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不打聖光的動漫有哪些 2024-09-27 19:00:51
戀愛知識大全圖片 2024-09-27 18:24:35


發布時間: 2024-09-27 16:52:59

❶ 小學六年級英語下冊知識點總結



1. 詢問名字:What’s your name? My name’s Wang Ling. I’m Charlie

2. 詢問年齡:How old are you? I’m twelve.

How old is he? He is thirteen.

3. 詢問生日:When is your birthday? It’s March 12th.

4. 詢問職業:Are you a doctor? Yes, I am. No, I am not.

What do you do? I am a teacher.

What does he do? He is a vet.

5. 詢問身高:How tall are you? I am 158 centimeters tall.

6. 詢問體重:How heavy are you? I weight 60 kilograms.

7. 詢問喜愛的顏色:Do you like red? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

Does he like red? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t..

What color do you like? I like green.

What color does he like? He likes blue.

8. 詢問喜愛的食品:What food do you like? I like chicken.

9. 詢問喜愛的學科:What’s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is math.

10. 詢問喜愛的季節:What season do you like? I like spring.

11. 詢問喜愛的運動:What sport do you like? I like playing football.

12. 詢問喜愛的動物:What animal do you like? I like dogs.


What chores do you have to do? I have to walk the dog.

What chores does he have to do? He has to feed the fish.

14. 詢問更喜歡什麼物品:Which sunglasses do you prefer?

I prefer these.

15. 詢問身體狀況:How are you today? I’m not well.

What’s the matter? My leg hurts.

16. 詢問想要的、需要的:What do you want? I want a T-shirt.

What do you need? I need flour, milk, eggs and butter.

17. 詢問物品擁有:Do you have a cap? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

Does he have a watch? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

18. 詢問經常在固定的時間做什麼事情:

What do you do on Sunday? I play tennis.

What does he do on Monday? He goes to school.

19. 詢問經常在什麼時間做這樣的事情:

When do you get up? I get up at 6:00.

When does he get up? He gets up at 6:30.

20. 詢問現在正在做什麼事情:What are you doing? I’m reading a book.

What is he doing? He is singing.

21. 詢問將來的計劃、活動安排:

What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to ride a horse.

What will you do next Sunday? I will go shopping.

What are you doing tomorrow? I’m going bowling.

22. 詢問活動的頻率次數:How often do you play tennis? Twice a week.

23. 詢問所在的地點、方位: Where are you? I’m in front of the car.

Where were you yesterday? I was at home.

24. 詢問過去時間內做了什麼事情:

What did you do yesterday? I went to school.

25. 詢問、質疑過去所做過的事情: Did you go to the park last night?

Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.

26. 詢問是誰: Who’s that? That’s Ann.

Who’ he? He’s my father.

Who was first? Ken was first.



1.一般現在時:常與表示程度或頻度的詞連用,如:often(經常) , usually(通常,一般) , sometimes(有時) , always(總是,一直) , never(從不),表示經常性或習慣性的動作,表示現在的特徵或狀態,表示普遍真理。用動詞原形表示,第三人稱單數後,動詞要在詞尾加s(或es,或變y為i再加es)。如:I often get up at 7:00.

He often gets up at 7:30.

2.現在進行時:表示現在或現在這一階段正在進行的動作。用am / is / are 加 動詞ing形式表示,如: What are you doing? I am reading a book. What is he doing? He is singing.

3.一般將來時:常與表示將來的時間連用,如:tomorrow , next week , next year 等,表示將要發生的動作或情況。用 am/ is/ are 加 going to形式表示,如:What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to ride a horse. 用will 加動詞原形表示,如:What will you do next Sunday? I will go shopping. 用am/ is/ are 加動詞ing 形式表示,如:What are you doing tomorrow? I’m going bowling.

4.一般過去時:經常與表示過去的時間連用, 如: yesterday, last night等, 表示過去某時發生的動作或情況。動詞要用動詞的過去式。如:

Who was first? Ken was first.

Where were you yesterday? I was at home.

What did you do yesterday? I went to school.


1.單音節詞:比較級加er, 最高級加est. 如:tall------taller-------- the tallest,

He is taller than his brother. Tom is the tallest in his class.

2.多音節詞和部分雙音節詞:比較級加more, 最高級加 the most. 如:

interesting---------more interesting---------the most interesting,

Music is interesting subject. P.E. is more interesting than music..

Science is the most interesting subject.


1. 肯定句:是指用肯定的語氣來陳述的句子,如:

I’m a student. She is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

There are four fans in our classroom. He will eat lunch at 12:00. I watched TV yesterday evening.

2.否定句:含有否定詞或表示否定意義詞的句子,如:I’m not a student. She is not (isn’t) a doctor.

He does not (doesn’t) work in a hospital. There are not (aren’t) four fans in our classroom.

He will not (won’t) eat lunch at 12:00. I did not (didn’t) watch TV yesterday evening.

☆注意 小結:否定句主要是在肯定句的基礎上加上了否定詞 “not”。有動詞be的句子則“not”加在be後面,可縮寫成“isn’t,aren’t”,但am not 一般都分開寫。沒有動詞be的句子則要先在主要動詞的前面加上一個助動詞(do,does,did),然後在它後面加上“not”,你也可以把它們縮寫在一起如“don’t , doesn’t , didn’t )。這三個助動詞要根據人稱和時態來選擇,其中“does”只用於一般現在時主語是第三人稱單數的情況,而“did”只用於一般過去時,不論主語是什麼人稱和數,都用“did” 。


如:Are you a student? Yes, I am / No, I’m not.

Is she a doctor? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

Does he work in a hospital? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

Are there four fans in our classroom? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

Are you going to buy a comic book tonight? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. (Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.)

Will he eat lunch at 12:00? Yes, I will. / No, I will not(won’t).

Are they swimming? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

Did you watch TV yesterday evening? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

☆注意 小結:一般疑問句是在肯定句的基礎上,



這三個助動詞也要根據人稱和時態來選擇,其中“does”只用於一般現在時主語是第三人稱單數的情況,而“did”只用於一般過去時,不論主語是什麼人稱和數,都用“did” 。一般疑問句有個重要的原則就是問和答要一致,即問句里的第一個單詞(助動詞)和簡略答句里的這個詞是一致的。

4.特殊疑問句:以特殊疑問詞(what , where , who , which , when , whose , why , how等)開頭引導的句子。此類句子應該問什麼就答什麼,不能用“yes 、no”來回答。如:

What is this? It’s a computer.

What does he do? He’s a doctor.

Where are you going? I’m going to Beijing.

Who played football with you yesterday afternoon? Mike.

Which season do you like best? Summer.

When do you usually get up? I usually get up at 6:30.

Whose skirt is this? It’s Amy’s.

Why do you like spring best? Because I can plant trees.

How are you? I’m fine. / I’m happy.

How did you go to Xinjiang? I went to Xinjiang by train.

☆其中how又可以和其他一些形容詞連用組成特殊疑問片語用來提問,如: how many(多少(數量)),

how much(多少(錢)), how tall(多高), how long(多長), how big(多大), how heavy(多重)

例句:How many pencils do you have? I have three pencils.

How many girls can you see? I can see four girls.

How many desks are there in your classroom? There are 51.

☆小結:how many 用來提問可數名詞的數量,主要有以上三種句式搭配,

How many + 名詞復數 + do you have? 你有多少……?

How many + 名詞復數 + can you see? 你能看見多少……?

❷ 六年級英語語法知識點歸納是什麼



2、動詞一般的直接在後面加上ing , 如doing , going , working , singing , eating。

3、There was no + 單數名詞或不可數名詞 + 過去時間。

4、I didn』t like + 名詞或動名詞。

5、以"f或fe"結尾,變f或fe為v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives。

❸ 6年級下冊英語重要知識點



1、There are many ways to go somewhere.到一個地方去有許多方法。

這里的ways一定要用復數。因為there are是There be句型的復數形式。

2、on foot 步行 乘坐其他交通工具大都可以用介詞by…, 但是步行只能用介詞on 。

4、go to school的前面絕對不能加the,這里是固定搭配。

5、USA 和 US 都是美國的意思。另外America也是美國的意思。

6、go to the park 前面一定要加the. 如果要去的地方有具體的名字,就不能再加the , 如果要去的地方沒有具體名字,都要在前面加the. ( go to school除外。)

7、How do you go to …?你怎樣到達某個地方?如果要問的是第三人稱單數,則要用:How does he/she…go to …?


get on(上車)---get off(下車) near(近的)—far(遠的) fast(快的)—slow(慢的)

because(因為)—why(為什麼) same(相同的)—different(不同的)


see you---goodbye sure---certainly---of course


always 總是,一直 usually 通常 often經常 sometimes 有時候 never 從來不


1、問路時要用"excuse me對不起,打擾一下"

2、描述路時可以用順序詞: first首先, next接著, then然後

3、near 表示在附近,next to 表示與…相鄰。它的范圍比near小。 in front of 在。。。前面 behind 在……後面

4、在左邊,在右邊介詞要用on, on the left/on the right,但是東西南北,介詞要用in, in the north/east/south/west.

5、for 表示持續多長時間,當表示做某事多長時間都要用for.? 如:Walk east for 5 minutes.?? Then walk straight for three minutes.

6、乘幾路車可以用by the No.301 bus, 注意No.中N要大寫,後面要加點。如果要用動詞可以用take,例如take the No.301 bus.

7、當表示某個地方在另一個地方的哪一方向時,要用介詞of。如:the hospital is east of the cinema. 醫院在電影院的東邊。

8、表示在哪兒轉時,用介詞at。 如:Turn left at the bank。在銀行左轉。

9、find表示"找到",強調找的結果。Look for 表示"尋找",強調找的過程。

10、在幾點前面要用介詞at,如at 7p.m.






bookstore==bookshop 書店 go straight==go down直行 after school==after class 放學後


here (這里)---there(那裡) east(東)---west(西) north(北)---south(南)

left(左)---right(右) get on (上車)---get off(下車)

14、in the front of…表示在…的前面,是指在該地方的范圍內,in front of而則表示在該地方的范圍外。如:in front of our classroom是指在教室的外面而且在教室的前面。而in the front of classroom則是指在教室里的前面。

15. be far from…表示離某地遠。 be 可以是am , is ,are.

My home is not far from school.我家離學校不遠。


1、What are you going to do?你想做什麼?詢問他人在未來的打算。be going to 後面要跟動詞的原形。注意be going to be 意思是 "打算成為什麼,干什麼職業。"注意一下句子的區別,找出正確回答。What are you going to do this afternoon?What are you going to buy?What are you going to be?When? are you going?Where are you going?How are you going?Who are you going with?

2、this evening 和 tonight的 區別:this evening指的是今天晚上睡覺以前的時間,一般指晚上十二點以前。而tonight指的是今晚,一般是指一整晚的時間,通宵。



(1)What 什麼。用來問是什麼,做什麼,叫什麼,什麼樣等等。如:What is your name? 你的名字叫什麼?

What is your father? 你爸爸是干什麼的?

What is your hobby?你的愛好是什麼?

What is your favourite food?你最喜愛的食物是什麼?

What's your math teacher like? 你的數學老師長得什麼樣子?

(2)Where , 在哪裡,到哪裡。用來問地點。

如:Where are you from?你從哪裡來?

Where are you going to ?你打算去哪裡?

Where is my ruler?我的尺子在哪裡?


When is your birthday? 你的生日是什麼時候?

When are you going to ?你打算什麼時候去?

When do you go to school?你什麼時候去上學?

(4)what time 幾點了。用來問具體的時間,

如:What time is it? 現在幾點了?

(5)What colour什麼顏色。用來問物體的顏色。如:

What colour is your schoolbag?你的書包是什麼顏色的?

(6)What kind of 什麼種類。用來問類別。如

What kind of fruit do you like?你最喜歡哪一種水果?


Who is your English teacher ?你的英語老師是誰?

Who's that man? 那個男人是誰?

(8) whose誰的。用來問物體的主人是誰?如:

Whose pencil is this? 這是誰的鉛筆?

Whose bike is blue? 誰的自行車是藍色的?

(9) which哪一個。用來問具體的哪一個。如:

Which season do you like best?你最喜歡哪個季節?

Which pencil is ken's? the long one or the short one?



How are you?你好嗎?

How is your mother? 你媽媽好嗎?

How about you? 你呢?

(11)how many多少個。用來問有多少個,後面要跟名詞的復數形式。如:

How many books do you have?你有多少本書?

How many kites can you see? 你能看見多少只風箏?

(12) how much 多少錢。用來問物體的價錢。如:

How much are they? 他們多少錢?

How much is your schoolbag? 你的書包多少錢?

(13)how old 幾歲了。用來問年齡。如

How old are you ? 你幾歲了?

How old is your father? 你爸爸多大了?

(14)why為什麼。用來問原因,一般要用because來回答。如:why do you like spring?你為什麼喜歡春天?

Because I can fly kites.國為我可以放風箏。

(15) how long 多長

(16)how tall 多高

5、I want to be…我想成為… 表示理想。相當於I'm going to be ….

6、地點名稱:fruit stand 水果店? clothes shop服裝店? shoe store鞋店? pet shop寵物店? theme park主題公園? the Great Wall長城? plant shop 植物店restaurant 飯店 bus stop 公交車站

❹ 人教PEP版六年級下冊知識點歸納



Unit 1 How tall are you?


tall------ taller 高的----更高的

short ------ shorter 矮的/短的----更矮的/更短的

long----- longer 長的----更長的

strong------ stronger 強壯的----更強壯攜唯的

old ------ older 老的/舊的----更老的/更舊的

young------ younger 年輕的----更年輕的

small------ small 小的----更小的

heavy------heavier 重點----更重的

thin ------ thinner 瘦的----更瘦的

low------ lower 低地----更低地

smart------smarter 聰明的 ----更聰明的

big-----bigger 大的-----更大的

happy-----happier 開心的-----更開心的

thin-----thinner 瘦的-----更瘦的

heavy-----heavier 重的------更重的

fat-----fatter 胖的------更胖的

funny-----funnier 滑稽的------更滑稽的

dinosaur 恐龍 hall 大廳 than 比 both 兩個都 meter 米 kilogram千克;公斤 size 號碼

feet 腳 wear 穿 countryside鄉村 shadow 影子;陰影 become變成;開始變得


⑴ 問年齡:How old are you? ----- I’m _______ (years old).

問身高:How tall are you? ---- I’m ______meters tall.

問題中:How heavy are you? ---- I’m ______ kilograms .

⑵ 問物品的情況:

① How large is your room? 你的房間有多辯畢培大?

It’s __________ m2 (square meters.) 有_______ 平方米。

② How long is your bed? 你的床有多長?

It’s _________cm long. 有______厘米長。

③ How big are your feet? (= What size are your shoes?) 你的腳有多長?

I wear size ______.(= My shoes are size________.) 我穿_______碼的鞋。

⑶ 形容誰比誰更… …

① 主語 + be am/ is/ are/ ( even/much ) …er than …

如:I am taller than you. 我比你高。

I am 4 cm taller than your brother. 我比你弟弟高4cm .

I am taller and stronger than your brother. 我比你的弟弟更高更壯。

Jack is even stronger than his father. 甚至比他爸爸還壯。

Zhang Peng and John are much younger than Mr.Green. 張鵬和John 比Mr. Green 要年輕多了。


1. That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. 那是這個廳里最高的恐龍。

2. It’s taller than both of us together. 它比我倆加起來還高。

3. Your feet are bigger than mine. 你的腳比我的大。

4. There are more dinosaurs over there. 那兒有更多的恐龍。

5. Who is taller than you? 誰比你高?

Unit 2 Last weekend


clean---cleaned my room 打掃我的房間 wash ---washed my clothes 洗我的衣服

stay---stayed at home 待在家裡 watch---watched TV 看電視 read---read a book 看書

drink---drank tea喝茶 have---had a cold感冒 see---saw a film看電影 sleep---slept 睡覺

last Monday上個星期一 last weekend 上個周末 last night昨晚 yesterday evening昨晚

yesterday昨天 the day before yesterday前天


cook--cooked the food visit--visited my grandparents play--played football

study--studied English do ---did something else go---went boating make---made the beds

show演出 magazine 雜志 better更好的(good,well的比較級) faster(更快的) hotel(旅館) fixed(修理) broken(破損的) lamp (台燈) loud(喧鬧的,大聲的) enjoy(享受…樂趣,喜愛) stay(暫住,逗留)


1. ---How was your weekend? ---It was good, thank you. 你周末過得怎麼樣?很好,謝謝。

2. ---What did you do? 你(周末)干什麼?

--I stayed at home with your grandma. We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV.


3. ---Did you do anything else? 你還做了其他什麼事嗎?

---Yes, I cleaned my room and washed my clothes. 是的,我打掃了房間,還洗了衣服。

4. I want to buy the new film magazine. 我想買期新的電影雜志。

5. --- What did you do last weekend? Did you see a film? 你上周末干什麼?你看電影了嗎?

--- No, I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept. 沒有,我感冒了。整個周末都待在家裡睡覺。

Unit 3 Where did you go?


go fishing--- went fishing 去釣魚

go camping --- went camping 去野營

go swimming--- went swimming 去游泳

ride a bike--- rode a bike 騎自行車

ride a horse--- rode a horse 騎馬

hurt my foot--- hurt my foot 我的腳受傷

take pictures--- took pictures 照相

buy gifts--- bought gifts 買禮物

eat fresh food--- ate fresh food 吃新鮮的食物

fall off---fell off 從…摔倒

licked (lick的過去式)舔

could (can的過去式)能及其過去式



▶ 一般疑問句,把did提前

— Did you help your parents clean the room ? ( 當句子變為一般疑問句,動詞應還原)

— Yes , I did ./No, I didn’t .

▶ 特殊疑問句 : 疑問詞+did+主語+V原形+其它?

1. —Where did you go on your holiday? 假期你去了哪裡?

—I went to Xinjiang. 我去了新疆.

2. —What did you do on your holiday?你假期幹了什麼?

—I sang and danced. 我即唱了歌又跳了舞.

3. —How did you go there? 你怎樣去的?

—I went by train. 我坐火車去的.

4.—When did you go? 你什麼時候去的? —I went last Monday. 我上周一去的.


1. --- What happened ? --I fell off my bike and hurt my foot. 怎麼了?我從自行車上摔下來了,並且弄傷了我的腳。

2. ---Are you all right? ---I’m OK now. 你還好吧? 現在沒事了。

3. Where did you go over the winter holiday? 在寒假期間你去了哪兒?

4. It looks like a mule. 它看起來像頭騾子。

5. ---Did you go to Turpan? ---Yes, we did. 你們去過吐魯番了嗎? 是的,去了。

6. ---Hainan is far from here. How did you go there? 海南離這兒很遠。你們怎麼去的?

---We went there by plane. 我們坐飛機去那兒的。

7. Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime? 聽上去不錯!改天我能看看你的照片嗎?

8. Come and look at my photos from the Labour Day holiday. 來看我勞動節假期的照片。

9. ---Who did you go with? ---My parents and my uncle. 你和誰一起去的? 我父母和我叔叔。

10. I saw lots of grapes and ate lots of mutton kebabs. 我看見了許多葡萄,吃了許多烤羊肉串。

11.---How was the beach? ---It was beautiful. 沙灘怎麼樣? 它很美。

12.Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. 馬克斯坐在自行車前面的(車)筐里。

13.We took pictures of the beautiful countryside. 我們拍了美麗鄉村的照片。

Unit 4 Then and now


dining hall 飯廳 grass 草坪 gym 體育館 ago 從前 cycling 騎自行車運動 go cycling 去騎自行車

ice-skate 滑冰 badminton 羽毛球運動


....year ago (幾)年前 ...months ago (幾)個月前 last year 去年 last month上個月

play badminton玩羽毛球


1.There was no library in my old school.

2.Tell us about your school , please.

3.How do you know that?

4.There was no computer or Internet in my time .

5.Before , I was quiet. Now I am very active in class.

6.I was short , so I couldn’t ride my bike well.

7. Now I go cycling everyday.











級 別 一 級

目標類別 聽、做






目標類別 說、唱









目標類別 玩、演





目標類別 讀、寫






目標類別 視聽



級 別 二 級

目標類別 聽






目標類別 說






目標類別 讀








目標類別 寫






目標類別 玩、演 視聽
















小學英語教學評價的主要目的是激勵學生的學習興趣和積極性。評價形式應具有多樣性和可選擇性。評價應以形成性評價為主,以學生平時參與各種英語教學活動所表現的興趣、態度和交流能力為主要依據。 三、四年級的期末或學年評價基本不採用書面測試方式,應採用與平時教學活動相近的方式進行,通過對學生的觀察和與學生交流等方式評價學生。五、六年級的期末或學年考試可採用口筆試結合的方式。口試要考查學生實際運用所學語言的能力,考查要貼近學生生活。筆試主要考查聽和讀的技能。

❺ 六年級下冊英語Unit2知識點

要學好 六年級英語 首先要把課本上的知識點熟練掌握,下面我為大家帶來六年級下冊英語Unit2知識點,歡迎大家學習!


1初識一般過去時一般過去時表示過去某個時間發生的動作或存在的狀態,常和表示過去的時間狀語連用,如yesterday(昨天),last weekend(上周末),an hour ago(-個小時前),just now(剛才)等。一般過去時也可以表示過去經常或反復發生的動作。






2如何詢問對方周末過得怎麼樣課文應用:How was your weekend?你周末過得怎麼樣?

It was good,thank you.很好,謝謝你。

句型結構:問句:How was your weekend?

答語:It was good,thank you. lNot very good.




答語分為兩種,肯定回答可以用“It was good,thank you.”,否定回答可以用“Not very good.”。

3如何詢問某人在過去的時間里干什麼了如何詢問某人在過去的時間里干什麼了——What did...do...?

課文應用:What did you do?你(周末)干什麼了?

❻ 六年級下冊英語思維導圖:小學重要知識點



unit 1:How tall are you? 📏

unit 2:Last weekend 🌞

unit 3:Where did you go 🌍

unit 4:Then and now ⏰


❼ 小學六年級英語下冊知識點整理




clean打掃 -- cleaned(clean 的過去式)打掃

stay停留 -- stayed (stay的過去式)停留

wash洗—— washed 洗 watch看 ——watched看 have患病 ——had 患病

sleep 睡覺——slept睡覺 read讀 ——read 讀 see 看見——saw看見 last 上一個的 yesterday 昨天 before在„之前


clean my room 打掃我的房間 wash my clothes 洗衣服 stay at home 呆在家裡 watch TV 看電視

go boating 劃船 read a book 讀書 see a film 看電影 have a cold 感冒

sleep 睡覺(過去式slept) climb a mountain 爬山 cooked dinner做飯 cook noodles 面條


1. How was your weekend?你周末過得怎麼樣?

2. It was good/fine/ok,thank you.很好,謝謝!

3. What did you do last weekend?你上個周末幹了什麼?

4.I stayed at home with your grandma.我和你奶奶呆在家裡.(with和誰)

5. Did you do anything else?你還做了其他什麼事嗎?

6. Yes,I cleaned my room and washed my clothes.是的,我掃了房間,還洗了衣服。

7.I want to buy the new film magazine.我想買期新的電影雜志。

8.Did you see a film?你看電影了嗎?

No,I didn’t .I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept.沒有,我感冒了。整個周末都呆在家裡睡覺。(肯定回答Yes,I did.)

四、 語法知識:




⑴am 和is在一般過去時中變為was。(was not=wasn’t)

⑵are在一般過去時中變為were。(were not=weren’t)

⑶帶有was或were的句子,其否定、疑問的變化和is, am, are一樣,即否定句在was或were後加not,一般疑問句把was或were調到句首。


(1) 否定句:didn’t +動詞原形,如:Jim didn’t go home yesterday.


如:Did Jim go home yesterday?


如:What did you do yesterday? I read a book.


一、 單詞

young— younger更年輕的 old -older更年長的 tall- taller更高的

short-shorter更矮的 long-longer更長的 thin-thinner更瘦的

heavy-heavier更重的 big-bigger更大的 small -smaller更小的

strong -stronger更強壯的


1. That's the tallest dinosaur in this hall. 那是這個廳里最高的恐龍。

2. You're older than me.你比我大。

3. How tall are you? 你有多高? I'm 1.65 meters.我身高1.65米。

4. What size are your shoes?你穿多大號的鞋。

5. My shoes are size37.我穿37號的鞋。

6. Your feet are bigger than mine.你的腳比我的大。

7. How heavy are you?你有多重?

8. I'm 48 kilograms.我體重48公斤。





⑴一般在詞尾加er ;

⑵以字母e 結尾,加r ;nice---nicer

⑶以一個母音字母和一個輔音字母結尾,應雙寫末尾的輔音字母,再加er ;big--- bigger thin---- thinner

⑷以“輔音字母+y”結尾,先把y變i,再加er 。heavy----heavier

3.不規則形容詞比較級: good/well-better

例句:(1).It's taller than both of us together.它比我倆加起來還高。

(2).Your feet are bigger than mine.你的腳比我的大。 (3).I’m heavier than you.我比你重。



go 去——went去 fish 釣魚 ride騎-- rode 騎 hurt受傷-- hurt 受傷 eat 吃--ate 吃 take—took buy買-- bought

go camping 野營--went camping 野營 go fishing 去釣魚--went fishing 去釣魚 take pictures照相-- took pictures 照相 buy gifts 買禮物-- bought gifts 買禮物


ride a horse 騎馬 -- rode a horse 騎馬

ride a bike騎自行車-- rode a bike 騎自行車

hurt my foot——hurt my foot 我的腳受傷

eat fresh food--ate fresh food 吃新鮮食物 far from 遠離 look like 看起來像


1.What happened?怎麼了?

2.Are you right?你還好吧?

3.I'm OK now.我現在沒事了。

4.Where did you go yesterday?昨天你去哪兒了?I went to a park.我去公園了。

5.It looks like a mule.它看起來像頭騾子。

6.Did you go to Turpan? Yes,we did.你們去吐魯番了嗎?是的,去了。

7.How did you go there?你們怎麼去的?

8.We went there by plane. 我們做飛機去。

9.Sounds great.聽上去不錯。



1.一般在動詞末尾加-ed,如:clean-cleaned, cook-cooked ,stay-stayed,



4.以“輔音字母+y”結尾的,變y為i, 再加-ed,如:study-studied cry-cried


read--read, hurt--hurt, am/is--was, are--were, do--did, see--saw, sleep--slept,

buy--bought, get--got, go--went, have--had, eat--ate, take--took, run--ran,

❽ 六年級英語下冊第三單元知識點整理

英語學習 中詞彙的積累非常重要,語法 句子 結構是重點知識,下面是我給大家帶來的 六年級英語 下冊第三單元知識點整理,希望能夠幫助到大家!


unit 3 Asking the way

一、 單詞:

get到達 way路 away離開 along沿著 street大街 crossing交叉路口 stop停車站 miss找不到、錯過 walk路程 post office郵局 bookshop書店 shoeshop鞋店 toyshop玩具店


kilometre千米、公里 history museum歷史博物館 city城市 shopping centre購物中心

middle school 中學primary school小學 No.=number第…號 train station火車站

bus station汽車站 road街道、路 suddenly突然 steal(stole)偷 out of在…外

shout大聲喊叫thief小偷 bank銀行 hotel賓館p lace地方river河


1.come from 來自於…… 2.live in China 住在中國

3.on holiday 度假 4. get there 到達那裡

5.get to your home到你的家 6.go to the city post office 去市郵局

7.tell me the way to 告訴我去……的路 8.let me see 讓我想想

9.go along this street 沿著這條街走 10.turn right / left 向右/ 左轉

11.at the third crossing 在第三個十字路口 12.on your left 在你的左邊

13.you can’t miss it .你不要錯過。 14.how far 多遠

15.a kilometre away 一公里遠 16.a long/short walk 一段很長/短的路

17.take bus No. 5 乘5路車 18.how many stops 多少站

19.at the bus stop 公共汽車站 20.every five minutes 每隔五分鍾

21.on River Road 在大江路 22.in Shanghai Street 在上海街

23.get on 上車 24.get off at the third stop 在第三個車站下車

25.You’re welcome. 不客氣/不必謝。 26.Your English is great! 你的英語很棒!

27.last Sunday afternoon 上個星期天下午 28.run out of the shop 跑出商店

29.a book about animals 一本有關動物的書 30.Stop thief ! 抓賊 !

31.follow him along the street沿街跟著他 32.catch the thief 抓住賊

33.get my purse back 取回我的錢包 34.Bank of China中國銀行

35.Tianmu Lake Hotel天目湖賓館 36.a map of the town小鎮地圖

五、 問路:

----Excuse me,can you tell me the way to …,please ?

----Go along this street,and then turn … at the …crossing.The … is on your …

----Thank you/Thanks.

----You’re welcome./That’s all right./Not at all./That’s OK.


Can you show me the way to … ?

Can you tell me how to get to … ? Can you tell me how I can get to …?

How can I get there?How can I get to …?

Wheres …?

Which is the way to …?

Is there a … near here ?

其他回答:It’s over there./It’s near the …/Go down the street./It’s on …Road.

It’s in …Street./You can take bus No….and get off at the …stop./Go along …Road,turn right/left at … Road.The n go along … Road.The place is on your right/left.

路程問答法:How far is it from here?It’s about …metres/kilometres away.

It’s about …minutes’ walk from here.

六、 句型:

1.How many stops are there?

2.Well,to get there faster,you can …

3.I want to go to the …/He wants to go to the …

語音:/ / blouse house mouse out shout mouth trousers