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發布時間: 2022-08-09 08:43:54

⑴ 英文版的奧運知識競賽題有答案的

1. 奧林匹克運動的發祥地在何處?
2.古代奧運會創始人是誰? 伊菲圖斯。
3.《擲鐵餅者》是誰雕塑的? 古希臘偉大雕塑家米倫。
4.現代奧林匹克創始人是誰? 曾任國際奧委會第二任主席的顧拜旦。
5.「奧林匹克之父」是對誰的尊稱? 皮埃爾•德•顧拜旦。
6.國際奧委會第一任主席是誰? 希臘詩人維凱拉斯。
11.奧林匹克日是哪一天? 每年的6月23日。
14.中國奧委會現任主席是誰? 袁偉民。
19.中國男子第一個獲得奧運會金牌的運動員是誰? 許海峰。
中國女子第一個獲得奧運會金牌的運動員是誰? 袁華。
21、首屆禁煙奧運會是哪屆? 第二十五屆巴塞羅那奧運會。
23.王軍霞在亞特蘭大奧運會奪得哪個項目的金牌?人們稱她為什麼? 王軍霞奪得5000米金牌,人們稱她為「東方神鹿」。
25.第一個獲歐文斯獎的中國人是誰? 王軍霞。
26.世界乒壇皇後是誰? 鄧亞萍。
27.中國第一個田徑世界冠軍是誰? 黃志紅。
28.1932年第一個參加奧運會的中國人是誰? 劉長春。
29.自1894年6月23日國際奧委會誕生以來,現代奧林匹克運動會已經走過了幾個年頭? 107個。
30.奧運會是參賽國家和地區從1896年首屆奧運會的13個,增加到2000年的幾個? 199個。
31.薩馬蘭奇是國際奧委會第幾任主席? 第七任主席。
32.2001年7月13日晚幾時幾分,薩馬蘭奇宣布北京獲得2008年奧運會舉辦權? 10時10分。
33.北京申奧的口號是什麼? 新北京、新奧運。
35.浙江運動員占旭剛在27屆悉尼奧運會上連破幾項世界紀錄? 三項。

⑵ 講奧運的英語什麼時候是olympics什麼時候是olympiad

還是有區別。olympiad還可以用於表示其他奧林匹克競賽,比如Olympiad in Informatics(奧林匹克信息學競賽)、the Mathematics Olympiad( 奧林匹克數學競賽)。而且olympiad可用於表示每兩屆奧林匹克運動會之間的四年間隔,曾在古希臘作為時間歷法。但是Olympics只用來表示通常最普遍的那個「奧運會」,等同於Olympic Games。


⑶ 有關奧林匹克的項目(英語高手進)

"The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijing."With the motto "New Beijing, Great Olympics", Beijing promises to host a "Green Olympics", a "Hi-tech Olympics" and the "People's Olympics".

Chinese people always appreciate the purposes and principles of Olympic ideal, support the efforts of Olympic Games to promote world peace. The Chinese Government and people are doing our the utmost/best to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, and shooting at the pageant with advocating Olympic ideal, sparkpluging world peace and enhancing the relationships among the world. Olympic spirit are gonna spread again in orient cultural ancient China.

The government and people of China have always admired the purposes and principles of the Olympic spirit and supported the efforts made by the Olympics in promoting world peace. The Chinese government and people are doing our utmost in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. It is our hope to make it a grand gathering that will carry forward the Olympic spirit, promote world peace and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the Olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization.

中國人民一向贊賞奧林匹克精神的宗旨和原則,支持奧林匹克運動為促進世界和平所做的努力。中國政府和中國人民正全力以赴,做好2008年北京奧運會的籌備工作,力爭把2008年奧運會辦成一次弘揚奧林匹克精神、促進世界和平、增進各國人民友誼的盛會,讓奧林匹克精神在中國這一東方文明古國 再次得到發揚。
回答者: 萍mm - 首席運營官 十二級 2-24 14:44

INTERNATIONAL Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge gave his approval to a logo for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing Monday, saying the design, an elongated version of the five Olympic rings, was "young and dynamic."

Rogge said the logo for the Beijing Olympic Games "brought together the historical and cultural heritage, as well as the future of China."

The official unveiling of the logo will take place in Beijing May 25. The emblem was selected from among 2,000 entries.

Meanwhile, a nest-like architecture scheme for the main stadium of the 2008 Olympics was pre-approved by the Beijing public ring a design show in Beijing, beating the other two favorites by a small margin.

The plan, co-designed by Swiss company Herzog & DeMeuron and China Architecture Design Institute, won 3,506 votes from the public to become the favorite design of the National Stadium for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

The design stood out with its unique nest-like exterior, which encloses the stadium with curved steel-net walls.

In a recent competition, it was one of the three winners picked from among 13 designs by an official evaluation panel.

The design submitted by the Beijing Architecture Design Institute won 3,472 votes while 3,454 votes went to the scheme from a consortium of Japanese AXS Company and Tsinghua University Architecture Design Institute.

參考資料:Xin hua
回答者:jingousu - 助理 三級 5-10 08:40
修改答復: jingousu,您要修改的答復如下: 積分規則 關閉
"The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijing."With the motto "New Beijing, Great Olympics", Beijing promises to host a "Green Olympics", a "Hi-tech Olympics" and the "People's Olympics".

Chinese people always appreciate the purposes and principles of Olympic ideal, support the efforts of Olympic Games to promote world peace. The Chinese Government and people are doing our the utmost/best to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, and shooting at the pageant with advocating Olympic ideal, sparkpluging world peace and enhancing the relationships among the world. Olympic spirit are gonna spread again in orient cultural ancient China.

The government and people of China have always admired the purposes and principles of the Olympic spirit and supported the efforts made by the Olympics in promoting world peace. The Chinese government and people are doing our utmost in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. It is our hope to make it a grand gathering that will carry forward the Olympic spirit, promote world peace and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the Olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization.

中國人民一向贊賞奧林匹克精神的宗旨和原則,支持奧林匹克運動為促進世界和平所做的努力。中國政府和中國人民正全力以赴,做好2008年北京奧運會的籌備工作,力爭把2008年奧運會辦成一次弘揚奧林匹克精神、促進世界和平、增進各國人民友誼的盛會,讓奧林匹克精神在中國這一東方文明古國 再次得到發揚。
回答者: 萍mm - 首席運營官 十二級 2-24 14:44

INTERNATIONAL Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge gave his approval to a logo for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing Monday, saying the design, an elongated version of the five Olympic rings, was "young and dynamic."

Rogge said the logo for the Beijing Olympic Games "brought together the historical and cultural heritage, as well as the future of China."

The official unveiling of the logo will take place in Beijing May 25. The emblem was selected from among 2,000 entries.

Meanwhile, a nest-like architecture scheme for the main stadium of the 2008 Olympics was pre-approved by the Beijing public ring a design show in Beijing, beating the other two favorites by a small margin.

The plan, co-designed by Swiss company Herzog & DeMeuron and China Architecture Design Institute, won 3,506 votes from the public to become the favorite design of the National Stadium for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

The design stood out with its unique nest-like exterior, which encloses the stadium with curved steel-net walls.

In a recent competition, it was one of the three winners picked from among 13 designs by an official evaluation panel.

The design submitted by the Beijing Architecture Design Institute won 3,472 votes while 3,454 votes went to the scheme from a consortium of Japanese AXS Company and Tsinghua University Architecture Design Institute.

參考資料:Xin hua


⑷ 奧林匹克用英語怎麼說


二、Olympics的音標: 英 [əʊ'lɪmpɪks] 美 [oʊ'lɪmpɪks]


1、n.奧林匹克運動會(=Olympic games);



2、奧林匹克運動會的( Olympic的名詞復數 )





1、The Olympic flame奧運聖火

2、Olympic bronze奧林匹克青銅

3、Olympic legacy奧運遺產

4、Olympic ideals奧林匹克精神 (亦作 Olympic spirit)

5、Olympic flame奧運火炬

6、the Olympic ideals奧林匹克精神

7、olympic brow【醫】 [先天梅毒性]凸額

8、Olympic torch奧林匹克火炬

9、Olympic bid申奧

10、olympic godphr. 希臘神話


1、Olympicadj. 奧林匹斯山的,奧林匹亞的;奧林匹克的

2、olympica. 奧林匹亞的,奧林匹斯山的;


4、olympic classadj. 奧林皮克級的

5、Olympic standardadj. 奧運會標準的,奧林匹克標準的






⑸ 誰給幾個關於奧林匹克的英語短文

My Greatest Olympic Prize

[1]It was the summer of 1936. The Olympic Games were being held in Berlin. Because Adolf Hitler childishly insisted that his performers were members of a "master race," nationalistic feelings were at an all-time high.

[2] I wasn't too worried about all this. I'd trained, sweated and disciplined myself for six years, with the Games in mind. While I was going over on the boat, all I could think about was taking home one or two of those gold medals. I had my eyes especially on the running broad jump. A year before, as a sophomore at the Ohio State, I'd set the world's record of 26 feet 8 1/4 inches. Nearly everyone expected me to win this event.

[3] I was in for a surprise. When the time came for the broad-jump trials, I was startled to see a tall boy hitting the pit at almost 26 feet on his practice leaps! He turned out to be a German named Luz Long. I was told that Hitler hoped to win the jump with him.

[4] I guessed that if Long won, it would add some new support to the Nazis' "master race" (Aryansuperiority) theory. After all, I am a Negro. Angry about Hitler's ways, I determined to go out there and really show Der Fuhrer and his master race who was superior and who wasn't.

[5] An angry athlete is an athlete who will make mistakes, as any coach will tell you. I was no exception. On the first of my three qualifying jumps, I leaped from several inches beyond the takeoff board for a foul. On the second jump, I fouled even worse. "Did I come 3,000 miles for this?" I thought bitterly. "To foul out of the trials and make a fool of myself?"

[6] Walking a few yards from the pit, I kicked disgustedly at the dirt. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to look into the friendly blue eyes of the tall German broad jumper. He had easily qualified for the finals on his first attempt. He offered me a firm handshake.

[7] "Jesse Owens, I'm Luz Long. I don't think we've met." He spoke English well, though with a German twist to it.

"Glad to meet you," I said. Then, trying to hide my nervousness, I added, "How are you?"

"I'm fine. The question is: How are you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Something must be eating you," he said--proud the way foreigners are when they've mastered a bit of American slang. "You should be able to qualify with your eyes closed."

"Believe me, I know it," I told him--and it felt good to say that to someone.

[8] For the next few minutes we talked together. I didn't tell Long what was "eating" me, but he seemed to understand my anger, and he took pains to reassure me. Although he'd been schooled in the Nazi youth movement, he didn't believe in the Aryan-supremacy business any more than I did. We laughed over the fact that he really looked the part, though. An inch taller than I, he had a lean, muscular frame, clear blue eyes, blond hair and a strikingly handsome face. Finally, seeing that I had calmed down somewhat, he pointed to the take-off board.

[9] "Look," he said. "Why don't you draw a line a few inches behind the board and aim at making your take-off from there? You'll be sure not to foul, and you certainly ought to jump far enough to qualify. What does it matter if you're not first in the trials? Tomorrow is what counts."

[101 Suddenly all the tension seemed to leave my body as the truth of what he said hit me. Confidently, I drew a line a full foot behind the hoard and proceeded to jump from there. I qualified with almost a foot to spare.

[11] That night I walked over to Luz Long's room in the Olympic village to thank him. I knew that if it hadn't been for him I probably wouldn't be jumping in the finals the following day. We sat and talked for two hours--about track and field, ourselves, the world situation, a dozen other things.

[12] When I finally got up to leave, we both knew that a real friendship had been formed. Luz would go out to the field the next day trying to beat me if he could. But I knew that he wanted me to do my best--even if that meant my winning.

[13] As it turned out, Luz broke his own past record. In doing so, he pushed me on to a peak performance. I remember that at the instant I landed from my final jump--the one which set the Olympic record of 26 feet 5 1/16 inches--he was at my side, congratulating me. Despite the fact that Hitler glared at us from the stands not a hundred yards away, Luz shook my hand had--and it wasn't a fake "smile with a broken heart" sort of grip, either.

[14]All the gold medals and cups I have wouldn't make a plating on the 24-carat friendship I felt for Luz Long at the moment. I realized then that Luz was just what Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Games, must have had in his mind when he said, "The important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part. The essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well."





任何一個教練員都會對你說.運動員一生氣就會犯錯誤。我也不例外。預賽三跳中的第一跳,我踏過起跳板幾英寸犯了現。第二跳時,則犯規更嚴重。「難道我從3000英里外跑到這兒就為了這個結局?」我痛苦地想道,「為了在預賽里就犯規出局丟自己的丑嗎?」 我從沙坑裡走出幾碼遠,氣憤地踢著沙土。忽然,我感到有一隻手搭在我的肩膀上。我轉過臉去,瞧見了那個高個子德國跳遠運動員一雙友好的藍眼睛。他頭一跳就輕松地取得了決賽資格。他主動用力地握了握我的手。 「傑西·歐文斯,我叫盧茨·隆格。我想我們以前沒見過面。」他英語說得不錯,盡管帶一點德國味兒。




「一定有什麼困擾著你,」他說——顯得很得意,外國人掌握了一點美國俚語都會這樣。「你就是閉著眼睛也能進入決賽。」 「相信我,這我知道,」我對他說--能跟別人說這話,心裡覺得好受些。



那天晚上,我到奧運村盧茨·隆格的房間去道謝。我知道,要不是多虧了他,我很可能參加不成第二天的決賽。我們坐著談了兩個鍾頭--談田徑運動,談我們自己,談國際局勢,以及許多其他事情。 最後我起身告辭時,我們都發覺彼此己經建立了真正的友誼。盧茨第二天上場要盡力戰勝我。。可我也知道,他想讓我竭盡全力--哪怕那會意味著我取勝。



⑹ 奧運小知識(英文版)

Like the Five Olympic Rings from which they draw their color and inspiration, the Five Friendlies will serve as

the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, carrying a message of friendship and peace--and blessings

from China--to children all over the world.
Designed to express the playful qualities of five little children who form an intimate circle of friends, the

Five Friendlies also embody the natural characteristics of four of China's most popular animals--the Fish, the

Panda, the Tibetan Antelope, the Swallow--and the Olympic Flame


形象。福娃向世界各地的孩子們傳遞友誼、和平、積極進取的精神和人與自然和諧相處的美好願望。 福娃是五個可愛的親密小夥伴,



The Olympic Games, or Olympics, are an international multi-sport event taking place every four years and

comprising summer and winter games. Beginning in 776 BC, they were originally held in Olympia, Greece until 393

AD. In 1896, they were revived by a French nobleman, Pierre Frèdy, Baron de Coubertin, thus beginning the era of

the Modern Olympic Games.

The Summer Olympics (Games of the Olympiad) have been held every fourth year starting in 1896, except in 1916,

1940, and 1944 e to the World Wars.

An event specifically for winter sports, the Olympic Winter Games, was first held in 1924. The first winter

Olympics competitions were held as a non-Olympic sports festival, but were declared to be official Games by the

International Olympic Committee in 1925. Originally these were held in the same year as the Summer Olympics, but

from 1994 (the Lillehammer Games) the Winter Games and the Summer Games have been held two years apart.


奧林匹克運動會或者奧林匹克,是發生每四年和包括夏天和冬天比賽的一個國際多體育事件。 BC開始在776,他們在奧林匹亞,希臘副

詞最初被拿著直到393。 1896年,他們由法國貴族, Pierre Frèdy, de Coubertin男爵復興,因而開始現代奧林匹克運動會的時代

。 夏季奧運會(奧林匹克運動會的比賽) 1896年的舉行了第四每年開始,除了1916年, 1940年和1944由於世界大戰。 具體一個事件

為冬季體育,奧林匹克冬天比賽, 1924年首先舉行了。 第一冬季奧運會競爭舉行了作為非奧林匹克體育節日, 1925年,但由國際奧

林匹克委員會宣稱是正式比賽。 這些在同年最初舉行了象夏季奧運會,但從1994年(Lillehammer比賽)冬天比賽和夏天比賽被拿著二




The Olympic Rings
As an image of Olympism, Coubertin thought the rings had deep significance: that of the union between men. He

multiplied the image to create a total of five rings. He designed and commissioned the Olympic flag to mark the

20th anniversary of the IOC's founding, on 23rd June 1914 in Paris
林匹克五環 奧林匹克五環標志是由皮埃爾-德-顧拜旦於1913年構思設計的,它是世界范圍內最為人們廣泛認知的奧林匹克運動會標

The Olympic Movement
On 23 June, 1894, Coubertin founded the International Olympic Committee in a ceremony held at the University of

Sorbonne in Paris. Demetrius Vikelas from Greece became the first president of the IOC. Two years later, in

1896, the first Olympic Games of the modern era were held in Athens.

Every emblem of the Olympics tells a story. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem "Chinese Seal, Dancing

Beijing" is filled with Beijing's hospitality and hopes, and carries the city's commitment to the world.[Full


Theme Slogan
"One World One Dream" expresses the common wishes of people all over the world, inspired by the Olympic ideals,

to strive for a bright future of Mankind. In spite of the differences in colors, languages and races, we share

the charm and joy of the Olympic Games, and together we seek for the ideal of Mankind for peace
口號 「同一個世界 同一個夢想」,集中體現了奧林匹克精神的實質和普遍價值觀——團結、友誼、進步、和諧、參與和夢想,表

The Official Mascots
Fuwa embody the natural characteristics of four of China's most popular animals -- the Fish, the Panda, the

Tibetan Antelope, the Swallow -- and the Olympic Flame.
The Medal
The Beijing 2008 Olympic medal is designed with inspiration coming from "bi", China's ancient jade piece

inscribed with dragon pattern.
The Torch
The Beijing Olympic Torch boasts strong Chinese characteristics, and showcases Chinese design and technical

火炬創意靈感來自「淵源共生 和諧共融」的「祥雲」圖案。祥雲文化概念在中國具有上千年時間跨度。