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發布時間: 2024-05-25 15:20:11

⑴ 孩子們喜歡通過探索大自然來增長自己的知識英語怎麼說

Children like to increase their own knowledge by exploring nature.

⑵ 我喜歡科學,對身邊的事物充滿好奇,喜歡不懈探索 用英語怎麼說

I like science and I'm always curious about the surroundings. And I like exploring ceaselessly.

⑶ 學習了解更多的知識用英語怎麼說

學習了解更多的知識的英文:Learn more knowledge

knowledge 讀法 英['nɒlɪdʒ]美['nɑlɪdʒ]

n. 知識,學問;知道,認識;學科


1、technical knowledge技術知識

2、specialized knowledge專業知識;專門知識

3、knowledge acquisition知識獲取;知識習得;知識獲得;知識採集

4、tacit knowledge隱性知識;默會知識

5、human knowledge人的認識



knowledge, scholarship, learning這組詞都有「知識、學問」的意思,其區別是:




二、information 讀法 英[ɪnfə'meɪʃ(ə)n]美['ɪnfɚ'meʃən]

n. 信息,資料;知識;情報


1、information technology信息技術

2、information management信息管理;資訊管理

3、more information更多信息;詳細信息;更多資料

4、management information管理信息

5、information resources信息資源

⑷ 鐗╃悊鑻辮鎬庝箞璇

1銆佺墿鐞唒hysical鑻 #712f#618z#618kl 緹 #712f#618z#618k#601l閲婁箟adj韜浣撶殑鑷鐒剁晫鐨勭墿璐ㄧ殑鑷鐒惰勫緥鐨 n韜浣撴鏌ワ紝浣撴牸媯鏌 澶嶆暟 physicals 璁板繂鎶宸physi 鑷鐒 +銆
2銆乸hysics鏄涓涓鑻辮鍗曡瘝錛屽悕璇嶏紝浣滃悕璇嶆椂鎰忔濇槸鈥滅墿鐞嗗︾墿鐞嗙幇璞♀漇pace Physics絀洪棿鐗╃悊瀛 鐗╃悊絀洪棿 絀洪棿鐗╃悊computational physics鐗╄$畻鐗╃悊瀛 鐗╄$畻鐗╃悊 璁$畻鐗╃悊鏂瑰悜璁$畻鐗╃悊瀛︾爺絀跺備綍浣跨敤鏁板兼柟娉曡В鍐熾
3銆1鐗╃悊鐨勮嫳鏂囨槸physics鑻 f#618z#618ks錛岀編f#618z#618ks2physics鐨勬剰鎬濇槸鈥滅墿鐞嗗︹濓紝鏄瀛︾戝悕璇嶏紝涓嶅彲鏁幫紝甯歌窡鍗曟暟鍔ㄨ瘝榪炵敤physics鍓嶅傛湁my錛宼he錛宻uch絳夐檺瀹氳瘝淇楗拌〃紺烘垚緇╂垨瀹炵敤鑳藉姏鏃躲
4銆佺墿鐞嗗 physics physics AHDf#185z鈥#185ksDJ6fiziksKK6f錛亃錛乲sn鍚嶈瘝used with a singverb science of matter and energy and of interactions between the two錛実rouped銆
5銆乸hysics 鍥介檯闊蟲爣#712f#618z#618ks鐢ㄦ爣鍑嗙殑鍙戦煶灝辨槸鈥滈炶醇鍏嬫燴濓紝浠ュ墠璇婚珮涓鑰佸笀鏁欑殑寰堢伒銆

6銆乸hysics 5fiziksn鐗╃悊瀛 physics physics AHDf#185z鈥#185ksDJ6fiziksKK6f錛亃錛乲sn鍚嶈瘝used with a singverb science of matter and energy and of interactions銆
7銆佽繖灝嗚В閲婅〃闈㈠紶鍔涚殑瀛樺湪The琛ㄩ潰寮犲姏錛 R錛屾恫浣擄紝鏈夋椂鍙緋繪暟琛ㄩ潰寮犲姏錛岃瀹氫箟浣滀負鍔涢噺姣忎釜鐩磋掕屽姩鍦ㄨ〃闈㈢殑鍗曚綅闀垮害瀵瑰湪琛ㄩ潰鐢葷殑綰跨殑涓杈 鍦 AB浠h〃闀跨殑綰1 m R鍗曚綅鏄鐗涢】 鍙傝冭祫鏂欐垜鐨勮嫳璇100鍒嗐
9銆佹湁浜涜劇▼錛屾瘮濡傛暟瀛︾墿鐞嗗拰鑻辮錛屾湰緋誨︾敓閮芥槸蹇呬慨鐨凷ome subjects錛 such as mathematice錛 physics and English錛宎re compulsory for the students in this department浠栧湪鑻辮嫻嬮獙涓鑰冧簡楂樺垎錛屼絾鍦ㄧ墿鐞嗘祴楠屼腑鍗磋冨嚭浣庡垎銆

12銆丳hysics 錛岀墿鐞嗭紝鐗╃悊瀛︼紝緙╁啓 phys銆
13銆乸hysics錛 鍚嶈瘝 eg鐗╃悊緋 the physics department銆
14銆丒nglish 鑻辮 math 鏁板 Chinese 璇鏂 physics 鐗╃悊 chemistry 鍖栧 PE 浣撹偛 science 縐戝 art 緹庢湳錛孒istory 鍘嗗彶 music 闊充箰 Biology 鐢熺墿 Geography 鍦扮悊 French 娉曡 Politics 鏀挎不 computer 璁$畻鏈恆

⑸ 澶絀烘帰緔㈡剰涔夎嫳璇浣滄枃


  1. 鎺㈣ㄥお絀烘帰緔㈠逛簬浜虹被璁よ瘑瀹囧畽鍜屽湴鐞冪殑閲嶈佹э紝濡傛彮紺哄畤瀹欏ゥ縐樸佺爺絀跺ぉ浣撶墿鐞嗙瓑銆

  2. 鍒嗘瀽澶絀烘帰緔㈠逛簬縐戞妧鍒涙柊鍜岀粡嫻庡彂灞曠殑褰卞搷錛屽傛帹鍔ㄨ埅澶╂妧鏈鍙戝睍銆佷績榪涢珮鏂版妧鏈浜т笟鍙戝睍絳夈

  3. 寮鴻皟澶絀烘帰緔㈠逛簬浜虹被紺句細鐨勬剰涔夊拰浠峰礆紝濡傚炲己鍥介檯鍚堜綔涓庝氦嫻併佹彁鍗囦漢綾繪枃鏄庢按騫崇瓑銆

  4. 鎺㈣ㄥお絀烘帰緔㈡墍闈涓寸殑鎸戞垬鍜屽洶闅撅紝濡傛妧鏈闅懼叧銆佹垚鏈闂棰樸佸畨鍏ㄩ庨櫓絳夈

  5. 鍒嗕韓澶絀烘帰緔㈢殑鎴愬氨鍜岃繘灞曪紝鍖呮嫭杞戒漢鑸澶┿佸崼鏄熼氫俊銆佹繁絀烘帰嫻嬬瓑銆





Title: The Significance of Space Exploration

Space exploration is of great significance to human beings. It not only helps us better understand the mysteries of the universe, but also promotes technological development and economic prosperity. Through space exploration, we have discovered new planets, stars, and galaxies that were previously unknown to us. We have also gained a deeper understanding of our own planet and the impact of human activity on it.

Furthermore, space exploration has led to the development of new technologies that have practical applications on Earth. For example, the development of satellite technology has revolutionized communication, navigation, and weather forecasting. The study of materials in microgravity has also led to the development of new materials and manufacturing processes.

In addition, space exploration has the potential to stimulate economic growth and job creation. The space instry has already created many high-tech jobs and has the potential to create even more as we continue to explore and develop new technologies.

In conclusion, space exploration is a worthwhile investment that can bring significant benefits to humanity. It allows us to expand our knowledge of the universe, develop new technologies, and promote economic growth.


1. significance [n.] - 鎰忎箟錛岄噸瑕佹

2. mysteries [n.] - 紲炵橈紝濂ョ

3. technological [adj.] - 縐戞妧鐨

4. prosperity [n.] - 綣佽崳錛屽叴鏃

5. microgravity [n.] - 寰閲嶅姏










Title: The Significance of Space Exploration

Space exploration has always been a fascinating topic for humans. It not only satisfies our curiosity about the unknown, but also brings great benefits to us. From scientific research to technological innovation and human civilization, space exploration has played an important role in promoting human progress.

In terms of scientific research, space exploration has greatly expanded our knowledge of the universe. Through space telescopes and probes, we have discovered many new planets, stars and galaxies, which has deepened our understanding of the origin and evolution of the universe. In addition, space exploration has also contributed to the study of Earth's environment and climate change, as well as the development of medicine and materials science.

From a technological innovation perspective, space exploration has driven the development of various cutting-edge technologies. For example, the invention of space suits, rockets, and satellite communication systems are all achievements of space exploration. These technologies have not only promoted the development of space exploration itself, but also brought great convenience to people's daily lives.

Finally, space exploration is also closely related to the development of human civilization. As we continue to explore and colonize space, we will face more and more challenges, such as resource shortages and environmental issues. Solving these problems requires us to think creatively and work together, which will promote the progress of human civilization.

In conclusion, space exploration is of great significance to human beings. It not only expands our knowledge of the universe, but also drives the development of technology and promotes the progress of human civilization.


1. probes (n. pl.) 鎺㈡祴鍣錛屾帰澶

2. cutting-edge (adj.) 灝栫鐨勶紝鏈鏂扮殑

3. convenience (n.) 鏂逛究錛屼究鍒

4. colonize (v.) 孌栨皯錛屽紑鎷











Title: The Significance of Space Exploration

Space exploration has always been a topic that fascinates people. It is not only because of the mystery and beauty of space, but also because of the significance it holds for scientific development, human progress, and future exploration.

Scientifically, space exploration provides us with valuable opportunities to study the universe and its mysteries. Through various space missions, we have gained a deeper understanding of our own planet, as well as the planets and stars beyond. We have discovered new celestial bodies, learned about the origins of the universe, and tested theories that have led to technological advancements on Earth.

Moreover, space exploration has played a crucial role in human progress. It has inspired generations of scientists, engineers, and explorers to push the boundaries of what is possible. It has also brought people together from different countries and cultures to work towards a common goal. In addition, space exploration has led to the development of new technologies and instries, creating jobs and economic growth.

Looking towards the future, space exploration holds immense potential for further discovery and exploration. It offers the opportunity to find new sources of energy, minerals, and other resources that could benefit humanity. It also allows us to search for habitable planets and potentially expand our civilization beyond Earth.

In conclusion, the significance of space exploration cannot be overstated. It is essential for scientific development, human progress, and future exploration. As we continue to explore the universe, we will undoubtedly uncover new mysteries and possibilities that will shape the course of our future.


1. Fascinate (v.) 榪蜂綇錛屼嬌鐫榪

2. Significance (n.) 鎰忎箟錛岄噸瑕佹

3. Celestial (adj.) 澶╀綋鐨勶紝澶╀笂鐨

4. Advancement (n.) 榪涙ワ紝鍙戝睍

5. Immense (adj.) 宸ㄥぇ鐨勶紝騫塊様鐨








⑹ 如果你去樓上那個展覽會你會學到許多關於物理化學以及通訊知識用英語怎麼說

If you go to the exhibition upstairs, you will learn a lot about physics, chemistry and communication.