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把人像改成動漫怎麼弄 2025-03-19 08:19:33
劇中有哪些經典台詞 2025-03-19 08:17:14


發布時間: 2022-08-30 01:01:08

A. 高一英語必修一知識點

第一單元 1add vt/vi加;添加;增添 add up合計 加起來,但在口語中有時用於否定句,表示「莫名其妙,不說明問題」。 add up to 總計共達,所有一切都說明,總而言之。 add sthto sth)把„„加到„„里去。 add to 增加,擴建。 add 表示「繼續說,補充說」。 區別addincrease add意思是「加,增加」,強調添加。或者表示將數字加起來求和。 increase「增加」,表示在數量,產量,尺寸,程度等方面的增加。

2cheat v 欺騙;作弊 n 騙子;作弊者;騙人的事 cheat sb of sth cheat sth out of sb 從某人處欺詐某物 cheat on/at/in 作弊,欺詐 3)list v 將事物列於表上;編事物的目錄 n 名單;目錄;一覽表 make a list of 造表,列„„表 takeoff the list 從表上去掉„„ stand first on the list 居首位,列前茅 as listed above 如上所列

3share share in 分享,分擔,共用 share sth with sb 和某人共用/共享某事物 share out 分配,分發;得到股息,升股息 sharen.in/of 一分,部分

4trust vi/vt 信任,信賴;依賴 trust in 相信,信任,信仰 trust to 依靠(運氣等),依賴 trust that 希望,想

5suffer vt/vi 遭受,受到,蒙受;受痛苦,受折磨,受懲罰,受損傷 suffer from 受„„傷害;患„„病痛 注意:suffer suffer from 都不能用於被動語態

6calm vt/vi/adj. 使平靜;使鎮定。平靜的,鎮靜的,沉著的。 calm down 平靜下來,鎮定下來 quite指人對外界事物感觸的安靜。對人時,側重不激動,平靜溫和,不發表意見。 still指完全沒有聲音或者沒有動靜,突然靜止不動。 silent主要指人不愛說話,沉默不語。

7concern be concerned about 擔心,關心 as/so far asbe concerned 關於,至於,就某人而言 have no concern for 毫不關心 concern oneself in/with/about sth 忙於,從事;關心,關切 have a concern in 和„„有厲害關系 be concerned in/with 參與,與„„有關 高中各年級課件教案習題匯總語文數學英語物理化學

8separate v/adj 分開,和„„分手;單獨的,分開的,不同的 separatefrom 使„„和„„分離

9reason lose ones reason 失去理智,發狂 by reason of 由於 bring sb to reason 說服某人理智些 within reason 合理 without reason 不合理 listen to reason 聽從道理 reason sb into/out of sth 以理說服某人做/不做某事

10power beyond /out of ones power 力所不及的,不能勝任的 =not within ones power in power 當權的,握有政權的 come into power掌權,得勢

11habit form / make a habit of doing=make it a habit to do sth 養成做某事的習慣 be in the habit of 有„„的習慣 fall/get into a habit of 沾染(養成)„„習慣 breakoffa habit=get out a habit 戒除一種習慣 form good habits 養成良好的習 out of habit 出於習慣

12according to為介詞短語,後跟名詞,代詞,不能很從句,表示「根據;按照;試„„而定」。 according to其後引出的信息應來自別人或者別處,不能來自說話者自己。 according to其後不能跟opinionview等名詞。 according as 相當於連詞,後跟從句,意為「正像,根據,按照,如果」。

13join in 區別joinjoin intake part inattend join 參加某個組織或者團體(黨派,軍隊等)<ps:這些名詞前面要加定冠詞>,並且成為其中的一員。 join in 參加正在進行著的活動,如游戲,討論,辯論,談話等。 take part in 參加會議或者群眾性的活動,並且在其中法會一定的作用。 attend 參加會議、儀式、婚禮、葬禮、上課、上學、聽報告等。重在強調「參與」的動作,不強調參加者的作用。

14dare 作實意動詞有人稱和數的變化,也有時態的變化;作情態動詞,用於否定句,疑問句和條件句中,有時態的變化,但是沒有人稱和數的變化。 ①在肯定據中的daredaresdared之後,不定式一遍加to ②在否定句中和疑問句中的dare之後,不定時一般不加to ③在用do或者does構成的否定句和疑問句中,理論上雖然應該有to,實際使用卻經常把to省略。 I dare say„我敢打賭說„„

15go through 經歷;經受;通過考試;經過;審閱;檢查 go with 伴隨,與„„協調 go up 上升;建起;上漲 go over檢查,審查;復習,重溫 go out 熄滅;公布;播出 go ahead 進行,進展;(with)贊同 go into從事,參加(某一行業);調查

16get along with 同„„相處;進展 get away 離開;逃避 get back 回來;拿回 get down 拿下;寫下 get in 進入;收獲 get down to 開始認真做„„ get on/off /下車 get over 克服;戰勝 get across 被理解 get through 完成;通過;接通電話 get up 起床 get it 明白,理解;猜中

17with復合結構,也可以叫做獨立主格結構,在格式上沒有謂語動詞,在句中常作狀語,表示伴隨,原因,方式,條件等。 with+名詞+介詞短語。在句中作狀語,作後置定語。 with+名詞/代詞+過去分詞。其中過去分詞表示被動或者完成了的動作。 with+名詞/代詞+現在分詞。其中現在分詞表示主動或者正在進行的動作。 with+名詞/代詞+不定式。其中不定式表示將要發生的動作。 with+名詞/代詞+形容詞。

18no longer=notany longer 表示不再繼續或者再現過去某一時刻發生或存在而一直延續的動作/狀態時,常用於過去時、現在時或者將來時的句子中。 no more=notany more 表示再也不重復過去反復發生的動作時,常用於過去時或者將來時的句子中。 When he saw the toythe baby cried no longer.當看到玩具時,那嬰兒不再哭了。 Now she wasnt afraid any more..現在她再也不害怕了。

19)①settle down to 決心去做„„,專心去做„„ settle on/upon 決定„„,選定„„ have trouble with 使傷腦筋,苦惱;跟某人鬧別扭 ask for trouble 自討苦吃 be in trouble 在困境中,有糾紛 get sb into trouble 陷入困境 make trouble 惹麻煩 put sb to trouble 麻煩某人 take the trouble to do 費力做

3.語法 直接引語變為間接引語(注意:變化時句子一定為陳述句語序。) 人稱的變化 ①直接引語中主語第一人稱或者被第一人稱所修飾,人稱要與「講話人」的人稱一致。 ②直接引語的第二人稱,或者被第二人稱所修飾,人稱要與「聽話人」的人稱一致。 ③直接引語中的第三人稱不變化。 「一隨主,二隨賓,第三人稱不更改」。 二、時態的變化 直接引語——間接引語 一般現在時——一般過去時 一般過去時——過去完成時 現在進行時——過去進行時 現在完成時——過去完成時 過去完成時——過去完成時 一般將來時——過去將來時 時態不變化的情況: ①直接引語是客觀真理。 ②直接引語是過去進行時,時態不變。 ③直接引語中有具體的過去某年、某月、某日作狀語,變為間接引語時,時態不變。 ④直接引語如果是一般現在時。表示一種反復出現或習慣性的動作,變間接引語,時態不變。 ⑤如果直接引語中的情態動詞沒有過去時的形式(例:ought to had better, used to)和已經是過去時的形式時,(例:could, should, would, might)不再變。 第二單元 1include include是及物動詞,後跟名詞,代詞或者動名詞作賓語,或者跟賓語+介詞短語等。 including通常為介詞,相當於havingsb/sthas a part,包括(某人某物)在內,可與過去分詞included互換。

2present 作形容詞,若表示「在場的,出席的」通常用作標標語或者後置定語;若表示「現在的,現有的」,通常用作前置定語。 作名詞,也可以表示「目前,現在」,多與the連用,常用的片語at present「現在,目前」;還可以表示「禮物」含有「捐贈」的意思。常有的片語有make sb a present of 表示「將某物贈送給某人」。 作動詞,表示「贈送,給與」,後跟雙賓語;也可表示為「正式介紹,引見某人(尤指向級別、地位較高的人)」。 常見用法present ones apologies/compliments/respects„表示某人的歉意/贊揚/敬意„„present oneself 出席,列席; present itself 出現,呈現。

3rule rule over sb/sth 統治某人/某物 rule sth/sb out 把某人/某物排除在外 as a rule 在大多數情況下,通常 表示「控制;影響」時多用作被動語態。 作名詞時表示「規則,規章,條例;慣常用法;統治;尺」。

4recognize 為非延續性動詞,不用於進行時;強調原來認識的東西意為「認出,分辨出」。 表示「承認某人/某物有效或者屬實」有時與as連用。 與名詞或者名詞片語連用,that引導的從句連用,也可表示「認識到,認清某事物」。

5commend 作動詞多為及物動詞,表示命令,後接名詞+不定式。 表示「統率,指揮,控制,掌握」,後常接賓語。 作動詞或名詞都可以跟從句,從句中用should(常省略)+動詞原形。 作名詞常用片語有:in commend of 統率„„的 under the commend of 被„„統率的 get/obtian commend of 控制 take commend of 開始擔任„„的指揮 has commend of 掌握 at/by sbs commend 奉某人命令的,受某人指揮的 commend oneself 控制自己

6request 作動詞時常用的句型:request sb to do sthrequest that sb shoulddo sth request of sb +that從句 作名詞時常用的習語有:at sbs request/at the request of sb 應某人的要求 by request of 由於受到„„的要求 make a request for sth from sb 向某人要求某物

7explain 可作及物或者不及物動詞,作及物動詞時,間接賓語前要加to。例如: The teacher explains to the class the questions. The teacher explains the questions to the class. 老師向全班解釋了這個問題。 explain可接連接代詞,連接副詞或者that引導的從句。還可以接連接代詞或者連接副詞所 引導的不定式短語。

8however 作副詞,若表示轉折,意為「但是,然而,不過」,可放在句首,句中,句末,要用逗號分開;若修飾形容詞或者副詞,意為「無論如何,無論怎樣」。 作連詞,引導讓步狀語從句。意為「不管怎樣,不管用什麼方式」。

9imagine 是動詞,意為「想像,設想,猜想」後跟名詞,動名詞,從句(imagine多以否定形式出現),還可以與as連用。 imagine oneself 表示「想像一下,你若„„」後面所跟的to be結構常被省略。

10such asfor example的區別 都可以作例如講,但是such as用來列舉事物,放在被列舉事物和前面的名詞之間,後直接跟名詞,沒有逗號,一般不如and so on 連用;for example用來舉例說明,有時可作獨立句,插在句子中,後面一般用逗號隔開。 such as 不能將前面所述的數量全部列出;such作形容詞,可與as在句中分開使用,表示「像„„這樣的」,as是關系代詞,引導賓語從句,作主語或者是賓語。

11more than more than與數詞連用,意為「超過,多於」。 more than+名詞,表示超出該名詞所指,意思為「不止,不僅僅是」。 more than+加形容詞或者動詞,表示加重語氣,意思是「很,非常」。 more than+that)從句,其基本意義是超過,但可譯為「簡直不,遠非„„」 more than之間加入形容詞或者副詞,有兩種含義:一中是普通的比較級用法;另外一種是用來表示「與其說„„倒不如說„„」。

12base sth on/upon 意為「以„„為基礎/依據」,被動形式為be based on/upon 13)關於way的一些短語: by the way 順便說說;順便提起 in a way 在某一方面;在某種程度上 in the way 阻礙,阻擋 on ones way to/on the way to 在來/去„„的路上/過程中 in any way 無論如何 in every way 在各個方面,完全 in no way 絕不,無論如何不 lose ones way 迷路;誤入歧途

14nearlyalmost的用法 almost=very nearly,表示」幾乎、差不多」,常可互換使用。 almostnearly可互換使用的場合 (1)在肯定句中 (2)修飾all, every, always等時 (3)在行為動詞的否定式前 ③只能用almost的場合 (1)修飾no, none, never, any以及由noany的合成詞。: (2)修飾表示感覺或心理的動詞或形容詞。: (3)修飾more thantoo ④只能用nearly的場合 (1)very, not, pretty修飾時。 (2)表示要做什麼事但後來」沒有做」或」避開不做」時。 mostly用作副詞,意思是」大體上、主要地、大部分、多半、通常」等。

15)come up 走進;上來;提出;發芽;流行;上升;出現;發生 come up to 達到;數到;不負眾望;合乎(標准等)

B. 高一英語必修一知識點總結

人教版新課標高中英語必修一知識點歸納總結(按單元分) 新課標必修1 Unit1 Friendship 重點片語:
be good to 對….友好 add up 合計 another time 改時間 get sth done 使…被做 calm down 鎮定下來 have got to 不得不 walk the dog 遛狗 make a list of 列出 hide away 躲藏;隱藏 be concerned about 關心;掛念 share sth with sb 和某人分享某物
go through 經歷;仔細檢查 set down 放下;記下 a series of 一系列;一套 be crazy about 對…著迷 on purpose 故意 in order to/ so as to 為了 face to face 面對面地 get along with 與…相處 pack up 收拾,打理行裝
according to 按照;根據…所說 have trouble with sb/sth 同某人鬧意見;做…有困難 communicate with sb 和…交際 throw away the friendship 放棄/終止友誼 try out 試驗;試用 join in 參加(活動) far and wide 到處 look to sth 注意,留心某事 fall in love 相愛 ignorant of 無知的
cheat sb (out) of sth 騙取某人某物 have the/a habit of doing sth 有做…的習慣 句子歸納:
1.I wonder if… 我想知道是否….
2. It』s because… 這是因為…. 此從句中because不能用since或as 代替
3. What do you think a good friend should be like? 你認為一個好朋友應該是什麼樣的呢?
4. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. =While you were walking the dog, …在遛狗時,你不小心讓狗掙脫了繩子,結果狗被車撞了。(當while, when, before, after 等引導的時間狀語從句中的主語與主句的主語一致時,可將從句中的主語和be動詞省去。)

5. Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? 你想有一位無話不談、能推心置腹的朋友嗎?
6. I haven』t been able to be outdoors for so long that I』ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. 我已經很久不能去戶外,所以我變得對自然界的所有東西都很感興趣。 7. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. 我記得非常清楚,曾有一段時間,湛藍的天空、鳥兒的歌唱、月光和鮮花,從未使我心醉神迷過。 8. It was the first time in a year and a half that I』d seen the night face to face. 這是我一年半以來第一次目睹夜晚。
9. I would be grateful if you could give me some advice. 如果您給我提些建議,我會非常感謝的。 (I would be grateful if… 委婉客氣提出請求)
10. It』s a good habit for you to keep a diary. 記日記對你來說是個好習慣。 11. She found it difficult to settle and… 12. This series of readers is very interesting. 13. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
14. People are told that their actions should be as gentle as the wind that blows from the sea.
新課標必修1 Unit2 重點片語:
in…ways 在…方面 such as 例如 believe it or not 信不信由你 come up with 提出 come up to a place 參觀某地 ever before 從前 even if/ though 即使 at the end of 在…末期 be based on 在...基礎上 close to 距離…近 change…into 把…變成 in the early days 在早期 take…with…隨身攜帶 the same…as 與…相同的 at present 目前

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be absent from 缺席 be present at 在席;出席 carry out a rule 執行規則 be a native of 是…人 at sb』s request 應某人的要求 have a command of掌握 make a request 請求 request that …(should)+v原形 in one direction 朝一個方向 give commands 命令 be different from 與…不同 i n the 1600』s = in the 1600s as a rule 通常;照例 be native to 是…的土產動物/植物 as we know 正如我們所知 an international language 一門國際語言 an international organization 一個國際組織 play a role/ part (in) 在…中擔任角色;在…中起作用;扮演一個角色;參與 play an important role/ part 在…中起重要作用 because of 因為;由於 come up (vi) 走進;上來;發生;被討論 make (good/ full) use of (好好/充分)利用
from one place to another 從一處到另一處 present sth to sb / present sb with sth 句子歸納:
1. However, they may not be able to understand everything. (然而,他們可能不是什麼都懂。)
2. This is because Britain ruled India from 1765 to 1947. (這是因為英國於1765年到1947年統治過印度。)
3. All languages change when cultures communicate with one another. (當不同文化互相溝通時,所有的語言都會發生變化。) 4. What the British call 「petrol」 the Americans call 「gas」.
(美國人把被英國人稱作「petrol」的東西稱作「gas」。 此處what引導賓語從句) 5. Actually, it was based more on German than present day English. (實際上,當時的英語更多地是以德語為基礎的,而現代英語不是。)
6. …those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English. 7. The US is a large country in which many different dialects are spoken.
(in which= where, 其引導定語從句。 美國是一個大國,國內說著許許多多的方言。)

C. 高一英語必修一一二單元 重點單詞 及相關單詞短語總結

1. add up 合計;加起來
2. calm down 平靜下來;鎮定下來
3. have got to 不得不;必須
4. be concerned about …關心……;掛念……
5. walk the dog 遛狗
6. pay for… 為……付錢
7. share…with… 與……分擔/分享……
8. laugt at… 嘲笑……
9. go through… 經歷;經受……
10.hide away 躲藏;隱藏
11.set down 放下;記下;登記
12.a series of… 一連串的;一系列;一套……
13.on purpose 故意
14.grow/be crazy about…
15.in order to… 為了……
16.happen to do sth.碰巧做某事
17.go downstairs下樓
18.face to face 面對面地
19.put away… 把……放下來(待用)
20.at sk 黃昏時分
21.have trouble with… 在……方面有麻煩
22.go along/on with… 與……相處;進展
23.fall in love… 相愛……;愛上……
24.think of… 想出……;想到……
25.join in… 參加……;加入……
26.show one』s interest in … 對……感興趣
27.communicate with… 與……交流
28.pay attention to…注意 ……
29.more than one… 不止一個……
30.in some important ways
31.be different from… 與……不同
32.as a first or second language 作為第一或第二語言
33.because of… 因為……
34.British English 英國英語
35.American English 美國英語
36.than ever before 比以往任何時候更……
37.the number of… ……的數目
38.even if/though 即使
39.came up(with) 提出;長出;走進(某地);發生
40.over time 經過這段時間
41.be based on 以……為根據;把……建築在……的基礎上
42.make (full)use of… (充分)利用;(充分)使用
43.a number of… 許多……;大量……
44.such as… 諸如……
45.at present 現在;目前
46.dream about/of doing sth.夢想做某事
47.be excited about 對……興奮
48.graate from… 從……畢業
49.make up one』s mind
50.persuade sb.to do sth.勸說某人做某事
51.grow up 長大;成長
52.the way of doing/to do sth.作某事的方式
53.care about… 關心……;惦念……
54.a determined look 一個堅定的眼神
55.change one』s mind 改變主意
56.give in 投降;屈服;讓步
57.keep doing sth.繼續做某事
58.at an altitude of…
59.at first 起初;開始
60.ever since 自那以後
61.in one』s daily life 在某人日常生活中
62.an interesting experience 一次有趣的經歷
63.take a bike trip 騎自行車旅行
64.get a chance to do sth.
65.make bends through…蜿蜒穿過……
66.at the college 在大學里
67.get sb.interested in … 使某人對……感興趣
68.breathe the air/take a breath 呼吸
69.be fond of… 喜歡……
70.so…that… 如此……以致於……
71.as usual 像往常一樣
72.make camp 宿營;野營
73.change…for… 把……替換成……;用……代替……
74.put up 搭起;張貼
75.at midnight 在半夜
76.at this point 在這個地方
77.can』t wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事
78.go to sleep 睡著了
79.for company 做伴 ;一起
80.look around 環顧四周
81.travel journal 旅遊日記
82.practise reading aloud 練習大聲朗讀
83.have a good time 玩得開心
84.have a good trip 旅途愉快
85.take care 當心;小心
86.say hello to sb.向某人問好
87.have fun 玩得高興
88.right away 立刻;馬上
89.for three days 三天來
90.in the farmyards 在農家院子里
91.jump out of… 從……中跳出來
92.think little of… 對……不在意;認為……不好
93.at an end 結束;終結
94.the 20th century 20世紀
95.cut across… 橫穿……;穿近路
96.lie in ruins 陷於一片廢墟之中
97.instead of… 代替……
98.tens of thousands of…數以百萬計的……
99.under the ruins 在廢墟下面
100.later that afternoon那天下午晚些時候
101.fall down 倒塌
102.dig out 挖出
103.coal mine 煤礦
104.to the north of…
105.give a speech 作演講
106.a group of… 一組……;一群……
107.be proud of…/take pride in …對……感到自豪
108.in the terrible disaster 在這場可怕的災難中
109.give out 散發;頒發;被用完;耗盡
110.thousands of… 成千上萬……
111.break out 爆發
112.in one』s direction 朝著某人的方向
113.a frightening night
114.frightened cows 受驚嚇的牛
115.get on well with…
116.be willing to do sth.
117.refuse to do sth.拒絕做某事
118.be active in… 熱心於……;積極做……
119.lose heart 氣餒;泄氣
120.fight against… 與……作斗爭
121.fight for… 為……而斗爭
122.World WarⅡ二戰
123.the three principles 三民主義
124.give up a rich life 放棄富裕的生活
125.give up doing sth.放棄做某事
126.be free from… 擺脫……
127.in a peaceful way 以和平的方式
128.land on the moon 登上月球
129.South Africa 南非
130.advise sb.(not)to do sth.建議某人(不)做某事
131.advise sb.on sth.就某事向某人提建議
132.be…away 有……遠
133.break the law 違法
134.as a matter of fact/in fact 事實上
135.blow up 爆炸;炸毀
136.put sb.in prison 把某人投入監獄
137.achieve/realize one』s dream 實現夢想
138.work out 計算出;解出
139.fit in… 適合……
140.escape from… 從……逃出
141.imagine doing sth.
142.ring the lunch breaks 在午休時間
143.the hardest time of one』s life 某人一生中最艱難的歲月
144.be asleep 睡著
145.allow sb.to do sth.允許某人做某事
146.allow doing sth.允許做某事
147.stop sb.(from)doing sth.阻止某人做某事
148.be well ecated 受到良好的教育
149.in prison 在服刑;在獄中
150.fing out 找出;查明
151.government buildings
152.come to/into power 執政;上台
153.take sb.round…領某人參觀
154.beg for 乞求;要求
155.the first time +從句
156.come back 回憶起來;恢復;回來
157.be able to do sth.
158.encourage sb.to do sth.鼓勵某人做某事
159.at the age of 51 在51歲時
160.enter university 上大學
161.set up law office 設立法律事務所
162.be sentenced to… 被判處……
163.write down 寫下;記下
164.sort out 整理;歸類

D. 高中必修一各單元英語知識點



Unit One Friendship

一、重點 短語

1.go through 經歷,經受

get through 通過;完成;接通電話

2. set down 記下,放下

3. a series of 一系列

4. on purpose 有目的的

5. in order to 為了

6. at sk 傍晚,黃昏時刻

7. face to face 面對面

8. fall in love 愛上

9. join in 參加(某個活動);

take part in 參加(活動)

join 加入(組織,團隊,並成為其中一員)

10. calm down 冷靜下來

11. suffer from 遭受

12. be/get tired of…對…感到厭倦

13. be concerned about 關心

14. get on/along well with 與…相處融洽

15. be good at/do well in 擅長於…

16. find it + adj. to do sth. 發現做某事是…

17. no longer / not …any longer 不再…

18. too much 太多(後接不可數n.)

much too 太…(後接adj.)

19. not…until 直到… 才

20. it』s no pleasure doing sth 做… 並不開心

21. make sb. sth. 使某人成為…

make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事




例: Mr. Black said, 「 I』m busy.」

Mr. Black said that he was busy.




人稱的變化——人稱的變化主要是要理解 句子 的意思

例:1. He said, 「 I like it very much.」 → He said that he liked it very much.

2. He said to me, 「I』v left my book in your room.」

→ He told me that he had left his book in my room.


Unit two English around the world


1. be different from 與…不同

be the same as 與…一樣

2. one another 相互,彼此(=each other)

3. official language 官方語言

4. at the end of 在…結束時

5. because of 因為(後接名詞或名詞性短語)

because 因為(後接句子)

6. native speakers 說母語的人

7. be based on 根據,依據

8. at present 目前;當今

9. especially 特別,尤其

specially 專門地

10. make use of 利用…

make the best of 充分利用…

11. a large number of 大量的,很多(作主語,謂語動詞用復數)

the number of …的數量(作主語,謂語動詞用單數)

12. in fact = actually= as a matter of fact 事實上

13. believe it or not 信不信由你

14. there is no such thing as… 沒有這樣的事…

15. be expected to …被期待做某事

16. play a part/role in … 在…起作用

17. make lists of…列清單

18. included 包括(前面接包括的對象)


19. command sb. to do sth. 命令某人去做某事

command + that 從句(從句用should+V原)

20. request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事

request + that 從句(從句用should+V原)



例:1. 「 Look at the example」, the teacher said to us.

2. Open the window!


例:1. 「 Would you like to see my flat?」 She asked.

2. Would you please open the window?


Unit 3 Travel journal


1. travel----泛指旅行





2. prefer to 更加喜歡,寧願

prefer A to B 比起B,更喜歡A

prefer doing to doing 比起做…,寧願做…

prefer to do rather than do 與其做…, 不如…

3. flow through 流過,流經

4. ever since 自從

5. persuade sb. to do sth. 說服某人做某事

6. be fond of 喜歡

7. insist on doing 堅持做某事

insist + that 從句(用should+ V原)

8. care about 關心

9. change one』s mind 改變想法

10. altitude 高度

attitude 態度,看法

11. make up one』s mind to do下定決心做某事

= decide to do = make a decision to do

12. give in 讓步,屈服

give up 放棄

13. be surprised to … 對…感到驚奇

to one』s surprise 令某人驚訝的是…

14. at last = finally = in the end 最終

15. stop to do 停下來去做某事

stop doing 停止做某事

16. as usual 像往常一樣

17. so…that 如此… 以至於…

So + adj + a/an + n. + that

Such + a/an +adj. + n. + that

18. be familiar with 對…熟悉(人作主語)

be familiar to 為…所熟悉(物作主語)


現在進行時表將來,表示最近按計劃或安排要進行的動作,常見的現在進行時表將來的動詞有:come/ go / leave/ arrive / travel / take / stay/ do等.

例:1. I』m coming. 我就來

2. what are you doing next Sunday ? 你下個星期天做什麼?

3. I hear that you are travelling along Mekong River. 我聽說你將沿湄公河旅行

4. Where are you staying at night? 你們晚上待在哪裡/


Unit four Earthquakes


1. right away 立刻,馬上(= at once = in no time)

2. asleep 睡著的;熟睡地(fall asleep 入睡)

sleep 睡;睡眠

sleepy 犯困的

3. it seems that/ as if … 看來好像… ;似乎

4. in ruins 成為廢墟

5. the number of …的數量(謂語動詞用單數)

a number of 大量(謂語動詞用復數)

6. rescue workers 營救人員

Come to one』s rescue 營救某人

7. be trapped 被困

8. how long 多長時間

how often 多久,指平率

how soon 還要多久(用於將來時當中,用in+時間段回答)

9. hundreds of thousands of 成千上萬的

10. dig out 挖出

11. shake----泛指「動搖,震動」,常指左右、上下動搖,也可以指人「震驚,顫抖」

例:1. She felt the earth shaking under him.

2. She was shaken with anger.

quake---- 指較強烈的震動,如地震

例: The building quaked on its foundation

Tremble---- 指人由於寒冷、恐懼、不安等引起的身體的抖動或聲音的顫抖

例:Suddenly I saw her lips begin to tremble and tears begin to flow down her cheeks.

Shiver---- 多指寒冷引起的顫抖、哆嗦

例:A sudden gust of cold wind made me shiver.

12. rise (rose—risen)---- vi, 上升;升起, 無被動語態;give rise to 引起

Raise(raised—raised)---- vt, 舉起;籌集;養育

Arise ( arose—arisen)----vt, 出現(常指問題或現象)

13. injure---- 常指因意外事故造成的損傷,也可以指感情上名譽上的傷害

例:He was injured in a car accident.

harm---- 泛指「傷害,損害」,既可以指有生命的,也可以指無生命的

例:1. He was afraid that his fury would harm the child.

2. His business was harmed for some reason.

hurt---- 既可以指肉體上的傷害,也可以指精神上的傷害

例:1. She hurt her leg when she fell.

2. He felt hurt at your word.

wound---- 一般指槍傷、刀傷等在戰場上受的傷

例:The bullet wounded him in the arm.

14. be prepared for …= make preparations for… 為…做准備

15. in one』s honor 向…表示敬意;為紀念

Be/ feel honored to do … 做…感到很榮幸

16. make /give/ deliver a speech 發言

opening speech 開幕詞

17. give/ provide shelter to …向…提供庇護所

seek shelter from…躲避

18. happen to + n./ pron. 遭遇,發生

happen to do sth. 偶然;碰巧

happen ----指偶然發生

take place----指事先計劃好的事情發生




1. 關系代詞that的用法


例:1)A plane is a machine that can fly. (指物,作主語)

2)The noodles (that) I cooked were delicious. (指物,作賓語)

3)Who is the man that is reading a book over there? (指人,作主語)

4)The girl (that) we saw yesterday was Jim』s sister,(指人,作賓語)

2. 關系代詞which的用法


例:1)They planted some trees which didn』t need much water. (作主語)

2)The fish (which) we bought this morning were not fresh. (作賓語)

3. 關系代詞who,whom的用法

關系代詞who,whom 只能指人,在定語從句中分別作主語和賓語

例:1)The foreigner who helped us yesterday is from USA.(作主語)

2)The person to whom you just talked to is Mr. Li. (作賓語)、

4. 關系代詞whose在的用法


例:1)This is the scientist whose name is known all over the world. (指人,作主語)

2) The room whose window faces south is mine. (指物,作主語)

3)He has written a book whose name I』ve forgotten. (指物,作賓語)

5. 關系副詞when的用法


例:1)I』ll never forget the time when (=ring which) we worked on the farm.

2) Do you remember the afternoon when (=on which) we first met three years ago?

6. 關系副詞where在定語從句中的用法


例:1)This is the place where( =at/ in which) we first met.

2) The hotel where (= in which ) we stayed wasn』t very clean.

7. 關系副詞why在定語從句中的用法


例: 1). I didn』t get a pay rise, but this wasn』t the reason why(= for which) I left.

2). The reason why (=for which) he has late was that he missed the train.


Unit 5 Nelson Mandela – a modern hero


1. selfish 自私的

selfless 無私的

2. devote oneself to… 致力於;獻身於

3. fight against 對抗,反對

fight for 為… 而戰

4. principle 原則

principal 校長;主要的

5. offer guidance to …給…提供指導

6. out of work 失業

7. join 加入(組織,俱樂部,成為其中一員)

join in 參加(活動)

take part in 參加(活動)

8. as + adj +as one can 盡可能…

= as + adj. +as possible

9. as a matter of fact 事實上(=in fact)

10. blow up 爆炸,炸掉

11. set up 建立 ; set about 著手,開始做( set about doing sth.)

set off 出發,動身 ; set out 開始,出發(set out to do sth.)

12. be sentenced to 被判…

13. be equal to 與…相等;勝任

14. be proud of 為…感到自豪

15. give out 分發 (give off 散發出(氣味))

16. die for 為…而死

die of 死於(自身原因,如疾病)

die from 死於(外在原因,如車禍)

17. realize one』s dream of … 實現..的夢想

18. only 位於句首時,要主謂倒裝

例:Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.

Only in this way, can we protect the environment better.


高中必修一各單元英語知識點相關 文章 :

★ 人教版高中英語必修一語法知識點總結

★ 英語高一必修一語法知識點匯總

★ 高一英語必修一知識點匯總筆記

★ 英語必修一單元一知識點總結

★ 高一英語必修一知識點歸納總結

★ 高一英語必修一重要知識點總結筆記

★ 英語高一必修一語法總結

★ 高一英語必修一知識點梳理

★ 高一英語必修一知識點總結

★ 高一英語必修一語法知識總結

E. 求高一必修一英語一二單元知識點總結。

1. be good to 對……友好
be good for 對……有益;be bad to…/be bad for…
I will be good to other people.我會善良的對待其他人.
It would be good for you to spend a holiday in the sun. 在有陽光的地方度假會給你帶來很多好處。
The Olympics will be good for business. 奧運會的召開將有利於商業的發展。
be good at 擅長make good 有成就;成功as good as 實際上;幾乎等於
a good deal 許多,大量 徹底的;完全的;痛快的to have a good drink 喝個痛快
2. add up 加起來
add up to 合計,總計
add… to 把……加到…… add to 增加
Add up your score and see how many points you get? 把你的分數加起來,看看得多少?
Some people can add up quite easily in their heads, but not all.
Good friends do not add up what they do for each other; instead they offer help when it is needed.
The figures add up to 270. 這些數字加起來是270。
You shouldn』t add fuel to the flame 你不應該火上加油
Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night. 焰火使節日的夜晚更加生色。
The bad weather added to the shipwrecked sailors』 difficulties.惡劣的天氣增加了失事船隻的船員們的困難。
Your friend can not go until he finishes cleaning his bike.
not…until/till 意思是「直到…才」,表示主句謂語所表示的動作直到until狀語所表示的時間才發生,主句的謂語動詞表示的是動作的開始,動詞既可以是延續性的,也可以是非延續性的。
They did not come back until eleven. 他們會在十一點後回來。
I did not notice it until yesterday.我一直到昨天才注重到它。
4. You had to pay to get it repaired
get sth done 使……完成/讓某人做某事
5. You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down.
I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely!
calm …down使平息, 使平靜
calm down平息/平靜下來
The crying child soon calmed down.哭鬧的小孩不多一會就安靜下來。
It was a long time before he managed to calm himself down. 過了很久他才努力使自己冷靜下來。
We tried to calm him down, but he kept crying.
6. Tell your friend that you are concerned about him. be concerned about關心,掛念
He was very concerned about his children's ecation. 他很關心他兒子的教育。
Please don』t be concerned about me.請別為我操心。
Why is she so concerned about his attitude to her work? 她為什麼那麼關注他對她的工作的看法?
7. Your friend has gone on holiday and asked you to take care of his dog.
go on holiday 度假
be on holiday 正在休假
What fun it will be when we all go on holiday together.我們大家一起去度假那可太有意思了.
take care of 愛護,照料
take care 注意,當心
You are not (physically) strong, so you may as well take care of your health. 你的體格不壯,因此最好注意健康。
8. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose. 在遛狗的時候,你一粗心松開了手中的狗鏈。
當while, when, before, after 等引導的時間狀語從句中的主語與主句的主語一致時,可將從句中的主語和be動詞省去。
walk sb home/ to a place: 為保證安全而陪某人去某地 It』s late ---- let me walk you home.
9. take one』s end-of-term exam 參加期末考試
10. 3) Your friend, who doesn』t work hard, asks you to help him cheat in the end-of-term exam.(非限制性定語從句)
cheat in the exam 考試作弊
11. look at someone else』s paper 看別人的試卷
12. make a list of reasons 列舉一些原因
13. Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? 你想有一位無話不談、能推心置腹的朋友嗎?
14. go through遭遇;經歷;熬過;用光(錢);獲准,通過
It can go through the test of the time. 它能經受時間的考驗.
She knew that she had got to go through all the difficulties with her family.
He would go through fire and water for his country. 他願為國家赴湯蹈火。
15. hide away 躲藏;隱藏
16. I don』t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do,…我不願像大多數人一樣在日記中記流水賬,……
Why don't you set your ideas down on paper?
We have had a series of stormy days when we were on the island.
The police asked him to set down what he had seen in a report. 警察讓他在報告中寫下他所看見的事情。
16. I wonder if it』s because I haven』t been able to be outdoors for so long that I』ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. 我不知道這是不是因為我長久無法出門的緣故,我變得對一切與大自然有關的事物都無比狂熱。
17. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. 我記得非常清楚,曾有一段時間,湛藍的天空、鳥兒的歌唱、月光和鮮花,從未使我心醉神迷過。
18. I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself.
19. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn't dare open a window.但是因為月光太亮了,我不敢打開窗戶。
She speaks French far better than I, so I don't dare talk with her in French.
20. I happened to be upstairs at sk when the window was open. 黃昏時我碰巧在樓上,那時窗戶是開著的。
sth happen to sb 某人發生某事
What happened to him?
sb happen to do sth 某人碰巧做某事 正巧 it so happened that 。。。
It happened that he was seen by his father. = He happened to be seen by his father.
As I was about to go out and search for him, he happened to come in. 正當我打算出去找他時,他恰巧進來。
The street lights go on at sk. 街上的路段在傍晚時分亮起來。
21. It was the first time in a year and a half that I had seen the night face to face. 這是我一年半以來第一次目睹夜晚。
It is the first (second…etc) that… (從句謂語動詞用現在完成時)
It was the first (second…etc) that… (從句謂語動詞用過去完成時)
the first time 可作從屬連詞用,引導時間狀語從句。The first time I saw her, my heart stopped.
It was the first time that I talked with a foreigner face to face.
I think we need a face-to-face talk so as to clear the misunderstanding.
I have often heard of her. Actually, I've never met her face to face.
22. in one』s power 處於……的控制之中
I have got him in my power. I can ask him to do anything I want. 我控制了他,我可以讓他為我做任何事。
23. It』s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.觀看這些已不再是樂趣,因為大自然是你必須親身體驗的。
It』s no good/ use doing sth. 做某事時沒用的。
24. She found it difficult to settle and calm down in the hiding place.
25. suffer from 患…病; 受…苦痛;遭受
Most of the important cities of the world suffer from traffic jam. 世界上大多數大城市都交通堵塞為患。
26. It was such fun to watch it run loose in the park.
27. I』ve got tired of looking nature through dirty curtains and sty windows.
28. I need to pack up my things in the suitcase very quickly.
29. Mum asked her if she was very hot with so many clothes on.
The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back.
30. have some trouble with sb or sth. 在……上遇到了麻煩
I have some trouble with my studies.
31. get along … with sb/sth. 與某人相處怎樣/某事進展如何?
If you have some trouble (in) getting along with your friends, you can write to the editor and ask for advice. 如果你在和朋友的相處上有問題,你可以寫信給編輯向他徵求建議。
32. This has made me angry.
…he made her diary her best friend…
make 後接復合賓語,賓語補足語須用不帶to 的不定式、形容詞、過去分詞、名詞等。常見的有以下幾種形式:
make sb. do sth.讓(使)某人做某事。He was made to repeat it.(注意在被動句中,不定式前要加to)
make sb. /sth. +adj.使某人/物…We should do our best to make our country stronger and more beautiful.
make sb./ oneself +v-ed 讓某人/自己被…When you speak, you should make yourself understood.
(4) make sb.+n. 使某人成為…
make it n. /adj.+(for sb.) to do sth. We made him leader of our team. (注意表示職位的名詞前不加冠詞)
He made it easy for us to understand the text.
33. I』m not good at communicating with people.
34. Although I tried to talk to my classmates, I still found it hard to make friends with them.
35. I do want to change this situation, but I don』t know how.
36. Mr. Jones lives alone and often feels lonely. 瓊斯先生單獨一人生活,常常感到孤獨。
37. I would be grateful if you could give me some advice. 如果您給我提些建議,我會非常感謝的。 (I would be grateful if… 委婉客氣提出請求)
38. join in discussions and show interest in other people』s ideas
39. It』s a good habit for you to keep a diary. 記日記對你來說是個好習慣。
40. Why not have a try?
41.True friends are like wine; the older, the better.
42. People are told that their actions should be as gentle as the wind that blows from the sea.
43. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

F. 人教版高一英語必修一,二有哪些語法知識

一. 直接引語和間接引語


1. 時態的變化:直接引語變為間接引語時,通常受轉述動詞said, asked等的影響而使用過去化的時態,即把原來的時態向過去推,也就是一般現在時變為一般過去時,現在進行時變為過去進行時,等等。例如:
Tom said to me,「My brother is doing his homework.」
→Tom said to me that his brother was doing his homework.

2. 人稱代詞、指示代詞、時間狀語、地點狀語等等的變化: 根據意義進行相應的變化,例如:
She asked Jack,「Where have you been?」
→She asked Jack where he had been.

He said,「These books are mine.」
→He said that those books were his.

(二)直接引語改為間接引語時,都使用陳述語序,但是因為原句的句式不同,所以變成間接引語時所用的連詞會有所不同。直接引語如果是一般疑問句,用連接詞whether或if;如果是特殊疑問句,則用疑問詞引導間接引語。轉述的動詞一般用asked,可以在其後加上一個間接賓語me, him, her, us等。如:
She said,「Is your father at home?」
→She asked me if/whether my father was at home.

「What do you do every Sunday?」My friend asked me.
→My friend asked me what I did every Sunday.

直接引語如果是祈使句,改為間接引語時,要將祈使句的動詞原形變為帶to的不定式,並在不定式的前面根據原句的語氣(即請求或命令)加上ask, tell, order等動詞,如果祈使句為否定式,則在不定式前加not。其句型為:ask / tell / order someone (not) to do something. 例如:
She said to us,「Please sit down.」
→She asked us to sit down.

He said to him,「Go away!」
→He ordered him to go away.

He said, 「Don』t make so much noise, boys.」
→He told the boys not to make so much noise.

二. 各種時態的被動語態
被動語態的概念:它是動詞的一種形式,表示主語與謂語之間的執行或被執行關系。主動語態表示主語是謂語動作的執行者,例如:They saw the little boy crying by the river. 被動語態表示主語是謂語動作的承受者,例如:The little boy was seen crying by the river.

1. 一般現在時 am/is/are + 過去分詞
例如:Rice is planted in the south of China.

2. 一般過去時 was/were + 過去分詞
例如:These trees were planted the year before last.

3. 一般將來時 will/shall + be + 過去分詞
例如:A sports meeting will be held next week in our school.

4. 現在進行時 am/is/are + being + 過去分詞
例如:Your radio is being repaired now.

5. 過去進行時 was/were + being + 過去分詞
When he got there, the problem was being discussed.

6. 現在完成時 have/has + been + 過去分詞
His work has been finished.
Has his work been finished? Yes, it has. / No, it hasn』t.

7. 過去完成時 had + been + 過去分詞
1.除了be之外的其它系動詞如get, stay等也可以和過去分詞構成被動語態。例如:Their questions haven』t got answered.

2. 含有情態動詞的謂語變成被動語態使用「情態動詞+ be + 過去分詞」結構。例如:
More attention should be paid to the old in this country.
This work can』t be done until Mr. Black comes.

3. 含有「be going to」, 「be to」等結構的謂語,其被動語態分別用「be going to + be + 過去分詞」和「be to + be + 過去分詞」。例如:
The problem is going to be discussed at the next meeting.
All these books are to be taken to the library.

4. 被動語態與系表結構的區別:「連系動詞+用作表語的過去分詞」構成的系表結構,與被動語態的形式完全一樣,所以應注意它們的區別。被動語態中的過去分詞是動詞,多強調動作;系表結構中的過去分詞相當於形容詞,多強調狀態。前者通常可用by 引出動作的執行者,而後者則不可以。例如:
The map was changed by someone.(被動結構)
That custom remained unchanged for many centuries.(系表結構)
He was very excited.(系表結構)
He was much excited by her words.(被動結構)

5. 主動形式表被動意義。有些動詞的主動形式有被動意味,如 open, read, sell, shut, wash, wear, write等。此時句子的主語一般是物。例如:
These books sell well. 這些書很暢銷。
The door won』t shut. 這門關不上。
The clothes wash well. 這些衣服很好洗。

G. 人教版高一英語必修一各個單元的語法知識點

一. 一般現在時
1. 表示主語現在所處的狀態及其所具備的特徵、性格、能力等
例如:I am a girl.
2. 表示習慣性、經常性的動作
例如:I usually go to bed at 9:00.
3. 標志性的詞語
Always often sometimes now and then
4. 若助於為第三人稱單數(he she it)則動詞要用單三現
二. 現在進行時
1. 說話時正在進行的動作
例如:I am reading.
2.表示即將發生的動作,多用於go come start leave return arrive stay fly等詞語之中,句子中常常有時間狀語
例如:The plane is going to Beijing.
3.當句子中出現了always 、forever 、constantly 、continually 、
All the time等
例如:I am always thinking of you.
三. 倍數比較
1.A+系動詞+倍數詞+as+ adj \adv的原型+as+B
例如:The class is twice as big as that one.
例如:The class is twice bigger than that class.
3.A+系動詞+倍數詞+the size\amount(數量)\ength\width\height
例如:The class is twice the size of that class.
四. With的復合結構
1. With+賓語+賓語補足語
例如:Tom was quite safe with Lucy standing behind him.
例如:With all things she need bought,she went home.
○3with+賓語+to do
例如:With so many thing to deal with.
五. 現在完成進行時
1.基本表達式(I have been doing )
I/ we/ you/ they have been doing sth.
he/ she/ it has been doing sth.
The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years.
I have been learning English since three years ago.
We have been waiting for you for half an hour.
例如:They have been living in this city for ten years.
They have lived in this city for ten years.
I have been working here for five years.
I have worked here for five years.
例如:I have been writing a book.(動作還將繼續下去)
I have written a book.(動作已經完成)
They have been building a bridge.
They have built a bridge.
例如:I have known him for years.
I have been knowing...
這類不能用於現在完成進行時的動詞還有:love愛,like喜歡, hate討厭,等。
yesterday, last week,…ago, in1980, in October, just now, 具體的時間狀語
this morning, tonight,this April, now, once,before, already, recently,lately
for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet, till / until, up to now, in past years, always,
3.現在完成時可表示持續到現在的動作或狀態,動詞一般是延續性的,如live, teach, learn, work, study, know.
過去時常用的非持續性動詞有come, go, leave, start, die, finish, become, get married等。
例如: I saw this film yesterday.
I have seen this film.
Why did you get up so early?
Who hasn't handed in his paper?
She has returned from Paris.
She returned yesterday.
He has been in the League for three years.
He has been a League member for three years.
He joined the League three years ago.
( 三年前入團,joined為短暫行為。)
I have finished my homework now.
---Will somebody go and get Dr. White?
---He's already been sent for.
句子中如有過去時的時間副詞(如 yesterday, last, week, in 1960)時,不能使用現在完成時,要用過去時。
(錯)Tom has written a letter to his parents last night. (對)Tom wrote a letter to his parents last night.
1. 概念:表示過去的過去
其構成是had +過去分詞構成。
那時以前 那時 現在
2. 用法
a. 在told, said, knew, heard, thought等動詞後的賓語從句。
She said (that) she had never been to Paris.
b. 狀語從句
When the police arrived, the thieves had run away.
c. 表示意向的動詞,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用過去完成時表示"原本…,未能…"
We had hoped that you would come, but you didn't.
3.過去完成時的時間狀語before, by, until , when, after, once, as soon as。
例如:He said that he had learned some English before.
By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself.
Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party.
I / we / they have been + 動詞的現在分詞
He / she / it has been + 動詞的現在分詞 功用如下:
2. 表示一個在過去開始而在最近剛剛結束的行動,如:
Ann is very tired. She has been working hard.
Why are you clothes so dirty? What have you been doing?
It has been raining for two hours. (現在還在下)
Jack hasn』t been feeling very well recently.
4. 表示一個從過去開始延續到現在,可以包括現在在內的一個階段內,重復發生的行動,如:
She has been playing tennis since she was eight.
5. 現在完成時強調動作行為的結果、影響,而現在完成進行時只強調動作行為本身,如:
Tom』s hands are very dirty. He has been repairing the car.
The car is going again now. Tom has repaired it.
現在完成時有否定結構、而現在完成進行時沒有否定結構。 現在完成時態可表示做完的時期以及已有的經驗、但現在完成進行時不可以 現在完成進行時的否定結構 現在完成進行時有時也可用否定結構。
如: Since that unfortunate accident last week, I haven』t been sleeping at all well. 自從上周發生了那次不幸事故之後,我一直睡得很不好.
He hasn』t been working for me and I haven』t has that much contact with him. 他並沒有給我工作過,我和他沒有過那許多接觸。

H. 高一必修一英語知識點




I. 高一英語模塊一二知識點歸納

在高中一直強調學習這個東西,其實這個就相當於你的任務一樣,高中就是以學習為主,因為高三的最後我們要面臨高考,也是決定人生的選擇,所以好好學習,下面是我給大家帶來的 高一英語 模塊一二知識點歸納,希望大家能夠喜歡!



1. persuade



persuade sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事

persuade sb. to do sth. 說服某人做某事

persuade sb. into doing sth. 說服某人做某事

persuade sb. out of doing sth. 說服某人不要做某事

persuade sb. that-clause 使某人相信……


talk sb. into/out of doing sth.=reason sb. into/out of doing sth.


trick sb. into/out of doing sth. 誘使某人做/不做某事

urge sb. into/out of doing sth. 慫恿某人做/不做某事



advise 強調"勸告,建議"的動作,不注重結果;而persuade強調"已經說服",重在結果。用法上:advise可跟v.-ing形式作賓語,也可以接that-clause (that sb. should do),而persuade則不能。

I persuaded him of its truth. 我使他相信這是真的。

We will persuade him to take the medicine.


We persuaded her into taking the job.


I persuaded my father out of smoking.



重點 短語

1. be fond of 愛好

2. treat…as…把……看作為……

3. make friends with 與……交朋友

4. argue with sb. about / oversth. 與某人爭論某事

5. hunt for尋找

6. in order to為了

7. share…with與……分享

8. bring in引進;賺錢

9. a great / good many許多…

10. have difficulty (in) doing做……有困難

11. end up with以……結束

12. except for除……之外

13. come about發生

14. make(a)fire生火

15. make yourself at home別拘束

16. the majority of大多數

17. drop sb. a line給某人寫簡訊

18. for the first time第一次

19. at all根本;竟然

20. have a (good) knowledge of…精通……


1. i think…

i like / love / hate...

i enjoy...

my interests are...

2. did you have a good flight?

you must be very tired.

just make yourself at home.

i beg your pardon?

can you tell me how to pronounce...?

get it.


一. 直接引語和間接引語


1. 時態的變化:直接引語變為間接引語時,通常受轉述動詞said, asked等的影響而使用過去化的時態,即把原來的時態向過去推,也就是一般現在時變為一般過去時,現在進行時變為過去進行時,等等。例如:

Tom said to me,「My brother is doing his homework.」

→Tom said to me that his brother was doing his homework.

2. 人稱代詞、指示代詞、時間狀語、地點狀語等等的變化: 根據意義進行相應的變化,例如:

She asked Jack,「Where have you been?」

→She asked Jack where he had been.

He said,「These books are mine.」

→He said that those books were his.

(二)直接引語改為間接引語時,都使用陳述語序,但是因為原句的句式不同,所以變成間接引語時所用的連詞會有所不同。直接引語如果是一般疑問句,用連接詞whether或if;如果是特殊疑問句,則用疑問詞引導間接引語。轉述的動詞一般用asked,可以在其後加上一個間接賓語me, him, her, us等。如:

She said,「Is your father at home?」

→She asked me if/whether my father was at home.

「What do you do every Sunday?」My friend asked me.

→My friend asked me what I did every Sunday.

直接引語如果是祈使句,改為間接引語時,要將祈使句的動詞原形變為帶to的不定式,並在不定式的前面根據原句的語氣(即請求或命令)加上ask, tell, order等動詞,如果祈使句為否定式,則在不定式前加not。其句型為:ask / tell / order someone (not) to do something. 例如:

She said to us,「Please sit down.」

→She asked us to sit down.

He said to him,「Go away!」

→He ordered him to go away.

He said, 「Don』t make so much noise, boys.」

→He told the boys not to make so much noise.

二. 各種時態的被動語態


被動語態的概念:它是動詞的一種形式,表示主語與謂語之間的執行或被執行關系。主動語態表示主語是謂語動作的執行者,例如:They saw the little boy crying by the river. 被動語態表示主語是謂語動作的承受者,例如:The little boy was seen crying by the river.



1. 一般現在時 am/is/are + 過去分詞

例如:Rice is planted in the south of China.

2. 一般過去時 was/were + 過去分詞

例如:These trees were planted the year before last.

3. 一般將來時 will/shall + be + 過去分詞

例如:A sports meeting will be held next week in our school.

4. 現在進行時 am/is/are + being + 過去分詞

例如:Your radio is being repaired now.

5. 過去進行時 was/were + being + 過去分詞

When he got there, the problem was being discussed.

6. 現在完成時 have/has + been + 過去分詞

His work has been finished.

Has his work been finished? Yes, it has. / No, it hasn』t.

7. 過去完成時 had + been + 過去分詞


1.除了be之外的 其它 系動詞如get, stay等也可以和過去分詞構成被動語態。例如:Their questions haven』t got answered.

2. 含有情態動詞的謂語變成被動語態使用「情態動詞+ be + 過去分詞」結構。例如:

More attention should be paid to the old in this country.

This work can』t be done until Mr. Black comes.

3. 含有「be going to」, 「be to」等結構的謂語,其被動語態分別用「be going to + be + 過去分詞」和「be to + be + 過去分詞」。例如:

The problem is going to be discussed at the next meeting.

All these books are to be taken to the library.

4. 被動語態與系表結構的區別:「連系動詞+用作表語的過去分詞」構成的系表結構,與被動語態的形式完全一樣,所以應注意它們的區別。被動語態中的過去分詞是動詞,多強調動作;系表結構中的過去分詞相當於形容詞,多強調狀態。前者通常可用by 引出動作的執行者,而後者則不可以。例如:

The map was changed by someone.(被動結構)

That custom remained unchanged for many centuries.(系表結構)



He was very excited.(系表結構)

He was much excited by her words.(被動結構)

5. 主動形式表被動意義。有些動詞的主動形式有被動意味,如 open, read, sell, shut, wash, wear, write等。此時 句子 的主語一般是物。例如:

These books sell well. 這些書很暢銷。

The door won』t shut. 這門關不上。

The clothes wash well. 這些衣服很好洗。

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