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A. 英語專八人文知識


B. 英語專八人文知識考什麼


C. 鑻辮涓撳叓浜烘枃鐭ヨ瘑錛欰merican Ecation

銆銆1)Characteristics of American ecation: 銆銆鈶爁ormal ecation in the US consistes of elementary, secondary and higher ecation.鈶Elementary and secondary ecation,which forms public ecation, is free and compulsory鈶public and private schools:Public schools are created, financially supported and governed by states or communities, and private ones by religious groups, or nonreligious private organizations or indivials.鈶the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution said ecation was included among the responsibilities which were "reserved to the states or the people", This makes it clear that ecation is a function of the state, not the federal government.鈶diversity and sameness in ecational policy and practice.


銆銆2)Elementary and secondary ecationin the US

銆銆Elementary schools: In some states the elementary school covers grades 1-8, but in some other states it covers grades 1-5 or 6. so it takes 5,6or 8 years to finish the elementary school in the United Stetes. The elementary school curriculum mainly consists of mastery of the "basics"(鍩虹璇) 錛 such as reading, writing, and arithmetic or mathematics.


銆銆Secondary Schools: Secondary schools are also called high schools in the United Stetes, covering grades 9-12,the junior high school 6or 7-9,and the high school 10-12. High schools are made up of comprehensive, academic, vocational and technical schools with somewhat different tasks. There are 21000 public secondary schools and a number of private secondary schools in the US.


銆銆3)Different types of colleges and universities:

銆銆鈶爎esearch universities鈶doctoral universities 鈶master's comprehensive colleges and universities.鈶Liberal arts colleges 鈶junior colleges 鈶specialized institutions.


銆銆Famous universities:Harvard,Yale,Princeton,Columbia and MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology),Stanford,Berkeley.


銆銆4)the admission system in US univerisities: The general standards for admission include successl completion of high school(楂樹腑姣曚笟), high school grade point average(GPA)( 楂樹腑騫寸邯騫沖潎縐鍒嗙偣鎴愮嘩) and class rank (鍦ㄧ彮綰у悕嬈),results from standardized tests such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SIA)(瀛︾敓鎶鑳芥祴璇) and American College Testing Program's(緹庡浗澶у﹁冭瘯璁″垝) examination. But some universities practise open admission(鏁炲紑鎷涚敓): they admit all high school graates and all residents of the state(宸炲唴鎵鏈夊眳姘) 銆


銆銆The role of the community college:鈶爐hey prepare students for transferring to a BA program at a four-year institution. 鈶they provide vocational training;鈶they give remedial instruction(琛ヤ範璇) to students. 鈶they offer recreational, cultural activities for alts. 鈶they absorb students in a four-year program who are not qualified into a lower-status vocational program.


銆銆5) Alt ecation

銆銆some colleges and universities offer "continuing ecation" program of associate degrees, graate studies or professional development.under such system,a worker may continue his study even on a part-time basis.涓浜涘﹂櫌鍜屽ぇ瀛︽彁渚涚戶緇鏁欒偛,鎺堜簣鍑嗗﹀+瀛︿綅錛岀爺絀剁敓璇劇▼鎴栦笓涓氬煿璁銆傚湪榪欐牱鐨勪綋鍒朵笅錛屽伐浜哄彲浠ュ湪涓氫綑鏃墮棿緇х畫鍏跺︿笟銆

銆銆6)Ecation reform in the 1980s and early 1990s.鏁欒偛鏀歸潻

銆銆鈶"a Nation At Risk" report in 1983 put forward five proposals(P.328) to improve American ecation;the ecation reforms had two focuses: the raising of the standards of teaching and learning; the restructuring of the schools.1983騫達紝涓綃囧悕涓恆堝勪簬鍗辨満涓鐨勫浗瀹躲夌殑鎶ラ亾錛屾彁鍑轟簡5鏉″緩璁鏀瑰杽緹庡浗鐨勬暀鑲;鏁欒偛鏀歸潻鏈変袱涓閲嶇偣錛氭彁楂樻暀瀛︽按騫籌紝璋冩暣瀛︽牎緇撴瀯銆

銆銆鈶in 1991,President Bush issued his plan "America 2000: An Ecation Strategy". It set six goals(P.330) and put forward a series of proposals to help carry out some of the goals.


D. 專八人文知識之英國文學



一、 古英語時期的英國文學(499-1066)

1、 貝奧武夫 Beowulf (公元八世紀):是迄今為止發現的英國盎格魯—撒克遜時期最古老、最長的一部較完整的文學作品,也是歐洲最早的方言史詩。

2、 阿爾弗雷德大帝 Alfred the Great :英國散文之父Father of English Prose

二、 中古英語時期的英國文學


2、Romance 開始上升到一定的高度

3、高文爵士和綠衣騎士Sir Gawain and the Green Knight:反映了騎士制度chivalry的理想,是中世紀封建貴族文化的精髓。

4、威廉·蘭格倫 Willian Langlaud : 著有《農夫皮爾斯的幻象》Piers Plowman

5、 喬叟Geoffrey Chaucer:坎特伯雷故事集(英雄雙韻體) The Canterbury Tales 。在英國文學史上,他是第一個使用十音節“雙韻體”的詩人,這個詩體後來在他首創下,演化成了“英雄雙韻體”,“英雄雙韻體”為以後的英國詩人所廣泛採用。他也因此被譽為“英國詩歌之父”Father of English poetry。

6、 托馬斯.馬洛禮 Sir Thomas Malory 《亞瑟王之死》The Death of King Arthur

三、 文藝復興時期的英國文學(伊麗莎白時代)(14-16世紀)

1、托馬斯.莫爾 Sir Thomas More :《烏托邦》Utopia

2、Thomas Wyatt 托馬斯·懷特和 Henry Howard亨利·霍華德把十四行詩sonnet引入英國

3、菲利普·錫德尼 Philips Sidney: 著有《詩辯》The defense of Poesie,這是伊麗莎白時代文學批評的最佳之作;《阿卡迪亞》Arcadia 描述田園生活,為現代長篇小說的先驅

4、斯賓塞 Edmund Spenser :《仙後》The Faerie Queene。《仙後》是一部寓言性作品,表達人文主義道德理想,歌頌冒險精神和征服的快樂、對現實生活的熱愛。《仙後》中創造的詩體被稱為“斯賓塞詩節”Spenserian stanzas。

5、莎士比亞 William Shakespeare:

長篇敘事詩:《維納斯和阿多尼斯》Venus and Adonis、《魯克麗絲受辱記》The Rape of Lucrece

四大悲劇 Four Great Tragedies:哈姆雷特 Hamlet 、李爾王 King Lear、奧賽羅 Othello、麥克白 Macbeth

7、 本.瓊森 Ben Jonson : 《人性互異》 Every Man in His Humor,為風俗喜劇comedyof manners

8、 約翰.多恩 John Donne: “玄學派”metaphysical poetry詩歌創始人

9、喬治·赫伯特 George Herbert :玄學派詩聖,著有《召喚》The Call

10、弗朗西斯·培根 Francis Bacon:現代科學modern science和唯物主義哲學prevailing philosophy創始人之一,著有《論說文集》 Essays,為英國發展史上的里程碑;另有《學術的推進》 The advancement of learning 和《新工具》The New Instrument

四、 啟蒙時期(18世紀)

1、 約翰·彌爾頓 John Milton:《失樂園》Paradise Lost、《為英國人民爭辯》

2、 約翰·班揚 John Bunyan:《天路歷程》Religiousallegory

3、 約翰·德萊頓 John Dryden:英國新古典主義British Neoclassicism的傑出代表、桂冠詩人;著有《論戲劇詩》Essay of Dramatick Poesie

4、 亞歷山大.蒲柏 Alexander Pope:英國新古典主義詩歌的重要代表;英雄雙韻體(前方“喬叟”有提及)的使用達到登峰造極的使用;《田園詩集》Pastorals是其最早田園詩歌代表作

5、 托馬斯·格雷 Thomas Gray:感傷主義 sentimentalism 中墓園詩派Graveyard School的代表人物 《墓園輓歌》Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard

6、 威廉·布萊克 William Blake:《天真與經驗之歌》 Songs of Innocence and Experience

7、 羅伯特·彭斯 Robert Burns:蘇格蘭最傑出的詩人,著有《一朵紅紅的玫瑰》A Red, Red Rose,《友誼地久天長》Auld Lang Syne

8、理查德·斯蒂爾 Richard Steel和約瑟夫·艾迪生 Joseph Addison合作創辦《閑談者》The tatler和《旁觀者》The Spectator

9、丹尼爾·笛福Daniel Defoe: 英國現實主義小說British realistic novel 的奠基人之一;著有《魯濱遜漂流記》The life and strange surprising adventures;《鏟除非國教徒的捷徑》The Shortest-Way with the Dissenters

10、喬納森·斯威夫特 Jonathan Swift :著有《格列佛游記》Gulliver's Travels;《一個溫和的建議》A Modest Proposal;Gulliver's Travels;《桶的故事》ATale of A Tub;

11、塞繆爾·理查森 Samuel Richardson :英國現代小說English modern novel 的創始人,著有《帕梅拉》 Pamela: Or, Virtue Rewarded ;《克拉麗莎》Clarissa orthe History of a Young Lady;查爾斯.格藍迪森爵士的歷史The History of Sir Charles Grandison

12、亨利·菲爾丁HenryFielding :英國現實主義小說理論的奠基人the founder of the English realistic novel;著有《湯姆.瓊斯》The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling,代表英國現實主義小說的最高成就;《約瑟夫·安德魯傳》The History of the Advertures of Joseph Andrews, And of his friend Mr. Abraham Adams。 菲爾丁和丹尼爾·笛福、塞繆爾·理查遜並稱為英國現代小說的三大奠基人。

13、勞倫斯·斯特恩 Laurence Sterne:感傷主義小說sentimentalism的傑出代表,著有《項狄傳》The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman,為第一部開創了意識流小說stream of consciousness的先驅之作品;《感傷的旅行》 A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy