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A. 與數學有關的英語詞彙

Jacobi 加科比矩陣
Join 並集
kurtosis 峰態(分布)
transform (矩陣)變換

B. 數學類專業英語詞彙

et aggregate 集合 intellect 思維conceive理解,想像 illustrative說明性的facilitate加強disregard不管scheme見圖示意圖as it were似乎是說immaterial物質的具體的triangle三角形type鉛字videlicent即consonant 母音 vowel輔音capital大寫字母italics斜體字母punctuation mark標點符號incidentlly順便的logarithmtable對數表senseless無意義的universal一般的unspannabel不可逾越的 abyss深淵be attributed to賦予a fortiori更不用說finite有限的infinite無限的intelligible to對 可以理解 sensual perception 感覺 magnitude數量assumption假設divisibility可分性harmonize with與....相協調affirm斷言calculus微積分property性質approach趨近infinitesimal無窮小integer整數quotient商improper假的simultaneous同時的explicitly明白地implicitly隱含的dective演繹的be cridted to=be e to 歸功於 analytic geometry 解析幾何 algebra 代數 differential and integral culculus 微積分 coordinate 坐標 plane 平面 convention 約定 perpendicular 垂直的,垂直線 horizontal 水平的 vertical 豎直的 origin 原點 scale off 標上刻度 designate 表示 real numbers 實數 one-one correspondence 1-1對應 abscissa 橫坐標 x-(y-)axis x-(y-)軸 ordinate 縱坐標 conversely 相反地 such that 滿足 less than 小於 greater than 大於 ordered 有序的 parallel(to) 平行(於) quadrant 象限 positive 正的 negative 負的 circumstance 圓周,周長 interior 外部 straight line 直線 succinctly 明白地,清楚地 square 平方,正方 compact 簡潔的,緊的 write 記 parabola 拋物線 arbitrarily 任意地 curve 曲線 Kinetics動力學exhaustion窮舉volume體積supplement補充exemplify舉例inscribe使內接polygon多邊形disguise裝作rest on 建立curvilinear曲邊的boundary邊界a posteriori後驗的bring暴露 differential coefficient微商convergence收斂criterion准則(ir)rational(無)有理數postulation假設contradiction矛盾reversal倒過來subject to約束於linear algebra線代transformation變換rotation旋轉least square fitting 最小二乘擬合solution解matrix矩陣determinant行列式inverse逆gaussian elimination 高斯消去法robust魯莽的field域ring環axiom公里addition加法multiplication乘法distributive laws分配律multiplication by scalar標量積vector向量aquare matrix方陣linear system of equations線性方程組find求eigensystem特徵系統touch on簡要地討論intersec相交degenerate退化的substitute A into B將A代入B Unkown未知數dimension維數notation記號coefficient系數term項in handy有用的dependent相關的independent無關的polynomial多項式exponential function 指數函數inction歸納hold成立trivially顯然 平凡hypothesis假設subspace子空間span張成valid for對..成立stored Program存儲程序magnetizable可磁化的flexible or floppy plastic disk 軟磁碟primary storagesection主存儲器arithmetic—logic section 算術邏輯部分display screen 顯示屏desktop printer台式列印機magnetic tape drive 磁帶機 peripheral外圍設備mathematical logic數理邏輯statement語句proposition命題predicate謂詞propositional function命題函數truth value真值assignment賦值execut執行quantifier量詞quantification量詞化universal quantification全稱量詞化existential quantification存在量詞化universe of discourse 論域universal quantifier全稱量詞ambiguous模糊的character字元loop structure循環結構retrieval檢索syntax語法assembly language 匯編語言 binary number 二進制 operation code 操作碼operand操作數equivalent等價物register寄存器programmer程序員keep track of 跟蹤 mnemonic記憶的clerical事務性的string of bits 位串in sequence from..從.....依次source program源程序assembler匯編程序object program 目標程序function函數 differential calculus 微積分measure度量independent variable自變數increment增量denote表示constant常數graph圖像 Linear線性的subtract減去gradient梯度slope斜率whence所以tangent line 切線secant line割線interval區間diminish消失fraction分數numerator分子denominator分母given已知的 Derivative導數algorithm演算法attribute屬性unambiguous清楚地rigorously嚴格地finiteness有限性deliver交付

C. 數學專業術語的英文名

1. 數論
natural number 自然數 positive number 正數 negative number 負數 odd integer, odd
number 奇數 even integer, even number 偶數 integer, whole number 整數 positive
whole number 正整數 negative whole number 負整數 consecutive number 連續整數real
number, rational number 實數,有理數 irrational(number) 無理數 inverse 倒數composite
number 合數 e.g. 4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15… prime number 質數 e.g. 2,3,5,7,11,13,15…
reciprocal 倒數common divisor 公約數 multiple 倍數 (minimum) common multiple (最小)公倍數
(prime) factor (質)因子 common factor 公因子ordinary scale, decimal
scale 十進制 nonnegative 非負的 tens 十位 units 個位mode 眾數 mean平均數 median中值 common
ratio 公比

2. 基本數學概念
arithmetic mean 算術平均值 weighted average 加權平均值 geometric mean 幾何平均數 exponent
指數,冪 base 乘冪的底數,底邊 cube 立方數,立方體 square root 平方根cube root 立方根 common logarithm
常用對數 digit 數字 constant 常數 variable 變數inverse function 反函數 complementary
function 余函數 linear 一次的,線性的 factorization 因式分解 absolute value
絕對值,e.g.|-32|=32 round off 四捨五入數學

3. 基本運算
add,plus 加 subtract 減 difference 差 multiply, times 乘 proct 積 divide
除divisible 可被整除的 divided evenly 被整除 dividend 被除數,紅利 divisor 因子,除數,公約數
quotient 商 remainder 余數 factorial 階乘 power 乘方 radical sign, root sign 根號
round to 四捨五入 to the nearest 四捨五入

4. 代數式,方程,不等式
algebraic term 代數項 like terms, similar terms 同類項 numerical coefficient
數字系數literal coefficient 字母系數 inequality 不等式 triangle inequality 三角不等式 range 值域
original equation 原方程 equivalent equation 同解方程,等價方程 linear equation 線性方程(e.g.

5. 分數,小數
proper fraction 真分數 improper fraction 假分數 mixed number 帶分數 vulgar
fraction,common fraction 普通分數 simple fraction 簡分數 complex fraction
繁分數numerator 分子 denominator 分母 (least) common denominator (最小)公分母 quarter
四分之一 decimal fraction 純小數 infinite decimal 無窮小數 recurring decimal 循環小數
tenths unit 十分位

6. 集合
union 並集 proper subset 真子集 solution set 解集

7. 數列
arithmetic progression(sequence) 等差數列 geometric progression(sequence) 等比數列

8. 其它
approximate 近似 (anti)clockwise (逆) 順時針方向 cardinal 基數 ordinal 序數 direct
proportion 正比 distinct 不同的 estimation 估計,近似 parentheses 括弧 proportion 比例
permutation 排列 combination 組合 table 表格 trigonometric function 三角函數 unit 單位,位

1. 角
alternate angle 內錯角 corresponding angle 同位角 vertical angle 對頂角 central angle
圓心角 interior angle 內角 exterior angle 外角 supplementary angles 補角complementary
angle 餘角 adjacent angle 鄰角 acute angle 銳角 obtuse angle 鈍角right angle 直角
round angle 周角 straight angle 平角 included angle 夾角

2. 三角形
equilateral triangle 等邊三角形 scalene triangle 不等邊三角形 isosceles triangle 等腰三角形
right triangle 直角三角形 oblique 斜三角形 inscribed triangle 內接三角形

3. 收斂的平面圖形,除三角形外
semicircle 半圓 concentric circles 同心圓 quadrilateral 四邊形 pentagon 五邊形hexagon
六邊形 heptagon 七邊形 octagon 八邊形 nonagon 九邊形 decagon 十邊形 polygon 多邊形
parallelogram 平行四邊形 equilateral 等邊形 plane 平面 square 正方形,平方 rectangle 長方形
regular polygon 正多邊形 rhombus 菱形 trapezoid 梯形

4. 其它平面圖形
arc 弧 line, straight line 直線 line segment 線段 parallel lines 平行線 segment of a
circle 弧形

5. 立體圖形
cube 立方體,立方數 rectangular solid 長方體 regular solid/regular polyhedron
正多面體circular cylinder 圓柱體 cone 圓錐 sphere 球體 solid 立體的

6. 圖形的附屬概念
plane geometry 平面幾何 trigonometry 三角學 bisect 平分 circumscribe 外切 inscribe
內切 intersect 相交 perpendicular 垂直 Pythagorean theorem 勾股定理(畢達哥拉斯定理) congruent
全等的 multilateral 多邊的 altitude 高 depth 深度 side 邊長 circumference, perimeter
周長 radian 弧度 surface area 表面積 volume 體積 arm 直角三角形的股 cross section 橫截面
center of a circle 圓心 chord 弦 diameter 直徑radius 半徑 angle bisector 角平分線
diagonal 對角線化 edge 棱 face of a solid 立體的面 hypotenuse 斜邊 included side 夾邊 leg
三角形的直角邊 median(三角形的)中線 base 底邊,底數(e.g. 2的5次方,2就是底數) opposite 直角三角形中的對邊
midpoint 中點 endpoint 端點 vertex (復數形式vertices)頂點 tangent 切線的transversal 截線
intercept 截距

7. 坐標
coordinate system 坐標系 rectangular coordinate 直角坐標系 origin 原點 abscissa 橫坐標
ordinate 縱坐標 number line 數軸 quadrant 象限 slope 斜率 complex plane 復平面

D. 關於數學方面的英語

vertical angle
complementary angles
supplementary angles

E. 有關數學的英語文章

Chen Jingrun (Traditional Chinese: 陳景潤; Simplified Chinese: 陳景潤; pinyin: Chén Jǐngrùn, May 22, 1933 – March 19, 1996) was a leading mathematician from Fuzhou, Fujian, China. Asteroid 7681 Chenjingrun was named after him.

Chen was the third son in a large family. His father was a postal worker. Chen Jingrun graated from the Mathematics Department of Xiamen University in 1953. His advisor at Chinese Academy of Sciences was Hua Luogeng.

His work on the twin prime conjecture, Waring's problem, Goldbach's conjecture and Legendre's conjecture led to progress in analytic number theory. In a 1966 paper he proved what is now called Chen's theorem: every sufficiently large even number can be written as the sum of either two primes, or a prime and a semiprime (the proct of two primes) — e.g., 100 = 23 + 7·11.

J.-R. Chen, On the representation of a large even integer as the sum of a prime and a proct of at most two primes, Sci. Sinica 16 (1973), 157–176.
Chen, J.R, "On the representation of a large even integer as the sum of a prime and the proct of at most two primes". [Chinese] J. Kexue Tongbao 17 (1966), 385–386.

F. 求助: 有關數學的英文單詞

自變數 independent variable
因變數 dependent variable
對稱 symmetry
常數函數 constant function
對數函數 logarithm function
三角函數 trigonometric function
正弦函數 sine function
餘弦函數 cosine function
正切函數 tangent function
餘切函數 cotangent function
反三角函數 arc trigonometric function
反正弦函數 arc sine function
反餘弦函數 arc cosine function
反正切函數 arc tangent function
反餘切函數 arc cotangent function
一次函數linear function
二次函數 quadratic Function
分段函數 segmented function

G. 數學知識的英文翻譯 ①對(2)的方程式兩邊積分②對公式(3)進行三次求導 這兩句怎麼翻譯啊

English translation problems in Mathematics
Integral on both sides of (2) equation
Secondly, the formula (3) is derived three times

H. 我想求一些關於數學和物理方面的英語詞彙(大學以下).

太多了 粘不了 給你這個網址吧~
數學的 http://zhangyin1.bokee.com/5101786.html

物理的 http://www.maplesky.net/data/2005/0519/article_2314.htm

I. 求一個數學方面的英語文章

This is the first CD-ROM edition of the Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics CD-ROM by Eric W. Weisstein. It contains the entire contents of the hardcover edition of the CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics with corrections. Advantages of the CD-ROM over the book include portability, live hyperlinks and interactive 3-D graphics and animations.

If you enjoy the CD-ROM version of this encyclopedia, you may also be interested in the hardcover edition, published by CRC Press, and the web version of the encyclopedia. Unfortunately, this first CD-ROM edition does not contain a search utility, although keyword searching should be available in future editions. Check the CD-ROM edition's home page for the latest information.

This CD-ROM is written in ISO 9660 format using plain HTML with Java, and so is readable by all computers using a Java-capable web browser. However, it is best viewed using a computer with a fast CD-ROM drive and enough memory to allow embedded Java applets to run properly. In this CD-ROM, links to pages on the CD-ROM itself are shown in blue (or your browser's default color), while links to external pages requiring an Internet connection are shown in red.

Click on one of the letters below (or use the scrollable list of letters in the frame on the left-hand side of the browser window) to see the entries beginning with this letter.
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