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經典小區現在有什麼變化 2025-02-09 10:38:50
朱樺的歌詞叫什麼 2025-02-09 10:29:48


發布時間: 2024-06-10 20:30:11

『壹』 暑假英語小報資料,急急急

一、 英語謎語
1、I'm where yesterday follows today, and tomorrow's in the middle. What am I?
2、 At night they come without being fetched, and by day they are lost without being stolen. What are they?
3、I am weightless, but you can see me. Put me in a bucket(桶), and I'll make it lighter. What am I?
4、 No sooner spoken than broken. What is it?
5、 Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?
6、 What two things you just can't have for breakfast?
7、 Rearrange the letters of NOR DO WE to make one word.
8、I can be found where anything cannot; dead men eat me all the time. but if a living man eats me, he'll die. What am I?
9、What of us goes up and never comes down?
10、The strangest animals you'll ever find: Two eyes in front and many many more behind.
11、 What goes up when the rain comes down?
12、I have a neck, but no head. I have two arms, but no hands. What am I?
13、 How do you make "one" disappear?
14、What table has no legs?
15、There were 99 people in a boat. The boat turned over. How many were left?
16、What room you cannot enter?
17、What is the best thing to put into a pie?
18、What letter is a question?
19、 What letter is a vegetable?
20、Which runs faster, heat or cold?
1、 a dictionary
2、 stars or dreams
3、 a hole
4、 a secret or silence
5、 a fire
6、 Lunch and dinner.
7、 one word
8、 nothing
9、 Our age.
10、 a peacock
11、 an umbrella
12、 Shirt, jacket, sweater. . .
13、 none or gone
14、 timetable
15、 66
16、 mushroom
17、 your teeth
18、 y
19、 p
20、 Heat, because you can catch a cold.
dversity reveals genius; fortune conceals it. (Horace, ancient Roman poet)
苦難顯才華,好運隱天資。(古羅馬詩人 賀拉斯)
Almost any situation---good or bad ---is affected by the attitude we bring to. (Lucius Annaus Seneca, Ancient Roman philosopher)
差不多任何一種處境——無論是好是壞——都受到我們對待處境的態度的影響。(古羅馬哲學家 西尼加 L A)
Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. (Hellen Keller, American writer)
雖然世界多苦難,但是苦難總是能戰勝的(美國作家 海倫·凱勒)
As fruit needs not only sunshine but cold nights and chilling showers to ripen it, so character needs not only joy but trial and difficulty to mellow it. (Hugh Black, American writer)
水果不僅需要陽光,也需要涼夜。寒冷的雨水能使其成熟。人的性格陶冶不僅需要歡樂,也需要考驗和困難。(美國作家 布萊克 H)
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the freedom to choose his attitude in any given set of circumstances. (Leonhard Frand , German novelist)
我可以拿走人的任何東西,但有一樣東西不行,這就是在特定環境下選擇自己的生活態度的自由。(德國小說家 弗蘭克 L)
Every tragedy makes heroes of common people. (Normna Stephens, American writer)
每場悲劇都會在平凡的人中造就出英雄來。(美國作家 斯蒂芬斯 N)
He who allows himself to be insulted, deserves to be. (F.C.Comford, British writer)
自己甘願受辱的人,受污辱也活該。(英國作家 科福德 F C)
I find life an exciting business and most exciting when it is lived for others. (Helen Keller,Ameican writer)
我發現生活是令人激動的事情,尤其是為別人活著時。(美國作家 海倫·凱勒)
I wept when I was born, and every day shows why.(Jack London, American novelist)
我一生下來就開始哭泣,而每一天都表明我哭泣的原因。(美國小說家 傑克·倫敦)
In this world there is always danger for those who are afraid of it. (George Bernad Shaw, British dramastist)

對於害怕危險的人,這個世界上總是 危險的。(英國劇作家 肖伯納 G)
It is not true suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive. (William Somerset Maugham, British novelist)
說苦難能使人格得到升華,這是不確切的;幸福有時倒能做到這一點,而苦難常會使人心胸狹窄,產生復仇的心理。(英國小說家 毛姆 W S)
The dog and the wolf
A wolf was almost dead with hunger.A house-dog saw him,and asked,"Friend,your irregular life will soon ruin you.
"Why don't you work steadily as I do,and get your food regularly?"
"I would have no objection," said the wolf,"if I could only get a place." "I will help you," said the dog."Come with me to my master,and you shall share my work."
So the wolf and the dog went to the town together.On the way the wolf saw that there was no hair around the dog's neck.
He felt quite surprised,and asked him why it was like that?
"Oh,it is nothing," said the dog."Every night my master puts a collar around my neck and chains me up.You will soon get used to it."
"Is that the only reason?" said the wolf."Then good-bye to you,my friend.I would rather be free."

The Big Apple:來到美國,說到吃,肯定很多人的第一個反應是The Big Apple,不過千萬別誤會,這可是你吃不了的蘋果,它其實是紐約市的「昵稱」。如果你旅遊的目的地是The Big Apple,那我們可要說Congratulations(恭喜)了,那可是個美食之都。
Hero:首先,你該到飯店去點一份hero。別擔心,服務生不會當你是「吃英雄」的瘋子。Hero是紐約人管大個兒義大利潛水艇三明治的叫法。當然,如果你一下子吃了十個Heroes,可能別人就會說話了:「Look at that strange gal!She』s really out in left field!」這里,out in left field 專門用來形容那些古怪或者是莫名其妙的人。
Surf n』Turf:當然,美食並不只是在紐約才有,如果你有興趣,不妨到「天使之城」洛杉磯逛一圈,Surf n』Turf就是一種在洛杉磯非常普及的美食,其中主食是海鮮及牛排,可能會比較貴,但還有很多叫「dives」的便宜餐廳,你可以以合理的價格買到這種美食。
Taco Stand:Taco Stand是另一種在洛杉磯及附近的加州城市都很常見的美食,tacos來自於拉丁美洲,但在美國加州也非常的流行。「stand」是一種街邊小攤,你可以在那兒買到一些速食。一般這要比McDonalds(麥當勞)或是Burger King(漢堡王)那樣的速食連鎖店要便宜,但是食物要可口的多哦!
Franks:在美國的街頭,你經常會碰到一些Street vendors(街頭小販)高嚷著「Franks」,這時候你可千萬別以為他們在尋找名叫Frank的人,Franks在這里是「熱狗」的意思。這些小販就正在Selling Hot dogs(賣熱狗)。
「Bro」、「Dude」、「Brother」、「Amigo」:在美國,所有這些詞都是用來稱呼男性朋友的常用詞。和人打招呼,你可以說「what』s up,bro?」
Do me a solid:出門在外,問路是少不了的功課。如果你在問路的時候還是用「Would you please do me a favor……」開頭,未免顯得老土。你應該說:「Hey can you do me a solid?」,可別小看這樣個小小的調整,只是改了一個詞,你就顯得非常「老江湖」了!
「The 10」、「The 5」、「The 101」:美國有大批的高速公路,如果你有朋友在那裡,他可能會開車帶你到處逛逛。如果這時你們向當地人問路的話,他們會以以上方式告訴你高速公路的方向。比如「To get to the Hollywood sign,you need to get on the Ten and……」(要去好萊塢方向的話,你得先上10號高速公路,然後……)
$10 cover:如果你還想體會下美國的夜生活,你可能會在酒吧門口看到這樣一行字「$10 cover」,這時候,你可千萬別浪費時間猜它的意思,趕快掏出10美元吧,否則你可無法進去。
Hail a cab:體驗過美國的夜生活,從酒吧出來時候已經很晚了。這時候可能你的朋友會建議你:「Hey,you should hail a cab.」這時你可千萬別心疼錢了,人家是讓你趕快叫部計程車回旅店呢。養好精神,第二天才能繼續快樂「西遊」哦。
1.作為遊客,無論你的英語多麼地道,總可能有一些奸商想打你的主意。這里再教你一招:如果你認為有人在捉弄或是欺騙你的話,你就可以這么說:「Don't jerk my chain!」意思是別想欺騙我!學會了這句話,你的「西遊」之路上麻煩就會少很多了。
2.吃了這么多的美食,玩了這么多地方,讓人感覺這樣逍遙的旅行有些不真實了,這時你可以來一句「I』m keeping it real」,在任何城市中,你說這句話可都是對這個城市一個極高的評價。
1 A cup of Joe
一杯咖啡。A cup of Joe也就是a cup of coffee。這個說法是從紐約一家公司Martinson's Coffee的Joe Martinson的名字得來的,據說當時臨近街區都彌漫著咖啡的芳香,所以人們都稱咖啡為a cup of Joe。
Martinson's Coffee在美國歷史悠久,它的追隨者25%都是紐約人。
2 average Joe
Average意思是「平均的,一般水平的」,而Joe又是一個極其常見的名字,所以人們就用average Joe來表示很普通的一個人。例如我們會說,雷•羅馬諾是這個時代全美最受歡迎的電視明星之一,可他卻似乎不把自己當成什麼大人物,彷彿就是與你生活在同一座城市裡的「average Joe」。
3 not know Jack about
對某事一無所知。如: I don't know jack about fishing意思就是I don't know anything about fishing(我對釣魚一無所知)。而I don』t know Jack的意思就是「我什麼也不知道」。關於Jack,還有兩個常見的句子。Do you know jack shit? 意思就是問別人, 「你知不知道什麼叫無知? 在美國的口語中, jack shit 算是一句粗話,意思是什麼也沒有。
4 a plain Jane
長相不起眼,外貌平凡的女人。這里的plain是「不惹人注目的,樸素的」,而Jane是一般女人名,plain與Jane合轍押韻。如:I wonder why a handsome man like Jeff married such a plain Jane.我很奇怪像傑夫這樣出色的男子怎麼與一個不怎麼起眼的姑娘結婚。
5 No way, Jose
6 Jack of all trades
萬事通。一般指雜而不精,也就是我們平時所說的「三腳貓」。Jack of all trades and master of none.門門精通,樣樣稀鬆。
7 Uncle Sam
美國。它源自1812-1814年間美英戰爭時期的一個歷史傳說。相傳在紐約州的特洛伊城(Troy))有位年長的肉類加工商,名叫山繆爾•威爾遜(Samuel Wilson)。他勤勞、誠實、能幹,很有威信,人們親切地叫他山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)。他也是一位愛國者,與父兄曾參加過美國獨立戰爭。在1812年的美英戰爭中,他的工廠與政府簽了一份為軍隊生產桶裝牛肉的合同,美國政府每當收到他交來的經其親自檢驗合格的牛肉,就將肉裝入特製的木桶,並在桶上蓋上US的記號。由於Uncle Sam的首字母是US,而美國(The United States)的縮寫也是U.S.,於是人們便把這兩個名稱合二為一了。當地的人們就把「山姆大叔」當成美國的綽號,並逐漸流傳開來。
雖然有些知識對小學生來說有難度,但也有的知識如uncle Sam.很多同學這兩個詞都知道,完全可以理解。在學習的過程中可以適當補充一點趣味性的課外小知識,還可以出點英語腦筋急轉彎,增加趣味性,拓寬學生的視野。
Boy 男孩
同學們已經很熟悉「boy」這個單詞了,它表示「男孩」。那麼the boys是什麼意思呢?其實,the boys是一句口語,意思相當於漢語中的「鐵哥們、好兄弟」。比如:He plays football with the boys on Sundays. (他星期天和好朋友們踢足球。)而the boys in blue則是美國人在口語中稱呼警方的用語,意為「一群警察」。

『貳』 英語的語法知識點




3、一般將來時:表示將要發生的動作、打算、計劃或准備做某事。基本結構:主語+am/is/are+going to+do sth;主語+will/shall+do sth。

4、一般過去將來時:立足於過去某一時刻,從過去看將來,常用於賓語從句中。基本結構:主語+was/were+going to+do+其它;主語+would/should+do+其它。




13、it作形式主宏爛禪語一樣, 我們常用it來作形式蔽塵賓語。


『叄』 英語暑假安全知識

The Safety Tips to Kids ring Summer Vacation
Summer activities are excited but at the same time they bring risks to children's safety. Therefore, parents and teachers should teach children common sense rules to keep children safe. Children should learn to help themselves stay safe and should learn to handle emergencies.
1. Children should be able to state their parent's full names, the family phone number or their parent's mobile phone numbers.
2. Children should be taught to dial 120 and to provide the basic information in the event of an emergency.
3. Children should not go out alone.
4. Children should know it is dangerous to play with fire.
5. Children should not swim without the guidance of an alt.
6. Children should be given the names and phone numbers of their family friends.
7. Children should be taught not to accept gifts or snacks from strangers.
8. Children should be taught some knowledge to handle an injury.