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歌詞裡面的花是什麼 2024-10-05 14:40:09


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⑴ 八年級上冊【仁愛版】英語復習資料

仁愛英語八年級上冊的復習提綱 總的

Unit One 1.
How often do you exercise ? → How often + 助動詞do(does或did) + 主語 + do sth. ?
疑問詞how often是問頻率(多經常), 在這里助動詞do(does或did) 是起幫助構成疑問的作用 Every day / Once a week / Twice a month / Three times a month / Three or four times a month .
2. What do you usually do on weekends ? 第一個do 為助動詞, 在這起幫助構成疑問的作用;而第二個 do 則是實義動詞。 I usually play soccer .
3. What's your favorite program ? It's Animal World . 4. What do students do at Green High School ? 第一個do 為助動詞, 在這起幫助構成疑問的作用;而第二個 do 則是實義動詞。
5As for homework , most students do homework every day . as for...意思是"至於;關於",常用於句首作狀語,其後跟名詞、代詞或動詞的-ing形式(即動名詞)。如: As for him,I never want to see him here. 至於他,我永遠不希望在這里見到。 As for the story,you'd better not believe it. 關於那故事,你最好不要相信。
6. The results for " watch TV " are interesting .
7. Mom wants me to get up at 6:00 and play ping-pong with her . → want to do sth.意思是"想要做某事";want sb. to do sth.意思是"想要某人做某事"。如: Do you want to go to the movies with me?你想和我一起去看電影嗎? The teacher doesn't want us to eat hamburgers.老師不想讓我們吃漢堡包。
8. She says it's good for my health . → be good for...表示"對……有益(有好處)"。其反義為:be bad for...。(這里for 是介詞,後跟名詞、代詞或動名詞)如: It's good for us to do more reading. 多讀書對我們有好處。 Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.在床上讀書對你的眼睛有害。
9. How many hours do you sleep every night ?
10. I exercise every day , usually when I come home from school .
11. My eating habits are pretty good . 這里pretty相當於very 。
12. I try to eat a lot of vegetables , usually ten to eleven times a week . → try to do sth.表示" 盡力做某事 " ,不包含是否成功的意思 / try doing sth. 表示" (用某一辦法)試著去做某事"。 如:You'd better try doing the experiment in another way. 你最好試試用另一種方法做這個試驗。
13. My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades . → help sb.(to) do sth.幫助某人做某事
14. Good food and exercise help me to study better . → help sb. (to) do sth.幫助某人做某事 / 這里better是well的比較級,而不是good的比較級
15. Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different ? =Is her lifestyle the same as your lifestyle or is her lifestyle different from your lifestyle ? → be the same as … / be different from …
16. I think I'm kind of unhealthy . kind of = a little / a kind of 意思是"一種"
17. What sports do you play ?
18. A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health . keep in good health = keep healthy = stay healthy
19. You must try to eat less meat . → try to do sth. 表示" 盡力做某事 " , 不包含是否成功的意思 / less是little的比較級
20. That sounds interesting. 這是"主語+系動詞+表語"結構的簡單句。sound(聽起來),look(看起來),smell(聞起來),taste(嘗起來),feel(覺得),seem(好象),grow(變得) , get(變得)等詞在英語中可用作系動詞,後跟形容詞作表語。如: It tastes good. 這味道好。 The music sounds very sweet. 這音樂聽起來很入耳。 The smoke grew heavier and heavier. 煙霧變得越來越濃了。
Unit Two
1.What's the matter ? What's the mater with you ? with為介詞,後跟名詞、代詞或動名詞。人稱代詞必須用它的賓格。 I have a cold / have a sore back / have a stomachache
2. You should lie down and rest / drink hot tea with honey / see a dentist / see a doctor .
3. I'm not felling well . 這里well表示身體狀況,不能用good代替 4.
When did it start ? About two days ago .
5. That's too bad .
6. I hope you fell better soon . 這里better是well的比較級
7. Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy . 這里 to be healthy是動詞不定式短語,作目的狀語
8. Maybe you have too much yin . too much後跟不可數名詞,而too many後跟可數名詞復數
9. It's easy to have a healthy lifestyle ,and it's important to eat a balanced diet . → It's easy to do sth . 做某事容易 / It's important to do sth . 做某事重要
10. Everyone gets tired sometimes . 這里get連系動詞,tired是形容詞作表語,屬系表結構
11. A sore throat can give you a fever . → give sb. sth . = give sth. to sb. 把某物給某人
12. Don't get stressed out. It's not healthy . 在這里get是連系動詞,stressed out是表語
13. I have a toothache . I need to see a dentist . → need意思為 "需要" ,作實義動詞時,後跟動詞不定式,否定式為don't /doesn't / didn't need (to do sth.) ;作情態動詞時,只能用於否定句或疑問句中,否定式為needn't(do sth.) ,除有過去式外,沒有其它的形態變化
14. Eat a balanced diet to stay healthy . to stay healthy是動詞不定式短語,作目的狀語
15. I'm not feeling very well at the moment . at the moment = now
Unit Three
1. What are you doing for vacation ? I'm babysitting my sister . Where are you going for vacation ? Italy . 這是現在進行時的一種比較特殊的用法,用來表示按計劃或安排要做的事情,現在還沒有去做。
2. Who are you going with ? I'm going with my parents . with my parents是介詞短語,在這里作伴隨狀語,起修飾謂語動詞are going的作用
3. When are you going ? I'm going on Monday .
4. What are you doing there ? I'm going hiking in the mountains .
5. How long are you staying ? Just for four days . I don't like going away for too long .疑問詞hwo long是對時間長短或事物的長度提問,在這里是對時間的長短進行提問。
6. Have a good time . = Enjoy oneself . 玩得開心、愉快
7. Show me your photos when we get back to school . → show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 把某給某人看
8. I'm going to Hawaii for vacation . for vacation是介詞短語,在這里作目的狀語,起修飾謂語動詞的作用
9. What's it like there ? 這里like是介詞,而不是動詞
10. Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plans ? → ask sb. sth . 問某人某事
11. Ben Lambert , the famous French singer , is taking a long vacation this summer ! → take a vacation 度假

12. He thought about going to Greece or Spain , but decided on Canada . → think about 考慮 / decide on 決定 這里的about和on都是介詞
13. " I always take vacation in Europe ," he said . " This time I want to do something different ." → (1). want to do sth. (2). 修飾不定代詞(something , nothing , anything等)的定語常放在不定代詞的後面
14. He plans to have a very relaxing vacation . → plan to do sth. 計劃做某事
15. I'm planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside .
16. I just finished making my last movies . → finish doing sth. 完成做某事
17. I hear that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing . to go sightseeing是動詞不定式短語,作a good place的後置定語
18. She's leaving for Hong Kong on Tuesday . → leave A for B 離開A地去B地
19. I want to ask you about places to visit China . to visit China是動詞不定式短語,作places的後置定語
20. I'm planning my vacation to Italy this weekend . to Italy是動詞不定式短語,作my vacation的後置定語
21. What should tourists take with them ? with them是介詞短語,在這里作伴隨狀語,起修飾謂語動詞take的作用
22. Where are you leaving from ? leave from 離開某地(註:from是介詞)
Unit Four
1. How do you get to school ? 疑問詞how 在這里是對方式進行提問 I ride my bike / walk / take the subway . By bike / bicycle / bus / train / subway / taxi / air / plane / ship / boat . On foot . How do I get there ? 因there是副詞,所以不能說get to there Don't worry . Let me look at your map . Ok , first … , next … . Then … .
2. How long does it take ? 疑問詞hwo long是對時間長短或事物的長度提問 It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus . How long does t take you to get from home to school ? It takes twenty-five minutes . → take sb. some time to do sth. 花費某人……時間做某事
3. Lin Fei's home is about Kilometers from school .
4. How far is it from your home to school ? It's three miles . How far do you live from school ? I live 10 miles from school . 疑問詞how far在這里是對距離進行提問
5. In other parts of the world , things are different .
6. In China , it depends on where you are . → depend on 視……而定;決定於
7. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus .
8. In North America , not all students take the bus to school . not all是部分否定,意思是並不是所有的;不是全部的
9. Other parts of the world are different from the United States .
10. A small number of students take the subway . → a number of = many 許多
11. What do you think of the transportation in your town ? → think of 對……有某種看法
12. When it rains I take a taxi .
13. I have a map but in Chinese .
14. If you have a problem , you can ask a policeman .
Unit Five
1. Can you come to my party ? Sure , I'd love(like) to . / I'm sorry , I can't . I have to help my parents . Can you play tennis with me ? 情態動詞can在這里起徵求對方意見的作用。
2. I have too much homework this weekend . too much後跟不可數名詞;too many後跟可數名詞復數
3. That's too bad .
4. Maybe another time .
5. Thanks for asking . for介詞,後跟名詞,代詞或動名詞
6. Come and have fun . / Come and join us .
7. On Wednesday , I'm playing tennis with the school team .
8. I have to study for my science test on Thursday . have to強調客觀原因;而must強調主觀原因
9. Please keep quiet ! I'm trying to study . → try to do sth. 表示" 盡力做某事 " , 不包含是否成功的意思
10. Do you want to come to my birthday party ? → want to do sth.意思是"想要做某事"
11. Li Lei is going fishing with grandpa the whole day . the whole day = all day 整天
12. Can you come over to my house ?
13. I'm free till 22:00 .
Unit Six
1. I'm more outgoing than my sister . → 主語 + 動詞 + 形容詞比較級別 + than + 比較對象
2. As you can see , in some ways we look the same , and in some ways we look different .
3. However , we both enjoy going to parties . → enjoy doing sth. = like doing sth. 喜歡做某事
4. Liu Li has more than one sister . more than 不止
5. Liu Li and Liu Ying have some things in common . → in common (團體)共同的;公有的
6. Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister . as …as 和……一樣 (其中as…as之間的形容詞必須用原級);它的否定式是:not as(so) … as
7. Liu Ying talks more than Liu Li . 這里more是much的比較級,而不是many的比較級
8. Both girls go to lots of parties . lots of = a lot of 許多 9
. My friend is the same as me . → be the same as … 與……一樣 / be different from …與……不同
10. I think a good friend makes me laugh . → make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事
11. For me , a good friend likes to do the same things as me . → like to do sth.
12. That's not very important for me ….
13. What's your opinion ?
14. Should friends be different or the same ? same前常有定冠詞the
15. I like to have friends who are like me . / I like to have friends who are different from me . → like to do sth.中的like 是動詞,意思是" 喜歡 ";而are like me 中的like 是介詞,意思是" 像 "。要注意區別like的詞性。
16. I'm quieter than most of the kids in my class .
17. We both like doing the same things . → like doing sth. 喜歡做某事
18. Who do you think should get the job , Ruth or Rose ?
19. You must be good with children / enjoy telling jokes . → be good with sb. 對某人好;與某人相處融洽 / enjoy doing = like doing sth. 喜歡做某事
20. He can't stop talking . → stop doing sth. 意為" 停止(正在)做的事情" ,doing在句中是stop的賓語。如:When the teacher came in , the students stopped talking and laugh . 老師走了進來,學生們停止了談笑。 / stop to do sth. 意為" 停下(正在做的事)去做某事" ,動詞不定式短語to do sth.在句中作動詞 stop 的目的狀語。 如:He stopped to write a letter to her . 他停下手邊的工作,給她寫信。
21. He always helps others .
22. She likes to stay at home and read . → like to do sth. 喜歡做某事 / stay at home 呆在家裡
Review of units 1-6
1. You use milk to make cheese and you can drink it , too . 動詞不定式短語to make cheese在這里作目的狀語,修飾use milk
2. A part of your body beginning with " a " . → begin with 以……開始 (注意:with是介詞)
3. The opposite of short is long or tall .
4. The neck is between your head and your body . → between … and 在……和……之間
5. Carrots , onions and peppers are all vegetables . → all用於三者或三者以上;both用於兩者。同時要注意它們在句中的位置,即位於連系動詞(be),助動詞(be , will , shall , should 等),情態動詞(can , may , must , have to等)的後面;其它動詞的前面。
6. I like reading books in my free time . like doing sth. 喜歡做某事 / in one's free time 在空餘時間
7. I feel terrible , doctor . 在這里feel是連系動詞,terrible是形容詞作表語,feel terrible是系表結構作復合謂語
8. I usually relax in my swimming pool .
9. I'm very excited to be taking a vacation around China ! → be excited to do sth. 做某事很激動
10. Who is more athletic , Gao Yan or Li Tong ?
附:音節小議 英語的音素分為母音和輔音兩大類,由一個母音或一個母音加一個或幾個輔音結合構成的語音單位叫做音節。例如: 由一個母音構成的音節:I /aI/"我"、oh / u/"哦"、a/eI, /"一個"、ear/I /"耳朵"等;
由一個母音加一個輔音構成的音節: bee/bi:/"蜜蜂"、ill /il/"生病"、my/mai/"我的"、see /si:/"看見"等;
由一個母音加幾個輔音構成的音節:bed /bed/"床"、bag/b g/"袋子"、clock /kl k/等。
英語的詞有一個音節的,也有兩個音節或三個音節以上的。顧名思義,一個音節叫做單音節,兩個音節叫做雙音節,三個或三個以上的音節叫做多音節。例如good /gud/只有一個音節,所以叫做單音節詞;morning/`m :nI /分別有/m :n/和/I /兩個音節,所以叫做雙音節詞;而afternoon /`a:ft `nu:n/有/a:f/、/t /、/nu:n/三個音節,所以,叫做多音節詞。
在英語中,雙音節或多音節的單詞,每一個詞都有一個讀得特別響亮的音節,叫做重讀音節,重讀音節以重讀符號"`"來表示。例如在evening /`i:vni /一詞中,/i:/是重讀音節。一般來說,只有一個音節的單詞往往重讀,但通常不標重讀符號;雙音節詞和多音節詞至少有一個音節重讀,並在重讀的音節左上方標出重讀符號。 音節分為開音節和閉音節。以母音字母a 或 e, i, o, u結尾的音節叫做開音節,如nice, hi, hello, fine等都是以開音節結尾的單詞;以輔音字母結尾的音節叫做閉音節,如meet, bed, what, wall, mom等都是以閉音節結尾的單詞。
1.記單詞的最好辦法是什麼? 把一個單詞造出多個句子,訓練把這多個句子在場景下脫口說出。句子記住了,單詞也當然得到了充分理解和長期記憶。

⑵ 有誰知道仁愛版英語(湖南教育出版社)八年級上的語法和重點句型

英 語 短 語 復 習
8年級 上
see sb. do sth./doing sth. 看見某人做某事/正在做某事
between•••and在•••兩者之間 cheer sb. on 為某人加油
would like to do sth./sb. to do sth./sth. 想要做某事/想要某人做某事/想要做某事 quite a bit/lot許多,大量
join+人+組織/join in+活動
prefer sth./sb./sb.to sth./ (in) doing sth.更喜歡某事/某人/做某事
play for 為某球隊效力 grow up 長大成人,成長
dream of/about sb./sth./doing sth. 夢想某人/某事/做某事
in the future 今後 play against 同````比賽
arrived in/at=get to到達某地 leave for 動身去某地
the day after tomorrow後天 break the olympic record打破奧運會記錄
take part in 加入
spend time/money on sth./(in)doing sth.花時間/金錢在某事上/在做某事上
go cycling/hiking 去騎自行車/遠足
pretty well相當好 the high/long jump 跳高/遠
make sb. strong 使某人強壯 all over the world全世界
be good/bad for對`````有益/有害 help to do sth. 幫助做某事
relax oneself放鬆某人 make/keep sb./sth. + adj.使某人/事怎麼樣
keep healthy/fit保持健康 What a shame!真遺憾
this/last/next weekend這個/上個/下個星期

could/would you please …..? 你能? do sb. a favor幫某人個忙
be/fall ill 患病 not at all/of course/certainly not 當然不
would/do you mind(not)doing sth.介意做某事
practice doing sth. 練習做某事 help sb. with/to do sth. 幫助某人做事
ask sb. to do sth.告訴某人做某事 come over 過來
go somewhere else 去其他地方 make one』s bed 整理床鋪
be far(away) from 遠離 be late for sth./doing sth.遲到做某事
had better (not) to do sth.最好做某事/不做某事
manage sb./sth./to do sth.管理某人/某事/做某事
need sth.to do sth.需要某東西做某事
miss a good chance 失去一個好機會 shout at sb.對某人大聲吼叫
miss the goal 失球 shame on sb.某人自己感到羞恥
be angry with sb. 生某人氣 do one』s best盡某人最大的努力
say sorry to sb. 向某人道歉 keep doing sth.堅持做某事
keep sb. doing sth.使某人一直做某事believe sb./in sb. 相信某人/相信某人說的話
be sure to do sth./of sth./about sth. 確信做某事
have a fight 打架 hear sb. do sth./doing sth. 聽見某人做某事/正在做某事
serve the food 准備食物 turn down the music關掉音樂
at once/in a minute/in a moment/right away/right now立即,馬上
be important to sb.對某人很重要 take a seat 坐下
buy sb. sth.=buy sth. for sb.為某人買某東西
follow the rules 遵守規則 over a century later一個世紀以後
more and more people 更多的人 healthy eating habits健康的飲食習慣
have fun in(doing) sth.有興趣做某事

want to do sth./sb. to do sth.想做某事/想要某人做某事
make more foreign friends交更多的外國朋友 more and more 更多
reason for doing sth. 做某事的理由 it in a quiet place 做在1個安靜的地方
have fun with sb. 與某人玩的開心 an interesting place 1個有趣的地方
a coffee shop 咖啡屋 Beijing Hutongs 北京胡同
make friends with sb.與某人交朋友 have to 不得不
be free 空閑,自由 water the tree 澆樹
be enough for 對••••••足夠 take part in 參加
take place 舉行,發生 every four years 每4年1次
build ourselves up 增強我們自己的體質 help foreign visitors 幫助外國遊客learn English well 學好英語 the modern Olympics 現代奧運
a symbol of 什麼什麼的象徵 at least 至少
in the flag of every country 在每個國家的國旗上
do morning/eye exercises 做早操/眼保健操 twice a month 1個月兩次
have a fever感冒 not read too long 別讀太久的書
take/have a rest 休息 lift heavy things 抬重物
have a good sleep 睡個好覺 to the hospital 去醫院
how it goes 指事情怎樣發展 hot tea with honey 加蜜的熱茶
lie down and rest 躺下休息 brush one』s teeth 漱口
take good care of 照顧 not too bad/much better 不是很壞/好多勒
nothing serious 沒大礙 check over 檢查
worry about sb./sth.當心某人某事 take have these pills 吃葯
thank sb./sth./for doing sth.感謝某人/某事/做的某事
buy sb. sth./sth.for sb.給某人買東西 become well 康復
return home 回家 not•••until••• 直到•••才 a sick man 病人
less/more than少於

stay up 熬夜 be bad for sb./sth.對某人某事有害
feel terrible 感到疲勞 keep long fingernails 留長指甲
go to school without breakfast空腹上學
read an article about smoking 讀關於抽煙的文章
give up sth./doing sth. 放棄某事/做某事 read in the sun 在太陽下讀書
throw about亂扔 healthy habits 健康的習慣 give sb energy 給某人能量
be necessary for 對某人很重要 ring the day 白天
put sth. into the stbin 把某東西放進垃圾筒
get enough sleep 得到充足的睡眠 cause diseases 致病
have an illness 得病 keep the air fresh 使空氣新鮮
drink sour milk 喝臊牛奶 sweep the floor 打掃房間
become sick 得病 make sb. strong 使某人強壯
choose the wrong food 選擇錯誤的食物 all kinds of food 所有食物
in the kitchen 在廚房 hurry up 快點
talk with a journalist 和記者說話 go ahead 開始,干吧
do more exercise 多做運動 build up our body 鍛煉我們的身體
go to crowded places 去人群多的地方
do one』s best to do sth. 盡力去做某事 change clothes often 常換衣服
wild animals野生動物 do some cleaning 做清潔
keep away from 遠離 ring sb. up 給某人打電話
get through 打通 leave a message for sb. 給某人留個口信
spread in 在某地傳播 talk with family 和家人聊天
save one』s life 救某人命 save time/money節省時間/錢
teach sb. sth. 教某人某事 change one』s mind 改變某人主意
have a good/nice time 玩的愉快
hate sb./sth./to do sth./doing sth. 恨某人/某事/做某事
help sb. to do sth. 幫某人做某事 play with sb.與某人玩耍

learn sth. from sb. 跟某人學某事 special moments 特殊時刻
dance to music 隨音樂跳舞 collecting telephone cards 收集電話卡
collectings toys 收集娃娃 read novels 讀小說
in one』s free time 在某人休息時間 read comic 讀連環畫
a movie fan 1個電影迷 walk a pet dog 帶寵物散步
share sth. with sb. 與某人分享某東東 teach sb .do sth. 教某人做某事
chat on zhe Net 網上聊天 bring sb. sth. 給某人拿某物
the color of his skin 他皮膚的顏色 take a bath 洗澡

go to a concert去音樂會 at a concert在音樂會上
take English lessons 上英語課 spend a wonderful evening 度過1個精彩的晚上
hip hop 喜蹦樂 musical instrument 音樂樂器
comes and goes quickly 來去匆匆 folk songs 民歌
be famous for 因•••而出名 one of •••之一
look for 尋找(強調動作) form a band 組建個樂隊
set up 創辦 close friends 親密朋友
be close to 離•••近 make music 製作音樂
continue to do sth./doing sth. 繼續做某事 music group 樂隊
date/place of birth 出生日期/地方 violin music 小提琴音樂
make sb. happy 使某人開心

hole the line=hold on 稍等 answer the phone 接電話
take/have a shower/bath 洗澡 practice English練習英語
sit on the grass 坐在草上 watch the movie/see a film看電影 so-so 一般化 agree with sb.同意某人
make a face 做鬼臉 make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事
knock at the door 敲門 one day a week 一周一天
make a good beginning 做出良好滴開端 solve a problem 解決問題
be closed 關閉 stop doing sth.停止正在做的事
stop to do sth. 停止正在做的事去做另1件事
too•••to 太怎麼樣而不能怎麼樣 wash the dishes=do the dishes洗盤子
read the newspaper 讀報 plan to do sth. 計劃做某事
say hello/sorry to sb. 對某人說你好/對不起

think over 仔細考慮 think for 認為
enjoy nature 享受大自然 the bravest animals 最勇敢的動物
talk about 談論 keep sb. doing sth. 使某人做某事
sing to sb. 給某人唱歌 both•••and 兩者之間
feed on 以•••為食 thousands and thousands of 成千上萬
live in rainforests 住在雨林 cover•••with•••覆蓋
see everything clearly 看清楚任何東西 useful things 有用的東西
animals in danger 在危險中的動物 live on 生活
live in the ocean 住在海洋 the south of China 中國南部
the oldest type of tiger 最古老的老虎種類
kill•••for 為•••殺•••
the Science Center 科技中心 take the place of(doing sth.) 代替做某事
instead of doing sth. 代替做某事 save people in danger 救處於危險中的人repair mechines 修機器 lift trucks 抬卡車
carry heavy things 抓重物 mend roads 鋪路
make humans lose their jobs 使人們失去工作 make humans lazy 使人們懶惰
fly over my head 從我頭上飛過 be sure to do sth./of doing sth. 確信做某事
walk toward 朝•••走去 in fact 事實上
mistake for 把•••錯當成 by mistake 錯誤
try to do sth.盡力做某事 see sb. do sth. 看見某人做某事
use sth. to do sth. 用某東西做某事 study on the Interent 在網上學習
look up a word 查單詞 write to 寫信給某人
download music 下載音樂 with one』s help 在某人幫助下

Pull down 拆毀 be worn out 破爛不堪的
modern buildings 現代大樓 do one』s best to do sth. 盡某人最大努力做某事事order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 a gift 1個禮物
the ancient Egyptians 古老滴埃及 join together把什麼連在一起
the cost of flying 飛行的價錢 world-famous 世界著名的
be mada of up 由•••組成 regard•••as••• 把•••看做•••
at the same time 同時

Unit 8
1. depend on\upon 依靠;依賴
2. according to 根據
3. catch one』s eye 引起某人的注意
4. easy-going 隨和的
5. so 連詞:所以,因此。副詞:很,非常
so that 以便,為的是,以至於
so …that… 如此…以至於…
6. be made of (原材料可見)
be made from (原材料可見)
7. the same…as 與 … 一樣
8. be different from… 與…不同
9. on the third floor 在第三層樓
10. prepare for… 為…做准備
11. in fact 事實上
12. start to do sth.
start doing sth.
13. protect…from… 保護…不受…
14. more then 不僅僅
15. allow sb. to so sth. 允許某人做某事
16. carry out 執行;開展
17. advise sb. (not) to do sth. 建議某人做某事
18. take off 脫掉
19. at other times 有的時候;在其餘的時候
20. make a survey 做個調查
21. in danger 處於危險中
22. stop…from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
stop to do sth. 停止去做某事
stop doing sth. 停止做某事
23. on different occasions. 在不同的場合
24. be famous for 以…聞名
be famous as 當…而聞名
25. be busy doing sth. 忙於做某事
26. except
except for 除了…之外
27. as for sb.\sth. 至於…; 就…而言
28. get its name 得名
29. design…as 把…設計成
30. at one time 曾經;一度
31. dress in 穿…衣服
32. all over the world 全世界
33. widely known = well-known 眾所周知的

Unit 7
1. chat with 與…聊天
2. on the Internet 在網路上
3. think about 回想;考慮
4. try one』s best盡某人最大努力
=do one』s best
5. know about=learn about了解
6. turn to sb. for help
=ask sb. for help 向某人求助
7. have a sweet tooth 吃甜食
8. in order to 為了
9. what』s more 而且,更有甚者
10. invite sb. (not) to do sth. 邀請某人(不)做某事
11. help sb. ( to ) do sth 幫助某人做某事
12. keep up 繼續 努力
13. be pleased with 對…喜歡;滿意於
14. be proud of 對…感到自豪
15. cut up / cut sth. into 切碎
16. drink to sb./sth 為…乾杯
17. at the table在桌子旁邊
18. at table 就餐
19. start with 以…開始
20. finish doing sth 完成做某事
21. take a sip 喝一小口
22. pick up 拿起;撿起;搭便車等等
23. be full of 充滿了…
=be filled with
24. Help oneself to sth 自己吃…
25. on sale 出售
26. such as 例如
27. be satisfied with 對…滿意
28. have/get/pay the bill 付款
29. be worth doing sth. 值得做某事
30. not only…but also 不但…而且
31. take a seat 請坐
32. use sth to do sth 用某物做某事
used to do sth 過去常常做某事
33. It』s said that… 據說=It』s reported as..

Unit 6
1. take it easy 別著急;別緊張
2. think over 仔細考慮;
think of 考慮; 認為
3. get along with 與…相處
get on with
4. come up with 想出(主意)
5. look forward to doing sth 期望做某事
6. in the daytime在白天
at night 在夜晚
7. go on a visit to 去…參觀
8. decide on\ upon 決定
9. make a reservation 預定
10. get to 開始
11. It take sb.… to do sth.
12. hear from 接到…信
hear of 聽說
13. out of sight 看不見
14. make sure 確保
15. be surprised at遍布在..., 復蓋在... 對…感到驚奇
to one』s surprise 令人驚奇的是
be surprised to do sth 驚奇做…
16. in sb』s direction 朝某人的方向
17. can』t help doing sth. 忍不住做…
18. ask sb. for help 向某人求助
ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事
19. rush out 沖出
20. spread over 遍布在..., 復蓋在...
21. as soon as 一…就…
22. by the way 順便問一下
23. slow down 減速
24. run into 撞到;碰到
25. avoid doing sth. 避免做某事
26. warn sb (not) to do sth.
27. ride into 進入
28. be popular with 受…歡迎
29. Is that so? 真的嗎?

Unit 5
1. say thanks\thank you to sb. 向某人道謝
2. be worried about 擔心某事/某人
3. smell terrible 聞起來很惡心
4. taste delicious 嘗起來很好吃
5. set the table 擺餐具
6. have the temperature 發高燒
7. be (not )able to do sth
8. ring sb. up/telephone/phone/call
9. tell sb. about sth. 告訴某人關於某事
10. tell sb. not to do sth.
11. care for=look after=take care of 照顧…
12. because of n./doing sth. 由於…
13. ever after 從此以後…
14. cheer up 使…振作起來
15. at first 首先
16. be afraid /frightened of doing sth. 害怕做某事
17. go mad 發瘋
18. come into being 開始形成
19. be called被叫做…
20. make peace with sb.與某人和解
21. seem to be 好象…
22. be strict with sb. 對某人要求嚴格
23. have a talk with sb.與某人談話
24. talk to sb.對某人說話
25. at one』s age 在某人的年代裡
26. make sb. laugh 讓某人大笑
27. as…as與…一樣
28. not as/so…as 不如…
29. move to 搬家
30. be angry with/at sb.對某人生氣
31. be angry at/about sth 因某事而生氣
32. refuse to do sth. 拒絕做某事
33. instead of代替
34. not …any longer/more 不再
35. by oneself=alone 獨自
36. even though 盡管
37. be sorry for 為某事感到抱歉
38. give sb. a hand 幫助某人
39. take part in 參加
40. take some medicine 吃葯
41. see a doctor 看病
42. be good at / do well in doing sth. 擅長於。。。
43. Don』t worry. 別擔心
44. in a good mood 好心情
45. give a surprise to sb. 給某人一個驚喜
46. put on 表演
47. make/let/get/have sb./sth do sth. 使讓某人做某事
48. make sb./sth adj.使某人某事變的…
49. get together with sb. 與某人團聚
50. try out 嘗試
51. in good spirits 情緒高昂
52. make a decision / make decisions 做決定
53. be late for 遲到

⑶ 八年級上冊英語語法要仁愛版的

Unit 1 Sports and GamesTopic 1 Are you going to play basketball?核心詞彙:cheer, team, win, join, club, dream, grow, future, against, leave, shame, baseball, hour, pretty, popular, heart, healthy, relax常用片語:cheer sb. on, quite a bit/a lot, grow up, in the future, arrive in/at, play against, leave for, the day after tomorrow, take part in, pretty well, high jump, long jump, all over the world交際用語:1. Would you like to come and cheer us on?2. Which sport do you prefer, skating or skiing?3. Do you skate much? Yes, quite a bit/a lot./No, seldom.4. What a shame!語法精粹:一般將來時(Ⅰ)Are you going to play basketball? Yes, I am./No, I am not.It』s too bad that they aren』t going to stay in Beijing for long.There is going to be a school sports meet next month.What are you going to do tomorrow morning? I』m going to play soccer. Topic 2 Would you mind teaching me?核心詞彙:ill, mind, practice, smoke, somewhere, careless, chance, fight, angry, serve, ready, important, competition, invent, college, even, score, basket, throw, follow, over, century, however, tired, active, mile, fresh, instead, build, become, coach, feeling常用片語:fall ill, be glad to, say sorry to, be angry with sb., turn down/up, be important to sb., more and more, instead of, build up, have fun doing sth.交際用語:1. – Michael, could you please do me a favor? – Sure. What is it?2. – Will you join us? – I』d like be glad to.3. – Will you join us? – I』d be glad to.4. – Would you mind teaching me? – Not at all. You can do it! Let』s go and practice.語法精粹:一般將來時(Ⅱ渣州鏈)I』跡扮ll tell them.I』如孫ll be there soon.I』ll go somewhere else.I』ll play it more quietly. Topic 3 Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics.核心詞彙:taxi, foreign, e-mail, address, from, fill, reason, maybe, perhaps, coffee, shall, pick, gold, winner, visitor, improve, environment, ourselves, modern, fast, ring, symbol常用片語:fill out, Roast Duck Restaurant, make friends with sb., make it, the People』s Republic of China, take part in, stand for, at least, be fond of交際用語:1. – Hi, can I help you? – Yes, please. I want to join the Ren』ai English Club.2. – Hello, is that…? – Speaking.3. What will the weather be like this weekend?4. What will Beijing be like in 2008?語法精粹:一般將來時態(Ⅲ)Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics.I think I』ll be free on Sunday.Why won』t Michael go to plant trees this Saturday?What will Beijing be like in 2008? Unit 2 Keeping Healthy Topic 1 How are you feeling today?核心詞彙:toothache, dentist, cough, fever, flu, headache, lift, pale, terrible, medicine, brush, tooth, Internet, X-ray, serious, sick, ice cream, plenty常用片語:have a cold, go to see a doctor, take a rest, have a fever, at night, had better (do), take some medicine, day and night, lie down, look after, check over, not…until交際用語:1. – What』s wrong with you? – I have a fever/a toothache/a sore throat/the flu.2. You look pale.3.– How are you feeling today? – I feel terrible/better.4. I』m sorry to hear that.語法精粹:表建議的情態動詞You should go to see a doctor.Michael shouldn』t move his leg too much.You』d better go to see a doctor.You』d better not go to school today. Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking.核心詞彙:health, tonight, without, article, cause, cancer, litter, habit, energy, necessary, enough, disease, body, illness, empty, stomach, human, through, sour, tidy, sweep, than, wealth, choose, sandwich, watermelon, sausage, tomato, beef, cabbage, strawberry常用片語:stay up late, be good/bad for, do morning exercises, relax sb. give up, throw about, keep sb. active, get a headache, get into, keep…clean/fresh, more than, too little/too much food交際用語:1. What』s up/wrong?2. Is going to bed early good or bad for your health? It』s good.3. You must not take pets to school with you.4. You may get a headache when you work too hard.語法精粹:1. 選擇疑問句Is going to bed early good for or bad for your health?2. 情態動詞can, may, must, shouldI must ask him to give up smoking. Topic 3 What should we do to fight SARS?核心詞彙:hurry, spread, among, agree, examine, patient, care, brave, wife, talk, ty, save, myself, hate, herself, itself, themselves, yourselves常用片語:hurry up, go ahead, do one』s best, all the time, keep away, examine the patient, get through, have a message take care of, take an active part in, care for, teach oneself, enjoy oneself, take some Chinese medicine, be afraid of交際用語:1. May I ask you some questions, Dr. Li? Sure, go ahead.2. Please tell my father to take care of himself.3. He cared for the patents day and night.4. Must we keep the windows open all the time? No, we don』t have to/needn』t.5. Extension 6226, please.語法精粹:1. 表示「必要」的情態動詞have to, must/must not2.反身代詞myself, yourself, himself Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 1 I love collecting stamps.核心詞彙:collect, hobby, VCD, share, pop, pond, nobody, paint, such, friendship, knowledge, whether, lovely, ugly, stupid常用片語:collecting stamps, used to do sth., photos of famous stars, prfer/love/enjoy doing sth., be interested in, walk a pet dog, go fishing, do some outdoor activities, watch a movie, know little about ring summer vacations, keep pets, such as, daily work交際用語:1. Collecting stamps must be great fun!2. I am interested in playing basketball.3. What things do you love collecting?語法精粹:used to do sth. 的用法I used to collect stamps. I didn』t use to play soccer.Did you use to go swimming? Yes, I did./ No, I didn』t.Where did you use to go swimming? Topic 2 It sounds great!核心詞彙:pity, lend, pay, simple, member, continue, birth, weight, height, banana常用片語:go to the concert, take English lessons, play the violin/the drums/the piano, in one』s free/spare time, pop music, folk music, classical music, one of the most famous rock bands, set up, be famous for交際用語:1. What kind of music do you like? It』s hard to say.2. Do you like classical music? No, I don』t like it at all.3. It』s not my favorite, but I don』t mind it.語法精粹:Exclamation(感嘆句)It sounds great!What sweet music!How exciting! Topic 3 What were you doing this time yesterday?核心詞彙:pleasant, handsome, boring, sad, laugh, church, factory, dish常用片語:this time yesterday, take a shower, answer the phone, do some washing, agree with sb., nothing serious, listen to the radio, make faces, too…to交際用語:1. I called you but nobody answered the phone.2. Hold the line, please.3. I think so./I don』t agree with you.4. Don』t do that again, Bill.語法精粹:過去進行時(Ⅰ)I was doing some cleaning this time yesterday.Were you playing on the computer? Yes, I was./No, I wasn』t.What were you doing this time yesterday? Unit 4 Our World Topic 1 We share the world with plants and animals.核心詞彙:sky, nature, cow, sheep, goose, joy, rose, snake, fox, feed, cover, earth, surface, meter, forest, control, wood, rubber, protect, fact, lake, ocean, drop, bear, wolf常用片語:think about, in the countryside, be important to, share…with, feed on, thousands and thousands of, in fact, make up, save every drop of water交際用語:1. The dogs are the bravest animal on the farm.2. Why do you think so? Because animals are our friends. They give us joy.3. As we know, plants and animal are important to us.4. We share the world with them.語法精粹:形容詞的比較級和最高級用法。 Topic 2 I am sure there are no UFOs.核心詞彙:robot, scientist, appear, situation, repair, machine, mend, lazy, toward, planet, balloon, seem, real, list, order常用片語:take the place of, instead of, in danger, mistake...for…, seem to, call for, wake sb. up, in alphabetical order, pay attention to, begin with, and so on, plug in交際用語:1. Could you tell me something about robots? Of course.2. What can robots do for us?3. Robots can take the place of humans to do hard and boring work in some work situations.4. I』m sure there are no UFOs.5. Are you sure you plugged it in? Yes, I』m sure./No, I』m not sure.語法精粹:1. 過去進行時(Ⅱ)2. weather, if引導的賓語從句1. be sure 句型Last night, while Jim was sleeping, he saw a UFO flying over his head.I』m not sure whether if robots will make humans lose their jobs.I』m sure robots will make humans lose their jobs. Topic 3 The builders used live models, didn』t they?核心詞彙:remain, government, modern, wonder, live, treasure, underground, palace, king, ancient, stone, weigh, ton regard常用片語:pull down, be worn out, be mad up of, join…together, regard…as交際用語:1. What happened?2. People pulled lots of them down in the 1960s.3. I see. It』s really too bad.4. It took about 100000 people over 20 years to build it.5. How long wide high…? It』s …語法精粹:反意疑問句There are many old city walls in Beijing, aren』t there? No, there aren』t.You visited Emperor Qin』s Terra Cotta Warriors last week, didn』t you? Yes, I did.The builders used live models, didn』t they? Yes, they did.

⑷ 八年級上學期英語有哪些要掌握的語法仁愛版的。

仁愛版八年級上學期英語重點語法項目一、 be going to 結構
1) 表示計劃、安排及打算
2) 條件句中,一般用will/shall 結構代替be going to 結構。
If it doesn't rain tomorrow ,we _________
(就來) to your home
If he agrees with us ,he ________(成為)a member .
3) there are /is going to be =there will be
We will have a meeting in your classroom this Friday .=there is going to be a meeting in our classroom this Friday .
仿寫:he will have a party in his home tomorrow .=________________________.
選填:there is going to ______ (have/be) a tall building over there next year .
4) 表示位置移動的詞,在be going to 結構中往往用進行時代替。如:come ,return ,go ,arrive ,leave .
He is going to come here soon .=he is coming soon .
仿寫:They are going to arrive in an hour .
= ___________________________ .
5)按自然規律一定要發生的事情,一般用will 而不用be going to 結構:
二、主語+will /shall+動詞原形+。。。 結構 表示將要發生的事情。
1 一般情況下,與be going to 結構可以互換。
We shall make a visit to him next month .
= _______________________________ .
2 條件狀語從句和時間狀語從句中,一般用will/shall 結構。
If he ______(not come ) tonight ,we _____
(not hold the party).
3 shall 與will 不可搞混。
1) We shall stand up.
2) I shall call for help in such an situation .
3)he will help us with our work .
三、can 、may 、must 注意事項
1 過去式:can---could ;may---might .must 沒有人稱、數、時態變化。
He can swim now .
He could swim three years ago .
You must tell the truth .
He must tell the truth .
2 否定回答以及變為否定句時,它們的變化規律如下:
can—cant ;may –mustn』t
Must---needn』t/ don't have to ;
1)I can swim
2)He must hand it in now.
3) She need answer the door at once .
4) The little boy can also come here .
3 當這幾個詞表示推測時,否定句通常都用can』t。
1 )he can be in the teacher』s office
2) It may be raining in the south of China recently .
3) You must be right .
四、had better 和不定式的否定形式。
had better do sth ---- had better not do sth .
to do sth --- not to do sth 。
1 以過去某個時間為基準:動作已經結束的,用一般過去時,動作正在進行的,用過去進行時。
1) He was busy all this morning ,he _____
(write) a novel .
2) He ______ (put) on his coat and went out .
2 由when 和while引導的時間狀語從句中,發生在前面且持續時間久的動作用過去進行時,發生在後面,持續時間短的用一般過去時。
1)when we ______ (lie) in bed ,he_____
(come) in .
2) They ______ ( begin) their lessons when it _______ (happen).
3) While you _____ (pass)the post office , he ______(see) you.
1) 形容詞或副詞前有a little(bit) ,even(更) much(比…得多)時,該形容詞或副詞用比較級形式。
He is only a little _______ (ill) than yesterday .
I am much ______ ( outgoing) .
It is even _____ (cold) today .
2 比較級前不加the,但句中有of 時 例外。
1)which do you like ______(good), PE or music?
2 I like music _____ (good) of the two subjects ?
3 ) She is _____ (beautiful) of the twins .
3 比較級和最高級可以轉變,意思不變。
He is the cleverest in our class .
He is clever than any other student in our class .
Chang jiang is the long river in China .
He is short than any other in his class.
4 最高級變為比較級時,如果句子主語跟後面表示範圍的詞具有所屬關系時any後要加other ,否則,不要other .
練習:用any 、any other 填空。
The desk is more expensive than _______
One in this shop.
The desk in this shop is more expensive
than ______ one in that shop.
5 比較對象相同時,可用that /those 代替另一比較對象。That 用於單數或者不可數,those 用於復數。
The weather in shanghai is better than ___
In Tian jin .
The students in our class came earlier than
______in his class .

⑸ 仁愛版八年級上冊英語復習提綱

1、名詞(n.): 表示人、事物、地點或抽象概念的名稱。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange.
2、代詞(pron.): 主要用來代替名詞。如:who, she, you, it .
3、形容詞(adj..):表示人或事物的性質或特徵。如:good, right, white, orange .
4、數詞(num.): 表示數目或事物的順序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth.
5、動詞(v.): 表示動作或狀態。如:am, is,are,have,see .
6、副詞(adv.): 修飾動詞、形容詞或其他副詞,說明時間、地點、程度等。如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly.
7、冠詞(art..):用在名詞前,幫助說明名詞。如:a, an, the.
8、介詞(prep.): 表示它後面的名詞或代詞與其他句子成分的關系。如in, on, from, above, behind.
9、連詞(conj.): 用來連接詞、短語或句子。如and, but, before .
10、感嘆詞(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、樂等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello.
1、主語是句子所要說的人或事物,回答是「誰」或者「什麼」。通常用名詞或代詞擔任。如:I』m Miss Green.(我是格林小姐)
2、謂語動詞說明主語的動作或狀態,回答「做(什麼)」。主要由動詞擔任。如:Jack cleans the room every day. (傑克每天打掃房間)
3、表語在系動詞之後,說明主語的身份或特徵,回答是「什麼」或者「怎麼樣」。通常由名詞、代詞或形容詞擔任。如:My name is Ping ping .(我的名字叫萍萍)
4、賓語表示及物動詞的對象或結果,回答做的是「什麼」。通常由名詞或代詞擔任。如:He can spell the word.(他能拼這個詞)
有些及物動詞帶有兩個賓語,一個指物,一個指人。指物的叫直接賓語,指人的叫間接賓語。間接賓語一般放在直接賓語的前面。如:He wrote me a letter . (他給我寫了一封信)
有時可把介詞to或for加在間接賓語前構成短語,放在直接賓語後面,來強調間接賓語。如:He wrote a letter to me . (他給我寫了一封信)
Shanghai is a big city .(上海是個大城市)
6、狀語用來修飾動詞、形容詞、副詞,通常由副詞擔任。如:He works hard .(他工作努力)
7、賓語補足語用來說明賓語怎麼樣或干什麼,通常由形容詞或動詞充當。如:They usually keep their classroom clean.(他們通常讓教室保持清潔) / He often helps me do my lessons.(他常常幫我做功課) / The teacher wanted me to learn French all by myself.(老師要我自學法語)
☆同位語通常緊跟在名詞、代詞後面,進一步說明它的情況。如:Where is your classmate Tom ?(你的同學湯姆在哪裡?)
1、合成法:如:spaceship, headache, basketball, playground等等。
(1)派生名詞:①動詞+er/or ②動詞+ing ③動詞+(t)ion ④形容詞+ness ⑤其他,如:inventor, learner, swimming, congratulation, kindness, carelessness, knowledge
(2)派生形容詞:①名詞+y ②名詞+ful ③動詞+ing/ed ④friendly ⑤dangerous ⑥Chinese; Japanese ⑦English ⑧French ⑨German ⑩國名+(i)an 如:snowy, sunny, hopeful, beautiful, interesting, follwing, daily(每日的),nervous, delicious
(3)派生副詞:①形容詞+ly ②其它,如:slowly, angrily, full→fully, good→well, possible→possibly等等。
(1)形容詞→動詞,如:dry(乾燥的)→dry(弄乾), clean(干凈的)→clean(打掃,弄乾凈),等等。
(2)動詞→名詞,如:look, walk, rest, work, study, swim, go, talk等等。
(4)形容詞→副詞,如:early→early, fast→fast等等。
(6)介詞→副詞,如:in(到……里)→(在裡面;在家),on(在…上)→(進行,繼續)。 我有一些習題,自己找的

I _______________________ this weekend,but _____________ the classmates don't agree.
Don't ______________ while you wash dishes.
3.Benny asked Daisy,「Who were you talking to?」
Benny asked Daisy who ________ _______ _____ ______?
4.「Turn that tap off.」a voice said angrily.
「Turn that tap off.」a voice _______ _______.
Tom ________ _________ to the beach, but ______ ____ us didn't _____ _______ him.
What did you __________ _______ _________forour class?
7.Remember not to waste or pollute me.
________ ________ to waste or pollute me.
8.It is necessary for us to put on the picture now.
______ ______ _______ the picture now is necessary for us.
1 suggest going camping, most of
2 let the water flow all the time
3 you were talking to
4 shout angrily
5 suggest going, most of, agree with
6 decide to do
7 Don't forget
8 To put on

1.mean(名詞)_______________ 2.heavy(比較級)________________
3.slowly(最高級)___________ 4.leave(現在分詞)______________

1.September is the_____________(nine) of month of the year.
2.Usually, he___________(catch)the No.11 bus to work. Now he is getting on the bus.
3.I'm stronger than he, but he is much_____________(good)than I at skating.
4.He is the_______________(short)man on the team, but he is the _____________(fast).

( ) 1.In English, the last name is the__________.
A.given name B.family name C.middle name D.full name
( ) 2.What do you call James________short.
A.for B.to C.about D.of
( ) 3.Tom likes_________football game very much.
A.to see B.to look C.watching D.looking at
( ) 4.My father and I________see Aunt Alice next Saturday.
A.am going to B.are going to C.goes to D.go to
( ) 5.Let's walk to the shop. It______near.
A.quite B.is quite C.too D.is too
( ) 6.You're going to help the farmers_________.
A.pick apples B.picking apple C.pick apple D.picking apple
( ) 7.A big truck always carries________than a small one.
A.many B.much C.more D.most
( ) 8.Is Lily the________girl_______her class?
A.tallest;of B.tallest;in C.taller;in D.taller;of
( ) 9.Why_______do your homework first?
A.don't you B.not you C.are you D.do you
( )10.The boy is eating_________.
A.the time B.all the time C.all time D.sometimes
( )11.Let's talk about the difference____English names and
Chinese names.
A.of B.between C.for D.from
( )12.She must get up early______next morning.
A.in B./ C.on D.at
( )13.—What's your sister like?
A.She likes all kinds of things.
B.She likes all of us.
C.She is tall.
D.She's very well. Thanks.
( )14.—What time shall we meet?
—Let's make it_______nine o'clock.
A.at B.on C.for D./
( )15.Listen! Can you hear him_______in the next room.
A.sings B.is singing C.to sing D.singing

1.Jim is going to take a bus to work.(用 every day 改寫)
Jim____________a bus to work every day.
2.I'd like to come, too.(改為一般疑問,並作肯定回答)
_________ ________like to come, too? I'd love to.

3.He needs a number 12 bus. (就劃線部分提問)
4.The Young Pioneers are going to have a picnic next Sunday.
_______ ______the Young Pioneers_____ ______ _______next Sunday?
5.It's better for you to wear warm clothes. (改為同義句)
You________ ________ ______ warm clothes.
6.better, which, like, do, you, cats, dogs, or?(連詞成句)
________ do you like______, cats or dogs?

I can't get to school_____ ______because the traffic is bad.
________ ________! I want to go faster.
Children love to play_________ _________ ________ ________.
I can't____________ __________you.
Peter works in a_________about ten________ ________his home.
Miss Gao is________ ________ ________ ________the blackboard.

一、(一)1.meaning 2.heavier 3.most slowly 4.leaving 5.wishes
(二)1.ninth 2.catches 3.better 4.shortest...fastest

二、B A C B B A C B A B B B C D D

三、1.takes 2. would you 3.Which...does...need?
4.What are...going to do 5.had better wear 6. Which...better

四、1.on time 2.Hurry up 3.in the open air 4.agree with
5.town...kilometres from 6.standing in front of . 還有N多,在我給你的參考網站里;http://..com/question/79650137.html?si=5 記得要多加分哦