製成的衣服 clothes made of animal fur
63 失去某人的生命(死) lose one』s life = die
64 其它人 someone else
65 象牙 elephants』 tusks
66 黑白相間的 black and white
67 第一次 for the first time
68 直立行走 walk upright
69 回到家 return home =come back home
歸還 return …= give…back
70 四處運動 move around
71 在白天 in the daytime
72 感到害怕 feel frightened = feel afraid
1. If I don』t have food, I die. If I die, no one will look after you.
2. Write a report on an animal in danger for the club newsletter.
★3. I first saw the baby panda when she was only 10 days old.
= I saw the baby for the first time at the age of 10 days.
4. When Xi Wang was born, she weighed just 100 garms.當「希望」出生時,她只有100克。
5.Eight mother later,she was not a small baby any more.
★6.At the very beginning, Xi Wang drank her mother』s milk for up to 14 hours a day.
7.When Xi Wang was 20 months old, she had to look after herself because her mother had another baby.
★8.Sadly, it is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.
9.Here are some of the problems( that Xi Wang may have in the future.)
★10.If farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.★★11.Mothers often leave baby pandas for two whole days on their own.
★12.We can take the following actions to protest giant pandas .
★13.Encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves.鼓勵農民離開大熊貓保護區。
14. I will see some beautiful birds if I walk through a rainforest.
★15. We call her Xi Wang. It means 「hope」.
★16. She started to go outside her home for the first time.
17. If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for it』s fur.
18. If tigers live in the wild, they hunt for their own food.
★19.Tigers live as a family if they have babies.
Wolves live in family groups if they are in the wild.狼在曠野中以家庭的形式群居。
★20.They are in danger because people like their fur and make medicine from their bones.
21.I think you should not buy clothes (made of animal fur).
★22.If farmers continue to make new farmland, wild animals won』t get enough food.
★23.Mother giant pandas have only one or two babies at a time.
★24.Their number is getting smaller and smaller because their living areas are becoming farmland.他們的數量越來越少,因為他們的居住地正變成農田。
25.They seldom hurt people.它們很少傷害人。
26. If we do nothing, soon there will be no giant pandas in the world.
27. We are writing to you about protecting wild animals.
28. They do not kill for fun.
29. They are friendly towards each other and never attack people.
30. They look lovely on me.
31.Baby giant pandas spend a lot of time drinking their mums』 milk --up to 14hours a day.
32. What action(s) can the club take ?
在表示假設情況的條件狀語從句中中,主句用一般將來時,從句中用一般現在時表示將來,當 從句放在主句之前時,用逗號將從句與主句隔開,但當主句在前從句在後時,則不需要逗號。
If it doesn』t rain tomorrow, we will go fishing.

1 long-pointed wings 尖長的翅膀
2 long-winged birds 長翅膀的鳥
3 web-footed animals 有蹼足的動物
4 forked tails 剪刀似的尾巴
5 a long thin neck 細長的脖子
6 brownish feathers 略帶棕色的羽毛
7 one of the world』s important wetlands 世界上最重要的濕地之一
8 provide food and shelter for wildlife 為野生動植物提供食物和棲息地
9 an important living area 重要的生活區
10 change the wetlands to make more space for 改造濕地為……提供更多的空間
11 members of ……的成員/a member of ……的一位成員
12 do something for the birds 為鳥類做些事
13 in a dangerous state 處於危險狀態
14 show good/bad manners to others 對別人有/(沒)禮貌
15 a nature reserve 一個自然保護區
16 the bus stop outside our school 我們校們外的公共汽車站
17 return to school 返校
18 take the bus back to school 乘公共汽車回到學校
19 have noodles for breakfast 早飯吃面條
20 speak softly 輕柔地說
21 greet us with a smile 微笑著向我們問候
22 make sure 務必,一定,確保
23 frighten the birds 嚇著鳥
24 learn to do sth 學會做某事
25 other smaller birds 別的更小的鳥類
26 World Wetlands Day 世界濕地日
27 the home of plants , animals and birds 動植物和鳥類的家園
28 on that day 在那天
29 call sb on +(電話號碼)按……電話號碼給某人打電話
30 call 110 for help 打110求助
31 e-mail sb at + 電子信箱 給某人發電子郵件到……信箱
32 organize the music 籌辦音樂
33 come to club activities 來參加俱樂部的活動
34 prevent sb from sth / doing sth 阻止某人某事/ 阻止某人做某事

1 be all wet 全濕了
2 not …until 直到…才 not unitl half an hour later 直到半小時後
3 mop sth up / mop up sth 把某物拖干凈
4 natural disasters 自然災害
5 bad weather 壞天氣
6 lose the game 輸了比賽
7 thousands of people 成千上萬的人們
8 a car accident 一起車禍
9 crash into 撞到……上
10 wash sth away / wash away sth 把……沖走
11 fall from/off 從……摔下來
12 thunder and lightning 雷電
13 survive the earthquake 在地震中倖存下來
14 at first 起先
15 feel a slight shaking 感到一陣輕微的震動
16 hear a big noise like thunder 聽到像雷一樣的一陣巨響
17 look at each other in fear 驚恐地互相看看
18 like bombs under the ground 像地下的炸彈爆炸一樣
19 run in all directions 向四面八方逃跑
20 run out of the shopping center 跑出購物中心
21 run out to the street 跑到街上
22 pieces of glass and bricks 成片的玻璃和磚頭
23 fall down 摔下來
24 come down 倒下
25 calm down 安靜下來
26 be trapped 陷入困境
27 say to oneself 自言自語
28 a moment of fear 片刻的恐懼
29 shout /scream for help 大聲喊救命
30 stay alive 活著
31 have a packet of chocolate 吃一袋巧克力
32 hear shouts from excited people聽到興奮的人們發出的叫喊聲
33 in a great hurry (to do sth )極為匆忙地(做某事)
34 move sth away / move away sth 把……搬走
35 the noise of thunder 雷聲
36 sound like 聽起來像……
37 (be) around 7 7攝氏度左右
38 drop a little 下降一點
39 become / get worse 變得更糟
40 drop to -5 降到零下5攝氏度
41 be sunny / cloudy /foggy / frosty / stormy 晴朗的/多雲的/有霧的/有霜的/暴風雨的天氣
42 make excuses / make an excuse 找借口
43 get all wet (混身)濕透了
44 tell / ask sb (not) to do sth 叫某人(別)做某事
45 order sb (not) to do sth 命令某人(不要)做某事
46 run down the stairs 跑下樓梯
47walk out of the classroom one by one 一個接一個走出教室
48 in the wind 在風中
49 roll up trousers 捲起褲子
50 an accident report 一份事故報告
51 cover……with 用……覆蓋……
52 be covered with 被……覆蓋
53 call the 110 hotline 打110熱線
54 be serious 嚴重的 something serious 一些嚴重的事
55 time of arrival 到達的時間
56 conditions of victims 受害者的情況
57 hear about 聽說
58 a heavy storm with thunder and lightning 一陣大風暴伴隨著雷電聲
59 catch fire 著火
60 be (badly) hurt (嚴重)受傷
61 continue to do sth 繼續做(同一件)事
62 fall over 絆倒
63 snowstorm warning 風雪警報
64 hear the noise of traffic 聽到車輛的聲音
65 look out of the window 朝窗外看
66 remove the snow 把雪移走
67 turn off the lights 關燈
68 typhoon signal number 台風信號

Accident report form
Accident Their house was on fire .
Weather conditions There was a lightnig
Date of call March 8
Time of call 8.30a.m.
Name of caller Jim
Place on Nanjing Road
No. of victims three
Conditions of victims Jim and his mother were Ok
His fater』s left hand was hurt .
Action Policemen arrived at 8.35a.m.
Sent the victims to hospital at 8.40a.m.
Jim called the 110 hotline at at 8.30 a.m. on March .Their house was on fire on Nanjing Road because there was a lightning . He and his parents were trapped in the house . He and his mother were OK . But his father』s left hand was hurt . The policemen arrived at 8.35 a.m. and sent them to hospital at once .