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A. 七年級英語下冊每單元的思維導圖




情態動詞本身有一定的詞義,表示語氣的單詞。但是不能獨立作謂語,只能和動詞原形一起構成謂語。情態動詞用在行為動詞前,表示說話人對這一動作或狀態的看法或主觀設想。 情態動詞雖然數量不多,但用途廣泛,主要有下列: can (could), may (might), must, need, ought to, dare (dared), shall (should), will (would)


①只做情態動詞:may, might, must…

②可做情態動詞又可做實義動詞:如:need, dare.can...

③具有情態動詞特徵:have(had,has) to,used to, ought to


情態動詞無人稱和數的變化,情態動詞後面跟的動詞須用原形,否定式構成是在情態動詞後面加 "not"。個別情態動詞有現在式和過去式兩種形式,過去式用來表達更加客氣,委婉的語氣,時態性不強,可用於過去,現在或將來。情態動詞屬非及物動詞,故沒有被動語態。He could be here soon. 他很快就來。


B. 英語初三知識點

II. 重要句型
1. Whydon』t you do sth.?
2. makesb. Happy
3. borrowsth. from sb.
4. forgetto do sth.
5. payfro sth.
6. returnsth. To sb.
7. learnsth. from sb.
8. befamous for sth.
9. Nomatter what…
10. bewith sb.
III. 交際用語
1. --- Excuse me, have you got …?
--- Yes, I have. (Sorry, I haven』t.)
2. --- Why don』t you …?
--- Thanks, I will.
3. --- Thanks a lot. (Thank you very much.)
--- You are welcome.
4. --- Have you ever done…?
--- Yes, I have, once. (No, never.)
5. --- I』ve just done…
--- Really?
6. ---What』s …like ?
7. --- How long have you been…?
--- Since…
8. --- Have you ever been to…?
--- I』ve never been there. (None of us has./ Only …has. )
9. --- Would you like to have a try?
--- I don』t think I can…
10. --- What have you done since…?
IV. 重要語法
1. 賓語從句
2. 現在完成時
3. 一般過去時與現在完成時的用法比較:
1. Maybe/ may be
(1) maybe是副詞,意思是「大概,也許」,常用作狀語。
Maybe you put it in your bag.也許你把它放在包里了。
「Will he come tomorrow?」「Maybe not.」 「他明天來嗎?」「也許不」。
(2) maybe相當於是情態動詞may與be動詞搭配一起作謂語,意思是「也許是…,可能是…」。
It may be 9:00 when they arrive.他們可能於九點到達。
The man may be a lawyer. 那人也許是律師。
2. borrow/lend/ keep/ use
(1) borrow表示的是從別人那裡借來東西,即我們通常所說的「借進來」。
We often borrow booksfrom our school library.我們經常從學校圖書館借書。
I borrowed this dictionary from my teacher. 我從老師那兒借來了這本字典。
You can borrow myrecorder for three days. ( 錯誤 )
I have borrowed this book for only one week. ( 錯誤 )
(2) lend表示的是把自己的東西借給別人,即我們通常所說的「借出去」。
Thank you for lending me your bike.謝謝你把自行車借給我。
He often lends money to his brother.他經常借錢給他弟弟。
You can keep my recorder for threedays.我的錄音機你可以借用三天。
I have kept this book for only one week.這本書我才剛借了一星期。
May I use your ruler? 我能借你的尺子用一下嗎?
He had to use this public telephone.他不得不使用這部公用電話。
3. leave/ leave for
(1) leave意思是「離開,留下」。
We left Shanghai two years ago.我們兩年前離開了上海。
He left his cell phone in the taxilast week.他上周把手機落在計程車里了。
(2)leave for意思是「前往」,表示要去的目的地。
We will leave for Tibetnext month.我們將於下月去西藏。
The train is leaving for Moscow.這趟火車即將開往莫斯科。
4. since/ for
He has been a worker since he came into this city.
I have never seen him since we last met in Shanghai .
Since you are interested in it, just doit. 既然你對它感興趣,那就做吧。
You can have fun now since you』vefinished your work.
(2) for用於完成時,用作介詞,後常接一段時間,意思是「經過…」。
I have learned English for fiveyears.我已經學了五年英語了。
They have waited for you for 30 minutes.他們已經等了你三十分鍾了。
They missed the flight for they werelate.他們由於完到了而誤了航班。
He fell ill for many reasons.他由於多種原因病倒了。
II. 重要句型
1.set one's mind to do sth.
2. put … together
3. stop…from…
4. keep…from…
5. be filled withsth.
6. give birth to
7. be covered with
8. be made of
9. fill…with…
10. match…with
III. 交際用語
1. ---I'm trying to…
2. --- I'll …
3. --- Which ofthese would you like most to …?
4. --- What do youwant to … ?
5. --- I want to…
6. --- I hope to …
7. --- I plan to…
8. --- I'm going to…
9. --- I'm so happythat …
10. --- I'm glad ….
IV. 重要語法
1. 動詞被動語態的結構和用法;
2. 動詞不定式的功能和用法。
1. be able to/can
(1) 都能表示「能夠,具備干某件事的能力」這個含義,此時可以互換。
Mr. Green is able tofinish the work on time.
= Mr. Green can finish the work on time.
(2) beableto可以用於各種時態,而can為情態動詞,多用於現在時,其過去式為could。
We are sure he will be able to be anartist when he grows up.
Miss Lin has been able to pay thecar by herself.
(4) Can除了表示「能夠,有能力做某事」以外,還有如下用法,而beableto則沒有。表示請求,但語
Can I have a look atthis picture? 我能看看這張圖片嗎?
Can we leave school after 6:00 p.m. ?我們可以在下午6點之後再離開學校嗎?
That man can』t be ournew teacher. 那人不可能是我們的新老師。
The exam can』t be too difficult.考試不會太難。
2. bring/take/carry/fetch
(1) bring一般是指拿來,即從別處往說話人這里拿,翻譯成「帶來」。
He brought us some good news.他給我們帶來了一些好消息。
Please don』t forget to bring yourhomework tomorrow.
(2) take一般是指從說話人這里往別處拿,翻譯成「帶走」。
Please take the umbrella with you. It』s going to rain.要下雨了,請把傘帶上。
She took the dictionary away.她把字典拿走了。
(3) carry不強調方向,表示「攜帶、背著、運送、搬扛」等意思。
They carried the boxes into thefactory. 他們把箱子搬進了工廠。
A taxi carried them to the station. 計程車送他們到了車站
(4) fetch表示的是「去取來、去拿來、去叫來」等意思,包含去和來兩趟。
The waiter fetched them some apples.侍者為他們取來了一些蘋果。
Mother fetched the doctor for her ill son.媽媽為生病的兒子請來了醫生。
3. whole/ all
(1) whole強調一個完整如一,互不分割的整體。
The whole country is sufferingthe war. 整個國家正遭遇戰爭。
I just want to know the whole story.我僅僅只想知道完整的故事。
They will spend theirwhole holiday in Canada.
She has finished writing the whole book. 她已經寫完了整本書。(冠詞後
He ate the whole cake. 他把整個蛋糕都吃了。(強調整整一個蛋糕)
(2) all強調由一個個部分組成的「全部」。
Miss Green knew all thestudents in the class.
Jim finished all hishomework in twenty minutes.
Of all the boys here, he sings best.在這里所有的男孩之中,他唱的最好。(定冠詞前)
The boy can answer all these questions.那個男孩能夠回答所有的這些問題。(指示代詞前)
All these five books are mine.這五本書都是我的。(修飾可數名詞)
She was worried about her son all the time.她總在為她的兒子擔心。(修飾不可數名詞)
4. fill/ full
(1) fill常作動詞,與with連用,意思是「注滿、裝滿」,也能表示「填空;補缺」的意思。
He filled the box with chalk.他把粉筆裝滿了盒子。
The bucket is filled with water.水桶里裝滿了水。
All the rooms are full of people.所有的房間都滿人了。
The bus was full. He had to wait for the next one.這輛車人滿了,他只有等下一輛。
5. be made of/ be made from/ be madein/ be made into
(1) be made of表示"由…製成", 一般指能夠看出原材料,或發生的是物理變化。
This table cloth is made of paper.這張桌布是由紙做的。
This salad is made of apples and strawberries.這種沙拉是由蘋果和草莓做的。
(2) be made from也表示"由…製成",但一般指看不出原材料,或發生的是化學變化。
Bread is made from corn.麵包是小麥做的。
The lifeboat is made from some special material.這個救生艇是由某種特殊材料製成的。
(3) be made in指的是產地,意思為"於…製造"。
The caps are made in Russia.這些帽子產於俄羅斯。
My mother likes to buy things which are made in China.
(4) be made into的意思為"被製成為…"。
This piece of wood will be made into a small bench. 這塊木頭將要被製成一個小凳。
The paper has been made into clothes for the doll. 紙被做成了洋娃娃的衣服。
II. 重要句型
1. be busy doing sth.
2. prefer to do sth.
3. regard... as...
4. be pleased with sth./sb.
5. be angry with sb.
III. 交際用語
1. ---How much does…cost …?
2. ---It can cost as little as … yuan and as much as … yuan.
3. ---It costs ….
4. ---It's worth ….
5. ---I don't agree with ….
6. ---I wasn't sure whether….
7. ---I wonder if ….
8. ---What size …?
9. ---Have you got any other colour / size / kind?
10. ---Have you got anything cheaper?
11. ---How much are they?
12. ---How much does it cost?
13. ---How much is it?
14. ---That's a bit expensive.
15. ---Even though they're a little expensive, I'll take them.
16. ---I'll think about ….
17. ---I don't think I'll take ….
18. ---I like ….
19. ---I don'treally like ….
20. ---Can I help you, girl?
21. ---Would you like me to look in the back?
22. ---We can find….
23. ---Do you likebeing …?
24. ---Can I askyou some questions?
25. ---Sure.
26. ---It wasgreat.
27. ---Wow!
28. ---Yeah!
29. ---Oh dear!
30. ---Hands up!
31. ---I』ll shootanyone who moves.
32. ---There』s noneed to thank me.
33. ---Can youremember anything else about him?
34. ---Come down,Polly!
35. ---There is a little trafficaccident.
36. ---There's a big traffic jam.
37. ---Well, I'm sure he'll be here before long.
38. ---I'm beginning to get angry with him!
39.---Yes, we can't wait any longer. Let's go without him.
40. ---That's terrible!
41. ---That's a really bad excuse!
IV. 重要語法
1. 過去將來時
2. 過去完成時
3. 動詞不定式
4. 定語從句
1.think/ think/about/ think of
(1) think 單獨使用時表示"思考",接that 賓語從句時意為"認為","覺得"。
I am thinking how to work out theproblem.
I think she is a good student.
當賓語從句含有否定概念時,通常形式上否定think ,但意義上卻是否定賓語從句。
I don't think he can come.
I don't think it will be windy.
(2)think about 可接一個名詞,動詞-ing 形式或由疑問詞引導的不定式或賓語從句,意思是"考慮……"。
I have thought about it for a longtime.
Please think about how to tell her the bad news.
(3)think of 表示"認為",一般用於疑問句中,與what 連用。
What do you think of the TV play? =How do you like the TV play?
2. big/ large/ great
(1) big指具體事物的大小,強調比正常形體的標准大,既可用在普通場合,也可用在正式場合。它可用來指人的身材高大或"長大了",還可表示"偉大","重要"之意。如:
Can you lift up this big stone?
On the last day I made a big decision.
(2) large特別強調遠遠超過標準的大,指體積、面積、容積、數量之大。如:
A whale is a large animal.
A large crowd collected at the gate of the theatre.
(3) great除了表示數量體積之大外,又指抽象的程度,意味著偉大性,重要性,優越性;常用於抽象
China is a great country with a long history.
He was one of the greatestscientists.
3.cost/ take/ spend/ pay
(1) cost表示"花錢",花費,付出(只能用於錢、精力、生命等;主語必須是物。)
The book cost me five yuan.
(2) take的主語是動詞不定式, 通常用it做形式主語。
It took me five yuan to buy the book..
(3) spend,在主動語句中主語是人
I spent five yuan on (for) the book.或I spent five yuan(in) buying the book.
(4) pay的主語是人。
I paid five yuan for the book.
4. expensive/ high/ cheap/ low
這四個詞在談論到價格的高低時,要注意使用。expensive與high涉及到價格"高",而cheap 與low涉及到價格"低"。
(1) expensive昂貴的,花錢多的。這個單詞若談到"價格高,貨貴"時,其主語不能是價格,必須是貨物、物品本身。如:
This watch is expensive. 這只表很貴。
These glass-procts are notexpensive. 這些玻璃製品不是很值錢。
The cheap table was bought from him. 這張便宜的桌子是他賣給我們的。
This cloth doll is very cheap. 這只布娃娃很便宜。
The price of this watch is very high. 這只表的價格太高了。
The price of this book is not low for me. 這本書的價格對我來說是不低。
The price of this computer is expensive.
(宜改為:This computer is expensive. 或The price of this computer is high. )
The price of this pen is not cheap for him to buy.
(宜改為:This pen is not cheap for him to buy. 或 The price of this pen is not low for him. )
5. alone/ lonely
(2)alone 可作形容詞和副詞,意思是"單獨;獨自",不指心理上寂寞的感覺。
She was taken to a lonely island, lived alone, but she never felt lonely.

C. 三年級上冊英語知識手抄報圖片大全(用漢字寫的)


D. 瓚呭叏鑻辮鎬濈淮瀵煎浘錛50寮犲浘鐗囧寘鍚涓瀛﹂樁孌墊墍鏈夌殑璇娉曠煡璇嗭紝寤鴻浜烘墜涓浠斤紒



















