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㈠ 考研英語知識運用有什麼常用詞彙

welfare n.福利、幸福 security n.安全 punishment n.懲罰 dishonest adj.不誠實的
goal n.目的、目標 benefit: n.利益,好處 viewpoint: n.觀點 quality: n.質量、品質
healthy development: n.健康成長 population explosion: n.人口爆炸 utilize: vt.利用
traditional virtue: n.傳統美德 competition: n.競爭 knowledge: n.知識 skill: n.技能
advantage: n.優勢 cooperation: n.合作 sympathy: n.同情 false: adj.錯誤的、虛假的
attract: vt..吸引 influence: n.影響 impact: n. 影響 technology: n.技術
ecation: n.教育 experience: n.經驗 fund: n.資金 blueprint: n.藍圖、計劃
purpose: n.目的、意圖 resource: n.資源 environment: n.環境 wildlife: n.野生動植物
appearance: n.外表 inner quality: n.內在品質 material wealth: n.物質財富 moral standards: n.道德標准
behavior: n.行為 responsibility: n.責任 privacy: n.隱私 equipment: n.設備
foothold: n.立足處 difficulty: n.困難 challenge: n.挑戰 psychological: adj.心理上的
defeat: n.失敗 victory: n.勝利 courage: n.勇氣 determination: n.決心
persistence: n.堅持 effort: n.努力 confidence: n.自信 fake and inferior: n.假冒偽略產品
misconception: n.誤解 nourishment: n.營養品 pressure: n.壓力 diligent: n.勤勉的
1.If you want to achieve something or intend to fulfill one of your ambitions, you must work hard, exert efforts and get prepared. Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to visit you.
2.Today an increasing number of people have realized that legal ecation is of great importance. In order to keep public order, everyone of us is supposed to get legal ecation.
3.Many things contribute to success. Of all these factors, willpower, courage, and confidence are the most important.
4.The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.
5.To survive and succeed in the 21st century, the cross-century talents should have good ecation backgrounds. 要在21世紀里不被淘汰且有所成就,垮世紀人才應該是受過良好教育的人。
6. Computers are playing a very important role in our life. With the help of computers, workers can proce more procts, scientists can do research work more efficiently, and students can get information more quickly.
7.An investigation shows that female workers tend to have favorable attitude toward retirement.
8.At the same time, young people should be encouraged to communicate with their peers and develop their interpersonal skills, which may help them greatly to rece dependence on their parents and are essential in maintenance of healthy mental condition.
Honesty refers to the quality of a person who tells the truth and works without cheating. Honesty is regarded as the most important virtue admired everywhere.
Those who oppose this phenomenon argue that it brings a great burden and pressure to the family, and for students they cannot adapt to the new culture very quickly. But people who are in favor of such behavior maintain that children will be more competitive and well repaid in the future life. 反對這一現象的人認為它給家庭帶來了巨大的負擔和壓力,對學生而言他們不能很快地適應新文化。但是贊成這一行為的人認為孩子在未來會更具有競爭力並得到回報。
3)There be 結構
There is no sense in leaving important decisions to inexperienced people.
It is certain that fresh air and exercises are more valuable than medicine.
Too much work and too little rest may lead to loss of heath.
Without a degree and with no experience in teaching, her chance of getting the job is slim.
10.Millions of people have to spend more time and energy on studying new skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in the job market.

㈡ 高一英語必修1Unit2知識梳理、重點詞彙解析人教版




1. go to the pictures去看電影(美);go to the movies 去看電影(英)

2. …list the countries that use English as an official language 列舉把英語用作官方語言的國家

3. the road to …通向……之路

4. at the end of在……末端,在……盡頭,by the end最後(=finally)

5. because of 因為…… (注意和because 的區別)

Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing because of the severe pollution.因為污染嚴重,許多美麗的魚類正在面臨絕種。

An argument was inevitable because they disliked each other so much.


6. native English speakers 以英語作為母語的人

7. even if (= even thoug)即使,用來引導一個讓步狀語從句,後面既可用陳述語氣,也可用虛擬語氣,但是even if/even though,引導的從句中不用將來時。如:Even though/if it rains tomorrow, we will leave for Beijing.

8. come up 走上前來,走近,發生,出現 come up with 追上,趕上,提出

9. Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other.事實上,當不同文化相互交流滲透時,所有的語言都會有所發展、有所變化。

10. be different from… 與……不同

be different in … 在……不同

Most of my projects will be wildly different in performance from one night to the next.


As we know, Britain English is a little different from American English.中所周知,英國英語和美國英語有點不同。

11. be based on 以……為基礎The relationship between our two countries is based upon mutual respect. 兩個國家的關系以相互尊重為基礎。This book is based on a true story that happened in the 1930s. 這本書以發生在20世紀三十年代的真實故事為基礎。 The reporter asked the writer who he based his character on. 記者問作家他作品的人物是以誰為原型的。

12. at present 目前,眼下be present at 在席;出席present sth to sb / present sb with sth把……推薦,呈現……for the present眼前;暫時present oneself 出席;到場

13. make (great/ good/better/full)use of

We have a lot of work to do, so we have to make good use of time.我們有很多工作要做,所以要好好利用時間。

14. The latter gave a separate identity to Amerian English speaking. 後者體現了美國英語的不同特色。

15. For example, India has a very large number of fluent English speakers because Britain ruled India from 1765 to 1947. 比如說, 印度擁有眾多講英語流利的人,這是應為英國於1765到1947年統治過印度。(A small number of friends came to help him when he was in trouble)

16. such as 例如

for example In this paragraph there are many nouns, such as boy, girl, and book. 這一段裡面有很多名詞,例如男孩、女孩和書本。Many great men have risen from poverty---Lincoln, for example. 許多偉人從貧困中崛起,例如林肯。You can take your research work for example.


17. Today, the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly. 目前在中學習英語的人數正在迅速增長。

18. the largest number of 大多數的

China has the largest number of people.中國有著世界上最多的人。

19. It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as fluently as a native speaker. 中國人說英語很難像以英語為母語的人說英語那麼流利。

20. One reason is that English has a large vocabulary. 一個原因是英語有很大的詞彙量。

21. different English speaking countries 不同的說英語的國家

22. sing sb a song = sing a song for sb

23. turn off

turn on

turn up

turn down

24. hold on 堅持住,握住不放;(打電話時)不掛斷,等—會hold on to vt. 拉住(抓牢)

25. believe it or not 信不信由你

26. those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English 人們期望新聞播音員所說的英語是最好的英語

27. … you will hear the difference in the way(that/ in which) people speak. 你會聽出人們在說話時的差異。

28. play a role/ part (in) 在…中擔任角色;在…中起作用;扮演一個角色;參與

play an important role/ part 在…中起重要作用

Deng Xiaoping played an important part in developing the economy in China.鄧小平在中國經濟的發展過程中起著重要作用。

29. from one place to another 從一個地方到另一個地方

30. the same …as… 與……一樣

31. … they still recognize and understand each other’s dialects. ……他們仍然能夠辨別、理解彼此的方言。

32. No problem.沒問題

33. a nice fall day = a lovely autumn day

34. at the top of…在…頂上,在最高位,

at the bottom of 在……底部

35. keep fit


You need exercise and keep fit.你需要運動和保持體形。

36. build up逐漸積聚,集結;逐步建立;增進,增強

bring up 教養,養育;提出

37. When you learn English, try to have fun with the language. 當學英語的時候,努力找出語言的樂趣。

38. Visitors are requested not to take photos in the museum. 博物館要求參觀的旅客不得在館內拍照。

39. by candle light 藉助於燭光

40. be satisfied with…對……感到滿意,滿足於

Never be satisfied with just a little success. 不要有一點成績就滿足。

41. She suggested using CDs to listen to English songs and learn English expressions, watching the news and interviews on CCTV 9, and trying to listen to native speakers.她建議用CD來聽英語歌曲和學習英語短語,看新聞和中央電視台9套訪談,努力聽以英語為母語的人說話。

It is suggested that ...有人提議... I suggest that ...我覺得[認為]

I suggested you do what he says. 我建議你按照他說的去做。

I suggest you not go tomorrow. 我想你明天還是不要去了。

His pale face suggested that he was in bad health. 他蒼白的臉色暗示了他身體不好。

42. at sea在海上 當海員 迷惑, 茫然by sea乘船,經海路

by the sea

在海邊, 在海岸邊 in the sea在海里

on the sea 在海上

beyond/over the sea在海外

She tried to understand the instructions, but she was completely at sea.


43. according to … 按照…… He lives according to her means他按他的方式生活



English 英語 abroad 海外 language 語言 foreigner外國人

speak 、say 說 listen聽 read讀 learn 學習等等

2.說明文閱讀技巧:找全文或每段的the main point(中心話題)

Paragraph1: The spread of English language in the world

Paragraph2:Native speaker can understand each other but they may not be able to understand everything

Paragraph3:All languages change when cultures communicate with one another

Paragraph4:English is spoken as a foreign language or second language in Africa and Asia


1. 不只有一種英語 more than one kind of English

2. 在一些重要方面 in some important ways

3. 彼此不同 be different from one another

4. 與現代英語不同 be different from modern / present day English

5. 世界英語 world Englishes

6. 起著的重要作用 play an important role / part

7. 起著越來越重要的作用 play a more and more /an increasingly important part / role

8. 因為它特殊的作用 because of its special role

㈢ 英語動詞詞彙大全 英語動詞的相關知識

1、英語日常中常用的動詞舉例:study、 play、do、read、learn、drive、write、clean、slean、sleep、speak、talk、 wait、fly、stay、 write、sit、stand、lie、keep等。動詞一般就是用來表示動作或狀態的詞彙。在英語中,動詞按作用和功能主要分為兩大類,一類是謂語動詞、另一類是非謂語動詞。






n.立腳點; 站立。台,座。售貨處;攤。看台,觀眾席。主張,立場;態度。中止,停頓 抵抗,抵禦。






㈣ 【英語小知識:交通方向指示詞彙】


1. 直行的信號:</ 當你看到"Go straight",就像沿著一條清晰的路徑前進,無需偏離,直到遇到下一個路口或指示。
2. 右轉的指令:</ 當方向標志指向"Turn right",意味著你需要調整車頭,輕輕轉動方向盤,駛入右側車道。
3. 左轉的命令:</ "Turn left"意味著你需要向左轉動方向盤,進入左邊的行車道,准備迎接新的方向。
4. 環島駕駛的術語:</ 在遇到"U turn"或"U形轉彎"時,這就像一個奇妙的迴旋舞,確保你回到正確的道路,通常是允許掉頭的地方。
5. 安全過馬路:</ "Cross the crosswalk"提醒你,當人行橫道燈亮起時,可以安全地橫過馬路,但一定要注意左右來往的車輛。
6. 走過還是穿越:</ "Go past"表示你只需經過某地,而"cross the road"則意味著你需要完全穿過馬路,到達馬路對面。
7. 環形交叉口指南:</ 在"Roundabout"或"take the first exit"時,意味著在圓形路口找到第一個出口,按照指示選擇你的道路。
8. 橫渡橋梁:</ "Cross the bridge"不僅是一句指令,它帶你領略城市的風景,可能是一個壯觀的地標或寧靜的河景。

㈤ 高中英語知識點匯總



1.able 用法:be able to do

Note: 反義詞unable表示不能,而disabled表示殘疾的。 be able to do可以表示經過艱難困苦才能做到的事。

2.abroad 用法:表示到(在)國外,是一個副詞,前面不加介詞。

Note: 可以說from abroad, 表示從國外回來。

3.admit 用法:表示承認的時候後面要加上動名詞形式。

Note: 表示允許進入的時候與介詞to搭配。

4.advise 用法:advise sb. to do; advise doing

Note: 後面的賓語從句要用虛擬語氣。即:advise that sb. (should) do的形式。

5.afford 用法:通常與動詞不定式搭配使用。

Note: 前面需要有be able to或can等詞。

6.after 用法:表示在時間、空間之後;be after表示追尋。

Note: 用在將來時的時候後面接一時間點,而in接一個時間段,如:after 3 o’clock; in 3 days.

7.agree 用法:與介詞on, to, with及動詞不定式搭配。

Note: agree on表示達成一致;agree to表示批准;agree with表示同意某人說的話。

8.alive 用法:表語性形容詞,在句中只能作表語,不能作定語。

Note: 可以作狀語使用,表示活活地,如:bury sb. alive.

9.allow 用法:allow doing; allow sb. to do

Note: 可以表示允許進入,如:Please allow me in.

10.among 用法:用在三者或三者以上的群體中。

Note: 還可以表示其中之一,如:He is among the best.

11.and 用法:用於連接兩個詞、短語、句子或其他相同結構。

Note: 與祈使句搭配時往往可以表示條件。如:Work hard, and you’ll succeed sooner or later.

12.another 用法:表示又一個,泛指,相當於one more的含義。

Note: 不能直接加復數名詞,需要與一個數詞搭配,如:another 2 weeks.

13.answer 用法:及物動詞,但在作名詞時要與介詞to搭配。

Note: 可以表示接電話、應門等。如:answer the phone/door.

14.anxious 用法:be anxious for/about/to do

Note: be anxious about表示擔心;be anxious for表示盼望得到。

15.appear 用法:不及物動詞,沒有賓語,沒有被動語態。

Note: 還可以作為系動詞,與seem同義,表示看起來……。

16.arrive 用法:arrive at表示到一個小地方;arrive in表示到一個大地方。

Note: 引申含義表示得出,如:arrive at a decision/conclusion.

17.ask 用法:ask to do; ask sb. to do; ask for Note: 後面的賓語從句要用虛擬語氣。即:ask that sb. (should) do的形式。

18.asleep 用法:表語性形容詞,在句中只能作表語,不能作定語。

Note: 通常與動詞be及fall搭配;sound asleep表示熟睡。

19.attend 用法:表示參加,後面經常加上meeting, lecture, conference, class, school, wedding, funeral等詞;也可以表示照顧,照料。

Note: attend to可以表示處理、照料等。

20.attention 用法:pay attention to; draw/catch sb’s attention

Note: 寫通知時的常用語:May I have your attention, please?


1. be able to do能夠做

After paying great efforts, he is able to speak English fluently.

2. be about to do正要做

As I was about to say, you interrupted me.

3. add… to…把……加……

If you add 5 to 5, you get ten. If the tea is too strong, add some hot water. This adds to our difficulties.

4. be afraid of 害怕

I was afraid of hurting her feelings.

5. go against反對

We don't agree with the proposal, because it goes against the law.

6. agree on達成一致

We agreed on an early start/making a early start. We all agree on the terms. 7.agree to do同意做

My father has agreed to buy me a new computer.

8. agree with同意某人(或其想法、觀點、認識等);與…… 相符

I don't agree with you on this point.

Your story agrees with what I had already heard.

The climate doesn't agree with me.

The mussels I had for lunch haven't agreed with me.

The verb agrees its subject in number and person.

9. be angry with對……生氣

He was angry with himself for having made such a foolish mistake.

He was angry at being kept waiting.

10. be anxious about對……擔心

I was anxious about my son's health.

11. apply for申請

I have applied to the Consul for the visa.

12. take sth. in one's arms把……抱在懷里

She took a bunch of roses in her arms.

13. take up arms拿起武器

We should take up our arms to defend our motherland.

14. arrive in/at a place達到某地

My brother will arrive in Beijing next Monday.

I arrive at the school every morning at a regular time.

15. ask (sb.) for sth.向(某人)要某物

You shouldn't ask your parents for money any more.

16. pay attention to對……注意

When you write an essay, you have several things to pay attention to.

17. be away from遠離……

When you friend is in trouble, don't be away from him/her;

instead, you should try your best to help.

18. go/run away逃跑

It's dangerous! Go/run away immediately.

19. beat… to death將……打死

He was nearly beat to death once after he was caught stealing.

20. go to bed上床休息

I was so tired that I went to bed earlier than before.


1.occur 替換 think of


3.seek替換want / look for

4.average 替換ordinary


6.seat 替換sit

7.suppose 替換should

8.appreciate 替換thank

9.the case替換 true

10.on替換as soon as

11.e to替換because of


13.contribute to替換

4.round the corner 替換 coming soon/ nearby

15.come to light替換discover

16.have a ball替換have a good time/ enjoy oneself

17.come up with替換think of

18.set aside替換save

19.be of + n. 替換adj.

20.refer to 替換talk about/of, mention