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草莓生存知識大全集 2025-02-13 04:59:46


發布時間: 2024-04-19 14:07:29

Ⅰ 英語小知識英文版(英語趣味小知識)

趣味英語小知識 a)Ten animals I slam in a . 我把十隻動物一網打盡 你注意到這句話有什麼特別之處嗎?對了,無論從左到右,還是從右到左,字母排列順序都是一樣的,英語把這叫做Palindromes 迴文(指順讀和倒讀都一樣的詞語),關於動物的迴文還有以下的例子 Otto saw pup ; pup was Otto. (奧托看見了小狗,小狗的名字叫奧托) Was it a car or a cat I saw ? Was it a rat I saw ? (我剛才看見的是條老鼠?) b)the bee's knees 又來形容最好的至高無上的東西。

[例] She is a very poor singer but she thinks she's the bee's knees. (她五音不全卻自認為是高高在上的一流歌手。) 該表現起源於20年代的美國,僅僅因為bee's 和 knees押韻,琅琅上口,迅速得到流傳,直到現在, 還在日常生活非正式場合的對話中經常使用。

和時間有關的英語趣味小知識(一)時間是金,其值無價 Time is money.(時間就是金錢或一寸光陰一寸金) Time flies.(光陰似箭,日月如梭) Time has wings.(光陰去如飛) Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.(光陰如銼,細磨無聲) Time stays not the fool's leisure.(時間不等閑逛的傻瓜) Time and I against any two.(和時間攜起手來,一人抵兩人) Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself.(時間就是生命,懶人消耗時間就是消耗自己的生命。或時間就是生命,節省時間,就是延長生命) Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.(消磨於惡習或愚行的時間是加倍的損失) (二)時間是風,去而不返 Time undermines us.(光陰暗中催人才。

或莫說年紀小人生容易老) Time and tide wait for no man.(歲月不待人) Time cannot be won again.(時間一去不再來) Time is , time was , and time is past.(現在有時間,過去有時間,時間一去不復返) Time lost can not be recalled.(光陰一去不復返) Time flies like an arrow , and time lost never returns.(光陰似箭,一去不返) (三)時間是尺,萬物皆檢 Time tries friends as fire tries gold.(時間考驗朋友,烈火考驗黃金) Time tries truth.(時間檢驗真理) Time is the father of truth.(時間是真理之父) Time will tell.(時間能說明問題) Time brings the truth to light.(時間使真相大白。或時間一到,真理自明。)

Time and chance reveal all secrets.(時間與機會能提示一切秘密) Time consecrates: what is gray with age bees religion.(時間考驗一切,經得起時間考驗的就為人所信仰) Time reveals(discloses) all things.(萬事日久自明) Time tries all.(時間檢驗一切) (四)時間是秤,衡量權質 There is no time like the present.(現在正是時候) Take time by the forelock.(把握目前的時機) To choose time is to save time.(選擇時間就是節省時間) Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.(今日事,今日畢) Procrastination is the thief of time.(拖延為時間之竊賊) One of these days is none of these days.(拖延時日,終難實現。或:改天改天,不知哪天) Tomorrow never es.(明天無盡頭,明日何其多) What may be done at any time will be done at no time.(常將今日推明日,推到後來無蹤跡) (五)時間是水,淘金流沙 Time works wonders.(時間可以創造奇跡或時間的效力不可思議) Time works great changes.(時間可以產生巨大的變化) Times change.(時代正在改變) 英語趣味小知識(2)——你會犯這樣的錯誤嗎? 你會犯這樣的錯誤嗎? 英語有時候真是莫名其妙,你覺得你明明懂了,可實際上你又沒有懂。


第一個故事發生在秘魯,一位美國婦女在餐館里用餐。她問服務員: Excuse me. Where could I wash my hands? 服務員把她帶到洗手間,可不巧,正有一些工人在粉刷洗手間的牆壁。

工人們一看有人要用洗手間,就准備離開。服務員攔住他們,說: That's Ok. Stay. She only wants to wash her hands. 在英語里,wash my hands實際上是上廁所的委婉說法。

那個服務員按照字面意思理解,結果鬧了笑話。 還有一次,一個留學生在國外的學校第一天上學,心裡又興奮又緊張。

一個美國人見到一張新面孔,為了表示友好,就問: Hi! What's the good word? 留學生一聽到這個,立刻傻眼了,他想, My God! I don't know the good word. I've studied English for years, but no one told me about the good word! 他猶豫再三,想,反正我也不知道,就問問他好了。於是他吞吞吐吐地問: Hello. What's the good word? 老美聽了,很隨意地說: Oh, not much. 這下,這個留學生就更吃驚了! 原來,What's the good word? 在美語里,是一句問候語,意思是「你還好嗎?」但問話的人並不指望你把遇到的高興的事情都一一告訴他,只是打個招呼而已。

但這個留學生以為對方真的在問什麼是Good word,所以鬧了笑話,不過還好,也算給他歪打正著了。 下面的故事就更有意思了。

sporting house 妓院(不是「體育室」)

dead president 美鈔(上印有總統頭像)(並非「死了的總統」)

lover 情人(不是「愛人」)

bu *** oy 餐館勤雜工(不是「公汽售票員」)

busybody 愛管閑事的人(不是「大忙人」)

dry goods (美)紡織品;(英)穀物(不是「干貨」)

heartman 換心人(不是「有心人」)

mad doctor 精神病科醫生(不是「發瘋的醫生」)

eleventh hour 最後時刻(不是「十一點」)

blind date (由第三者安排的)男女初次會面(並非「盲目約會」或「瞎約會」)

personal remark 人身攻擊(不是「個人評論」)

sweet water 淡水(不是「糖水」或「甜水」)

confidence man 騙子(不是「信得過的人」)

criminal lawyer 刑事律師(不是「犯罪的律師」)

service station 加油站(不是「服務站」)

rest room 廁所(不是「休息室」)

dressing room 化妝室(不是「試衣室」或「更衣室」)

horse sense 常識(不是「馬的感覺」)

capital idea 好主意(不是「資本主義思想」)

familiar talk 庸俗的交談(不是「熟悉的談話」)

black tea 紅茶(不是「黑茶」)

black art 妖術(不是「黑色藝術」)

black stranger 完全陌生的人(不是「陌生的黑人」)

white coal (作動力來源用的)水(不是「白煤」)

white man 忠實可靠的人(不是「皮膚白的人」)

yellow book 黃皮書(法國 *** 報告書,以黃紙為封)(不是「黃色書籍」)

red tape 官僚習氣(不是「紅色帶子」)

green hand 新手(不是「綠手」)

blue stocking 女學者、女才子(不是「藍色長統襪」)

China policy 對華政策(不是「中國政策」)

Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是「中國龍」)

American beauty 一種玫瑰,名為「美國麗人」(不是「美國美女」)

English disease 軟骨病(不是「英國病」)

Indian summer 愉快寧靜的晚年(不是「印度的夏日」)

Greek t 害人的禮品(不是「希臘禮物」)

Spanish athlete 吹牛的人(不是「西班牙運動員」)

French chalk 滑石粉(不是「法國粉筆」)
1、According to a research project at Cambridge Uiversity, it doesn't matter what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be in the right place. This is because the human mind does not read every letter。


2、'WAS IT A CAR OR A CAT I SAW'. This is the only English sentence which even if we read in reverse, it'll give the same sentence。 (我看到的是一輛車還是一隻貓)這是英語中唯一一句反過來念還是一樣的句子。

3、"Goodbye" came from "God bye" which came from "God be with you"。 英語單詞「Goodbye」來自於「God bye」,原意是「上帝與你同在」。

4、The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog."uses every letter of the alphabet! (這只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳過了一隻懶狗)這句話用到了字母表中的所有字母! 5、"Go", is the shortest plete sentence in the English language。 「Go」是英語中最短的完整句子。

6、The onion is named after the Latin word 'unio' meaning large pearl。 單詞「onion」(洋蔥)來自於拉丁詞「unio」,意思是大珍珠。

7、The word Tips is actually an acronym standing for 'To Insure Prompt Service'。 單詞「tips」(小費)實際上是「To Insure Prompt Service」(保障快捷的服務)的首字母縮寫! 8、The phrase 'rule of thumb' is derived from and old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb。

片語「rule of thumb」(經驗法則),是從一條古老的英國法律中來的,即:不能用超過大拇指粗細的東西打老婆。 9、The longest word in the English language ! 英語中最長的單詞是「」(硅酸鹽沉著病)! 10、More people in China speak English than in the United States。

會說英語的中國人比會說英語的美國人還多。 11、The word "listen" contains the same letters as"silent"。

單詞「listen」(聽)和「silent」(安靜的)用到了一樣的字母。 12、Hoover vacuum cleaners were so popular in the UK that many people now refer to vacuuming as hoovering。

胡佛真空吸塵器在英國曾經非常流行,到現在很多人還把「vacuuming」(吸塵)說成「hoovering」(胡佛ing…)。 13、Stressed is Desserts spelled backwards。

「Stressed」(壓力)倒過來拼就是「Desserts」(點心)。 14、The most used letter in the English alphabet is 'E', and'Q' is the least used! 英語中使用最多的字母是「E」,用得最少的是「Q」。

15、Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel, "Gad *** y", whichcontains over 50,000 words -- none of them with the letter E!。
Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

Praise is not pudding.恭維話不能當飯吃。 Praise makes good men better, and bad men worse. 好人越誇越好,壞人越誇越糟。

Prefer loss to unjust gain.寧可吃虧,不貪便宜。 Prevention is better than cure.預防勝於治療。

Pride goes before, and shame es after.驕傲使人落後。 Promise is debt.一諾千金。

Proverbs are the daughters of daily experience.諺語是日常經驗的結晶。 Pull the chestnut out of fire.火中取栗。

Put the cart before the horse.本末倒置。 Put your shoulder to the wheel.鼎力相助。

Reading enriches the mind.開卷有益。 Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.讀書健腦,運動強身。

Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you.要人尊敬,必須自重。 Rome is not built in a day冰凍三尺,非一日之寒。

Saying is one thing and doing another.言行不一。 Seeing is believing.眼見為實。

Seek the truth from facts.實事求是。 Send a wise man on an errand, and say nothing to him. 智者當差,不用交代。

Set a thief to catch a thief.以賊捉賊。 Short accounts make long friends.好朋友勤算賬。

Something is better than nothing.聊勝於無。 Soon learn, soon forgotten.學得快,忘得快。

Soon ripe, soon rotten.熟得快,爛得快。 Speech is silver, silence is gold.能言是銀,沉默是金。

Still water run deep.靜水常深。 Strike the iron while it is hot.趁熱打鐵。

Success belongs to the persevering.堅持就是勝利。 Take things as they e.既來之,則安之。

Talking mends no holes. 空談無補。 Talk of the devil and he will appear.說曹操,曹操就到。

Tall trees catch much wind.樹大招風。 Teach others by your example.躬親示範。

The best hearts are always the bravest.無私者無畏。 The best man stumbles.偉人也有犯錯時。

The cat shuts its eyes when stealing.掩耳盜鈴。 The danger past and God forgotten.過河拆橋。

The darkest hour is nearest the dawn.黎明前的黑暗。 The darkest place is under the candlestick.燭台底下最暗。

The devil knows many things because he is old.老馬識途。 The devil sometimes speaks the truth魔鬼有時也會說真話。

The die is cast.木已成舟。 The early bird catches the worm.早起的鳥兒有蟲吃。
1月1日元旦(New Year's Day) 2月2日世界濕地日(World Wetlands Day) 2月14日情人節(Valentine's Day) 3月3日全國愛耳日3月5日青年志願者服務日3月8日國際婦女節(International Women' Day) 3月9日保護母親河日3月12日中國植樹節(China Arbor Day) 3月14日白色情人節(White Day) 3月14日國際警察日(International Policemen' Day) 3月15日世界消費者權益日(World Consumer Right Day)3月21日世界森林日(World Forest Day) 3月21日世界睡眠日(World Sleep Day) 3月22日世界水日(World Water Day) 3月23日世界氣象日(World Meteorological Day) 3月24日世界防治結核病日(World Tuberculosis Day) 4月1日愚人節(April Fools' Day) 4月5日清明節(Tomb-sweeping Day) 4月7日世界衛生日(World Health Day)4月22日世界地球日(World Earth Day) 4月26日世界知識產權日(World Intellectual Property Day) 5月1日國際勞動節(International Labour Day) 5月3日世界哮喘日(World Asthma Day) 5月4日中國青年節(Chinese Youth Day) 5月8日世界紅十字日(World Red-Cross Day) 5月12日國際護士節(International Nurse Day) 5月15日國際家庭日(International Family Day)5月17日世界電信日(World Telemunications Day) 5月20日全國學生營養日5月23日國際牛奶日(International Milk Day) 5月31日世界無煙日(World No-Smoking Day) 6月1日國際兒童節(International Children's Day) 6月5日世界環境日(International Environment Day) 6月6日全國愛眼日6月17日世界防治荒漠化和乾旱日(World Day to bat desertification) 6月23日國際奧林匹克日(International Olympic Day) 6月25日全國土地日6月26日國際禁毒日(International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking) 7月1日中國 *** 誕生日(Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese munist Party)。
1.Eyes into the st, close your eyes and cough , the st will run out.


2.If you have a *** all area of skin have beed damage or burn,you can wipe a few toothpaste ,it will be able to rece pain and stop bleeding


3. you have been bitten by a mosquito just, Soap coated in the somewhere and won't itch after a while.


4.When you play hiccup ,then ,drink some vinegar, the effect is very good.

1、早上醒來.先喝一杯水. 預防結石(Woke up this morning . Drink a glass of water. Prevention of stone)

2、雞 *** 含有致癌物, 不要吃較好(Chicken butt contains carcinogens , do not eat well)

3、喝豆漿時不要加雞蛋及糖. 也不要喝太多(Do not drink milk and sugar , add eggs . Do not drink too much)

4、空腹時不要吃蕃茄, 最好飯後吃(Do not eat tomatoes fasting , the best meal to eat)

5、抽煙,關系最大的是 肺癌,唇癌,舌癌,喉癌,食道癌,也與膀胱癌有關 (Smoking , the relationship is the largest lung cancer, lip cancer , tongue cancer , laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, but also with bladder cancer)

6、飲酒導致肝硬化 .引發肝癌(Drinking leading to cirrhosis. Cause liver cancer)

英語趣味測試:成語對對碰 俚語和諺語是英語學習中的一大絆腳石。


看看下面的句子你能翻譯對幾個來。 1.After meat, mustard; after death, doctor Explanation: this describes a situation where assistance or fortis given when it is too late。

Example: just as I had cancelled my application to go abroad, I hada promise of money for my fare. It was a case of after death, thedoctor。 2.After praising the wine they sell us vinegar Explanation: to offer to give or sell something that is inferior towhat you claim it to be。

Example: that fellow pletely misled us about what he was capableof doing. After praising the wine, he sold us vinegar。 3.All is over but the shouting Explanation: finally decided or won; brought to the end; not ableto be changed。

Example: after Bill's touch down, the game is all over butshouting。 4.All lay load on the willing horse Explanation: a willing horse is someone who is always doing thingsfor others. Very often the implication is that others impose onhim。

Examples: the trouble is you're too good-natured and people takeadvantage of it. all lay load on the willing horse. You will haveto learn to refuse people who ask too much。 5.anger and haste hinder good counsel Explanation: one can not act wisely when one is angry or in ahurry。

Example: you should calm down before you decide the next move.Anger and haste hinder good counsel。 6.As poor as a church mouse Explanation: to be exceedingly poor, having barely to liveupon。

Example: he has a large family, and is poor as a churchmouse。 Note: a church is one of the few buildings that contain nofood。

7.A word spoken is past recalling Explanation: the harm done by a careless word can not easilyundo。 Example: for the rest of his life he regretted what he had said,but a word spoken is past recalling and he knew he could neverrepair the damage of that moment of harshness。

8.World is but a little place, after all Explanation: it is used when a person meets someone he knows or isin someway connected with him in a place where he would never haveexpected to do so。 Example: Who would have thought I would bump into an old schoolmateon a trek up Mount Tai. The world is but a little place afterall。

9.When in Rome, do as the Romans do Explanation: conform to the manners and customs of those amongstwhom you live。 Example: I know you have egg and bacon for breakfast at home, butnow you are on the Continent you will do as the Romans do and takecoffee and rolls。

10.What you lose on the swings you get back on theroundabouts Explanation: a rough way of starting a law of average; if you havebad luck on one day you have good on another; if one ventureresults in loss try a fresh one---it may succeed。 Example: he may always possess merits which make up for everything;if he loses on the swings, he may win on the roundabouts。

11.What are the odds so long as you are happy Explanation: what does anything else matter if a person ishappy。 Example: you plain so much, but you have a good family, parents,health, and money. What's the odd so long as you're happy。

12.Entertain an angel unawares Explanation: to receive a great personage as a guest withoutknowing his merits。 Example: in the course of evening someone informed her that she wasentertaining an angel unawares, in the shape of a poser of thegreatest promise 13.every dog has his day Explanation: fortune es to each in turn Example: they say that every dog has his day; but mine seems a verylong time ing。

14.every potter praises his own pot Explanation: people are loath to refer to defects in theirpossessions or their family members Example: he said that his teacher considered his work brilliant,but I would rather hear it from his teacher's own mouth. Everypotter praises his own pot 答案: 1.雨後送傘 2. 掛羊頭賣狗肉 3. 大勢已去 4.人善被人欺,馬善被人騎 5. 小不忍則亂大謀 6. 一貧如洗 7. 一言既出,駟馬難追 8. 天涯原咫尺,到處可逢君 9. 入鄉隨俗 10. 失之東隅,收之桑榆 11. 知足者常樂 12. 有眼不識泰山 13.是人皆有出頭日 14.王婆買瓜,自賣自誇 送花須知:十二星座的幸運花 Aries: Thistle, wild rose, gorse, nasturtium, woodbine 白羊:薊、野玫瑰、金雀花、旱金蓮花、忍冬 Taurus: Lily of the valley, violet, red rose, myrtle 金牛:鈴蘭、紫羅蘭、紅玫瑰、桃金娘 Gemini: Snapdragon, iris 雙子:金魚草、愛麗絲 Cancer: Poppy, water lily, white rose 巨蟹:罌粟、荷花、白玫瑰 Leo: Marigold, sunflower, cowslip, heliotrope, 。

Ⅱ 20條有趣的英語小知識


2、「WAS IT A CAR OR A CAT I SAW」(我看到的是一輛車還是一隻貓)這是英語中唯一一句反過來念還是一樣的句子。

3、英語單詞「Goodbye」來自於「God bye」,原意是「上帝與你同在」。

4、「The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.」(這只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳過了一隻懶狗)這句話用到了字母表中的所有字母!



7、單詞「tips」(小費)實際上是「To Insure Prompt Service」(保障快捷的服務)的首字母縮寫!

8、片語「rule of thumb」(經驗法則),是從一條古老的英國法律中來的,即:不能用超過大拇指粗細的東西打老婆。








Ⅲ 英語趣味小知識簡單一點-分享一下2023最新的謝謝

Fun Fact in English - Here are some simple ones to share, as of 2023:
1. The shortest war in history lasted only 38 minutes between Great Britain and Zanzibar in 1896. - 歷史上最短的戰爭發生在1896年英國和桑給巴爾之間,僅持續了38分鍾。
2. The world's largest snowflake on record measured 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick in Montana in 1887. - 世界上最大的雪花是1887年在蒙大拿州測量,寬15英寸,厚8英寸。
3. In space, astronauts can't cry properly because there is no gravity to pull the tears down their cheek. - 在太空中,宇航員無法正常配戚流淚,因為沒有重力把眼淚拉到臉頰上。
4. The longest word in the English language is 189,819 letters long and is the chemical name for Titin, the largest known protein. - 英語中最長的單詞長達189,819個字母,是用於描述蒿屬植物中罩顫的一種蛋白質的化學名稱。
5. The world's largest volcano, Mauna Loa in Hawaii, is also the world's most active. - 世界上最大的火山夏威夷的毛納羅亞山,也是世界上最活躍的火山。
6. The average lifespan of a taste bud is only 10 days. - 一般的味蕾壽命只有10天。
7. The only letter that doesn't appear in any U.S. state name is the letter "Q". - 在任何一個美國州名中都不出現的唯一一個字母是「Q」。
8. Humans share 50% of their DNA with bananas. - 人類與香蕉共享50%的DNA。
9. A group of flamingos is called a "flamboyance." - 一群火烈鳥被稱為「flamboyance」。
10. A "jiffy" is a real unit of time measurement used in computer science, which is equal to 1/100th of a second. - 「Jiffy」是計算機科學中實際使用物賣敗的時間單位,相當於1/100秒。

Ⅳ 誰有小學英語趣味小知識

1.thumb :大拇指。與漢語相映成趣的是,英語的all(fingers and ) thumbs也表示"笨手笨腳"的意思,例如:(1)I'm all fingers and thumbs this morning. I don't seem to be able to button up my shirt.今天早上我的手怎麼這么笨呢,好像連襯衫都扣不上了。(2)He was so excited that his fingers were all thumbs and he dropped the teacup.他激動得手都不好使了,竟把茶杯摔了。

2. forefinger :又稱index finger,即食指。前綴fore-表示"位置靠前的"(placed at the front),所以從排位上說,forefinger應為"第一指"。從功用上看,此手指伸出時有標示或指向的作用。在一些英語工具書中,我們會見到這樣的表示"參見"(index)含義的手型符號。

3. middle finger :中指。此指居中,名正言順,且與漢語說法也一致。

4. ring finger:無名指。從世界各地的婚俗習慣來說,結婚戒指(wedding ring)戴在這一手指(通常指左手)之上,表示已婚。

5. little finger: 顧名思義為小指。在美國和蘇格蘭,人們又賦予它一個愛稱,管pinkie(pinky),後綴-ie(-y)有"小巧可愛"之意。

和時間有關的英語趣味小知識職場英語 2010-02-24 17:52:16 閱讀264 評論0 字型大小:大中小 訂閱
(一) 時間是金,其值無價

1. Time is money.


2. Time flies.


3. Time has wings.


4. Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.


5. Time stays not the fool's leisure.


5. Time and I against any two.


6. Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself.


7. Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.


(二) 時間是風,去而不返

8. Time undermines us.


9. Time and tide wait for no man.


10. Time cannot be won again.


11. Time is , time was , and time is past.


12. Time lost can not be recalled.


13. Time flies like an arrow , and time lost never returns.



14. Time tries friends as fire tries gold.


15. Time tries truth.


16. Time is the father of truth.


17. Time will tell.


18. Time brings the truth to light.


19. Time and chance reveal all secrets.


20. Time consecrates: what is gray with age becomes religion.


21. Time reveals(discloses) all things.


22. Time tries all.



23. There is no time like the present.


24. Take time by the forelock.


25. To choose time is to save time.


26. Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.


27. Procrastination is the thief of time.


28. One of these days is none of these days.


29. Tomorrow never comes.


30. What may be done at any time will be done at no time.



31. Time works wonders.


32. Time works great changes.


33. Times change.


Ⅳ 你知道這幾條趣味英語知識嗎

來到美國,說到吃,肯定很多人的第一個反應是The Big Apple,不過千萬別誤會,這可是你吃不了的蘋果,它其實是紐約市的「昵稱」。如果你旅遊的目的地是The Big Apple,那我們可要說Congratulations(恭喜)了,那可是個美食之都。 關鍵詞一:食 The Big Apple:來到美國,說到吃,肯定很多人的第一個反應是The Big Apple,不過千萬別誤會,這可是你吃不了的蘋果,它其實是紐約市的「昵稱」。如果你旅遊的目的地是The Big Apple,那我們可要說Congratulations(恭喜)了,那可是個美食之都。Hero:首先,你該到飯店去點一份hero。別擔心,服務生不會當你是「吃英雄」的瘋子。Hero是紐約人管大個兒義大利潛水艇三明治的叫法。當然,如果你一下子吃了十個Heroes,可能別人就會說話了:「Look at that strange gal!She』s really out in left field!」這里,out in left field 專門用來形容那些古怪或者是莫名其妙的人。Surf n』Turf:當然,美食並不只是在紐約才有,如果你有興趣,不妨到「天使之城」洛杉磯逛一圈,Surf n』Turf就是一種在洛杉磯非常普及的美食,其中主食是海鮮及牛排,可能會比較貴,但還有很多叫「dives」的便宜餐廳,你可以以合理的價格買到這種美食。Taco Stand:Taco Stand是另一種在洛杉磯及附近的加州城市都很常見的美食,tacos來自於拉丁美洲,但在美國加州也非常的流行。「stand」是一種街邊小攤,你可以在那兒買到一些速食。一般這要比McDonalds(麥當勞)或是Burger King(漢堡王)那樣的速食連鎖店要便宜,但是食物要可口的多哦!Franks:在美國的街頭,你經常會碰到一些Street vendors(街頭小販)高嚷著「Franks」,這時候你可千萬別以為他們在尋找名叫Frank的人,Franks在這里是「熱狗」的意思。這些小販就正在Selling Hot dogs(賣熱狗)。關鍵詞二:玩「Bro」、「Dude」、「Brother」、「Amigo」:在美國,所有這些詞都是用來稱呼男性朋友的常用詞。和人打招呼,你可以說「What』s up,bro?」Do me a solid:出門在外,問路是少不了的功課。如果你在問路的時候還是用「Would you please do me a favor……」開頭,未免顯得老土。你應該說:「Hey can you do me a solid?」,可別小看這樣個小小的調整,只是改了一個詞,你就顯得非常「老江湖」了!「The 10」、「The 5」、「The 101」:美國有大批的高速公路,如果你有朋友在那裡,他可能會開車帶你到處逛逛。如果這時你們向當地人問路的話,他們會以以上方式告訴你高速公路的方向。比如「To get to the Hollywood sign,you need to get on the Ten and……」(要去好萊塢方向的話,你得先上10號高速公路,然後……)$10 cover:如果你還想體會下美國的夜生活,你可能會在酒吧門口看到這樣一行字「$10 cover」,這時候,你可千萬別浪費時間猜它的意思,趕快掏出10美元吧,否則你可無法進去。Hail a cab:體驗過美國的夜生活,從酒吧出來時候已經很晚了。這時候可能你的朋友會建議你:「Hey,you should hail a cab.」這時你可千萬別心疼錢了,人家是讓你趕快叫部計程車回旅店呢。養好精神,第二天才能繼續快樂「西遊」哦。小貼士1.作為遊客,無論你的英語多麼地道,總可能有一些奸商想打你的主意。這里再教你一招:如果你認為有人在捉弄或是欺騙你的話,你就可以這么說:「Don't jerk my chain!」意思是別想欺騙我!學會了這句話,你的「西遊」之路上麻煩就會少很多了。2.吃了這么多的美食,玩了這么多地方,讓人感覺這樣逍遙的旅行有些不真實了,這時你可以來一句「I』m keeping it real」,在任何城市中,你說這句話可都是對這個城市一個極高的評價。

Ⅵ 15個有趣的英語知識,你知道多少

1、 According to a research project at Cambridge Uiversity, it doesn't matter what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be in the right place. This is because the human mind does not read every letter。
2、 'WAS IT A CAR OR A CAT I SAW'. This is the only English sentence which even if we read in reverse, it'll give the same sentence。
3、 "Goodbye" came from "God bye" which came from "God be with you"。
英語單詞「Goodbye」來自於「God bye」,原意是「上帝與你同在」。
4、 The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog."uses every letter of the alphabet!
5、"Go", is the shortest complete sentence in the English language。
6、 The onion is named after the Latin word 'unio' meaning large pearl。
7、 The word Tips is actually an acronym standing for 'To Insure Prompt Service'。
單詞「tips」(小費)實際上是「To Insure Prompt Service」(保障快捷的服務)的首字母縮寫!
8、The phrase 'rule of thumb' is derived from and old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb。
片語「rule of thumb」(經驗法則),是從一條古老的英國法律中來的,即:不能用超過大拇指粗細的東西打老婆。
9、 The longest word in the English language !
10、 More people in China speak English than in the United States。
11、The word "listen" contains the same letters as"silent"。
12、Hoover vacuum cleaners were so popular in the UK that many people now refer to vacuuming as hoovering。
13、 Stressed is Desserts spelled backwards。
14、The most used letter in the English alphabet is 'E', and'Q' is the least used!
15、 Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel, "Gadsby", whichcontains over 50,000 words -- none of them with the letter E!

Ⅶ 有趣的英語小知識
