當前位置:首頁 » 基礎知識 » 護理知識競賽英語翻譯
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發布時間: 2024-07-27 22:46:53

A. 鑻辮緲昏瘧浠ヤ笅鍙ュ瓙錛岃阿緇濇満鍣ㄧ炕璇

In the comprehensive assessment, the achievement mole was the first and second in the whole class twice. He has also won two third-class scholarships, one second-class scholarship and excellent League members. In addition, I actively participated in extracurricular activities, and won the third prize in the League chapter knowledge contest and the second prize in the student handbook knowledge contest.

B. 請問「知識競賽」英語怎麼翻譯

1. quiz show
文藝晚會 variety show
知識競賽 quiz show
小品 comic sketch ...
2. Competitions
設計學校生活情境可以有新生介紹(Introction)、做游戲(Playing a game)、做值日(On ty)、知識競賽(Competitions)等。
3. knowledge contest
高考寫作常用詞彙 ...
knowledge contest知識競賽
summer camp夏令營 ...
4. knowledge competition
Knowledge Management System知識管理系統
Knowledge Manager知識管理經理
Knowledge Map知識地圖 ...

C. 開展相關知識競賽用英語怎麼翻譯

To carry out the relevant knowledge contest