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暗號的歌詞寫的是什麼 2025-03-17 05:33:45
什麼什麼的理由歌詞 2025-03-17 05:27:45
春節紅包里的數學知識 2025-03-17 05:27:00


發布時間: 2024-11-19 12:05:12

『壹』 英語怎麼說最後,希望你可以課後積極完成作業鞏固知識,並且提前預習老師明天要

Finally, I hope you finish your homework in time after class, Consolidate knowledge and preview in advance. The teacher will check it tomorrow.

『貳』 學生多做家庭作業可以鞏固所學的知識 的英文怎麼說

Students may consolidate the knowledge they learn by doing homework more often.

『叄』 英語翻譯:如果老師教了你新知識,你要及時復習,把不會的題目記下來

first, if you learn something new, you must review/ go over it in time and note down the problems that you are not good at. second, you must practise more. third, you must have a good plan about waht you're going to do and make the best use of time so that you can save much time to do something you're interested in. what's more, it can improve your grades.these are my successful experience. i wish it a bit helpful to you all.

『肆』 用英語怎樣翻譯 預習新知識和鞏固舊知識

預習新知識:preview new knowledge
鞏固舊知識:review old knowledge

『伍』 怎麼翻譯「鞏固知識點」啊 譯成英文

review the knowledge

『陸』 用英語翻譯:這樣能夠鞏固課堂上的知識點,更好的接受課堂的學習內容

Only in this way can knowledge in class can be consolidated . Learning contents in class can be better to be accepted and assimilated