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發布時間: 2022-11-19 21:14:28

A. 跳水英語怎麼說以及一些常識


B. 跳水英文

diving 花式跳水 fancy diving 跳水表演 diving performance 跳水踏板 diving board 跳水運動 diving 競技跳水 competitive diving 俯沖跳水 a headlong dive. 俯沖跳水 A headlong dive. 燕式跳水 swallow dive 游泳;跳水 A swim;a dip. 跳板跳水用板 A diving board.

C. 跳水怎麼用英語拼

  1. 跳水的英語為 diving。

  2. diving同時含有潛水的意思,如:

    Did you have fun scubadiving?


  3. 跳水是一項優美的水上運動,它是從高處用各種姿勢躍入水中或是從跳水器械上起跳,在空中完成一定動作姿勢,並以特定動作入水的運動。

  4. 跳水運動包括實用跳水、表演跳水和競技跳水。跳水運動在跳水池中進行。跳水運動員從1米跳板,3米跳板,或從3米,5米,7.5米和10米跳台跳水。跳水運動要求擁有空中的感覺,協調,柔韌性,優美,平衡感和時間感等素質。

D. 跳水用英語怎麼讀

diving英 ['daɪvɪŋ]美 ['daɪvɪŋ]
n. 跳水,潛水
adj. 跳水的,潛水的
跳板跳水 springboard diving ; r Federbrettsprung ; spring board dive ; board dive
蝶式跳水 butterfly dive
反身跳水 reverse dive ; half gainer

E. 跳水的英文



Weight is crucial in diving because the aim is to cause the smallest splashpossible.






F. 「跳水」翻譯為英語

潛水, 跳水, 下潛, 俯沖
潛水, 跳水, 下潛, 俯沖
潛水; 跳水

G. 跳水規則英文版

Diving Events Rules


The indivial medal diving events are the men's 3m springboard, the
men's 10m platform, the women's 3m springboard and the women's 10m platform.
Using "fancy" to describe diving is probably more apt for synchronized diving,
which made its Olympic debut at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Synchronized diving
events consist of men's 3m and 10m and women's 3m and 10m. These events
consist of two divers leaving the platform or springboard simultaneously
and diving together. Usually the athletes perform the same dive, although
occasionally dives which complement each other are chosen. Divers must attempt
a set number of dives selected from each of the main diving groups. The
springboard competition consists of five groups: front, back, reverse, inward
and twisting. Platform competition includes those five groups, plus the
armstand dive. The United States has dominated the sport of diving, perhaps
to an even greater extent than any other sport at the Olympics. In the 1980s
the Chinese entered diving competition and posed the first serious threat
to American dominance. And now, China claims to be the dream team in diving,
being the target of envy on both the platform and springboard for years.
Led by such stars as Fu Mingxia and Xiong Ni, the team swept five out of
the eight gold medals on offer at the millennium Olympic Games in Sydney.

跳水的個人競賽項目分為男子3 米跳板,男子10米跳台,女子3 米跳板和女子
水第一次亮相,雙人跳水項目分為男女3 米跳板和男女10米跳台,該項目要求兩名

In diving competitions, competitors perform a series of dives and are
awarded points up to 10, depending upon their elegance and skill. The points
are then adjusted for the degree of difficulty, based on the number and
types of maneuvers attempted, such as somersaults, pikes, tucks and twists.
A reverse 1.5 somersault with 4.5 twists, for example, is among the most
difficult. Judges are appointed by FINA, the international body governing
diving. If possible, the nationalities of the judges differ from the competitors.
The referee is in charge of the competition and makes sure all regulations
are followed. Judges rate both technique and style. Judges assess the diver's
approach, take-off, elevation, execution and entry. Indivial diving events
have seven judges. For synchronized diving, four judges will assess the
divers' skills and five others will judge how the pairs match each other
in terms of height, distance from the springboard or platform, speed of
rotation and entry into the water. Five judges assess the synchronization
of the dives, and four award marks for execution. Two of the four judges
judging the execution focus on each diver's performance. The synchronization
judges focus exclusively on synchronization in the approach, take-off (including
similarity of height), coordinated timing of movements ring flight, similarity
of entry angles, comparative distance from the board at entry, and simultaneous
entries. The highest and lowest scores awarded for both execution and synchronization
are discarded, and the final score is calculated in the same manner as other
dives. Each dive is considered without regard to the difficulty figure.

翻騰,轉體,屈體和抱膝等空中技術和姿勢為基礎,例如反身翻騰1 周半轉體4 周
起跳,起跳高度,動作完成以及入水進行評定。單人比賽設7 名裁判員,而雙人跳
水比賽中,4 名裁判員負責評定動作的技術質量,另5 名則評判選手的相互配合情
況,比如高度與板和台的距離,旋轉速度以及入水情況。5 名裁判員評判動作的同
步性,4 名裁判員評判動作的完成質量,其中每2 名負責評判一名選手,評判同步

H. 關於奧運項目跳水的英文版的資料

diving 跳水GFm中國英語學習網
diver 跳水運動員GFm中國英語學習網
platform diving 跳台跳水GFm中國英語學習網
springboard diving 跳板跳水GFm中國英語學習網
five-meter platform 5米跳台GFm中國英語學習網
three-meter springboard 3米跳板GFm中國英語學習網
diving pool 跳水池GFm中國英語學習網
Men's Diving Synchronized 10m Platform男子雙人10米跳台GFm中國英語學習網
Women's Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 女子雙人10米跳台GFm中國英語學習網
Men's Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard男子雙人3米跳板GFm中國英語學習網
Women's Diving 3m Springboard女子3米跳板GFm中國英語學習網
Men's Diving 10m Platform男子10米跳台GFm中國英語學習網
starting block 出發台GFm中國英語學習網
starting dive 出發起跳GFm中國英語學習網
abdomen in 收腹GFm中國英語學習網
armstand dive 臂立跳水GFm中國英語學習網
back dive 向後跳水GFm中國英語學習網
backward spinning dive 向後旋轉跳水GFm中國英語學習網
balk 動作失敗GFm中國英語學習網
belly flop 跳水時腹部先落水GFm中國英語學習網
body opening 身體打開GFm中國英語學習網
bounce on the springboard 在跳板上彈跳GFm中國英語學習網
bubble 水泡GFm中國英語學習網
butterfly dive 蝶式跳水GFm中國英語學習網
clean entry 入水時水花很少GFm中國英語學習網
comic diving 滑稽跳水GFm中國英語學習網
completely failed 完全失敗GFm中國英語學習網
crouched jump 抱膝跳水GFm中國英語學習網
cutaway 面對板向內跳水GFm中國英語學習網
deep dive 深水跳水GFm中國英語學習網
degree of difficulty 難度系數GFm中國英語學習網
dive numbers 跳水動作代碼GFm中國英語學習網
dive with limit 有難度系數限制的跳水動作GFm中國英語學習網
dive without limit 無難度系數限制的跳水動作GFm中國英語學習網
dome of water 水花GFm中國英語學習網
entry 入水GFm中國英語學習網
entry work 入水技術GFm中國英語學習網
feet first 腳先入水GFm中國英語學習網
forward dive 向前直體跳水GFm中國英語學習網
forward somersault 向前翻滾GFm中國英語學習網
forward somersault 1 twist 向前翻騰轉體一周GFm中國英語學習網
free position 任意姿勢GFm中國英語學習網
from jackknife dive 向前屈體跳水GFm中國英語學習網
head down on chest 低頭含胸GFm中國英語學習網
head first 頭先入水GFm中國英語學習網
high diving 高台跳水GFm中國英語學習網
hollow back弓背GFm中國英語學習網
hopping step 踏板GFm中國英語學習網
inward dive向內跳GFm中國英語學習網
jump 直體跳水GFm中國英語學習網
open pike較鬆弛的屈體姿勢GFm中國英語學習網
open tuck 較鬆弛的抱膝姿勢GFm中國英語學習網
order of execution 動作順序GFm中國英語學習網
pike 屈體GFm中國英語學習網
poise 預備姿勢GFm中國英語學習網
preliminary dive 跳水預賽GFm中國英語學習網
reverse dive 反身跳水GFm中國英語學習網
rip entry 壓水花技術GFm中國英語學習網
running dive 跑動跳水GFm中國英語學習網
running take-off 跑動起跳GFm中國英語學習網
scooped entry 鏟勺式入水GFm中國英語學習網
six official groups of dives 6組正式跳水動作GFm中國英語學習網
splash 飛濺GFm中國英語學習網
spring up 騰起GFm中國英語學習網
standing take off 立定起跳GFm中國英語學習網
standing dives 立定跳水GFm中國英語學習網
straight body 直體GFm中國英語學習網
swing 擺動GFm中國英語學習網
twist dive 轉體跳水GFm中國英語學習網
warm-up dive 跳水準備活動

I. 跳水用英語怎麼讀

dive v.跳水
diving n.跳水

J. 急用!!!跳水英文簡介(一小段,幫忙翻譯一下)


Diving is a personal athletic competition, which is entered for by himself. Athlete jumps over from the divingboard.

He should dives into the swimming pool or does a series of action,like various,complicated artistic gymnastics in the air,diving into the swimming poor with great promptitude and a fine poise.

In 1994, it is the first time for diving competition to be placed on items of Olympic Games in St. Louis. Divingboard competition was place on items of Olympic Games in Athens.



