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如何委婉的拒絕同學借筆 2025-03-19 03:14:28
牆紙的基礎如何處理 2025-03-19 03:01:36
兒童高燒腳涼怎麼回事 2025-03-19 02:53:31


發布時間: 2024-11-01 20:15:55

⑴ 用英語介紹地震知識


Understood that the earthquake and the earthquake protect the general knowledge 了解地震與地震防護常識

(1) earthquake is the common natural phenomenon 地震是常見自然現象

The earthquake and daily sees the wind and rain, the thunder and lightning are the same, is one kind of more universal natural phenomenon. Statistics indicated that the world approximately has 5,000,000 times every year the earthquake, but 99% above earthquakes are the small earthquakes, the people are not easy to feel. But the intense burst characteristics earthquake often causes the human to be unexpected, thus causes the personnel casualty and the huge economic loss. 地震和日常所見的風雨、雷電一樣,是一種較為普遍的自然現象。據統計,全世界每年約發生500萬次地震,不過99%以上的地震是微小地震,人們不容易感覺到。但強烈的突發性地震往往使人猝不及防,從而造成人員傷亡和巨大的經濟損失。

(二) earthquake's origin 地震的成因

The earth interior material does not stop the movement, will have an function in the rock layer tremendous strength. When this strength accumulates to the certain extent, may cause some crag the level to have, the distortion curving. Once the rock layer cannot withstand this kind changed, will have the sudden breakage, moving out of place, caused the intense vibration, this kind of vibration was the earthquake which we usually said. The earth interior has earthquake's place to call the center of origin, the ground to be apart from the center of origin recent place to be called the epicenter earthquake's size to be possible to use the magnitude and the earthquake intensity weighs. When magnitude expression earthquake emit energy size; The intensity expressed that earthquake degree which destroys to the ground. 地球內部物質不停運動,會產生一股作用於岩層的巨大力量。當這股力量積累到一定程度時,可使一些岩
(三) Earthquake's type 地震的種類
(1) Tectonic earthquake 構造地震
The tectonic earthquake is the earthquake which the earth structure movement causes. When the composition earth's crust's rock layer under the crustal stress function, has the incline or the bending strain, the local stress continues to strengthen, accumulates to surpasses the limit which the rock layer can withstand, along rock layer structure weak place. Has the break or the dislocation suddenly, causes the energy which accumulates for a long time to release suddenly, and to all around disseminates by the earthquake wave form causes the ground vibration. 構造地震是地球構造運動引起的地震。組成地殼的岩層在地應力作用下,發生傾斜或彎曲變形, 當地應力繼續增強,積累到超過岩層所能承受的限度時,沿著岩層構造薄弱的地方。突然發生斷裂或錯位,使長期積累起來的能量急劇地釋放出來,並以地震波的形式向四周傳播而引起地面的振動。

(2) Volcanic earthquake 火山地震
The volcanic earthquake is causes by the volcanic eruption. The volcanic earthquake mainly has two kinds: One kind when is volcanic eruption, because the rock magma impact earth's crust or causes the earthquake which the local area rock layer occurs distorts and dislodges causes. After another kind is volcanic eruption, because the massive rock magma lose, the subsurface pressure reces or the underground deep place supplies is inferior to, to present the cavity, thus causes the earthquake which the above cover's rock layer break or the collapse proce. 火山地震是由火山爆發而引起的。火山地震主要有兩種:一種是火山爆發時, 由於岩漿沖擊地殼或使局部地區岩層發生變形和變位而引起的地震。另一種是火山爆發後,由於大量岩漿損失,地下壓力減小或地下深處補給不及, 出現空洞,從而引起上面覆蓋的岩層斷裂或塌陷而產生的地震。
(3) The depression earthquake depression earthquake is the local earthquake which causes as a result of the underground limestone cave or the mine worked-out section's downcast. 陷落地震陷落地震是由於地下溶洞或礦山采空區的陷落而引起的局部地震。

China earthquake intensity 中國地震烈度

Ⅰ 1.9
Does not have the feeling, only the instrument can record 無感,僅儀器能記錄到

Ⅱ 2.5
The indivial sensitive person in completely static has the feeling 個別敏感的人在完全靜止中有感

Ⅲ 3.1
The indoor small number of people have the feeling in the static, the suspension swings slightly

Ⅳ 3.7
Indoor most people, the outdoor small number of people have the feeling, suspension swinging. Not the steady household utensils make noise

Ⅴ 4.3
Outdoor most people have the feeling, the domestic animal do not go home, the windows and doors make noise, the wall surface presents the crack 室外大多數人有感, 家畜不回家, 門窗作響,牆壁表面出現裂紋

Ⅵ 4.9
The human stands not steadily, the domestic animal escapes, the household utensils turn fall, crude shed lodging damage, steep ridge landslide 人站立不穩,家畜外逃,器皿翻落, 簡陋棚舍損壞,陡坎滑坡

Ⅶ 5.5
The house slight damage, the memorial arch, the chimney damage, the surface presents the crack and spurts Sha Maoshui 房屋輕微損壞,牌坊、煙囪損壞,地表出現裂縫及噴沙冒水

Ⅷ 6.1
The house has the damage, minority roadbed landslide, underground ct breakage 房屋多有損壞,少數路基塌方,地下管道破裂

Ⅸ 6.7
The house majority destructions, minority fall, avalanches and so on memorial arch, chimney, the railway rail is curving 房屋大多數破壞,少數傾倒,牌坊、煙囪等崩塌,鐵軌彎曲

Ⅹ 7.3
The house falls, the path destruction, the mountain stone massive avalanches, the water surface very rough seas throw the shore 房屋傾倒,道路毀壞,山石大量崩塌,水面大浪撲岸

Ⅺ 7.9
The house collapses massively, roadbed dike big Duan Benghui, the surface has the very sweeping change 房屋大量倒塌,路基堤岸大段崩毀,地表產生很大變化

Ⅻ 8.5
All building universal destruction, the terrain changes fiercely, the zoology and botany suffers destroys 一切建築物普遍毀壞,地形劇烈變化,動植物遭毀滅

(四) Earthquake's destruction 地震的破壞

When earthquake, because ground succession large scale vibration, thus has the huge destructive effect, causes buildings and so on house, bridge, railroad, road, reservoir to suffer the degree different destruction. 地震時,由於地面連續發生大幅度的振動,從而產生巨大的破壞作用,造成房屋、橋梁、鐵路、公路、水庫等建築物遭受程度不同的破壞。

(五) Earthquake omen 地震前兆
The earthquake, before specially the violent earthquake occurs, the general meeting appears…`abnormal phenomena. The people observe - to occur with the earthquake have the close contacting abnormal phenomenon to be called the earthquake omen. 地震,特別是強地震發生之前,總會出現…『些異常現象。人們把觀察到的—些與地震發生有密切聯系的異常現象稱為地震前兆。

(1) The ground water is unusual 地下水異常

(2)The animal is unusual 動物異常

(3) Flashes of light preceding an earthquake and earthquake sounds 地光和地聲
The flashes of light preceding an earthquake and the earthquake sounds are the earthquake eve either when the earthquake makes luminous and the sound from underground or the ground, is important near shakes the omen. Before shaking, the flash, the sound proction, shines, sees this sentiment, suitable decisive, fast motion, few dangers. 地光和地聲是地震前夕或地震時從地下或地面發出的光亮及聲音,是重要的臨震預兆。臨震前,一瞬間,地發聲,又發光,見此情,宜果斷,速行動,少危險。

(六) Earthquake prediction issue 地震預報的發布
The country practices the unification issue system to the earthquake prediction. The earthquake short-term forecast and near shakes the predict that by the province, the autonomous region, the municipality people's government the procere issue which stipulated according to the State Council. Other any unit and indivial has no right to issue the earthquake prediction news. 國家對地震預報實行統一發布制度。地震短期預報和臨震預報,由省、自治區、直轄市人民政府按照國務院規定的程序發布。其他任何單位和個人都無權發布地震預報消息。

(七) Before how to prepare for earthquake's 怎樣做好地震前的准備

1 .Understands the earthquake knowledge, grasps the quakeproof emergency proceres了解地震知識,掌握防震應急措施。 2. Believes the science, opposes to blindly believe, does not readily believe the earthquake rumor相信科學,反對迷信,不輕信地震謠言。 3. Is clear about the evacuation route, to seek asylum the place, prepares to seek asylum with the rescue goods. Usually must prepare the skilled person flashlight, the cigarette lighter, the radio, suffices food which and tap water three days use.明確疏散路線、避難地點,准備好避難和營救的物品。通常需准備好手電筒、打火機、收音機,夠三天用的食物和飲用水。 4 Reinforces the indoor furniture sundry goods, places objects and so on high place small thing, picture frame to shift to the floor on, avoids the furniture sundry goods when the earthquake reverses falls creates the injury accident. .加固室內傢具雜物,把放在高處的小物件、鏡框等物體轉移到地板上,避免傢具雜物在地震時翻倒掉落造成傷害事故。 5 .Assigns when the earthquake indivial emergency ty, specially protects from fire; When leaves home, should turn off the fuel gas stove, the extinguishment furnace fire, the mp and so on; Must protect old person the child; Carries the quakeproof thing and so on to carry out the human according to the ty division of labor, avoids shaking time flustered, cannot attend to one thing without losing track of another thing. 分配地震時個人應急任務,特別是防火;離家時,應關好燃氣灶,熄滅爐火,切斷電源等;要保護老人小孩;所攜帶防震用品等應按任務分工落實到人,避免震時忙亂,顧此失彼。 (八) When earthquake takes refuge from danger personally 地震時個人避險
The ruinous earthquake from occurs collapses to the house, generally has several second time. As indivial, how in instantaneous to make the choice which calmly takes refuge from danger correctly? 破壞性地震從發生到房屋倒塌,一般只有十幾秒的時間。作為個人,如何在瞬間冷靜地作出正確避險的抉擇呢?
1. In building: Is far away from the outer wall and the windows and doors rapidly, may choose the space which standard widths and so on kitchen, bathroom small, are not easy to cave to shock proof, do not jump from an upper story, also cannot use the elevator.在樓房:迅速遠離外牆及門窗,可選擇廚房、浴室等開間小、不易塌落的空間避震,千萬不要跳樓,也不能使用電梯。
2. In one-story house: When runs without enough time the outdoors, but hides rapidly nearby the table, the bed and the firm furniture or suffers the lower part of wall tightly, attention protection forehead在平房:來不及跑出戶外時,可迅速躲在桌子、床下和堅固傢具旁或緊挨牆根,注意保護頭部。
3. In outdoors: Avoids the big building, is far away from the high tension line, the big billboard在戶外:避開高大建築物,遠離高壓線、大的廣告牌。
4. In workshop: Switches off the power source friendly source rapidly, nearby hides nearby the firm machine, the equipment or the office furniture在工作間:迅速關掉電源和氣源,就近躲藏在堅固的機器、設備或辦公傢具旁。
5. In public place: In places and so on station, theater, classroom, store, subway, must maintain calm, chooses hides place, then obeys the direction, the order evacuation. Do not jump from an upper story blindly, also do not crowd on the staircase, the corridor.after 在公共場所:在車站、劇院、教室、商店、地鐵等場所,要保持鎮靜,就地選擇躲藏處,然後聽從指揮,有序撤離。不要盲目跳樓,也不要擁擠在樓梯、過道上。
(九) earthquake, helps oneself to rescue mutually 地震後自救互救
The seismic region populace, between the family, the neighborhood help oneself to rescue mutually particularly, is reces when the earthquake personnel casualty's effective measure -. 震區群眾,尤其是家庭、鄰里之間的自救互救,是減少地震時人員傷亡的有效手段之—。
1. Is buried the courage which the personnel first want to blow up seek livehood, must eliminate the dread, can leave the dangerous situation, should the idea be separated from the dangerous situation as soon as possible.被埋壓人員首先要鼓起求生的勇氣,要消除恐懼心理,能自我離開險境者,應盡快想法脫離險境。
2.is buried when the personnel cannot be out of danger, tries the hands and feet to work loose, clear decompression on own body's object, specially abdomen above pressure thing, waiting rescue. May use the towel, clothes and so on to cover the oronasal, maintains the breath is unobstructed, prevents the mist and st to choke into suffocates. 被埋壓人員不能自我脫險時,設法將手腳掙脫出來,清除壓在自己身上的物體,特別是腹部以上的壓物,等待救援。可以用毛巾、衣服等捂住口鼻,保持呼吸通暢,防止煙塵嗆入窒息。
3. Is buried the personnel to maintain is clear-headed, cannot call for help loudly, preserves the physical strength, the waiting rescue. Should use all means and the outside relates, available stone rap object, or when hearing some people only then calls for help被埋壓人員要保持頭腦清醒,不可大聲呼救,以保存體力,等待救援。應利用一切辦法與外界聯系,可用石塊敲擊物體,或在聽到外面有人時才呼救。
4. Is buried the heavy item which the personnel should support possibly crash, the expansion safe existing space, finally to has the optical fiber and the air circulation traverse, is separated from the dangerous situation. If is out of danger incapable time, should rece the physical strength consumption as far as possible, in may the activity space, try to seek for substitution food and the water, the creation survival requirement, the waiting rescue. 被埋壓人員應支撐可能墜落的重物,擴大安全生存空間,最後向有光線和空氣流通的方向移動,以脫離險境。若無力脫險時,應盡可能減少體力消耗,在可活動空間里,設法尋找代用食品和水,創造生存條件,等待救援。
5. The organization family, the neighborhood rescue mutually. The family personnel and the neighborhood knew very well that is buried the personnel position, but carries on the rescue promptly. Must pay attention in saving others listens to be stranded the personnel to shout, the groan, to rap sounds and so on utensil.組織家庭、鄰里互救。家庭人員和鄰里熟知被埋壓人員位置,可及時進行搶救。在救人中要注意聽被困人員的呼喊、呻吟、敲擊器物等聲音。
6. Must according to characteristics and so on building frame, origin time, or listens attentively through the inquiry, determined that after rolling the personnel position, again rescues, prevention of accident casualties要根據房屋結構、發震時刻等特點,通過詢問或傾聽,確定被團人員位置後,再行搶救,防止意外傷亡。
7. When saving others must rescue in the building border rubble first survivor. In the rubble piles, must rescue promptly occupies the house first floor or has not been destructed completely in the basement survivor. 救人時要先搶救建築物邊沿瓦礫中的倖存者。在瓦礫堆中,要及時搶救處在房屋底層或未完全遭到破壞的地下室中的倖存者。

⑵ 地震自救英語作文初中

On April 20th, a devastating earthquake struck Yaan. Countless homes were reced to rubble and many lives were lost. Survivors lost everything they possessed. The situation was dire. To save more lives, the government sent doctors, and numerous supplies were dispatched. People contributed money and clothing, and students wrote letters to uplift the spirits of those in Sichuan. Our school participated in these efforts, with students and teachers donating funds. I contributed my allowance too, and wrote a letter to the people of Sichuan. I believe that with our collective efforts, we can overcome this disaster. I hope for a beautiful and vibrant future.
An ordinary day in April 2013 turned tragic when a powerful earthquake struck Sichuan, China. The devastation was indescribable. Thousands were injured or lost their lives, and thousands of children lost their parents, longing for a family to continue their lives. My heart goes out to their fate! However, I believe we can defy fate and change it. For instance, many people survived without food or water for over 100 hours!
What an incredible feat! Their remarkable spirit showcases the powerful vitality of life! Nevertheless, they must continue to fight against death. Many schools were destroyed, taking the lives of students and teachers forever. Sadness, hopelessness, and various dangers prevailed.
Fortunately, love surrounded us: the Communist Party, the army, and people worldwide extended aid. They provided us with money, supplies, and love.
With such a great outpouring of love, we will overcome the earthquake's damage and face a beautiful future.
On April 20th, a massive earthquake struck Ya'an, Sichuan. Many lost their loved ones and homes. The entire nation shared their sorrow. Countless indivials volunteered to help. Some raised funds, others purchased necessities, while some comforted the grieving children. Soldiers worked tirelessly to find survivors and rebuild homes. Even foreign friends offered assistance.
I am deeply moved by these acts of kindness. Therefore, I will use my allowance to buy food and school supplies for the children there. I believe we all should strive to help them emerge from this crisis together.